View Full Version : Clone will be onsale in 2 months

18-01-2010, 11:21 AM
Just been in contact with my contact in china and told me 8000 clones will be ready for sale in 2 months,also told me other sellers are advertising them now but they don't really have them. He's got no idea on price as yet but as soon as I find out will let you all know

18-01-2010, 11:44 AM
But this is in the 800 section and we already have clones :beatdeadhorse5:

I will move it for you :king-041:

Personally I would not waste my money on a clone but I guess there will always be a market for them.

18-01-2010, 11:48 AM
They have been advertised on Alibaba for months...

18-01-2010, 01:04 PM
Thx sonic didn't relise,yes they are advertised but that's what he told me to watch out for

18-01-2010, 02:24 PM
There are a few 'clones' being sold which are actually DM8000 cases and DM800 internals, so watch out!

18-01-2010, 07:55 PM
personaly i wouldnt bother buying a clone as the box itself probably only cost 100.00 to make with cheap second rate parts your probably better buying a spiderbox or azbox or tm7100 for the same money

18-01-2010, 08:54 PM
had a cloned dm800hd for over a year now and never had any problems.
if the 8000 clone is as good as the clone 800 then it will be a bragain at half the original price.

the main reason people will buy a clone over the boxes stated above is because of the software it can run.

thats why there is much interest in the VU+ DUO

18-01-2010, 09:02 PM
I would buy a clone DM8000.

Must be better than the so called DM8000 killer receiver mentioned elsewhere on this forum. :D

18-01-2010, 09:05 PM
Wouldn't touch a dm8000 clone, especially after all the reports of the bad tuners
on the dm800 clones.

18-01-2010, 09:52 PM
I would buy a clone DM8000.

Must be better than the so called DM8000 killer receiver mentioned elsewhere on this forum. :D

and then your dm8000 dies and chinese seller doesnt respond to your mails...

19-01-2010, 01:23 AM
Just been in contact with my contact in china and told me 8000 clones will be ready for sale in 2 months,also told me other sellers are advertising them now but they don't really have them. He's got no idea on price as yet but as soon as I find out will let you all know

I hate DMM. m8. i hope one day the collaps soon.

But for the respect of the Sponsor of this forum is better don't advertise prices and clone when he is selling original DM products...

19-01-2010, 02:16 AM
I hate DMM. m8. i hope one day the collaps soon.

But for the respect of the Sponsor of this forum is better don't advertise prices and clone when he is selling original DM products...
why do you hate them m8

19-01-2010, 02:52 AM
I have read there is more than one factory in China producing clones, some say the hardware is better than originals, certainly it looks like the 800 clones have tried to tackle the issues of heat by fitting larger heatsinks and fans.
As for warranty concerns isn't the UK dealer responsible for the item being "fit for purpose" regardless who made it?
As a genuine 8000 owner I realise I was ripped off paying that price but the box is a server and has for almost a year just simply sat there and worked.
If clones get around the sim card problems and are able to run up to date software then I would think they would be a bargain. Whether this is fair to the people that write the software and designed the original box is another story.

19-01-2010, 07:49 AM
The clone may come, but then don't expect DM to sit around doing nothing, there will follow shortly a killer for the clones, software/update that doesn't harm originals, but for the clones.......................deat h!
bye bye clone, 100 smackers down the pan!

19-01-2010, 09:40 AM
the clones will be more than 100 smackers m8 more like 300 smackers they probably cost 100 pound to make. every sigle part in he clone will not be the same as a origina. time will tell if there any good as for getting ripped off for the price of an original you have to weigh it up most boxes what ever there reatail price normaly cost half the price to make plus vat so a dm8000 oriinal costs the consumer 800.00 so it costs the manufacter 350 to make
then you have handling costs duty costs sellers cost and then vat. and all the research that goes into the box
i can not see the hard ware in a clone that only costs 100.00 to build being as good as a dm8000 original that cost 350 to build from picture quality to performace and to how long they last. you should weigh that up befor buying a clone dm8000.
and why spend 300.00 pound on a clone i have herd from a good friend that azbox are slowly getting there with there boxes your better of buying one of them. there is also 2 new boxes on there way for a good price that will have faster prosseser than dm8000 hd original

19-01-2010, 10:22 AM
In my mind nobody would consider a clone if the originals were not so much more.t Dmm should cut the profit margin and sell larger numbers, then there would be no point for clones, and morer users with their machine.

19-01-2010, 07:06 PM
In my mind nobody would consider a clone if the originals were not so much more.t Dmm should cut the profit margin and sell larger numbers, then there would be no point for clones, and morer users with their machine.

Couldn`t have put it better myself :applause-003:

19-01-2010, 10:57 PM
had my 800 clone for along time np what so ever,my seller i trust 100% fantastic service at a guess i think they will sell them for around £500-600 when the 800 clone first came out it was only about £100 cheaper than the real thing but price has fallen alot since

20-01-2010, 12:01 AM
For me £500-£600 still too much money wasted even for a dodgy clone ,
think i'll stick with my Spider 9000HD and Genuine dm800hd thanxs but not for me ive seen a lot of dodgy clones go in wheelie bin , if i were to buy a dm8000HD i would do the sensible thing and support satpimps board & buy from Goldwafers board sponsor
Just my opinion ,

Midnight R
01-02-2010, 05:29 PM
Well having owned a DM8000 I would say there is very little a clone manufacturer could do to make the picture quality poorer.

The DM8000HD has pants PQ with a very strange soft focus in the pics background.

I couldn't live with it so sold it on.

Shame because in all other senses it was a winner but at the ed of the day i want to watch high quality TV and the DM8000 doesn't do that for me.

DM definately scrimped on the parts used.

01-02-2010, 05:42 PM
sorry but happy as hell with my 8000

01-02-2010, 08:22 PM
Well having owned a DM8000 I would say there is very little a clone manufacturer could do to make the picture quality poorer.

The DM8000HD has pants PQ with a very strange soft focus in the pics background.

I couldn't live with it so sold it on.

Shame because in all other senses it was a winner but at the ed of the day i want to watch high quality TV and the DM8000 doesn't do that for me.

DM definately scrimped on the parts used.

Sorry mate but don't agree at all.
What TV do you use?

I have a fujtusi 58 series Plasma and the picture is excellent, SD and HD

02-02-2010, 12:16 AM
Well having owned a DM8000 I would say there is very little a clone manufacturer could do to make the picture quality poorer.

The DM8000HD has pants PQ with a very strange soft focus in the pics background.

I couldn't live with it so sold it on.

Shame because in all other senses it was a winner but at the ed of the day i want to watch high quality TV and the DM8000 doesn't do that for me.

DM definately scrimped on the parts used.i have had 7 different hd boxes hook up to my lg plasma hd humax 2000 ci azbox premium hd dm 800 hd humax foxsat hd grundig freesat bush freesat darkman hd box and last my dm8000 hd .
i am sorry but dm8000 beats all theese boxes by a clear mile sometimes you can get a software clash so maybe your combining software is at fault or your tv or maybe you have a bad hd lead or your picture settings are wrong what firmware did you use i found oozoon better than black hole. the only box out my others that has come close was the humax 2000 ci in terms of picture quality on hd . i still have that box all the other have gone i was temted to keep the azbox not a bad little box for its money the dm8000 is by far the best box ever made upto now considering it is still beta it has been very stable. this box will just go from strenght to strenght. do the right thing and support the sponsers here buy buying genuine boxes from gold wafers

Midnight R
02-02-2010, 05:08 AM
Well, I used a number of different images and the PQ was the same with all of them.

I use a 42" Panny which is fine with my other HD receivers. We also fitted the DM8K up to a friends plasma and the results were the same. Soft focused image and motion judder.

My conclusion was that either the DM8K was faulty or both my freinds and my own expecations of PQ differ from others. Both my own Darkbox and my friends cuberevo were far better from a PQ standpoint.

02-02-2010, 06:04 PM
No problems here - DM8K with a plasma panny. HD looks gr8

02-02-2010, 07:05 PM
[QUOTE=Midnight R;695335]Well, I used a number of different images and the PQ was the same with all of them.

I use a 42" Panny which is fine with my other HD receivers. We also fitted the DM8K up to a friends plasma and the results were the same. Soft focused image and motion judder.

My conclusion was that either the DM8K was faulty or both my freinds and my own expecations of PQ differ from others. Both my own Darkbox and my friends cuberevo were far better from a PQ standpoint.[/QUOTE

are you sure it just wasnt a case of when you ordered your dm8000 you thought i carnt believe i have payed that much for a box and when it arrived you couldnt get over the shock of paying so much so you found every excuse you could to get your money back if you had held out a bit longer you probably would have been happy

02-02-2010, 11:28 PM
Working on a 32" Humax lcd tv and on a hitachi multimedia projector, cant see the poor quality you mention with my 8000, even nova`s **** sd picture is much more better and vibrant with it ...

03-02-2010, 12:36 AM
great picture on my 100" hd projector

03-02-2010, 12:42 AM
DM definately scrimped on the parts used.

DM has always used cheap parts in the boxes, i had the DM500s and then the DM7025+ and they were cheap in quality.

The DM500s was horrible, had terrible picture quality, i bet DM800s is not better in this area.

The DM7025+ was much better but i never liked DMMs products, they all feel cheap and nasty.

03-02-2010, 06:35 AM
DM has always used cheap parts What kind of parts are you referring to? The cpu, the memory, the tuner, the casing, the cabling, some other piece of hardware? Please be specific.

03-02-2010, 08:32 AM
DM has always used cheap parts in the boxes, i had the DM500s and then the DM7025+ and they were cheap in quality.

The DM500s was horrible, had terrible picture quality, i bet DM800s is not better in this area.

The DM7025+ was much better but i never liked DMMs products, they all feel cheap and nasty.

do you have a dm8000 i dont think you can compare othe dm products with the ***y dm8000 or any other box for that matter

03-02-2010, 10:04 AM
i must say the 8000 is in the best case i have ever seen with a big display stunning peace of kit but sadly with a to high price tag should be priced around £500 if you ask me

03-02-2010, 12:30 PM
Cheap cheap cheap ...all what they are saying is cheap components.
Being in electronics and working with hot air station, i can say that lots of other brands are using cheap and "cheap" components.
Having different revisions of the boards means the manufacturer is trying to fix some problems occured while designing the product and testing it into markets that didnt expect to be sold.

One big example is the humax 5400 and the power supply...

Midnight R
03-02-2010, 04:55 PM
[QUOTE=Midnight R;695335]Well, I used a number of different images and the PQ was the same with all of them.

I use a 42" Panny which is fine with my other HD receivers. We also fitted the DM8K up to a friends plasma and the results were the same. Soft focused image and motion judder.

My conclusion was that either the DM8K was faulty or both my freinds and my own expecations of PQ differ from others. Both my own Darkbox and my friends cuberevo were far better from a PQ standpoint.[/QUOTE

are you sure it just wasnt a case of when you ordered your dm8000 you thought i carnt believe i have payed that much for a box and when it arrived you couldnt get over the shock of paying so much so you found every excuse you could to get your money back if you had held out a bit longer you probably would have been happy

Not at all, what happened was I had been using a Darkbox combo for a year or so and was impressed with HDTV. Plugged in the DM8K and immediately thought where's the quality gone?

My friend who has a cuberevo thought I was being overly fussy so I sent the DM over to him and he agreed PQ wasn't what you would expect and nowhere near as good as the cuberevo.

The only conclusion I can reach with this is that either I had a broken DM8K or I'm more discerning than others. One thing that I recall was that the picture wasn't as focussed as I would have expected. It was if the box focussed on whatever was in the foreground but anything in the background was soft. It was odd!

Plugging back in the Darkbox and everything was as it should be again but of course no goodies!

04-02-2010, 12:27 AM
My friend i can tell you for sure, the difference i see on my tv is big.
Especially on Eurotic tv and the models dancing there, i can even see who has some spots on the face while zooming the camera on them ... :D

04-02-2010, 07:34 AM
Especially on Eurotic tv and the models dancing there, i can even see who has some spots on the face while zooming the camera on them ... :D

You zoom in on their faces?

04-02-2010, 12:15 PM
Not me, the cameraman.i prefer to zoom on other parts :D

04-02-2010, 12:36 PM
Not me, the cameraman.i prefer to zoom on other parts :D


I have had a DM800 since about 2 years now and i am happy with it as the quality is mutch better than original sly uk box.

04-02-2010, 07:12 PM

My friend who has a cuberevo thought I was being overly fussy so I sent the DM over to him and he agreed PQ wasn't what you would expect and nowhere near as good as the cuberevo.

The only conclusion I can reach with this is that either I had a broken DM8K or I'm more discerning than others. One thing that I recall was that the picture wasn't as focussed as I would have expected. It was if the box focussed on whatever was in the foreground but anything in the background was soft. It was odd!

Plugging back in the Darkbox and everything was as it should be again but of course no goodies!

You are not alone, i had a DM500s and returned it 2 days later, the picture was so blurry i couldn't stand it and my friend bought one later and i went over and it had the same ****ty quality, my friend however said it was excellent.

It depends who you ask.

04-02-2010, 10:26 PM
[QUOTE=Midnight R;695852]

You are not alone, i had a DM500s and returned it 2 days later, the picture was so blurry i couldn't stand it and my friend bought one later and i went over and it had the same ****ty quality, my friend however said it was excellent.

It depends who you ask.how cany you compare a dm500s to a dm8000

i have not heard any one any where on any other forum complaing about poor pq on the dm8000 only one here funny that

Midnight R
05-02-2010, 11:26 AM
[QUOTE=Likvid;696266]how cany you compare a dm500s to a dm8000

i have not heard any one any where on any other forum complaing about poor pq on the dm8000 only one here funny that

Google search is your friend my dear :biggrinjester:

But I would avoid it if I were you as you may end up regretting your outlay. You clearly have never compared your DM to any other stb's so probally think your DM8K is the danglies, but you are wrong.

Still ignorance is bliss I guess.

Jog on...

05-02-2010, 02:38 PM
First batch of DM8000 clones now on the market in HK.

Vendor has 168 in stock, priced at $400 for quantities, not samples. Expect about $450 for a sample, $500 shipped - around 320 quid.

05-02-2010, 03:49 PM
Looking forward to reading reports about them, I am sure it wont take long.
@Midnight R perhaps you could enlighten us about complaints of poor picture quality before accusing other members of being ignorant.
That is of course providing you are not too busy trying to get your white sky card to work in a diablo cam in your darkbox.

05-02-2010, 04:46 PM
First batch of DM8000 clones now on the market in HK.

Vendor has 168 in stock, priced at $400 for quantities, not samples. Expect about $450 for a sample, $500 shipped - around 320 quid.

Is that from Tina Mr B ?


05-02-2010, 04:47 PM
@Midnight R perhaps you could enlighten us about complaints of poor picture quality before accusing other members of being ignorant.
That is of course providing you are not too busy trying to get your white sky card to work in a diablo cam in your darkbox.

He knows best mate. :biggrinjester:

05-02-2010, 04:49 PM
First batch of DM8000 clones now on the market in HK.

Vendor has 168 in stock, priced at $400 for quantities, not samples. Expect about $450 for a sample, $500 shipped - around 320 quid.

Lot of money to spend on a clone, especially with all the problems the DM800 tuners have on there clones (from reading).

Even though mines been fine.

05-02-2010, 05:01 PM
Is that from Tina Mr B ?


No, another vendor m8, she's called Linlin :) On the 8a8f8 forum.

Midnight R
05-02-2010, 06:20 PM
Looking forward to reading reports about them, I am sure it wont take long.
@Midnight R perhaps you could enlighten us about complaints of poor picture quality before accusing other members of being ignorant.
That is of course providing you are not too busy trying to get your white sky card to work in a diablo cam in your darkbox.

If you took the time to read my observations on this thread rather than doing a sherlock holmes you'll see that I've already offered my opinion on the poor PQ of the DM8K. The picture lacks resolution compared to a number of decent STB such as the Darkbox and the Cuberevo which cost a fraction of the DM's price. The picture also suffers from motion judder which is just unaceptable when this is something that even a humble Sky HD box can get right.

As for me wanting to get my white card going in my DB I think the DB edges the Amstrad Sky HD box in PQ and just wanted to get the most out of my paid for sub. I've since picked up a Pace box which better's them both so I'm satisified now.

I'm still thinking about what to do for a bit of 3pm footie when digitv finally goes down. So I may look around for a linux box but it wont be a DM as I found their flagship model to not be up to it PQ wise. And again it could have been that the one I bought was faulty in some way. But short on getting another one I'll never know and I wont be shelling out another 1K to find out.

Sounds like you lot find it very difficult to accpet that anyone thinks your precious DM8's are not all that.

At the end of the day as long as your happy thats all that counts.

05-02-2010, 07:08 PM
im sorry but im having no problems what you say.

05-02-2010, 07:36 PM
If you took the time to read my observations on this thread rather than doing a sherlock holmes you'll see that I've already offered my opinion on the poor PQ of the DM8K. The picture lacks resolution compared to a number of decent STB such as the Darkbox and the Cuberevo which cost a fraction of the DM's price. The picture also suffers from motion judder which is just unaceptable when this is something that even a humble Sky HD box can get right.

As for me wanting to get my white card going in my DB I think the DB edges the Amstrad Sky HD box in PQ and just wanted to get the most out of my paid for sub. I've since picked up a Pace box which better's them both so I'm satisified now.

I'm still thinking about what to do for a bit of 3pm footie when digitv finally goes down. So I may look around for a linux box but it wont be a DM as I found their flagship model to not be up to it PQ wise. And again it could have been that the one I bought was faulty in some way. But short on getting another one I'll never know and I wont be shelling out another 1K to find out.

Sounds like you lot find it very difficult to accpet that anyone thinks your precious DM8's are not all that.

At the end of the day as long as your happy thats all that counts.can i just ask what image was on your dm8000 when you bought it from new

05-02-2010, 07:46 PM

Google search is your friend my dear :biggrinjester:

But I would avoid it if I were you as you may end up regretting your outlay. You clearly have never compared your DM to any other stb's so probally think your DM8K is the danglies, but you are wrong.

Still ignorance is bliss I guess.

Jog on...

isnt this about poor pq on dm8000?? point one how can you compare the pq on dm8000 to that of a dm500s ?????? point 3 weather its google or other satellite forums no one who owns a genuine dm 8000 is complaining about poor pq only complaints is about how much the box is and from people who like nothing better to than slag dreambox off about previous dreamboxes they have bought yes there other boxes have had there problems but you can not paint everyone with the same brush . or compare cheaper boxes to a dm8000

05-02-2010, 07:55 PM
thats all i have to complain about is the price,but then again it does what it says on the tin :)

06-02-2010, 03:27 AM
@Midnight R I am always happy to listen to other people's point of view, I am on record as saying that although I find the 8000 picture quality very good I think my Kathrein UFS910 HD picture with original software is absolutely stunning. Unfortunately this official software is next to useless at doing the things I want a receiver for.
I have seen an AZbox, DM 800 and clone, DM8000, and a few other HD boxes although I must admit mainly on LCD TV's, but if I had paid for a box with as bad picture as yours I would have taken the problem up with the supplier. Although customers may be reluctant to say that their prize purchase has not lived up to expectations, I am sure that if it were a general problem we would have heard many more people complaining.
The reason I am interested in this thread is to find out what people think of the clone, if it gets good reviews I would be buying a couple for friends who want to go "HD" on a budget.

06-02-2010, 10:17 AM
@Midnight R I am always happy to listen to other people's point of view, I am on record as saying that although I find the 8000 picture quality very good I think my Kathrein UFS910 HD picture with original software is absolutely stunning. Unfortunately this official software is next to useless at doing the things I want a receiver for.
I have seen an AZbox, DM 800 and clone, DM8000, and a few other HD boxes although I must admit mainly on LCD TV's, but if I had paid for a box with as bad picture as yours I would have taken the problem up with the supplier. Although customers may be reluctant to say that their prize purchase has not lived up to expectations, I am sure that if it were a general problem we would have heard many more people complaining.
The reason I am interested in this thread is to find out what people think of the clone, if it gets good reviews I would be buying a couple for friends who want to go "HD" on a budget.

i find plasma picture quality better but more heavy on the eyes my boyfriend fits equipment for signals everyday and has done for many years comercial cai domestic etc. lots of times using peoples own euipments such as there cheap satellite aerial cable. a digital approved cable of the highest standard is the way to go as it doesnt pick up interference from other signals . poor hd leads and poor scart leads is another factor in poor picture quality or tv picture settings not quite right or signal to low or to high a balance signal is much better but not always achievable. other contributing factors are to many cables behind boxes all interlaced with one another picking up interference. or boosters fitted where they are not needed. one bad lead going into a tv can cause the tv perform badly. most people when it comes to fitting satellite equipment do it them selfs fitting 80 1 meter dishes with a poor signal meter a ******** analyser should be used as you could have the signal to high which effects diffent boxes in all soughts of different ways. but in all honesty we shoul not be talking about bying cloned dreambox equipment here as as you all have been members here for a very long time and have been for one reason only because this site has a sponsers that supports the site and sells boxes etc lee at gold wafers does not support clone boxes so how can he support this site if eveyone buys clones... clones are high risk and there are alot of boxes out there from lee hd etc azbox many others with the right signal equipment fitted and right leads you can not go far wrong.

06-02-2010, 06:31 PM
i would just like to make one more point you cannot and must not blame your tv or box if you have poor picture quality if you have any of the above if you have fitted the dish your self with second rate cable or cheap leads . with out a analyser how are you to know if your getting interference. the signal should also be checked at the end where it goes into the box a good analyser will pick up on interference. here is a classic example of boxes tv being more suceptable to interfernce than others. two tvs the exact same brand and brand new one tv had a wirless router right behind the tv for xbox live. when ever the router was downloading data the freeview channels on the tv would break up. so that tv was put in the other room and the other tv exact same brand same size same tele was put in the room and the router was positioned behind that tv it never broke up the digital channels once. point is that it doesnt matter if your boxes or tvs are the same brand some are more prone to interference than other even thermasats from heaters boilers dect phone and electrical wiring with in the house can cause it. my boyfriend has modified a sky zone 2 70 cm dish to fit a motor main reason for this is the dish size for sky uk is only 45 cm the biger your dish the higher the signal so more chance of interference a 70 cm elliptical satellite dish on a motor will perform more like 45 cm when it is arced round a 80 cm or 90 can give you to high of a signal. and this will result in different performances in different ways on different boxes. you also run the risk of damaging your lnb if you use a cheap meter to line dish up you can quite easily move the dish across the signal to fast which will damage the lnb .without a proper meter you will not know if you are moving across the signal to fast which will aslo result in damaged lnb = poor pq. not all boxes will be effected by poor pq from faulty lnb you might get missing channels as tuners are more sensitive than others .

midnight r you quoted this earlier Sounds like you lot find it very difficult to accpet that anyone thinks your precious DM8's are not all that

sorry mate but they all that they seem i for one having payed alot of money for the box would be the first to come on here and say if it wasnt
the dm 8k performs brilliants no problem with recordings not problems with sky white card in box no problems with pq no problems with switching its self on and of no problems with firmware. i recorded 2 live hd matches at the same time yesterday while watching a third hd channels while watching the third channels it never broke up once. i have just played the live matches back today the pq was brilliant and the videos never broke up once how many boxes can say that. i think your comment is unfair and more aimed at trying to upset people with dm8000. considering this box is still in beta all the above is pretty impressive my dmk is even coffe proof i spilt a full cup of coffe it went right throught the vents on top i stripped it cleaned it it still works

12-02-2010, 12:18 AM
have to say the dream 8000 pic quality is very good, i have not noticed any problms at all. :respect-059:

12-02-2010, 09:00 AM
[QUOTE=eme;698608]have to say the dream 8000 pic quality is very good, i have not noticed any problms at all. :respect-059:[/QUOTE hi m8 i noticed that you have a azbox hd from some of your posts which model do you have eme im thinking of buying one for second room would you recomend one over an dm8000 clone.

13-02-2010, 12:22 AM
i dont like clones, they should all stay in star wars, hehe.i do not like cheapo fake copys of something they dont know well. and only want to made a quick buck from, while things like better heat sinks might be in the clone i dont think all other internals may not be as good as orginal, but only time will tell as for problems i have read on the chepo 800 like power supply problemes etc i for one would not touch them with a bardge poll. sooorrry. i do have a drambox, azbox and technomate recivers and have seen the 8000 pic and build and both look very good.:respect-050:

13-02-2010, 12:43 AM
[QUOTE=eme;698608]have to say the dream 8000 pic quality is very good, i have not noticed any problms at all. :respect-059:[/QUOTE hi m8 i noticed that you have a azbox hd from some of your posts which model do you have eme im thinking of buying one for second room would you recomend one over an dm8000 clone.
i have the clone 800 and works perfect,my advice would be to hold off the 8000 clone for now and wait and see if any problems with them happen,my seller in china would not sell me the first batch of 800 as they was having over heating problems thats how much of a good seller he is,he could of taken my money and run but i trust him 100% also had a 500s from him which is a couple of years old now at still going strong

13-02-2010, 02:51 AM
is there a full uk warrenty and replacement if needed ?:respect-050:

13-02-2010, 11:37 AM
no but are you paying £900 for one?

13-02-2010, 11:58 AM
a few hundred quid and no warrenty, people must be stupid or mad to buy one. sorry, also its against the law not to give warrenty for product suppied in uk. thease counter fitters should be taken to task the same as the suppliers in uk.:respect-050::puke:

13-02-2010, 01:01 PM
his come with a 12 month warranty only problem is postage,I have now had my 800 clone for around 7 months with no problems

13-02-2010, 01:29 PM
Have I missed something here? I thought everything electrical must have 12 months warranty and UK dealer would be liable for this, or are these clones sent direct from overseas?

13-02-2010, 02:42 PM
a few hundred quid and no warrenty, people must be stupid or mad to buy one. sorry, also its against the law not to give warrenty for product suppied in uk. thease counter fitters should be taken to task the same as the suppliers in uk.:respect-050::puke:

Responsible clone vendors do honour their warranties, plenty of examples of this are available if you look in the right places. There was an issue with tuners on the DM800 recently, and everyone affected had their tuners replaced without any problems.

The only downside is you have to pay to ship the box to China...

13-02-2010, 02:52 PM
you have to pay to ship the box to China. i bet thats cheap. mind u i could send my broken china cups two, might get them repaired as well.:respect-050: or they can make me some new ones. hehe

13-02-2010, 03:12 PM
i know a fair few from here and also friends have got them from the same company in china

13-02-2010, 06:32 PM
so to weigh everything up into perspective. on the dm800 clone they where not right to begin with so if you had a problem you would have to post it back to china so your without a box for however long that takes and that providing you have bought of a supplier who will honour there warranty.
so whos to know that dm8000 clone will not have problems to begin with judging on the dm800 clone i think not . its not what you would call good buisness sense doesnt look good at all does it. well i suppose if you just want something on the cheap your not bothered but i for one want a box that is reliable both in customer service and support

13-02-2010, 08:54 PM
I pondered for ages on which box to buy after my Technomate. Yes, £850 is alot of loot but the DM8000 is fantastic. If buying a clone you will always wonder if the original is better and if the clone goes haywire you will wonder if its something youve installed or the box. I spent a day putting in a 1TB drive with fan, a DVD drive and extra tuners. It sits there purring and channel change is instant. Even the HD is better compared to my TM6800.

13-02-2010, 09:21 PM
all made in the same country clone and real thing,dont forget warranty with the shop who you got the box from only covers you for 30 days in the uk then it needs sending back to the main company

13-02-2010, 09:43 PM
all made in the same country clone and real thing,dont forget warranty with the shop who you got the box from only covers you for 30 days in the uk then it needs sending back to the main company

Are you sure, warranty should be wilth seller for 12months.

13-02-2010, 09:47 PM
me thinks why some ppl in here do support the clones so much ??
i will gladly pay for a product that is original, as that will also include the support and software development, if the Original did not exist then the copy/clone wold never have been here.

Biside how do you like it if some one steal from you ?? if i come to you,r home, work, and steal something you have spend time and money to make a software, would any one here like that ??
i know for a reason i would be ****ed off and will fight with all means.

but at the end of the day DMM has done this to them self with HIGH PRICES
they have killed the marked or forced the buyers to find other ways to get a box similar to DM boxes, being it clone or by buying another box.
so they have them self to blame here.

13-02-2010, 09:48 PM
all made in the same country clone and real thing,dont forget warranty with the shop who you got the box from only covers you for 30 days in the uk then it needs sending back to the main companyi though dm8000 orignal originates from germany . isnt it a 2 year warranty with dm8000 original mine was. anyway i am sure china will honour thers as theydo have a reputation of being honourable he he. but lets face it mate cloned dm8000s are ethically wrong itsa bunch of crooks cloning a box do you think ther arsed what they put into them hence the dm800 power suppy and it wasnt the makers honouring the warranty it was the sellers. i have to say that i dont thinks the dm8000 origina is a high price look at the panosonic freesat twin tuners with blueray 800 quid wow. one day dm8000 will do blueray i would have payed more for dm8000 so i dont think the dm8000 price justifies cloning. crooks are crooks they dont need a reason mind you some crooks are probably the most honest people you will ever meet ????? honest i openly admit to being as bent as a ten bob note he he but only when it come to pirating channels and playing coppied xbox games still we all have are finger in the pie its so easy to be tempted to save a few quid but i think you should just follow your instincs. if you pay a quid for a pair of shoes they let in water if you pay 50 quid you get to call yourself jesus (walking on water) hence the song all that i knew that the hole in shoe was letting in water he he

13-02-2010, 10:41 PM
uk warrenty is 12 months. not 30 days. the dealers are liabel. checked with cab m8.

13-02-2010, 11:23 PM
thats right m8 the warranty is with the sellers and not the makers

13-02-2010, 11:24 PM
got my son a xbox from woolworths thing broke after 4 weeks woolworths would not replace the console after 30 days need to be sent back to microsoft

14-02-2010, 12:20 AM
got my son a xbox from woolworths thing broke after 4 weeks woolworths would not replace the console after 30 days need to be sent back to microsoftwell woolworths did go bust mate commet are the same after 28 days they go to manufacterer for repair. but at least you go through a uk dealer first and not overseas its upto the dealer to send it overseas not you if bought from uk

14-02-2010, 12:26 AM
got my son a xbox from woolworths thing broke after 4 weeks woolworths would not replace the console after 30 days need to be sent back to microsoft

your contact is with woolworths not microsoft, companies try it on, if u are r not sure ring cab or trading standards and report them. its your right. also dealers are liable over the 12 months and upto a period of six years when a product that is expected to last more than six years dont.

14-02-2010, 12:59 AM
ok lets look at this another way if you are in the import export buisness if you buy electrical products from overseas the duty and shipping is high cost you also run the risk of buying a product that could go faulty. and you as a seller could go bankrupt as it is upto you to honour the warranty. and costs of shipping them to and from. that is why there is no uk dealers for dm8000 clones. dont you thinks that all the people in the import export buisness in the uk thought if there was any money to be made in cloned dm8000 they would be setting up ????? people in buisness have more insight into things like this

14-02-2010, 01:22 AM
but there is sellers with the 800,500,600 so on son clones who have them all ready in the uk carnt say the names on here,only reason there not selling the 8000 as i dont beleave there ready as yet

14-02-2010, 03:19 AM
all i can say is, if you got the money support dm, if your abit short of cash go for a clone, but the headaches come with clones. i want a dm8k but cant afford. i would rather pay for a dm800 original than a dm8000 clone.

14-02-2010, 10:11 AM
Let's face it, in the game we're all in, we're all like minded in our belief that the providers rip us off and we want to get the best available for our money.

So if you can get an 800 for 1/2 price then people are going to go for it. Ok it's called a clone, but how many people had a humax grey import? I've got one in the loft, it's been trouble free for nearly 10 years.

Yeah if you buy a proper DMM, you get guarantee's and you also get excellent customer service. but I think it's wrong to claim the sky will fall in if you buy a clone........It wont

14-02-2010, 11:48 AM
but there is sellers with the 800,500,600 so on son clones who have them all ready in the uk carnt say the names on here,only reason there not selling the 8000 as i dont beleave there ready as yeti carnt find the uk dealers on google your talking about i only found one called *****shop>org and they had no phone number to contact them only email address the only one i can find is in china

14-02-2010, 12:01 PM
pm sent

14-02-2010, 12:30 PM
i carnt find the uk dealers on google your talking about i only found one called *****shop>org and they had no phone number to contact them only email address the only one i can find is in china

pm sent

ok i found uk dealer paul01609 the one you are going on about but still no phone number to contact them on to discuss your concerns you only get a phone number once you have received your order for technical helpline ???????? will that also be the number for returning faulty box the reason they are not listing a phone number is because the number you get when your box arrives is a third party the return form you get with your box will not be theres either. these people do not exist
absolute classic m8 i wouldnt trust them with a barge pole and are they really in the uk ?????? who knows

14-02-2010, 02:27 PM
yes they are i have had a dreambox sim card off them

14-02-2010, 02:36 PM
that could still be a third party

14-02-2010, 02:52 PM
that could still be a third party

you wanted a uk seller but sounds like there is no pleasing you heather

14-02-2010, 03:00 PM
you wanted a uk seller but sounds like there is no pleasing you heather

Just no pleasing some Paul.

14-02-2010, 03:09 PM
you wanted a uk seller but sounds like there is no pleasing you heatherno m8 i didnt want uk seller i have no intrest in buying clone. i am more concerned about other members being pleased all the sellers i have seen of clones for uk do not have a direct sales phone number befor you buy. anyone could have set up these sites. i am however quite pleased that you have given members cause for concern about clones and uk sellers . you also adviced earlier that i wouldnt buy a 8000 clone to begin with just in case
which is good sound advice my argument is not with you m8 but just as you did earlier trying to make members have cause for concern that is all

14-02-2010, 03:26 PM
Just no pleasing some Paul.i have been in buisness with the public for 17 years i for one truly knows the meening of there is no pleasing some people. but when all i have done is try to make people have cause for concern and for you to turn it around and attack my personal integrity is wrong you dont know me and have no right to insinuate that i am a some sought of a bitch

14-02-2010, 03:27 PM
i agree and would like to point out to any one thinking of buying one of the first batch of 8000 from china to hold there horses just incase there is any problems that might crop up,i was lucky i had a good contact in china that would not sell me one of the first 800 due to them having problems so i took his advice and waited till he told me they are safe to buy

14-02-2010, 04:05 PM
i agree and would like to point out to any one thinking of buying one of the first batch of 8000 from china to hold there horses just incase there is any problems that might crop up,i was lucky i had a good contact in china that would not sell me one of the first 800 due to them having problems so i took his advice and waited till he told me they are safe to buywell i have met people who are hard to please and they are not very nice people. well now that you agree do you think i could have an apology

14-02-2010, 04:13 PM
i have nothing to say sorry for,you said you could not find a uk seller selling clones so i pointed you in the direction who i know others have bought theese boxes from,i was agreeing to you that you have to be carful who you buy from i would not recomend any one to buy from a company who i have never paid for items from

14-02-2010, 04:13 PM
for you to turn it around and attack my personal integrity is wrong you dont know me and have no right to insinuate that i am a some sought of a bitch

:bravo-009: Get over it, wasn't a personal dig, just can't please anyone now days. :respect-055:

14-02-2010, 04:15 PM
i carnt find the uk dealers on google your talking about i only found one called *****shop>org and they had no phone number to contact them only email address the only one i can find is in china
this is the post you said you could not find a uk seller

14-02-2010, 04:21 PM
hows your 8000 going jeff?happy with it?

14-02-2010, 04:34 PM
this is the post you said you could not find a uk seller

have you forgot that this is how i started of my quote

ok lets look at this another way if you are in the import export buisness if you buy electrical products from overseas the duty and shipping is high cost you also run the risk of buying a product that could go faulty. and you as a seller could go bankrupt as it is upto you to honour the warranty. and costs of shipping them to and from. that is why there is no uk dealers for dm8000 clones. dont you thinks that all the people in the import export buisness in the uk thought if there was any money to be made in cloned dm8000 they would be setting up ????? people in buisness have more insight into things like this

and you have tryed to prove otherwise that ther is uk sellers i have just pointed out the fact that these people could be anyone and then you say there is no pleasing people. i must say paul great apology

14-02-2010, 04:38 PM
the site i pointed out to you has 2 prices one is if you buy his uk boxes the other is if you want to save money and get him to send it to you direct from him supplyer in china,the reason there not for sale yet in the uk is because there not ready yet.sites are advertising them ready for when they do get stock not that they have stock,what happens if you buy a box from main supplyer in the uk and they go bankrupt?do you think you could send it back to any other company selling the boxes or would you have to send it back to the Manufacture

14-02-2010, 05:04 PM
that is why there is no uk dealers for dm8000 clones. dont you thinks that all the people in the import export buisness in the uk thought if there was any money to be made in cloned dm8000 they would be setting up ????? people in buisness have more insight into things like this

and you have tryed to prove otherwise that ther is uk sellers i have just pointed out the fact that these people could be anyone and then you say there is no pleasing people. i must say paul great apology

Theres no UK DM8000 dealers yet as there isn't a product to sell. find me a DM8000 clone owner????

It's ok these place's saying they have a dm8000 to sell, actually selling it to people is another matter. Some place have been advertising clone 8000 before christmas,

I personally think anyone would be mad to pay £500 for a clone, especially after all the troubles clone dm800 tuners have had.



this place has adverited clone dm8000 £500 for 2 months, ask them to get you one and you haven't a hope in hell at the moment, there also UK based.
Wouldn't touch them with a barge poll myself.

14-02-2010, 05:21 PM
for get it im not even going to waste my time trying any more,i have not said in any of my posts the 8000 clone is ready,you said you could not find a uk seller selling clone dream boxes i have pointed to you who does sell clones i never said they had the 8000 model,there is no 8000 model ready for sale as yet

14-02-2010, 07:01 PM
for get it im not even going to waste my time trying any more,i have not said in any of my posts the 8000 clone is ready,you said you could not find a uk seller selling clone dream boxes i have pointed to you who does sell clones i never said they had the 8000 model,there is no 8000 model ready for sale as yeti dont know what makes you think this

14-02-2010, 07:15 PM
maybe have a read threw my posts lol

14-02-2010, 07:35 PM
maybe have a read threw my posts loli have i guess:iamwithstupid: :dupe:

14-02-2010, 07:37 PM
Dunno about the 8000, but there ARE Uk sellers that sell cloned 800's for less than £200. I know many happy customers and the customer service is live and accessable

I think you need to stop this myth that a 'real' DM800 is completely and utterly unbreakable and if it does break you get a new one right away and that if you buy a clone it will at best work for a day or at worse be a brick in a box.

Clones work and work well, they don't fry eggs and they aren't made by the devil. I know a few people who have bought them and they're extremely happy.

You pay your moneys you take your chances. The End

14-02-2010, 07:38 PM
then please point out where i have said dreambox 8000 are on sale?

14-02-2010, 07:49 PM
no better still can you point out where i have said you have

14-02-2010, 07:51 PM
see you carnt so itt just makes you look stupid now hahahaa

14-02-2010, 07:55 PM
Dunno about the 8000, but there ARE Uk sellers that sell cloned 800's for less than £200. I know many happy customers and the customer service is live and accessable

I think you need to stop this myth that a 'real' DM800 is completely and utterly unbreakable and if it does break you get a new one right away and that if you buy a clone it will at best work for a day or at worse be a brick in a box.

Clones work and work well, they don't fry eggs and they aren't made by the devil. I know a few people who have bought them and they're extremely happy.

You pay your moneys you take your chances. The Endthat is of cause until your warranty runs out and the box dies cheap parts cheap $hite end off

14-02-2010, 08:53 PM
Calm down dear it's only a crone:chinese-bow-005:

14-02-2010, 09:18 PM

Whats the point of your post? Also nice to see you've now edited it..

14-02-2010, 09:48 PM
wow your lossing friends fast guess your a azbox fan lol

14-02-2010, 09:55 PM

Im making this post public

Calm down and get this back on topic, before I jump in with my size nine boots. This isnt the Satpimps way at all.

I strongly suggest you count to 50 before you make the next post. Ive issued you with an infraction there is no need for this type of flaming and egging on. Its going to last for 10 days after that its a brief spell into the wilderness for you.
Ive removed your posts before you ask.

14-02-2010, 10:12 PM
so is any one tempted to buy the clone?or you going to wait and see if any problems turn up first

14-02-2010, 10:28 PM
ok no harm was intended bilybot i was only joking and paul1609 you know im joking to it was just a bit of banter on my part

14-02-2010, 11:01 PM
so is any one tempted to buy the clone?or you going to wait and see if any problems turn up firstys i am going to buy one now and then i will give my honest opinion on the box

14-02-2010, 11:02 PM
no problem from me all i was trying to do was help you with the clones with some advice on waiting to see if any problems arise.i would strongly say dont buy the first batch that comes out just incase

14-02-2010, 11:06 PM
Heather I take nothing to heart written on a satellite forum.

my guess is you're a decent sort anyway;)

14-02-2010, 11:18 PM
Heather I take nothing to heart written on a satellite forum.

my guess is you're a decent sort anyway;)thanks bilybot there was quite a few jokes flying about befor i said that. such as teddy bares out of prams etc which made me laugh i was just trying to be funny myself even with jeffmlover it was just a joke. i accused paul of being personal of which he turned it into a joke so i think paul did not meen anything by it and is of agood sought to. ok thats it. :respect-055:

14-02-2010, 11:50 PM
no problem from me all i was trying to do was help you with the clones with some advice on waiting to see if any problems arise.i would strongly say dont buy the first batch that comes out just incaseno probs paul having run an aerial and satellite company for many years i have been very upset by people in the past who are very hard to please i did take it a bit personaly because that sought of a person is not very nice but i know it was just a figure of speech on your part sorry :respect-050:

14-02-2010, 11:53 PM
sorry i didnt mean to offend we are all here for the same thing a hobby of all of ours

15-02-2010, 12:12 AM
yes and waht a great hobby it is to we all love the buzz and i for one love it.
i have owned a a humax hd200ci for many years with diablo cam and tm9100.
i had a dm800 hd original when they first come out i had to keep pulling the power supply in and out i sold it after 2 weeks of owning it and lost 100,00
i thought i would never buy a dm product ever again. untill the dm8000 hd.
i have let the dm8000 hd origianl go to my head a bit but at the end of the day its just a box. i once owned a dm500c cloned same probs with that power supply in and out ? i have found it a bitter pill to swallow that having payed so much for original dm8000 that you can now buy a clone for 300 quid. i am over that now i am going to buy one and try it and give my honest opinion i need a good place to buy it from one of your good china contacts would be nice if its any good i will will probably give it to a friend or something ??

15-02-2010, 12:41 AM
pm sent!

15-02-2010, 12:43 AM
totaly love my 8000 now had it 4 months and its on 24/7 and has been faultless does every thing i need and never llet me down,its crashed once and i think that was from me pressing the remote buttons really fast apart from that fantastic peace of kit but sadly over priced

15-02-2010, 08:40 PM
Unless you can seriously afford to blow £500 i would stay well away from the dm8000 clone until they have it spot on without any problems at all.

I've read to many horror storys on the DM800 clones and faulty tuners , heat problems and other problems. Also most china sellers having shocking CS, not saying all Paul just many i've read about mate. I wouldn't dream of waisting £500 yet until i knew it was spot on. My DM800 clone is excellent, but many who brought from the same buyer are stuck with faulty tuners, the seller changing there Paypal detail also so buyer can't even claimback £.

Spend the £900 on an original, well worth it i have one.:respect-067:

Edit, i can now feel the love on this thread......:cheers2:

15-02-2010, 10:09 PM
couldnt agree more if you can afford the realdeal get it no problems then with up dates