View Full Version : Equida (12149V Hotbird) down?

29-01-2010, 10:20 AM
Hi folks.
(Elite Box):

I'm using an official Bis.TV card (Viaccess) and last night I noticed Equidia was down - tried using Multicas, Viaccess cam and Dragon cam (all worked before).
Also, tried mgcam (without card) which worked for a few days but also down.

Have they changed encryption or moved...or?

Can someone check if they can clear this, please.


29-01-2010, 11:43 AM
can receive Aztv and cctv4 from this TP. At least TP is UP.. have no card for Equida

29-01-2010, 02:09 PM
Hi everyone, greetings from Belgium,
I'm new here.
I have the same problem : I'm using the official BIS-TV card since august 2009 and this morning suddenly no more image !!
I don't know what's wrong, I hope they have some transponder-troubles and it will be fixed soon...
On the official BIS-TV site, there's is no mention about any problem !??:mad:
Just sit and wait I suppose :20::20:

29-01-2010, 02:33 PM
Hi agian. I just contated Bis-TV on her official site and this is what they answered :
"Bonjour Monsieur,

La chaîne EQUIDIA, reprise par BIS TV sur les satellites HOT BIRD et ATLANTIC BIRD 3 est en panne sur HOT BIRD.

Nos services techniques et ceux d’EQUIDIA font leur maximum pour rétablir la diffusion vers nos abonnés VIA HOTBIRD le plus rapidement possible.

Nous vous prions d’accepter nos excuses pour cette interruption indépendante de notre volonté.

Nos meilleures salutations."

Wich means they have a problem with broadcasting Equidia on Hotbird and Atlantic Bird 3. They do all they can to resolve this problem asap and they excuse them to all the abbonnees.

Hope they can fix it before the famous PRIX d'AMERIQUE next Sunday!!

29-01-2010, 03:05 PM
Equidia is back on Hotbird !

29-01-2010, 04:49 PM
h8 animal abusers

29-01-2010, 05:43 PM
Equidia is back on Hotbird !

Merci pour vos messages, tous les deux!

Yes, I have Equidia back also!
