View Full Version : Help please with Spiderbox Gift channels

26-01-2010, 10:42 PM
I had JSC and Nova etc working earlier and now they are not.

I have gift connected and also latest Darkman patch. I am still slightly confused with this Gift carry on!!

Should i have the patch installed as well as the gift active? Are the 2 conflicting??

Why am i not getting any of the channels that i was getting, JSC, Nova etc...... Darkman, anyone???:confused:

terry l
28-01-2010, 03:06 PM
Have you checked your network connection in network menu?.. have you tried rebooting your spider?...A little bit more information and i'm sure someone can sort you out m8!!..

28-01-2010, 09:07 PM
Thanks for reply

Yes i am now getting Nova channels, but not JSC or others. Have restarted spiderbox and network numerous times.

Read on another forum where someone is posting that they have been advise to ...... "Menu, accesories, Key Edit and turn all uas on"

he is having same problem as me though as Key Edit or Turn UAS on doesnt appear in any of my menus

Anyone know how to do this as i think this may be the problem?

28-01-2010, 09:20 PM
Bring up the menu on screen. Scroll to where Network is. Scroll down to Network.Point remote control at box and punch 1111. This brings you to the settings Key edit and ucas on or off. Good luck. Remember there is a dedicated forum for this box.TMULL

28-01-2010, 11:04 PM
cheers for that, will try when i get home.

Also will check out other forum as you say, if same one im thinking off though there were problems with registering etc but fine now i think

Thanks for the help