View Full Version : Neutrino HD: Nightly Build 0.2.0 for Cuberevo

10-01-2010, 04:54 PM
Neutrino HD: Nightly Build 0.2.0

Coder: Tideglo

First boot take a little bit much more than a normal boot, so wait until you can see the bandeau bar (the one with infos on current channel) on the tv screen.


release 0.2.0
- fixed many mainly functions
- some audio and video bugs are now fixed
- player now should works better
- added arabic language (credits go to yahya of cubebox board)
- test code for CI cams

Few personal consideration: to me seems now a lot better and it can be used as new GUI, i will wait for your bug reports

Enjoy it! Tideglo

Use tar.gz version for usb stick & other for flash

10-01-2010, 05:11 PM
Too bad Tidelgo can't face the problems with Sharp tuners in the new boxes, both Enigma2 and Neutrino is completely waste on these new IPBO***00s sold today as the picture locks up after 3 seconds.

10-01-2010, 05:41 PM
Why didn't you just swap the tuners our sponsor above stocks Conexant tuners.
You have to remember E2 was not designed for these receivers and you can not blame someone just because it wont work on your receiver.
The fact we can enjoy E2 on these receivers is down to the hard work of people like Tideglo and he don't need people like you complaining.

The fact of the matter is dgstation release the latest batch of receivers with Sharp tuners because they work better on their firmware, if they don't work on E2 that just hard luck and there is no a lot we can do about it.
12 months ago we never even had E2 in any form on the IPBox.

I have E2 running great on both my 9000 and 900 both connected to my linux pc running CCcam,full 7 day uk epg and I have just watched a 2 hour HD movie via the media player without a single glitch.

10-01-2010, 05:48 PM
First of all i complain as much as i like if they can't do the work properly, if Tidelgo could code he would have solved the problem long time ago, to be honest i am fed up with the DGS community as you all think you are so special.

I have now sold it THANK GOD ! and everyone i spoke to said they only had Sharp tuners in stock so i gave up.

The box is just overrated and crap in my opinon, DGS is the worst company you can deal with and they don't give **** about the customers, just goto ******** forum and you are all bad attitude and try to defend your dying boxes and you lick Tidelgo feets because he is the only one still left before DGS dies from the market.

I had Relooks before the HD boxes came out and DGS attitude was the same back then, arrogant.

10-01-2010, 06:43 PM
Ok Cuberevo aint perfect but give me one linux box that is

Even those who forked out £900+ on a Dreambox 8000HD have had problems

Reason i brought this box was i couldnt afford the price of the DMM 8000 & even if i could -i could not justify paying that kind of money on a sat hobby

In comparison to other boxes the software u can use, choice of 4 is progressing really well & represents good value for money, in my opinion

You may think DGS dont give a s*** about customers but again tell me one company that falls over it self to resolve issues

Its always down to 3rd party software developers

Other boxes have a head start with software development & some havent even got going

You pays your money & you makes your choice- & im happy with mine

10-01-2010, 07:50 PM
Yes but DGS has always been stubborn to work with the community.

And why did they skip on Conexant in the first place?

If you read about Qbox HD which uses the new Sharp, it seems they also have problems and they are the manufacturer of the boxes.

It's a big mess out there now....

10-01-2010, 07:54 PM
God you are hard work, you still don't get it. You don't buy a Ford Focus and complain because it can't drive like a Ferrari do you ?

The reciever with dgstation firmware works perfect and that it what it is sold with.

I'll say again E2 is NOT for this receiver and if it does not work for you then tough luck.

I do not support any receiver and own and having running in my home two dreamboxes, a IPbo***0, a IPbo***00 and a Octagon 918 and a Technomate 9100 super.

I go for value for money and as long as I can watch the football and the odd movie then thats fine with me and all the above receivers do that.
There is no way I will spend the stupid money on a dreambox8000 just to do the above when the receivers I have do that already.

10-01-2010, 10:58 PM
There is no way I will spend the stupid money on a dreambox8000 just to do the above when the receivers I have do that already.

There are no stupid money, only stupid people who are blind and beleive their receiver is religion.

IPBOX/DGS is not a receiver i would recommend to any, their software is just crap and you are truly a fool if you beleive people buy it because the want to run DGS own software.

Most people buy it because they want to run Engima2 as it is working on old boxes.

But just don't spit on DM8000 just because you can't afford it, doesn't look good from your point, just silly.

21-02-2013, 11:06 AM
It is great that you are satisfied with this ipbox9000,but I am trying for many days to install E2 on it but no result???
Will you be kind to istruct the right way to do so??The easiest way they say with Ghost but I am not able to download from some where? H ave you any idea??
Kind regards