View Full Version : MultiCAS / Cccam freeze

11-01-2010, 10:04 PM
Hi guys,

Maybe you can help me out. I've a Azbox Elite, I've installed Multicas and I'm using a valid c line. Response from the cccam server seems to respond very fast changing the channel and picks it up quite easy.

My issue is that most channels keep freezing, and only a few don't. It's almost impossible to see any program, it freezes every 10-30seconds. Sometimes it even gets the scrambled message.

I've also tried CCCam 2.1.1 but the result is the same...

Anyone as some ideas of what the issue might be?


11-01-2010, 10:59 PM
sounds like a poor server are you using a payserver or sharing a card also?

11-01-2010, 11:18 PM
Hi guys,

Maybe you can help me out. I've a Azbox Elite, I've installed Multicas and I'm using a valid c line. Response from the cccam server seems to respond very fast changing the channel and picks it up quite easy.

My issue is that most channels keep freezing, and only a few don't. It's almost impossible to see any program, it freezes every 10-30seconds. Sometimes it even gets the scrambled message.

I've also tried CCCam 2.1.1 but the result is the same...

Anyone as some ideas of what the issue might be?

Regards most servers use latest cccam this is because it supports the nds on hd channels , I dont think multicas/cccam can
handle this latest cccam on all sats/channels thats why your getting the reeezes etc I think?????:respect-051::respect-051:

11-01-2010, 11:21 PM
the latest one is 2.1.3 and yes multicas is dealing with it fine
not a single freeze here

the problem must be a poor server coz multicas don deal well with a little high ecms

11-01-2010, 11:24 PM
Always use the latest firmware (from daily update) with the latest multicas.

selo :respect-051:

11-01-2010, 11:32 PM
the latest one is 2.1.3 and yes multicas is dealing with it fine
not a single freeze here

the problem must be a poor server coz multicas don deal well with a little high ecms
I somehow doubt that very much why? I installed 3 azbox premium's for myself and for two other people, all have same f/w and same multicas and all of them connected to differennt servers, I have seen multicas struggle on some satellites eg 28.2E on hd channels, so its not a server high/low ecm etc, it is the multicas that can not handle..:respect-051:

11-01-2010, 11:38 PM
Also try checking your ping times and make sure router ect is set properly or provider for optimized settings

Hope this helps


11-01-2010, 11:41 PM
thanks :respect-013:

12-01-2010, 12:24 AM
Thanks guys, I will keep trying.

I've been suspecting issues with the LNB so I will give it a try to change the LNB.

I'm using Multicas downloaded directly on the Azbox azboxworld site as the cccam client, which is definitely faster getting the keys from the server.

This sat stuff is a new thing for me since 15 days ago, is there any way to better debug the ecm requests to the cccam server? Can I turn debugging on the Multicas cccam client? I see I can run the module manually from the command prompt and things are printed to to stdout, but I want to get it while running in the background...

Are there any truss or strace tools for this?


12-01-2010, 04:58 AM
What does a router have to do with this, stavross?

Looks like too many people on the server.

Micro/short freezes or more serious?

Or server has "no local card" issue?

Are you paying for it?

12-01-2010, 09:00 AM

You will find it will be a poor server! MultiCAS (latest) + AZBox Daily FW (Latest) and i have NO issues what so ever.

I have also tested CCcam 2.1.1 for AZBox and bluntly, it SUCKS compared to MultiCAS.

Noticed that you said you tried CCcam 2.1.1 , did you install with the self installer and choose option 5 to Auto Start?

If that is the Case, when you removed it, did you use the same INSTALLER to REMOVE it?

If not, you will find that you still have a CCcam server running in the back ground!!!! This could also be a problem causing your MultiCAS to freeze!!!

If you want, i have a local 0963 FTA in my Server. Hardly any users on it with good ping. Be happy to give you a line so you can check with say Channel 4 HD, or Sly 3 and see how you fare... least this may help in finding the root of your problem!


12-01-2010, 05:36 PM
What does a router have to do with this, stavross?

Looks like too many people on the server.

Micro/short freezes or more serious?

Or server has "no local card" issue?

Are you paying for it?

Hi goran I know you da man
I was only trying to help as I had freezes only ever 40 mins or so and found out my internet provider had done something to the setting had intermitent bad ping times.
I to thought it was there server this fixed my problem

I'll keep quite next time sozz

Stavross:respect-014: :respect-013: :respect-048:

12-01-2010, 06:13 PM
I am as fallible as the next guy, Stavross... ;)

Addray had a few interesting points in his response... :)

Router has nothing to do with CCcam, as you do not need to open the ports etc. GBox, Mbox yes but not CCcam.

14-01-2010, 08:46 AM
I have't freeze only with cccam 0.02client

14-01-2010, 01:18 PM

Router has nothing to do with CCcam, as you do not need to open the ports etc. GBox, Mbox yes but not CCcam.

What about newcamd, goran?

14-01-2010, 01:49 PM
As a client, with CCcam, as many have said many times, one needn't do anything around the router/ports.

As a server - yes.

With Newcamd, because I haven't a card right now, I haven't really spent any time studying it but I suspect one needs to do it as a server, just the same as with CCcam server, yes... Port forwarding must be done for the port[s] you're letting other people in. UDP, if I am not mistaken, for Newcamd and others - but TCP for CCcam.

As a client - dunno... I suppose it depends on the client... maybe?

Anyone to enlighten us, please?

14-01-2010, 06:10 PM
As a client, with CCcam, as many have said many times, one needn't do anything around the router/ports.

As a server - yes.

With Newcamd, because I haven't a card right now, I haven't really spent any time studying it but I suspect one needs to do it as a server, just the same as with CCcam server, yes... Port forwarding must be done for the port[s] you're letting other people in. UDP, if I am not mistaken, for Newcamd and others - but TCP for CCcam.

As a client - dunno... I suppose it depends on the client... maybe?

Anyone to enlighten us, please?

CCcam to CCcam as client = No Change to Firewall
CCcam to NewCamd as client, i.e N line, = No Change to Firewall

As a rule, if you have a client that is just connecting to another service outside of you network, your router should have SIP (Session Initiation Protocol ) enabled, in which case your router knows what to do!

Hope that helps


16-01-2010, 11:56 PM
I'm not sure that is a server issue. Multicas have some problems with nds.
Remember times when it was freezing every ecm? It wasn't long ago. Obviously that problem was solved only partially. Slight freezing occur even on SD channels..

17-01-2010, 01:35 AM
I am from SVK. We do not use NDS but Cryptworks. We used the two providers from 23.5 ° E over idents 0D03, 0D70 and 0D0F
Recently launched a test Irdeto PiSys with other identifiers 0D96, 0624
The problem is that in the absence of Multicast ignore.list - or the possibility of entering the priority.list
Communication log shows that sometimes the location ID 0D03 selected emulator ID 0D70, 0D96 or 0624, and the moment is dark. Help switch to another channel, but the situation is repeated irregularly.
In this state it is in cccam AZ HD unusable. If anyone knows how to edit prio.list that I do not become very grateful

17-01-2010, 06:43 AM
MultiCAS has a priocaid file or caidprio one of the two. You can specify UPTO 8 CAID's as priority.

Tlent to your AZBox. Naviget to /EMU/OpenXCAS/MultiCAS and in there it will show, but with example in the front of it.

Rename it, taking away the example, then use that.

Hope that helps!


17-01-2010, 11:12 AM
Thank you for trying, but I know this course ..
Worse is that the adjustment of priorities does not help. I feel that it cccam emulator for the protocol ignores - otherwise it would log me in displaying another ident.
I write it here Due to the fact that the saw maker MultiCAS

17-01-2010, 12:38 PM
You have seen him here? Or have I misunderstood?

OS guys are here but...

17-01-2010, 01:10 PM
Yeah you do not understand.
Share the protocol does not work for Multicas Cryptoworks because you can not choose the correct ident. Where else could be placed in IDENT simultcrypt ignore the letter and would be ignored Multicas cccam would work properly

17-01-2010, 02:08 PM
No, it seems you do not understand! :D A simple misunderstanding, I think, as you wrote:

I write it here Due to the fact that the saw maker MultiCASThat's what I asked... what does that mean?

[I understand the technical things, no problem - but not the quoted bit. ;)]

17-01-2010, 02:57 PM
Apparently the noise from a Google compiler. :-)

18-01-2010, 02:09 PM
I am from SVK. We do not use NDS but Cryptworks. We used the two providers from 23.5 ° E over idents 0D03, 0D70 and 0D0F
Recently launched a test Irdeto PiSys with other identifiers 0D96, 0624
The problem is that in the absence of Multicast ignore.list - or the possibility of entering the priority.list
Communication log shows that sometimes the location ID 0D03 selected emulator ID 0D70, 0D96 or 0624, and the moment is dark. Help switch to another channel, but the situation is repeated irregularly.
In this state it is in cccam AZ HD unusable. If anyone knows how to edit prio.list that I do not become very grateful

Why dont you just put the CAID in for the ones you want, and for the remainder that ARE NOT USED use 0000??? That may help to 'ignore' the ones you dont want???

Have you even tried any of the above yet???
why dont you get your peer to block the CAID that you DONT want??


19-01-2010, 10:41 AM
MultiCAS 162 have the same problem...

19-01-2010, 12:17 PM
I confirm that. There is no improvement on cccam client freze problem.
The only way is to use mgcamd and hope that sometime it will support cccam.