View Full Version : Incubus vs MGcamd/Newcs on s4000

08-01-2010, 01:48 AM
Loving this box so far and have been playing round with CS and EMU. Have Incubus running nicely and connecting to a Newcs server on XP - all working fine. Have the latest SoftCam.Key on the box also but no DigiTV via that - is EMU actually working in the current version (0.9.6)?

I have the packaged start.sh script in /var/etc/ but the cam doesn't seem to start on startup - it requires a Menu->red to get going (I have confirmed this by ps -es over telnet) - any thoughts on that?

EDIT: Switched to newcs/mgcamd - now working

As the box can be accessed when in Standby does this mean that, assuming I can get the auto start to work, it could act as my server in the standby state so I could dispense with my XP Newcs? If so is EMU via MGCamd/Newcs with local card in the box a better option?

EDIT: Looks like it - very nice.

If I was to use the box as server I'd like to add 2 locals - does the box need to be opened to remove the blocking piece of plastic and can newcs handle the 2 internal card readers?

EDIT: Yes it did although newcs doesn't want to deal with /dev/sci1 for now.
