View Full Version : What s wrong with module.seq ?

10-01-2010, 03:59 PM
I m trying to add an automount script for NFS in openxcas....

placed the folder with the script in openxcas,
gave 755 attributes,
edited the module.seq like this

when i use the fast forward button on the remote
i only see multicas

tried a clean install of 4219
and still the same s..t

i ve downloaded mgcamd via download executable and although it appears in the FF menu it does NOT appear in module.seq

it s driving me nuts

what editor do you use for module.seq
and in which format the file should be?

10-01-2010, 08:20 PM
Use freeware Notepad++, m8. Save it as "All types" but give it the full name, with the correct ending, like .seq or .conf.

Here is my module.seq from OpenXCAS folder:


And the openxcas.conf

count = 4
active_auto = true
active_1 = MboxCAS
active_2 = MultiCAS
active_3 = mgcamd
active_4 = newcs
active_5 = SCDXCas

ap= Yes
name = MboxCAS
daemon = mbox_module
wait=13 sec
version = 0.6_10

name = MultiCAS
daemon = emu_module
version = 1.61C-16C

name = mgcamd
daemon = mgcamd
version = 1.34c
# argument = -a 3

name = newcs
daemon = newcs
argument = -nd
version = 1.6
xcasapi = FALSE

name = SCDXCas
daemon = SCDXCas
version = 1.00
wait =1

Reboot after editing. Mind you, after I download and install directly into AZ from the net - it normally adds it all... Dunno what happened in this case...

One more thing: CIFS mount didn't work for me either... :(

10-01-2010, 08:39 PM
thanks a lot goran...
will try notepad++

11-01-2010, 11:11 AM
Ok i ve succeeded making NAS appear on the FF menu...
I don t really know if it was my editor's issue or the number i had on the count option of openxcas.conf.

Now its fine....
I can mount my nfs folders by starting that plugin...

did you try nfs with hanewin m8?
It really works pretty nice here...

One thing i ve noticed....
when you are browsing your nfs shares via azbox,
if you try to open a folder with a large number o subdirectories
it freezes and needs reboot...
I don t know if it s a hanewin or azbox's bug....

On latest version of hanewin there is a bugfix called
"count of subdirectories"

it doesnt seem to fix this issue though..

11-01-2010, 11:19 AM
Nope, even when it gets into the PC - it sees nothing at all...

Even on Linux - it finds the folders and then it can't see inside. No files.

It is the same extra partition I have, D. So, no "Public" folder on C and no folders inside the Linux Ubuntu itself, but mounted by Linux, from an NTFS partition.

And it doesn't work whatever I do.

I will try again...

Can you show the details of your setup, please?


11-01-2010, 12:08 PM
Sure m8
i ll post them when i get home....
It s very strange though that allthough it can see share folders, can t read the content....
Never happend to me whatever settings i had...
It either finds the shares or not....
It looks like a firewall blocking or sth

11-01-2010, 05:04 PM
It can't be firewall, as I stopped it and tried without any protection, Win7 or KIS...

It's probably more to do with NTFS/Win7 security...

11-01-2010, 06:57 PM
on hanewin's NFS tab
I got these settings


On server tab


and finally exports look like this


in the export file
I ve placed:

# exports example

g:\Movies -name:movies
D:\Leerock\Do***ents\Albums -name:music

g:\Movies is the directory i want to share
If the directory contain spaces
for example My movies then " should be added
so it looks like this
g:"\My movies"

-name:movies is the share name,

and finally the ip of the client

nothing else is needed

on azbox's mount script i got this:
# / bin / sh
# Automatic mount
mount -t nfs /DATA/movie -o nolock,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,in tr 0 0

for mounting movie shares

this worked fine without adding any permissions to KIS 2010

I also got win7 64bit on ntfs

11-01-2010, 08:16 PM
How exactly did you name it - NAS or NFS or Mount or...?

Thanx! :)

11-01-2010, 08:59 PM
Named it NAS but i dont think it really matters....
Try giving that mount command directly from telnet first and see how it goes

11-01-2010, 09:03 PM
DAMN!!! NO GO!!!

First, the empty spaces would come up with an error in line 5 or so.... Had to add "_" in between the words, as mentioned before on the forum...

Secondly, I make a "mount" folder and in Plug-ins -> Activation and Priority Settings, it comes up as "moun", without the T at the end but in Plug-ins -> Camd Setup it is correctly displayed as "mount"... WTF?!?:smash:

And again, the same story: it finds the network, it finds the PC, it asks me for the username and password but as soon as it gets in - it sees nothing at all! No folders whatsoever!


That's my Win7 64b.

It still enters my wife's laptop, Win7 32b and after a little searching it finds all the shared folders, gets into them no problems, despite the number of sub-folders and files and it plays them...:reddevil:


11-01-2010, 09:14 PM
Ach, the missing T was my mistake...:leaving:

But the rest - as per usual... it searches a bit.... aaaaaannddd.... finds NOTHING!!!! Achhhhhhhh....:svengo:

11-01-2010, 09:38 PM
Linux is not exactly straight forward and there are a number of ways of doing the same thing, as we know... This is a very good example... Three people, three solutions...

emmanneil and LilleMama:

mount -t nfs 192.168.x.xx:/dir/to_your/video /DATA/movie -o nolock,soft,rsize=8192,wsize=8192

mount -t nfs 192.168.x.xx:/dir/to_your/music /DATA/music

Leerock [look at the ending: intr 0 0]:

# / bin / sh
# Automatic mount
mount -t nfs /DATA/movie -o nolock,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,in tr 0 0

FME fta [saving/mounting it to a USB stick]:

..."intr 0 0" and not "in tr 0 0", but this can be this forum that puts a space in long words.

To mount in /DATA/usb1/sda1 (to simulate a USB drive) you need to have a real USB device detected as USB1.
If it still don't work, try to open those ports in the firewall of the PC.

My export file in HaneWIN is something like this:
(if you do any change in this file you have to restart the server)

c:\azbox_saves -public
d:\ -public -readonly --> The drive D: is being shared, this is where I have emule running

Only what is in bold is in the export file.
EDIT: The folders to be shared have to exist, HaneWIN will not create them.
With the IP in front of the line, only that IP (azbox) can access that shared folder

In azbox the commands are:
mount -t nfs /DATA/usb1/sda1 -o nolock,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,in tr 0 0

Or using TCP (more heavy, but can be more reliable)
mount -t nfs /DATA/usb1/sda1 -o nolock,tcp,rsize=32768,wsize=3276 8,intr 0 0

And to mount that D: drive:
mount -t nfs /DATA/download -o nolock,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,in tr 0 0

PS: looks like this forum puts a space in a long words, as you can see in "intr" that looks like "in tr", or in "32768" but if you do copy&past it doesn't have any space.

Using NFS instead of CIFS won't remove the azbox limitation, but can help the LAN speed to a point that you can see most 1080p + DTS movies without mush problems.

Tried it all...:banghead:


11-01-2010, 11:18 PM
DAMN!!! NO GO!!!

And again, the same story: it finds the network, it finds the PC, it asks me for the username and password but as soon as it gets in - it sees nothing at all! No folders whatsoever!


That's my Win7 64b.

It still enters my wife's laptop, Win7 32b and after a little searching it finds all the shared folders, gets into them no problems, despite the number of sub-folders and files and it plays them...:reddevil:


Goran I think you haven t managed to mount nfs shares right m8
coz if you do so then
once you hit the movie option on azbox automatically opens in shared folder
no need for searching or password or anything...

have you tried giving the mount command via telnet?

12-01-2010, 04:48 AM
I'm afraid, you're wrong, m8. In my wife's laptop, Win7 32b, the same happens - and it works. Both our laptops have a username and password set for our respective accounts with Win7.

All is the same, except the W7 version: 32b and 64b. Crazy! And weird...

She also has an additional partition for multimedia.

So, really, everything is the same!


P.S. The Telnet issue: have you seen above - the "stale" issue? I'll try again, tomorrow... Off to bed...

12-01-2010, 04:51 AM
https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=123364 - post 31.

12-01-2010, 02:24 PM
your problem is a little more complex I guess...

A filehandle becomes stale whenever the file or directory referenced by the handle is removed by another host, while your client still holds an active reference to the object. A typical example occurs when the current directory of a process, running on your client, is removed on the server (either by a process running on the server or on another client).

solutions i ve found suggest restarting server

but i guess you ve already did that....
multiple times:redface:

12-01-2010, 02:34 PM
Indeed, countless times...

But I presumed something similar... I "moved" my Win7 "My Docs" folder, since I didn't want those folders on partition C but on D, then directed Music, Movies, Photos and Docs to my folders on D...

However, I did the same thing on my wife's laptop and it all works...

So, beats me...:willy_nilly:

Thanx, m8! ;)

12-01-2010, 03:16 PM
well well well
i ve done that directing since i installed windows

maybe that s why i didnt have problems....

seems like a windows bug once again.....

12-01-2010, 03:40 PM
I am afraid I do not understand: I did it since I installed Windows, too... And as you can see, at my end it is not working... And for my wife's lappy I can say it IS working... You say you have Win7 64b, like me but that it is working - so, weird...

Although, I did as suggested and "took ownership" of those folders, then [once again] re-did everything... and nothing works...

Dunno... Very weird, indeed... :(

12-01-2010, 04:23 PM
If i was you i d try to mount another folder
in case something went wrong with that directing...
Corrupted entries in registry for example...

I would create a new folder in D, place some stuff in there and mount that one..
Just to see what s wrong

12-01-2010, 04:25 PM
I already tried it. Nada. Even the "Public" folder didn't work, when I tried it yesterday. In fact, as soon as AZ HD gets into my laptop - it sees absolutely nothing....

Completely baffled... :(

12-01-2010, 05:11 PM
if i was you i would throw the laptop out of the window.....
but please don t do that coz you ll remind everyone how windows OS got it s name :)

try to login via telnet to your az and ping to your pc's ip
to make sure there s nothing blocking azbox's access to your pc

since you got the stale message this may not be the case but you never know....

then check if these services are started

COM+ Event System
Computer Browser
DHCP Client
DNS Client
Network Connections
Network Location Awareness
Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
TCP/IP Netbios helper

i bet your problem is not only nfs related
you can t even access your windows homegroup share folder via samba
without any mounts right?

coz as you said you can t even access public folder...

File & Print Sharing option is enabled right?

12-01-2010, 05:21 PM
these are my home sharing settings


12-01-2010, 05:26 PM
if i was you i would throw the laptop out of the window.....
but please don t do that coz you ll remind everyone how windows OS got it s name :)


try to login via telnet to your az and ping to your pc's ip
to make sure there s nothing blocking azbox's access to your pc

since you got the stale message this may not be the case but you never know....

No, that's OK.

then check if these services are started

COM+ Event System
Computer Browser
DHCP Client
DNS Client
Network Connections
Network Location Awareness
Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
TCP/IP Netbios helper

Yep, checked in WTM.

i bet your problem is not only nfs related
you can t even access your windows homegroup share folder via samba
without any mounts right?

Dunno, maybe NTFS security?

coz as you said you can t even access public folder...

File & Print Sharing option is enabled right?


The picture - it's the same... more or less. It was working in previous FW! Damn!

You know, I have to go back and check the FW issue... 3877? Maybe...


12-01-2010, 07:31 PM
3877 - nothing good to report...:o11:

12-01-2010, 07:58 PM
I don t think its fw related m8 coz i ve tried all fws that were released the last 5-6 months and never had such a file sharing issue...

I know you are in a position that you dont know what to think of
and you are about to try anything but
i really think the problem is on your windows setup...

Have you tried my home sharing settings?
We ve got exactly the same setup and settings
mine is working
yours not

i mean

12-01-2010, 08:01 PM
I tried the same and slightly different [128b] etc.

Nothing works...