View Full Version : Reelbox Avantgarde II

10-01-2010, 12:21 PM
Anyone own one of these receivers?

It has changed shape over the years and seems to run a variant of Ubuntu right now which means you can actually run whatever you like on it just as a Linux receiver.

I was considering buying the Reelbox or the Dm8000, will i make a mistake buying the Reelbox as i can't find much information on the net, it's just like the official forum and another one.

Ok it's expensive but seems to be in completely different quality league than dreambox....

10-01-2010, 12:36 PM
I was interested too, But when you see the support for the box, I just Forget It.
I Don't regret at all my Dm8000, and i'm thinking for a second one.

10-01-2010, 01:19 PM
Where did you buy your DM8k from?

10-01-2010, 01:23 PM
From a French reseller .

21-03-2010, 09:31 PM
Ok i think i'm placing an order for a Avantgarde II if no one else has something to say that would make me change my mind to something else?

After reading many forums in Spanish and German where all communities are this receiver can do anything, full Sky EPG, CCcam/Gbox, whatever you like as the box runs a full version of Ubuntu Linux you just put the binary in.

Also the picture quality is said to be the best, and also you can use it as your computer with keyboard and mouse with KDE in Linux.

Something i am missing here? seems to be the dream of all wishes.

21-03-2010, 11:28 PM
@ Likvid

after reading your comments in the VU+ thread, your a brave person :respect-055:

I am a linux based reciever addict, how much are these units selling for?

and are you sure they run all the major softcams??


21-03-2010, 11:52 PM
1079 euros from Germany.

I hope it will run all softcams, otherwise it will be one hell of a expensive door stopper.

Problem being that i need to translate all forum threads for setting it up as there are no english ones out there.

They don't even have a english manual, only German language.

22-03-2010, 12:07 AM
well the price is a bit scarry,

but I have found that the german groups are very helpfull (vu+ lot)

but thats a lot of dosh to put to a leap of faith test

think it might be best to see (yes i no...stand back and wait, yellow git :smash: ) how the unit gets on first


22-03-2010, 02:32 AM
Look here, nice videos, choose 720p as resolution.



22-03-2010, 11:02 AM
Where do you find support for it then that have the epg plugins and softcam?

Midnight R
22-03-2010, 11:35 AM
That's one very tasty reciever did you place an order?

I would be very interested in getting one if your experience is good.

An alternative to this would be to buy a good HTPC with nvidia graphics card running Ubuntu with a good Sat Card. I'm not sure what the quality of those Sat cards are though?

Be sure to let us know how you get on and good luck!

22-03-2010, 11:59 AM
Where do you find support for it then that have the epg plugins and softcam?



You can run CCcam, Gbox, Mgcamd, Camd3, OScam and more.

The receiver is running on a full version of Ubuntu which means anything works on it and no hassle with limited flash memory etc...

You can have 6 tuners of any variant.

Basically it's a computer running Linux, but they have made a frontend for it so you never notice it, but if you want you can do whatever you like.

I have read the german forum and it can do what i want, it can run external Smargo and also Omnikey reader with Cccam so i can run my white card in it.

Then you can buy many customizations for it afterwards, if you saw in the video you have the channel logo in the LED display which is the same as Vantage VT-1.

I have not ordered one yet, i must have some more days to think it over as it''s pretty much money for a box, but i am more willing to spend this kind of money on a Reelbox than a DM8000, Reelbox is the real thing with quality components and not cheap plastics all over the place like DM8000.

And you can't really compare this with DM8000, you get so much more with Reelbox.

22-03-2010, 12:13 PM
Here is the official WIKI:


It does not say anything about softemus clearly.

But there is another Wiki which is excellent with everything you need at:


Here is one example in the forum if you want to install CCcam manually:

1. kopiere die CCcam.x86 nach /usr/bin
2. Rechte 755 CCcam.x86 setzen
3. kopiere angehängtest Startscript nach /etc/init.d (umbennennen in cccam.sh)
4. Rechte 755 cccam.sh
5. update-rc.d cccam.sh defaults autom. start einschalten
6. kopiere CCcam.cfg nach /etc
7. /etc/init.d/cccam.sh ausführen um cccam zu starten

Midnight R
22-03-2010, 12:18 PM
I have not ordered one yet, i must have some more days to think it over as it''s pretty much money for a box, but i am more willing to spend this kind of money on a Reelbox than a DM8000, Reelbox is the real thing with quality components and not cheap plastics all over the place like DM8000.

And you can't really compare this with DM8000, you get so much more with Reelbox.

Well I'd agree with that, I paid £1K for my DM8K and sold it a week later, cheap crap that it was!

22-03-2010, 01:28 PM
I have the Avantgarde I and the DM8000 the differnce in qaulity is evident with regards to the reelbox, the DM8000 looks and feels like it will give up well before the reelbox will it all feels a little bit flimsy!.:smash:

Best Regards.

22-03-2010, 01:31 PM
I have the Avantgarde I and the DM8000 the differnce in qaulity is evident with regards to the reelbox, the DM8000 looks and feels like it will give up well before the reelbox will it all feels a little bit flimsy!.:smash:

Best Regards.

You don't regret your Reelbox?

How does it work with the Sly White card? as good as any other Linux receiver?

Any annoyances so far?

22-03-2010, 02:08 PM
The S** white card works fine with a smartgo reader albeit after some fiddling around, the only other foolproof way is to fit a additional reader which i have failed to do so far i just wish the was someone in the UK who could help with both supply and fitting.:respect-037:

As far as support goes here in the UK is very thin on the ground but thats understandable considering its capabilities with the likes of the above etc.:D

Best Regards.

22-03-2010, 04:25 PM
The S** white card works fine with a smartgo reader albeit after some fiddling around, the only other foolproof way is to fit a additional reader which i have failed to do so far i just wish the was someone in the UK who could help with both supply and fitting.:respect-037:

As far as support goes here in the UK is very thin on the ground but thats understandable considering its capabilities with the likes of the above etc.:D

Best Regards.

Thanks for your input mate.

Is the picture quality on your TV better with Reelbox than Dm8000?

So you would recommend the Reelbox over DM8000?

Midnight R
22-03-2010, 05:13 PM

Before shelling out the big bucks it may be worth researching whether a HTPC may meet your needs.

I've recently bought a cheap Acer Aspire Revo with a Nvidia Graphics chip that can output 1080p files perfectly using the accelerated aspects of the graphics chip. The results are really good and there is a big buz about these cheap HTPC all over the net.

I'm currently using open source XBMC to play the files and keep wondering whether adding a sat card, smart card reader and a front end like DVBplayer might add up to a rather functional arrangement. I even hear that XBMC are also working on a frontend platform for TV use.

The Revo was £129 and is running Ubuntu nicely.

Might be worth consideration?

22-03-2010, 06:40 PM
Some pictures i found, looks great.

22-03-2010, 06:49 PM
Some more...

Midnight R
22-03-2010, 08:48 PM
Yes, very ***y!

I know its not the finished article but I hear the Icecrypt has good PQ and can run ccam. Its a lot cheaper.

Have you heard any reports re PQ on the Icecrypt?

22-03-2010, 09:54 PM
Thanks for your input mate.

Is the picture quality on your TV better with Reelbox than Dm8000?

So you would recommend the Reelbox over DM8000?

I would say the picture is far better on the AVG I than the DM8000 but also taking into account the AVG I use's a what was when it was launced a superior decypher board, you just get the feeling that if you are in this for the long term as far as reliabilty goes then the DM8000 would probaly let you down first.

When you and if you do get hold of the AVG I/ II its built like a tank and it gives you that all important feeling of owning something thats an investmant rather than something to sell on at a later date.

So if your into the long term then yes the AVG II is the one for you, the DM8000 feels and looks a lot cheaper yes it does most things well but it just does'nt cut it i'm afraid and lets face it there are a lot of people swapping and changing £500.00 boxes and think nothing about it!.

Best Regards.

22-03-2010, 10:31 PM

Why isn't there any UK Reelbox forum anymore?

22-03-2010, 11:54 PM
There is something called Reelbone also where you can build your Reelbox ala carte.


23-03-2010, 01:16 AM

Why isn't there any UK Reelbox forum anymore?

They said that due to the continious Dos attacks it was getting just taking too much time to maintain, but considering the lack of UK support and obviously low sales was it worth maintaining it!.:smash:

Best Regards.

23-03-2010, 11:27 PM
I haven't ordered one yet as i am really scared paying this kinda money and taking the chance being disappointed after one week.

If i don't like it i will not sleep well for months...

26-03-2010, 04:16 PM
They said that due to the continious Dos attacks it was getting just taking too much time to maintain, but considering the lack of UK support and obviously low sales was it worth maintaining it!.:smash:

Best Regards.

I've heard that you can't manually control a Diseqc motor with Reelbox softtware, is that true?

They say Reelbox only does autofocus and there is no way to manually adjust the motor?

26-03-2010, 07:38 PM
Silly question,
why spend these €€€€, for a box with so few support ?

26-03-2010, 09:08 PM
I've heard that you can't manually control a Diseqc motor with Reelbox softtware, is that true?

They say Reelbox only does autofocus and there is no way to manually adjust the motor?

Cant answer that i'm afraid still using trusty pace 36v positioner + 12inch jackarm sorry!.:rolleyes:

Best Regards.

26-03-2010, 10:36 PM
I haven't ordered one yet as i am really scared paying this kinda money and taking the chance being disappointed after one week.

If i don't like it i will not sleep well for months...


And somewhere else You said earlier

"Reelbox Avantgarde II is the best currently"



26-03-2010, 10:49 PM
Silly question,
why spend these €€€€, for a box with so few support ?

I don't need support, this receiver is based on a full version of Ubuntu which mean i can do whatever i like with it just like a real Linux server.

In all other Linux boxes there's only the kernel residing in a tiny flash memory.

Also i can use this Reelbox as a fully fledge mediaplayer, it's more than a basic Linux box like Dreambox etc...

And also i can upgrade the components in the Reelbox just like a PC, if i want a new graphics card i can buy a newer one, upgrade CPU etc.

You are pretty much limited with a standard Linux satbox, most people outside Germany don't realize what kinda of monster of box this is, this is a HTPC with great software.

Yes i could build my own HTPC, but i would not get the excellent ideas Reelmedia has put into this.

You can have even have 6 tuners.

28-03-2010, 06:58 AM
do u know where can i bay reelbox from usa
any site?

28-03-2010, 12:53 PM
You can buy from a dealer in Germany, however this forum doesn't allow to post links as they will be overwritten so i can't help you except the shop is called HM SAT

28-03-2010, 01:29 PM
I don't need support, this receiver is based on a full version of Ubuntu which mean i can do whatever i like with it just like a real Linux server.

In all other Linux boxes there's only the kernel residing in a tiny flash memory.

Also i can use this Reelbox as a fully fledge mediaplayer, it's more than a basic Linux box like Dreambox etc...

And also i can upgrade the components in the Reelbox just like a PC, if i want a new graphics card i can buy a newer one, upgrade CPU etc.

You are pretty much limited with a standard Linux satbox, most people outside Germany don't realize what kinda of monster of box this is, this is a HTPC with great software.

Yes i could build my own HTPC, but i would not get the excellent ideas Reelmedia has put into this.

You can have even have 6 tuners.

Then it's obvious from your comments that this reciever is for you?, what are you doing sitting there you need to buy it!.:eek:

Best Regards.

06-04-2010, 12:56 PM
Also, don't forget that as a full fledged HTPC, the Reelbox would really put a dent on your power bill. Maybe that is not a big concern for you, but definitely something to think about. :-)

06-04-2010, 08:34 PM
Yes i have already a hefty power bill with heated floors in my house, anyway i am still hunting for the best box for me and i have not got any questions answered out there, it's really difficult getting answers when all the community are Germans.

My concern is that the AMD sempron CPU in the Reelbox is a bit cheap for my needs and i doubt that it will hande smooth 1080p/24 playback from bluray isos on the harddrive.

06-04-2010, 08:44 PM
Humm, Bluray ?
Are the drivers for linux and Bluray ready ?

Latest news about it (Dreambox) was a "april fool", confirmed on the Dmm Site.
I'm Waiting for this since a Year.

Edit : Ok, you are talking about "isos"

06-04-2010, 08:46 PM
I mean bluray isos where all protections are ripped.

Just look at Popcorn Hour C-200 which runs Linux, no problem playing bluray isos there.

Midnight R
06-04-2010, 08:55 PM
The Acer Aspire Revo with Nvidia ion graphics card is also doing a smashing job of encoding 1080p without any stuttering. The ion card handles all the graphics acelleration as well so no load on the cpu. I have one and for the £129 I paid its stunning.

I have it running with umbuntu and XBMC.

I thought about adding a sat card but it looks fiddly and definately not wife friendly.

I like the look of the AVG but at the end of the day isn't this little hobbie about trying to get something for nothing? For me the best solution would be to get the best bang for the bucks.

HTPC could do it, £129 for the Revo and maybe £120 for the sat card? (I'm not sure of the prices and maybe £15 FOR DVBViewer. Aprox £250 for what could be a pretty decent setup pic quality wise.

Gotta be worth looking into?

06-04-2010, 10:06 PM
Gotta be worth looking into?

Yes sure...to be honest you get pretty basic hardware in the Reelbox for what it's worth, a cheap AMD Sempron CPU which is a budget CPU from AMD and not even manufactured anymore.

I beleive as you say building a cheap HTPC with best parts for the job possible is the way to go, i beleive that is the way to go also instead of being disappointed with all these crappy sat boxes released all the time, 400 euros there and 400 euros there and never be satisified with it, it tends to sum up to alot of money in the long run, just look at Azbox and all angry owners for a school example of how it is.

10-04-2010, 01:02 PM
I will not buy AVG2, i found out that the box can't output 1080p which is very important to me as i will use the AVG2 for playing 1080p/24 movies from bluray etc....

Seems very odd that such a expensive unit can't support 1080p in the year 2010, this unit has no value in current market with FullHD displays and such.

They really need to release a new revised model AVG3 or something to stay up with latest demands in technology.

10-04-2010, 04:38 PM
I will not buy AVG2, i found out that the box can't output 1080p which is very important to me as i will use the AVG2 for playing 1080p/24 movies from bluray etc....

Seems very odd that such a expensive unit can't support 1080p in the year 2010, this unit has no value in current market with FullHD displays and such.

They really need to release a new revised model AVG3 or something to stay up with latest demands in technology.

But the AVG2 is a new model, so nothing new in prospect.

If 1080p was essential for you then an upgrade of the video card is possible. nvidia 84.xx supports linux I believe, but also Reel are selling the
vAti 2400 pro Mobility PCI express x16 card which outputs at 720p, 1080i, 1080p, 1080p24. Whether there are linux drivers available, I don't know as this was originally slated for the Vista windows version of the AVG.

10-04-2010, 09:25 PM
But AVG2 was released in Apri. 2009 so it's pretty old now.

The HD card developed by Reel does only support 1080i and there is no way to play bluray isos or x264 files in 1080p/24, i asked on the forum.

They even recommend me to buy a Popcorn Hour C-200 and a good satbox instead.

18-04-2010, 07:09 PM
I've been researching Reelbox for several months but new to this forum and keen to get a Reelbox stateside for hooking up as a media center--cable, satellite and a MCE extender in one. I read the standard satellite card in the Reelbox is DVB-S2 card. Does that one work with H Def signals, like the PBS sats on AMC1? I'm also interested in Cablecard or CI plus CAM for premium access from my provider feed into Reelbox. Any comments? I'd like to take this topic to a new thread if there's continued interest. Climy.

26-04-2010, 02:51 AM
How can I modify or load a frequency list for Reelbox Avantgard? I'd like AMC 1. What mode in Reelbox allows editing and creating a sat freq list? There is 97W and 105W but no 103W. Does the scan depend on the list of transponders the scan will make? Sorry for the basic questions. Any pointers welcome. Thankx Climy.