View Full Version : dm800 usb hdd problems + *ly hd glitchy

12-01-2010, 08:08 PM

After 1 week of messing around, finally got my dm800 working with motorised 1m dish, and sharing as it should be.
Now i want to record so I attached my 1.5tb hdd to the usb port on the dreambox.
The drive was formatted on the pc first in fat32 and then in nabilo sat under options, i mounted and formatted the drive at the same time.
I then went to initialize, and the drive is working.

The problem i have is when i set it up to record, it is crashing and becomes unresponsive. I have to unplug and reboot the dream box. Somtimes it records a whole film fine, other times it only records 20 minets then crashes !! After reboot, i can remount the drive and it finds the half done recordings, so i dont loose anything. Any ideas what is going on ?
Is there a error log i can read to find out why it stopped recording early ?

I am using nabilo black hole 12 image and sim 2.01 + bootloader 75.

My other problem is i have 99% signal and 88% snr on sky hd and the movie channels work fine, but sky1 disocvery hd, sky sports1 etc are glittchy despite the good signal ?

I have a inline amp, which belive it or not, lowered both signal and snr, is that right ? Supposed to amplifie, not lower !!

I will get this box working perfectly eventually, and any help anyone can give me will be much appreciated.

p.s my share is hop1 and perfect, so no problems there with glittchy channels, poss tuner ? if so who can sell me one that will work in my clone box.

Thanks for any one who has the time to repond,

12-01-2010, 09:07 PM
Cant help with the hard drive issue but

for the inline amp issue turn it around the other way!

12-01-2010, 09:39 PM
I have in going to satelite, and out going to receiver, I think maybe i have a broken one ?
but signal and snr go down !

Any ideas on the hdd, is there a max size blackhole image can handle ?

12-01-2010, 10:22 PM
USB HDD is bad for recording. I tried it myself and wasted lot of times and nerves. Finally I gave up and got eSATA HDD and it works perfect. Playback from USB HDD works fine and I use it for extra storage.

12-01-2010, 11:37 PM
were your problems similar to mine ? anyone else had problems with a usb hdd on dm800 blackhole 12 ? Is there any one who has it working perfect, if so what did you do. Shall i just get a esata and give up ?


13-01-2010, 08:09 AM
Exactly the same problems with USB HDD.

14-01-2010, 01:05 PM
I have same Nabilo image and can only confirm that my internal hdd is rock solid don't get any of the problems you've described. Sorry never tried external hdd though