View Full Version : slow ping time

13-01-2010, 08:52 PM
I'm having problems all the time with my dreambox 800 (BH0.12) freezing on none FTA channels.

Have been doing loads of reading up & testing & looks the problem is with my network connection.

I have a Belkin router and the dreambox is connected to router via home plugs, directly into power sockets with no extention leads involved.
I have also connected the dreambox directly to the router with a 20 meter patch cable and still get the same problem.

I'm not using DHCP all my devices have fixed static address.

If I ping my DB from my laptop (ping -t
The time fluctuates from 4ms to 300ms with no packets lost.

Then if I ping my router through DCC via telnet,
Again it fluctuates from 4ms to as high as 400ms

Surely this is to slow?

Is this best way to test my dreambox network connection & does this look like a router problem?

Many thanks

14-01-2010, 01:09 PM
Your ping from your laptop to your DB should be consistently very fast in theory. What Belkin router do you have and do you have the latest firmware on your Belkin router?

Also when you are doing these tests do you for example have anything else plugged in using the router? for example another PC running bit torrent and its downloading stuff at the same time? as this in particular would cause such an issue

14-01-2010, 03:03 PM
You didn't tell us how your laptop is connected.
When you ping your dreambox from your laptop you get the response time from laptop to router to dreambox to router to laptop. Which means your dreambox to router connection could be fine, and the "late" responses are due to your laptops connection with the router.

If you want to see the response times between dreambox and router, telnet your dreambox and execute the command ping -c 5 192.168.2.*whatever your routers ip is* from your dreambox (the -c 5 options sends 5 packets only). That way you get the response time from dreambox to router to dreambox.

If you still get the same response times, then it has something to do with the router or the dreambox.

14-01-2010, 03:07 PM
Or you could ping your router from your laptop first, then ping your dreambox from your laptop and subtract the two values. If they are the same then your dreambox to router connection is perfect.