View Full Version : iDreamX v2.0.2.8b (Mac OSX) for E1 & E2

10-01-2010, 11:28 PM
And now for today's update.

The highlights are:
Multi EPG
[playable] - Button in streaming tool

here all the innovations of iDreamX

WebTV tool (menu: Tools / Web TV ...) NEW Added
Web TV shows from the Web Interface
(The VLC plugin must be installed for: http://videolan.org)
(For Enigma1 WebTV boxes will launch the web browser)

SPE Tool:
- When you select the EPG tools will now automatically loads the EPG for the current channel.
- [Channels] - Button is now divided in two.
- Normal Klickl: selecting a channel for any bouquet.
- Click on the right edge: selection of the last selected channel bouquets.
- Keyboard ShortCuts added:
• [SPACE] - (Space) Switch box on the selected channel
• [A] - "Add Event Timer from EPG - create timer from EPG entry
• [S] - Searching the EPG
• [G] - Global search EPG (only Enigma2)
- Context menu added.
(Appears with right-click on EPG.Liste)
- Multi EPG added.
[Multi EPG] - Button added. Function:
Selecting a User-bouquets, followed by the multi-edition EPs in the Web browser.

- View all running programs of a bouquet. (Knopf: [Now])
- Display of the current as the next items of bouquets. (Knopf: [next])
- Display of items at a specific time / date of a bouquet. ( "Date / Time", buttons)
- Continuing to go back to the broadcast of a particular channel. (Knopf: [>] and [<])
(The channel must be selected in the list here)

Streaming Tool:
- Button [Parche] added (only enigma2)
(Displays only the channels in the list, the switch without the box, are streamable)
ATTENTION ********************************* * *************** *******************
This feature requires a very new image. (e.g., Gemini 4.6)
Furthermore, this function problems with channel markers (marker channel)
The first entry of a bouquet may not otherwise be markers are hidden all the channels.
This seems a bug of Enigma2 and will hopefully be resolved soon.
********************************* ***************** *************************
- Keyboard ShortCuts added:
• [R] - Refresh List
• [P] - function as button [Parche]

Movie Tool:
- Keyboard ShortCuts added:
• [Shift] + [Cursor Right] - Increase the volume of the box
• [Shift] + [Cursor Left] - volume of the box to reduce
• [Shift] + [Space] - Toggle the Standby Box
• [Esc] - Box Exit (Exit remote control)
• [A] - Select audio track (audio track on the box select)

Bug Fixes:
- HD screenshots are now reliably displayed
- Some minor bugs fixed.