View Full Version : EPG Listing on TM5400 "Blank with Digi1'w"

30-01-2010, 10:07 PM
Just and observation, EPG is working fine on 28'2E and 19'2E, But not on 1'west

Used to show Digi + HBO listings up to two or three days ago ? I know TV1000 always said "No Information" but the rest more or less were fine ie they may be in foreign language but kind of understandable ????

I don't think its the latest patch cause if I switch that off with 2004 in system settings and just use Diablo 2.3 lite I get the same result.. just wondering if they stopped broadcasting EPG or is it a platform issue ?

Thanks in Advance:respect-051:


30-01-2010, 10:17 PM
noticed earlier it wasn't working for me either on 6900 super, was working yesterday though

31-01-2010, 01:08 AM
Reloaded Old Patch

Model : TM-5400 CI+ USB Super
S/W Version : 1.30p (Sep 16 2009)
H/W Version : 1.10
Boot Version : 2.00 (08:50)
CH Version : Aug:09

Epg Still Ok on 28+19 E

1'West "no information" on all channels...

02-02-2010, 12:08 AM
EPG Listing on 1'West Active are active again on TM5000 this evening on TM 5400 Super Series again.

Unusual ...

Consider this thread as Closed !

Thanks to titus for the feedback.