View Full Version : azbox broke my heart now its gone!

28-01-2010, 11:29 AM
hi all

just thought i would say a big thank you and goodbye to everyone here who have helped me through the heartache that was my azbox:nopity:. i sold it last night and purchased a vu+ duo hd :cup-006:which i must say for a box that is only out 5 weeks has alredy surpassed all developments attempted by opensat in last year and have a fully working cs twintuner not just a box of promises! but anyway my days of bashing opensat are over thankfully and i was tired of the repetitive mistakes and broken promises and hopes been dashed by opensat that dog all azbox owners.
anyway going off point again - just thanks guys and who knows may see some of you on satpimps vu+ board

28-01-2010, 11:35 AM
Well good luck with Vu m8.Soon i will replace my azbox also but with an htpc that will be my main entairtenment unit.no agony again about satellite receivers :cup-006:
my azbox will be just a device to stream to my hava :)

28-01-2010, 11:58 AM
Chris, how nice of you to say goodbye. I am with you and a lot will follow. VU+ is the box, which the azbox wanted to be. The latest FW with fan on/off was the last push. In conclusion: bought my azbox juni 2009, waited till februari 2010 for a decent FW. All I wanted was full CCcam integrated (and stable) and HD media content playing proper. I will meet you soon on the VU+ side of this great forum. I'll leave the dark side.

28-01-2010, 12:08 PM
for us iggos, can u tell me what a vu box is, what the proper:-/full name is ,and approx cost, thanks

28-01-2010, 12:15 PM
thanks crappy im with you there - last fw was a joke and like that i was waiting for decent ccam server or multicas server but still no joy even though multicas had improved a lot. other main issue was epg and lack of!!
dracirk the full name is vu+ duo twin tuner. it has twin tuner capable of recording an encrypted channel and watching a different channel (on any transponder!) at same time. also full ccam server and client - not a ported half ass version. running enigma 2 and capable of taking nearly all dm 8000 plugins (including 7 day epg plugin) and images. also pli are now working on images for it - their fist step away from dm. all in all its a dm 8000 for half the price with exception it has two sat tuners instead of 4 like dm8000.ps cost is average 419 although there is a supplier doing it for 399. sold out accross europe though as is really taking forums over by storm! anyway i should be on different section of forum than this sorry for ranting there but hope it answers your questions mate

28-01-2010, 12:42 PM
goodbye guys....

you are not the only ones on the line though...
i ve heard that many people are selling their az and going for a vu...

it s obviously the near end of azbox coz
much less posts and views in the forum......
people got tired...
vu+ got released, which seems a much better box at a reasonable price....

I had high hopes on this box....
and i was a warm supporter when people were bashing it....
you can confirm that by reading older posts of mine...

i knew opensat have chosen the hard way to follow,
you see, building something completely new and revolutionary is very hard and takes some time....
i kinda liked the idea of this big challenge and i was ready and patient watching this box grow.....

but the last 7 months i haven t seen any real development...
this box is almost the same as when i bought it...

I didnt expect miracles from this box
i just wanted a stable TV module
and a stable media box
nothing else,
if i had those by now, i wouldn t loose hope
and i would have the patience to wait for further improvements....
but,nothing happened

these developers are doing NOTHING...
except turning the fan on and off back and forth maybe....:)

you are given a nice piece of hardware and you are just wasting it....
just go home watch some tv, play some call of duty on ps3 and leave some REAL developers do the job....

but it s too late now....
you ve lost the game without even playing....

28-01-2010, 01:40 PM
Well done friend, you have gained in health, everyone should do the same, stop giving any support to these people dogs

AZBox is rubbish, scrap, serves neither to heat the room

28-01-2010, 01:57 PM

I will get my VU+ next week hopefully. When arrived, Azbox has 14 days time for convincing me sending VU+ back to dealer. Otherwise, Azbox will see portuguese cemetery :-(


28-01-2010, 02:15 PM
I will too be dumping the Azbox in favour of the VU+ and personally hope that every person that bought the Spazbox does the same.
I hope OpenShat pay the price for what they have done.

28-01-2010, 02:16 PM
mines joining yours and its going up for sale i got the dreambox 8000 which is the mutts nuts,if i had of known about this new box i would of held off getting the 8000 but i must say it does every thing i need including making my wallet a lot lighter but im happy whith what i have now a box that works

28-01-2010, 02:22 PM
Wait wait this topic is not good for the prizes of second hand azbox :-)

Well, I decided not to sell, because I don't like to give other people my misery.

I also want to thank Goran for his support and effort.
Also would like to give a warning to people who said in early stages the final FW would come soon (since august I think). They all said they had very trustworthy people close to opensat. Don't give people false hope!

I watched this forum when I bought the box! It has great influence on (smart?) buyers; never forget that.

28-01-2010, 02:52 PM
lol true. sorry for bringing your prices down but had to let mine go for lot less than i bought it but any money for them at mo is better than what it will be worth soon.
also i would like to say thanks to goran - he helped me through some sticky moments with this box.
personally i think opensat will feel it in their pockets look around at any online sat shops and see no probs with azbox premium + in terms of stock and they are listed last in most cases in lists. word is on every forum about vu+ hence stock levels and backorders and for every forum i have read on vu - there is an azbox owner slating their box and taking the plunge. it is a real shame because i liked the look of the azbox and all it promised but hey thats history now. thanks again guys and goran big thanks

28-01-2010, 04:09 PM
hi all

just thought i would say a big thank you and goodbye to everyone here who have helped me through the heartache that was my azbox:nopity:. i sold it last night and purchased a vu+ duo hd :cup-006:which i must say for a box that is only out 5 weeks has alredy surpassed all developments attempted by opensat in last year and have a fully working cs twintuner not just a box of promises! but anyway my days of bashing opensat are over thankfully and i was tired of the repetitive mistakes and broken promises and hopes been dashed by opensat that dog all azbox owners.
anyway going off point again - just thanks guys and who knows may see some of you on satpimps vu+ board

lol true. sorry for bringing your prices down but had to let mine go for lot less than i bought it but any money for them at mo is better than what it will be worth soon.
also i would like to say thanks to goran - he helped me through some sticky moments with this box.
personally i think opensat will feel it in their pockets look around at any online sat shops and see no probs with azbox premium + in terms of stock and they are listed last in most cases in lists. word is on every forum about vu+ hence stock levels and backorders and for every forum i have read on vu - there is an azbox owner slating their box and taking the plunge. it is a real shame because i liked the look of the azbox and all it promised but hey thats history now. thanks again guys and goran big thanks

we, the community, who work on this, the brands we support, and we help, we are to move all together with the end customers.

if we and you say NO, this company'll leave Europe with his tail between his legs.

I do not expect less.

bye bye AZCrash

28-01-2010, 04:12 PM
dont expect anything more from opensat so my box will sit there just only to stream through hava.so no more worries if new fw will be released or anything else .had a lot of patience but it faded out.will use it another week until my htpc arrives and then..........................

anybody interested to buy my azbox ? :bowing-036:

28-01-2010, 04:25 PM
Hahaha Opensat. Nothing less than you deserve. I am also going for Vu+ Duo. Big Thanks for respectful people like Goran.

28-01-2010, 04:25 PM
Thanx, guys! Appreciated! Some of us tried helping as much as possible - but at some point one has to let go...

I feel the same way. And I am watching the developments closely, too. Not just Vu+ Duo!

The irony of it all may well happen if Mower/The_Ripper writes a much better DVB API and removes OpenXCAS and makes it possible for CCcam and GBox and so on to function on AZ HD and thereby increase the stability and speed of it all. Maybe even write a new and much better [W]LAN driver and so on?

But it will be too late for so many and OS/Celrun/Sigma will have no one to blame but themselves! The price for their [non] decisions, bad and/or late choices is to be paid, it seems...

Good luck to us!

28-01-2010, 04:32 PM
the problem is with that as in everyting people have is " IF / MAYBE / I HEARD THAT/ SOURCES SAY " but the truth is well over a year on no delivery on promises after promises - take daily fw beta which was changed to weekly fw beta which still is a lie as does not happen. and when they eventually release one its that you can turn a fan off or on! joke of a company!! would not be toloerated off any other company!

28-01-2010, 04:38 PM
unfortunately i cant afford to change, if i could, i would also be jumping on the VU+ Duo or DM800 bandwagons.

So, i'll be hanging around on the AZbox forum for a while yet and testing new loads etc, and waiting for the day when i can use an EPG to record a HD programme on a network drive. Not much to ask.

28-01-2010, 04:41 PM
unfortunately i cant afford to change, if i could, i would also be jumping on the VU+ Duo or DM800 bandwagons.

So, i'll be hanging around on the AZbox forum for a while yet and testing new loads etc, and waiting for the day when i can use an EPG to record a HD programme on a network drive. Not much to ask.

sell it off m8 and get a 800 clone

28-01-2010, 04:45 PM
does the vu + have wifi capabilities and 1080p ?:respect-056:

28-01-2010, 04:46 PM
i am with you guys just put my azbox on fl**** and orderd a vu+duo.thanks to all who helped with the az. i think we all gave opensat enough time to do something proper but they never did. and the last firmware was like a pathetic joke.vu+duo is good for the competition for hd receiver.......thanks

28-01-2010, 05:12 PM
guys, i was smart and i sold this box months for good price.
Now i have vu+duo which is ALOT better in sat department than azbox. Multimedia is weak BUT i have xtreamer for multimedia. And xtreamer is better than azbox :))

I hope vu+ duo community will get bigger so we can exchange useful info.
Firmware is coming out every few days, yesterday they fixed DVB subtitles. Subs still dont work on all channels but iam sure they will fix this.

Welcome aboard ;)

28-01-2010, 05:22 PM
Unfortunately for all of us , SIGMA sucks with their support ...

28-01-2010, 05:46 PM
My story I give up, Never had the box swiched on since about november untill last night when i saw a feed from the net to watch the newcastle game on telecom 8 west in 4.2.2 and it worked fine,

Dont know when I will try it again perhaps the next feed

I still like my humax 5400 and my 2 dreamboxes.


28-01-2010, 06:23 PM
Looks like I'm in for a slating in this thread then http://www.focusstoc.com/forums/style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif

I'm quite happy with this box thus far, to say a "satellite receiver broke your heart"....hmmmm http://www.focusstoc.com/forums/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif

It was the same price as my Echostar 2600 10 years ago & there's no comparison TBH.

I think the problem is everyone expects a DM8000 for a third of the price & then get frustrated when it aint!!

Just my 2p worth...heads for cover http://www.focusstoc.com/forums/style_emoticons/default/P.gif

28-01-2010, 06:27 PM
Nothing wrong with the Azbox, it's just the people using it. :p

My Azbox HD works fine, so I won't be downgrading to a V+ Duo just yet. :D

28-01-2010, 06:28 PM
Unfortunately for all of us , SIGMA sucks with their support ...

Well, The_Ripper, whose fault is the misery, we are experiencing for now?

Is it the fault of SIGMA? Or is it the fault of OPENSAT using SIGMA-Chip in their receiver? Couldn't OS know that support sucks as you say??

I know, that, if all sources would be available, this box would be/get unbeatable (=the dream of HUGO, that we all shared...).


28-01-2010, 06:34 PM
Looks like I'm in for a slating in this thread then http://www.focusstoc.com/forums/style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif

I'm quite happy with this box thus far, to say a "satellite receiver broke your heart"....hmmmm http://www.focusstoc.com/forums/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif

It was the same price as my Echostar 2600 10 years ago & there's no comparison TBH.

I think the problem is everyone expects a DM8000 for a third of the price & then get frustrated when it aint!!

Just my 2p worth...heads for cover http://www.focusstoc.com/forums/style_emoticons/default/P.gif

Not true!

People "just" want a satellite receiver that performs all features promised by manufacturer, regardless the price...


28-01-2010, 06:35 PM
Nothing wrong with the Azbox, it's just the people using it. :p

My Azbox HD works fine, so I won't be downgrading to a V+ Duo just yet. :D

So you don't need any firmware upgrades anymore?? :D


28-01-2010, 06:51 PM
Azbox is terrible

those who constantly defend it are deluded!


28-01-2010, 06:52 PM
No, xanadu won't touch with a barge-pole when The_Ripper writes a new DVB API and no need for OpenXCAS becomes reality, making it all faster and more stable and we get a new, stable and faster FW + all the plugins from MIPS development so far become usable on AZ HD... :rolleyes:

Dontcha just luv his attitude... :D

@The_Ripper: I just dread to think that it would be way too late for sooooo many, as you can see from this thread... Can you give us any idea as to how far you managed to go in this endeavour of yours, we are so eagerly awaiting, please?

28-01-2010, 07:09 PM
Azbox is terrible

those who constantly defend it are deluded!


Not terrible at all...

My only wish is to get the 7-day EPG back that we had working in previous versions.

Some other minor issues like some 1080p movies don't play properly and network speed is a bit slow, need fixing but they don't stop my enjoyment of the Azbox.

I really don't see anything better at the moment for the same price that has plugin tuners.

28-01-2010, 07:15 PM
I enjoy my azbox it does what I need it to , which is too watch tv and the odd avi/mkv which it does no problem, I must admit I was tempted with the V+ Duo, but I want the features that the azbox has,

and with the support of people like the_ripper I'm sure things will become even better

just need some clever coder to write a 7day epg plugin as thats the only let down for me

28-01-2010, 07:24 PM
With an EPG for 28.2 I would be happy.

The new API interface would be a bonus.

28-01-2010, 07:26 PM

I am waiting info(s) from OPENSAT, OPENSAT is waiting info(s) from SIGMA, so we are all on waiting ... :smash:

28-01-2010, 07:27 PM
I loved the Azbox when I first had it last April, Everyones help in this forum, especially the coders and Goran, helped me through the times when we thought that it had lots of potential. Now it sits next to my crappy dm500s, but even that is better as a media player and satellite receiver, I wish it was'nt too!!!. My whole interest in the Azbox is now waning to the point of boardom, I'll keep it, hoping for some miraculous cure, but I now cant see anyway that it could ever perform as good as all the lies and false promises made by Opensat, Celrun or Sigma.

:beatdeadhorse5::beatdeadhorse5:: beatdeadhorse5::beatdeadhorse5:

RIP Openshat

28-01-2010, 07:28 PM
Ripper, I was afraid you will have to tell us this, sadly...

Oh, well... Good luck to us all!

28-01-2010, 07:32 PM
Not sure why plugin tuners are that important especially when you can only use 1 at a time.

only 1 good point!
Excellent media player

But the value of this box is dropping rapidly.

Best advice is to sell now before they are worth peanuts!

People like the ripper and goran etc..
Have done all they can do for this box!

28-01-2010, 07:33 PM
hi all

just thought i would say a big thank you and goodbye to everyone here who have helped me through the heartache that was my azbox:nopity:. i sold it last night and purchased a vu+ duo hd :cup-006:which i must say for a box that is only out 5 weeks has alredy surpassed all developments attempted by opensat in last year and have a fully working cs twintuner not just a box of promises! but anyway my days of bashing opensat are over thankfully and i was tired of the repetitive mistakes and broken promises and hopes been dashed by opensat that dog all azbox owners.
anyway going off point again - just thanks guys and who knows may see some of you on satpimps vu+ board

Welcome to the "Dmm Copy's and Clones" Club !

You will not regret your Money


28-01-2010, 07:36 PM
eaglebox darkbox spiderbox azbox and now this vu+

Did you guys buy all this boxes !!! must have cost you a fortune...one after the others what will be out and better after vu+

28-01-2010, 07:42 PM
DM8000 clones will probably be the biggest thing to arrive later this year?

28-01-2010, 08:09 PM
All people defending Azbox here are RIGHT! It is a great box!

Why waiting anymore? Isn't it better observing? I mean, this is the reason why I ordered a VU+ DUO: If it convinces me I will sell Azbox. Should Azbox become really THE PERFECT BOX with all promised features become true and a new API instead of OpenXCAS, fast and stable as Dreamboxes and other boxes (i.e. new Fortis receivers), then, why not buy one again?


28-01-2010, 08:14 PM
eaglebox darkbox spiderbox azbox and now this vu+

Did you guys buy all this boxes !!! must have cost you a fortune...one after the others what will be out and better after vu+

I've been thinking the same , do those people have a bank of their own.:smash::sifone:

28-01-2010, 08:27 PM
No, xanadu won't touch with a barge-pole when The_Ripper writes a new DVB API and no need for OpenXCAS becomes reality, making it all faster and more stable and we get a new, stable and faster FW + all the plugins from MIPS development so far become usable on AZ HD... :rolleyes:

Goran m8,
can you explain to us how the removal of openxcas will make the box faster and more stable?
I take it that without openxcas, plugins and emus will run natively and we ll have a faster and stable CS, and more plugins...

But how will it affect the overall performance of the box i can t see it.

The only one that can save this box is the ripper but no one is giving him the tools to do so....

28-01-2010, 09:05 PM
not too happy with my az infact bought the tm6900,only good point was 4.2.2,does the vu+ have 4.2.2 capabilities

28-01-2010, 09:11 PM
actually I'm collecting money for dm8000. and if there will be no major changes in azbox fw development -- enough is enough.. with all of respect to azbox I will change this thread to dreambox. I can realize that these guys can't make a good sw development team. That happens sometimes cause lack of management or other reasons.. For family business azbox was a quite nice idea.. I'm working in related business (isp) and we had such experience with partner-companies which were very good at start but the level of support was terrible. All their equipment ended up in trashcan eventually and we switched to well-known boxes like cisco and juniper. The only way to revive azbox project is to make it open-source. As far as it is impossible one can draw an unfavourable conclusion.

28-01-2010, 09:25 PM
i have few words only to say
there are even wors bo*** out there :-)
if you do not need twin tuner and fancy plugins then Azbox HD is an OK box for the price you pay, compare the same price with other boxes and you will see what i mean.

pay atenttion next time to what you buy, and pay atenttion to PPL that make to much noise about a box or 2 , as it can be a sales trap , some SALES PPL that have been here have not been here to say much, they have vannished from here one ftaer one.

VO DUO+ is reminding me much the same as AzBoz did when it first come out, i hope to be wrong and i realy wish that but i smell a rotten fish here to :-)

I have not got my box yet and im ****ed off, but that is how you pay for buying things abroad all the time :-) some times the costums are just stupid ppl

28-01-2010, 10:24 PM
8000 clone is out in the next 2 months so my contact in china says,also said beaware of others advertising them now now as there not ready,i also asked him the price what they will cost but he did not know,i think it will be over priced for a clone like the 800 was,when the 800 first came out it was only around £100 cheaper that then real thing so espect the 8000 to be alot i would of thought

28-01-2010, 10:55 PM
Goran m8,
can you explain to us how the removal of openxcas will make the box faster and more stable?
I take it that without openxcas, plugins and emus will run natively and we ll have a faster and stable CS, and more plugins...

But how will it affect the overall performance of the box i can t see it.

The only one that can save this box is the ripper but no one is giving him the tools to do so....

M8, I am from Humanities, a hobbyist, not an IT person: I have no clue about cryptography, hacking, coding etc. I do know a bit about the principles of it, from a few years in the hobby but I never went in-depth, as one needs a lot of compatible training to be able to do it...

What I picked up is that OpenXCAS is yet another extra [and unnecessary] layer, so the same "plugin" [say, NewCS] is some 2-3 times slower than in DB, for instance, as it has to go through needlessly complex OpenXCAS, which isn't straight-forward in itself...

For it to disappear, I understand, we need a properly written new DVB API. But you heard The_Ripper - waiting... And that is a downing situation, one has to say!

But we also need better streaming [both ways in all Windows versions] and faster net connection etc.

Ehhhh.... Hope dies last, they say... But...

We may see that with other boxes...

Whomever has the money...

29-01-2010, 07:07 AM

I am waiting info(s) from OPENSAT, OPENSAT is waiting info(s) from SIGMA, so we are all on waiting ... :smash:

If you don't go open source you die.

If you want true open source then look at the SH4 open duckbox project.

If Opensat (or the people that are owning it now) sends it"s money to Korea then they are really dumb.

You can't deliver a good hardware without the software that supports it.

The costumer only sees the interface and the software.

29-01-2010, 08:17 AM

I am waiting info(s) from OPENSAT, OPENSAT is waiting info(s) from SIGMA, so we are all on waiting ... :smash:
At the moment the solution is: we don't buy device from OPENSAT, so OPENSAT don't buy device from SIGMA...

Thanks The_Ripper for your effort, but I think is hard to work in this way...

29-01-2010, 10:55 AM
This is called daily update **tp://www.pli-images.org/modules/file_downloads/file_downloads.php?fd_id=1&dir=/vuduo :respect-046:

29-01-2010, 11:17 AM

I am not employed in OPENSAT, so I cant do anything. Send that message to OPENSAT email ...

29-01-2010, 11:49 AM
That would be a very good idea, if they were of the listening disposition...

Sadly, the last time we went there with similar requests for open-ness, it all fell on deaf ears, so all this seems more and more futile and hopeless...

And I mean it when I say "sadly".... but that's how they [OS/Celrun/Sigma] are... A bad combination... sadly!

29-01-2010, 12:01 PM
That would be a very good idea, if they were of the listening disposition...

Sadly, the last time we went there with similar requests for open-ness, it all fell on deaf ears, so all this seems more and more futile and hopeless...

And I mean it when I say "sadly".... but that's how they [OS/Celrun/Sigma] are... A bad combination... sadly!

True! Maybe they would erase the Email like some (critical) threads/posts in official forum :o10:


29-01-2010, 12:47 PM
There is a DVB-API project on the PHC... But I would guess the big problem is communicating directly to the Sigma hardware routines (CSA, demux, etc.)


29-01-2010, 01:00 PM
This one?


29-01-2010, 01:04 PM
But I would guess the big problem is communicating directly to the Sigma hardware routines (CSA, demux, etc.)

That's true.

29-01-2010, 01:42 PM
I enjoy my azbox it does what I need it to , which is too watch tv and the odd avi/mkv which it does no problem, I must admit I was tempted with the V+ Duo, but I want the features that the azbox has,

and with the support of people like the_ripper I'm sure things will become even better

just need some clever coder to write a 7day epg plugin as thats the only let down for me

has done and is doing a perfect job, but I think that just can not do everything, you need more help to finish other parts of the code, OPENSAT should hire more programmers and better, many more, and to separate the parts of the code, which each can work independently of others, as they will not because I'm not inside, but if I see the firm as a programmer and I am, is where are the gaps., maybe I'm wrong ...?

29-01-2010, 01:52 PM
Welcome to the "Dmm Copy's and Clones" Club !

You will not regret your Money


I see it too, carrying a broadcom of heart, you go big in the largest community of European satellite, you get in the car in a big way, and the community supports you if you have a good price.

use broadcom heart is right now, sure success.

AZ will have to leave Europe with his tail between his legs, but please, Take away all your junk with you, not want.

As colleagues say, has reached the limit of the device if not release more information about each other, and always pay the same, the users, we feed them, who have committed the very great mistake to speak well, thanks AZ for leaving so clear, we have already understood, there is no need to compile a new firm with 1 icon changed color, we have understood them. I imported a big ****.

30-01-2010, 02:40 AM
I've been thinking the same , do those people have a bank of their own.:smash::sifone:

Yeah it's called Satpimps Bank and every member gets free receivers for life.

Haha..it's funny reading all posts how personal some people are towards their receivers, i can understand this because many times you get such hate that you do anything to get rid of the box.

30-01-2010, 10:52 AM
OK, read two Sites with some nice and some wrong Infos, some Enthusiasts as we have in the beginning of AZ and some incorrigible Guys :)
VU+ is NOT a Clone! For sure not, it has his own Driver and uses E2 as it is Open Source.
It uses a quiet old E2 so most new Plugins for E2 NOT working!
No Pip hardware (and so of course NEVER working!)
no DTS
No Blindscan hardware

But for Guys which dont need this Things, its a very good Box, really good working in stream,record,Cams(not all because here we see, no Clone, Oscam dont like the Cardreaderdriver so much, a lot is NOT working), and of course some good Plugins from E2 are running, but these are build on a open source, so what?
Ive seen no Plugins which is written specially for VU+, but also Ive not seen that the Author is not named, so all OK for now.
Dont forget, this Box is there for some weeks!
We see four Beta Firmwares are supported, some good, some less good, we will se in Future if they made the Way out for a good Support.
Also we dont know Marusys, this is a bought support, maybe a Onemanshow for VU+ as long they where paid, so pay attention!
We all couldnt know and see in Future, but with VU+ there is a working basic, and thats the big Point against an AZHD

My Vu+, I have installed, some Problems sorted and its running since this Day without any Error or reboot, its working.
It makes the Job, record, stream to more then two PCs all the Days, all Cams I need are working(Oscam on Smargo so I can use all Versions)
I can play my Films from PC without Problems, also from internal HDD and I dont need more ;)

Of course there are some Points I would like to see fixed, but its CRAP against the Bugs I will see fixed on AZHD.

I have already both Boxes and I wont sell my AZHD because my Hope is still there for this STB
But Hope is small, very small, Box is out of Order since 14 Days, a lot of Dust is on it because not used ;)
and I dont miss anything from this Box since today.
So its now there, for to clean when I have some gusto for to do but not for to run.
So I save my Nerves and use VU+ :)

last word at the End, beware to compare this VU+ with DMM 8000, there are a lot of Difference between. A Dmm8k is an 8k and Miles away from VU+
Its an own Box, nothing to compare needed, and if Support is a good one in future, it will make his Way, alone.
But if we get a support like Kathrein it will die, another symbolic Star is gone then fast.

And last, we have more then one Image here, anyone, can build his own Images, it quiet easy, and thats a Point I will never miss again!

30-01-2010, 11:34 AM
nice comments shame about the dts and specially the blindscan but what about the 4.2.2

30-01-2010, 11:46 AM
No 4.2.2 on VU+ and it will not come

30-01-2010, 12:01 PM
VU+ also has it's limiations and bugs. As I read in it's forums. It's media player is not that good either. And no WIFI. No youtube, no browser etc. Whatever is Azbox in current state, it's still better than VU+ in my opinion. VU+ may get better in future but right now if comparing both, azbox wins convincingly

30-01-2010, 12:18 PM
youtube no need, but there is a Plugin, and ... working
Wifi is still working, but NP because beta .. comes shortly
Mediaplayer is same as on DMM, so Movieplayer or other taking and ... working
and Browser, lol , REALLY NO NEED, I have so much PCs and I dont need a Browser on an STB ;) also the Browser on AZ is a Joke, but no browser ;)

30-01-2010, 12:33 PM
VU+ also has it's limiations and bugs. As I read in it's forums. It's media player is not that good either. And no WIFI. No youtube, no browser etc. Whatever is Azbox in current state, it's still better than VU+ in my opinion. VU+ may get better in future but right now if comparing both, azbox wins convincingly

cmon, vu+ is SAT receiver and doesnt need youtube, browser (lol). You have PC for that.

If you need only SAT receiver with basic mediaplayer than VU+ is better at current state. And its open source, AZ isnt.
And its only a few weeks old. AZ is out for more that a year and what happened? Not much...
I have xtreamer for media files and xtreamer is better than AZ ;)
It also has youtube but i dont use it as its easier to use it on PC.

30-01-2010, 12:33 PM
How is the DM mediaplayer compared to the AZbox?

The mediaplayer is quite important to me because I plan to throw out my old one ( to many boxes for my wife).

30-01-2010, 01:51 PM
I bought the Dune HD Base 3.0 mediaplayer which is the top player on the market right now, then i have the IPBOX 9000HD as a satellite receiver, that combo works for me right now.

As you said, the mediaplayer is more important to me than the sat box.

Problem with all these satbox makers is that they try too much and then fail totally, why not concentrate in doing what it's supposed to do good, sattv reception.

30-01-2010, 02:05 PM
Think once the VU+ has a bit more development i will definitely move over.

Azbox is **** - really regret purchasing one. Specially as i've lost the box for it so i can't sell it either now!

VU+ looks decent.

30-01-2010, 02:08 PM
They only need to fix cccam hanging issues (cccam works perfect with 29.12.2009 image, interesting) and DVB subtitles which dont work on all channels yet. When they fix this, receiver will be perfect - for me.

30-01-2010, 02:18 PM
They only need to fix cccam hanging issues (cccam works perfect with 29.12.2009 image, interesting) and DVB subtitles which dont work on all channels yet. When they fix this, receiver will be perfect - for me.

Yeah i agree if cccam was 100%, i think it would be a brilliant box.

What image is the 29.12.2009?

30-01-2010, 03:30 PM
Actually I have to admit I also have been looking at the vu+ stb, and have to say, it looks noce, although build-quality is quite poor.
Then, discussing it with my wife/boss whe tells me 'Why, what's wrong with the AZBox, it works perfectly fine'. And actually, she has an argument there. I watch my TV shows, do some recording and timeshifting, play music from the harddisk, play movies SD & HD from the harddisk, and apart from some movies with drops in DTS, we have had no problems whatsoever. The new MultiCAS runs reasonably stable, stable enough for my wife anyway...

So I have to say, why sell the AZBox and spend an additional 200 euros on the VU+ when this all works... She has a point there...

30-01-2010, 03:30 PM
CCcam IS perfect (for me) cause I dont use any Key****.
And without using this it works fine(also on Thor )
But this Cam is NOT my Basic, I use Mbox because this is working like a Charme on this Box (out of support, yes, but not needed for now)

30-01-2010, 03:34 PM
Actually I have to admit I also have been looking at the vu+ stb, and have to say, it looks noce, although build-quality is quite poor.
Then, discussing it with my wife/boss whe tells me 'Why, what's wrong with the AZBox, it works perfectly fine'. And actually, she has an argument there. I watch my TV shows, do some recording and timeshifting, play music from the harddisk, play movies SD & HD from the harddisk, and apart from some movies with drops in DTS, we have had no problems whatsoever. The new MultiCAS runs reasonably stable, stable enough for my wife anyway...

So I have to say, why sell the AZBox and spend an additional 200 euros on the VU+ when this all works... She has a point there...
you still knows the Buglist, longer then a Role of Toilet Paper and you say, Box is perfect?
Only to say the very lame Gui, do you really like to switch anything with it?
The freezing all the time equal which cam, its terrible.
I saw not any freeze on VU+ ever!
AZHD is freezing up to showing decrypted and come then back, this is OK for you?
You made a record, all is showing fine and when you will play it, there stands not supported or you have a zero Byte File, thats fine?
I can spend you a lot more of Examples, like streaming to PC, autorebootfeature and so on

30-01-2010, 04:54 PM
Actually I have to admit I also have been looking at the vu+ stb, and have to say, it looks noce, although build-quality is quite poor.
Then, discussing it with my wife/boss whe tells me 'Why, what's wrong with the AZBox, it works perfectly fine'. And actually, she has an argument there. I watch my TV shows, do some recording and timeshifting, play music from the harddisk, play movies SD & HD from the harddisk, and apart from some movies with drops in DTS, we have had no problems whatsoever. The new MultiCAS runs reasonably stable, stable enough for my wife anyway...

So I have to say, why sell the AZBox and spend an additional 200 euros on the VU+ when this all works... She has a point there...

build quality is poor? How can you say that. I had azbox and now vu+ and build quality is the same. BUT i need to say that my first azbox arrived with dead tuner. ;)
I remember last summer when i got azbox. I had bunch of problems, and only mbox runned well on it. Eventually i sold it.

Also 29.12 image is from VTI image. I cant find original image from that time...

30-01-2010, 10:29 PM
you still knows the Buglist, longer then a Role of Toilet Paper and you say, Box is perfect?
Only to say the very lame Gui, do you really like to switch anything with it?
The freezing all the time equal which cam, its terrible.
I saw not any freeze on VU+ ever!
AZHD is freezing up to showing decrypted and come then back, this is OK for you?
You made a record, all is showing fine and when you will play it, there stands not supported or you have a zero Byte File, thats fine?
I can spend you a lot more of Examples, like streaming to PC, autorebootfeature and so on

First of all, I have never said the box is perfect. It's just working fine for what I do with it. (TV, CS, Movies, Music, recording)

I don't have the issues with freezing and recording you describe, neither with the box rebooting, as I mentioned you before. How the hell would my wife accept a box with that kind of problems.

For my purposes, the box works flawless, except for:

- dropouts when playing a DTS movie (I convert these now to ac3, so no problem for me)
- it happened twice that my channel-list was suddenly ordered alfabetically, needed to reload the list to get the correct order

Watching TV, timeshifting and recordings work perfectly fine for me, as well as playing movies and music.

These are my personal experiences, on MY box, with MY configuration, and should for NO REASON resemble your experiences.

31-01-2010, 06:06 AM
First of all, I have never said the box is perfect. It's just working fine for what I do with it. (TV, CS, Movies, Music, recording)

I don't have the issues with freezing and recording you describe, neither with the box rebooting, as I mentioned you before. How the hell would my wife accept a box with that kind of problems.

For my purposes, the box works flawless, except for:

- dropouts when playing a DTS movie (I convert these now to ac3, so no problem for me)
- it happened twice that my channel-list was suddenly ordered alfabetically, needed to reload the list to get the correct order

Watching TV, timeshifting and recordings work perfectly fine for me, as well as playing movies and music.

These are my personal experiences, on MY box, with MY configuration, and should for NO REASON resemble your experiences.

You stole my words. My experience of azbox is positive just like yours. It's doing everything perfectly for me.

31-01-2010, 07:25 AM
Finaly some positive words on this box in here. You seem to have the same needs as I. I don't wan't to play around, just watch TV and some movies and recording them.

My concerns are regarding the EPG guide and the that it don't seem to handle the two tuners as a real twin tuner (premium +).

What I've read is that you have to set up two channel lists and switch between them in order to reccord one program and watch another. Is this correct understood?

31-01-2010, 01:06 PM
No and no.

They lied to us about "twin tuner" function, having been told it is possible by the chip manufacturer. But then they turned around and having tried for a long time and having told us so in no uncertain terms - suddenly they claimed they never claimed any such thing, only "combo"... And THAT was a serious insult to our intelligence, a great display of irresponsibility, immaturity and arrogance, amongst other things, including CI modification and blindsearch etc.:eek:

It doesn't stream properly, for reasons mentioned before. If you care reading, you'll find more...:ack2:

You really think so many people would turn so critical for no reason whatsoever?!?:smash:

31-01-2010, 02:52 PM
I don't know if your reply was to my post Goran, if it was read on.

I understand that a lot of premium owners feels dissipointed and I've read a lot of negativ comments about this box. But I'm thinking about the premium plus version and I don't wan't to stream, cs and other things you advanced user like. Like I said in my first post I just want to watch TV and some movies and record them.

I'm still not clear about the EPG and how useble the twintuner function is ( see my last post). Could someone pleas comment on that?

31-01-2010, 03:01 PM
I just old you - it isn't "usable". There is no twin tuner function. Allegedly in Premium+ but not in Elite and Premium!

And you can become more "advanced" user yourself. And then what?

If you read more you will also see the EPG problems.

And so on and on and...

So, go figure...

31-01-2010, 03:13 PM
And even Premium+ is not a really Twin-Receiver. All other Twin-receiver I know are able to record a minimum of 2 channels. But with the AZBox Premium + I'm only allowed to record 1 channel.

I have also here 2 CI-modules (SkyCrypt-module with FW v0.78, and a ZetaCAM (Joker) with FW 1.17 kamilz) - this modules are not supported by Premium+, but supported by normal Elite/Premium. :smash:

31-01-2010, 03:20 PM
Oh, shi*!:confused:

They are at it all over again... Madre mia....:smash:

31-01-2010, 04:41 PM
I know I'm getting off topic but.

So if I want a decent mediaplayer in my satbox, what's my opptions?

31-01-2010, 04:48 PM
Heh, not many, it would seem... Unless you have loadsa money...

Well, in this class [price range] AZbox HD should've been it. Alas...

AZ HD should have had it sorted out on the HW level, allegedly. All the licences are being bought by Sigma/Celrun/Opensat, including the blueray, as the processor is used in the BR Players, so it's all there. Whereas DM had it [playing various formats] via plugins/on the SW level etc. Again, allegedly. Can we have more on the topics from the real experts, please?

Btw, Kaon engineers sorted out 6 channels recording a long time ago... I spoke to them at Anga Cable fair and they were able to do even more but it was "unstable", they said...

And yet, here we have problems with 2 simultaneous recordings... Hmmm.... Can it be HW? Or is it the people programming it?

31-01-2010, 06:13 PM
Btw, Kaon engineers sorted out 6 channels recording a long time ago... I spoke to them at Anga Cable fair and they were able to do even more but it was "unstable", they said...

And yet, here we have problems with 2 simultaneous recordings... Hmmm.... Can it be HW? Or is it the people programming it?


It's all down to programming... Dont forget it should do PiP also (even in HD (720p/1080i))...

BTW all models should be able to function as twin-tuners, atleast for IPTV/(DVB-S/S2/C/T) if the software was written OK... As it's not it has demuxer problem written all over it, maybe OpenSat should code a software demuxer/remuxer, this way atleast twin function should work as in prem+ (as I understand it this is what the new hardware does in the prem+, fooling the Sigma chip to think it's only getting one TS, and that's why the twin function functions like the recording function on one TP for elite/prem (watch the channels on that TP while recording... But not record two channels))

However I think it Sigma has some responsabilty in the software matter (in the past they have proven to not wanting to give support on too old products, thinking back on Xcard for PC (had a great HTPC based on it, with true tripple tuner functionallity, no PiP or HD though...)), but then again, maybe Sigma was a bad choice by OpenSat...

What OpenSat needs from Sigma is better controll the chipfunctions on low-level in a newer linux-kernel so they then can go the dvb-api way...

BTW. When will we be able to replace our DVB-S2 tuners (in prem/elite) for new ones with blindscan? I would pay upto 80 euros for that... The box should be able to make this kind of exchange...

Rant over...

31-01-2010, 08:56 PM
And I'm thinking about buying another one for my living room :D
Why should I pay 250-300 for some simple harddisk multimedia player if I could buy 1 that can do lots more :D

31-01-2010, 09:53 PM
hi all

just thought i would say a big thank you and goodbye to everyone here who have helped me through the heartache that was my azbox:nopity:. i sold it last night and purchased a vu+ duo hd :cup-006:which i must say for a box that is only out 5 weeks has alredy surpassed all developments attempted by opensat in last year and have a fully working cs twintuner not just a box of promises! but anyway my days of bashing opensat are over thankfully and i was tired of the repetitive mistakes and broken promises and hopes been dashed by opensat that dog all azbox owners.
anyway going off point again - just thanks guys and who knows may see some of you on satpimps vu+ board

Dear Fellows.

Since VU+DUO is designed for satellite, please can somebody tell me which STB (HD, other than azbox) I can use with cable TV. I have AZBOX Elite with Multicas emu and so far I am able to get the channels to work. However, I've been experiencing some problems regarding subtitles, audio (mixed audio english and portuguese), and small glitches.

And I simply have no patience with Opensat weekly betas. Seems more like weekly jokes.

I just need STB for watch HDTV (cable) and record/play TV Programs in sata hdd

Prices up to £420. Please send me ideas.


Greeting from Brazil :respect-053: :respect-020: :respect-064: :respect-062::respect-061::willy_nilly:


01-02-2010, 01:00 AM
Bon dia!

Try Search function with "Your reporter from Anga" [I wrote the report] and see all those lovely-jubblies and start your search from there...


I was impressed by some firms there, like

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=34476&d=1243698082 (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=34476&d=1243698082)

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=34477&d=1243698082 (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=34477&d=1243698082)

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=34487&d=1243698370 (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=34487&d=1243698370)


https://www.satpimps.co.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=34498&d=1243702581 (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=34498&d=1243702581)

Failing that this might take your mind off those things.... :D

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=34636&d=1243943962 (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=34636&d=1243943962)


01-02-2010, 01:55 AM
For my purposes, the box works flawless, except for:

- dropouts when playing a DTS movie (I convert these now to ac3, so no problem for me)

Same here... :respect-037:

1080p movies run perfect in AC3 (Dolby Digital) streamed from my PC.

If I want DTS I can use my PS3.

Just waiting for a new 7-day EPG. :)

I think all this trash about Azbox is 'no good' was started by dealers looking to make new sales, as the retail business is virtually dead at the moment. :cool:

01-02-2010, 10:49 AM
Same here... :respect-037:

1080p movies run perfect in AC3 (Dolby Digital) streamed from my PC.

If I want DTS I can use my PS3.

Just waiting for a new 7-day EPG. :)

I think all this trash about Azbox is 'no good' was started by dealers looking to make new sales, as the retail business is virtually dead at the moment. :cool:

Actually, Canal Digitaal NL is now testing (unofficially) EIT EPG information on some transponders on 23.5E, and this provides long term EPG info, instead of the now/next only they currently have.
The EIT EPG works fine in the AZBox as far as I have seen, so if Canal Digitaal proceeds in this way, this solves half of my EPG wishes.

If someone now is able to develop a working EPG XML parser based on the new API (if the API works ok), then I would be quite satisfied :)

01-02-2010, 02:24 PM
Bon dia!

Try Search function with "Your reporter from Anga" [I wrote the report] and see all those lovely-jubblies and start your search from there...


I was impressed by some firms there, like


Failing that this might take your mind off those things.... :D

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=34636&d=1243943962 (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=34636&d=1243943962)


Dear Goran,

First of all, thank you so much for your quick response.
I think the best option for me seems to be Dreambox DM800HD-C 'cause has lot of support, DVB-C embbeded, sata hdd, AND I can find some websites where I can buy.

Do you think it's a good idea to change from AZ to DM? Or there's other option? Please let me know.

Best Regards, :nopity:


01-02-2010, 03:34 PM
I heard picture quality sucks on DM800 and lots of hardware component failures.

01-02-2010, 04:51 PM
@gustindesser, I have a dm 800 and azbox premium, and advise you to buy DM 800 because is much better resiver of azbox.

@Likvid, Believe me this is not true what you heard:)

01-02-2010, 05:10 PM
***I heard picture quality sucks on DM800 and lots of hardware component failures.***

The truth is there are already more complaints against azbox in this last year than for dm800 in all its existence.
You can go to dm800 section and report yourself what you see people is posting about,and the ratio for complaints against technical/setup help
The MAIN complaint regarding dm800 IS THE PRICE !!! from people that will never buy it (but would love to have for half the price,which give way to clones and boxes that use enigma)
Believe me,is not perfect,but works as expected.
Video quality is very good.

(I've jumped lately to say something in favor of dm800,lots of people is into bashing it too much,mostly people that never owned one,and dealers that want to sell other boxes)

01-02-2010, 06:18 PM
I would never buy a DMM product. But, all to their own...

01-02-2010, 06:56 PM
***I heard picture quality sucks on DM800 and lots of hardware component failures.***

The truth is there are already more complaints against azbox in this last year than for dm800 in all its existence.
You can go to dm800 section and report yourself what you see people is posting about,and the ratio for complaints against technical/setup help
The MAIN complaint regarding dm800 IS THE PRICE !!! from people that will never buy it (but would love to have for half the price,which give way to clones and boxes that use enigma)
Believe me,is not perfect,but works as expected.
Video quality is very good.

(I've jumped lately to say something in favor of dm800,lots of people is into bashing it too much,mostly people that never owned one,and dealers that want to sell other boxes)

Very Nice Mate, People just don't like the Truth.

02-02-2010, 10:46 AM
@gustindesser, I have a dm 800 and azbox premium, and advise you to buy DM 800 because is much better resiver of azbox.

Good to know that you've got both boxes. Your opinion is much appreciated. Thank you. :iagree:

kebien: it makes sense. I don't use to see DM owners cursing their boxes... but azbox owners I have seen a lot. But I don't think AZB it's a bad STB. Not really. Great spec. What makes me nervous is the never-ending bugs: subtitles, epg, audio language, etc. I think if was a open source there's some programmers that could improve the soft like KGD Team....

And although we see people talking bad things about DM, I think everyone will agree that DM has a better support, a good software while we live sailing through Opensat promisses. Yeah that's how I'm feeling: Living in a dream full of promisses :bravo-009: but one of these days we'll become tired.

Dear Goran: don't be so perverse! :respect-057:

Thank you guys, your participation is much appreciated. I'm happy to found this place. Although my english has some bugs (as azbox) I'm learning so many new things browsing from topic to topíc.


02-02-2010, 02:15 PM
Do you habve more of this kind?!:respect-046::respect-046:

Bon dia!

Try Search function with "Your reporter from Anga" [I wrote the report] and see all those lovely-jubblies and start your search from there...


I was impressed by some firms there, like

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=34636&d=1243943962 (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=34636&d=1243943962)


02-02-2010, 04:05 PM
That trasponder above I want to lock on !!!!!

Do we have to assume the satellite show was done the same night as the **** show ?
THAT !!!! is a show i want to go.

02-02-2010, 04:43 PM
I doubt you would want to lock onto THAT one, guys...:9898:

It looked all too sad to me - humanly sad - I have to say, those poor gals, with that sad expression in their eyes, the empty gaze, trying hard to pretend they don't know what they are doing and every time they see a camera they have to smile and expose themselves even more...

Especially when they compared themselves with the women engineers, sales persons, managers who were also there... It is sad, trust me. Moreover, there were brainy women who looked even better and hotter! So...

And I wouldn't touch her with a barge pole! Too many diseases transmitted by such physical contact... Now, that I would never pay for or go for such a "transponder", trust me...

On the other hand, Anga Cable multimedia fair had plenty of male who*es around. Just look at the DMM stand on my link... I felt pretty darn disgusted with all of that, I must admit... I mingled there and listened, took photos and cringed...:smash:

Anyway, it was a pitiful sight, that Turbosat stand, despite all the fake smiles...

02-02-2010, 08:28 PM
Does it mean you will post the pictures of those brainy woman now?
Eagerly waiting.

02-02-2010, 10:50 PM
Some of them you have in that thread I posted...

Others, I have only talked to - "no filming allowed" - a few times, like a gorgeous Swedish woman who was behind a project there, attracting leering, middle aged men, like myself, as well as young, able-bodied men, like myself, trying to get through to us with advantages of her project... somehow... against us drooling conspicuously and copiously.... at her side... as opposed to all over her... as we really would have wanted to... :D

That experience alone was well worth the expense!!! :D

10-02-2010, 11:50 AM
Have to say, got my VU+ Duo yesterday, and it's a much better build then the Azbox, and seems to work so much better. Channel zapping much faster, plays DivX from HD, 5day EPG, Twin tuners actually works lol....

Considering this box has been out for a very short space of time, the support is vastly superior to the Azbox. Which is a crying shame really on Opensats part.

I will be keeping the Azbox just in case it does get better. But i doubt it will be turned on for quite some time now.

I'd recommend everyone to have on, within 30mins everything was set up. Although, some people may like something that they need to mess around with to work, unfortunately that isn't me.

So i guess this is farewell till v.1 is finially released, if that is ever at all...

Thanks to everyone for your help on this project, specially Goran, made it easier for us all!

*waves goodbye*

10-02-2010, 12:56 PM
divx from HD with .srt subtitles?

10-02-2010, 01:02 PM
Dunno, not tried... no need :sifone:

10-02-2010, 03:27 PM
but that's a box .....
E2 you just love the work you done
I do not like working
only AZBOX always

wait for terrorman

10-02-2010, 03:42 PM
Yap, AzBox is the best !

I can watch Tv, watch Movies, what more i need :)

And also Youtube working very very good.

10-02-2010, 04:20 PM
I can watch Tv, watch Movies, what more i need :)


Customer service, twin tuner, epg, no LAN limitation, and most importantly.... support ;-) :respect-055:

10-02-2010, 05:46 PM
have to agree - loved my azbox initially awaiting all those dead promises from opensat but when they all died i bought a vu box. like that 30 mins all setup - have perfect epg for sky uk/sky germany/ canal nordic/nova/sky italia updates every night! perfect for watching movies from hd. no freeze and i mean zero freeze on ccam server on all channels. emu for rest works a treat. usals works staight away. have you tube last fm and many more plugins installed. was shocked that there was no work to it and no need for updating for needless things like the azbox. oh and if you look at the vu+ thread you will see that terrorman has just got one. glad he saw sense lol

10-02-2010, 07:16 PM
I was shocked at how much better Cccam works then Multicas Cccam client. It's just...super fast.

10-02-2010, 07:41 PM
in azbox hd? or in vu+ ?


10-02-2010, 08:15 PM
i think he talks of vu+

01-12-2010, 09:32 PM
I have sold my azbox had enough of waiting for improvements, bugs ,headaches etc...and am going to buy vu+ duo, cheers.

06-12-2010, 06:05 PM
DM8000 clones will probably be the biggest thing to arrive later this year?

it has arrived i get quote today 650 $