View Full Version : vu+ duo picture quality

02-02-2010, 05:28 PM
Can someone tell me if the picture quality of the Vu+ duo especially on sd is as good as the kathrein ufs 910.

i have the kathrein ufs 910 at the moment and the reason i'm hanging on to it is the amazing pq.i need to upgrade now and i.m looking for a receiver that would give the same kind of pq .

any input or recommendations would be much appreciated

02-02-2010, 10:27 PM

02-02-2010, 10:33 PM
I dont have kathrein ufs 910 but I dont think tha VU+ can have an inferior quality of picture. Infact for me its better than my DM 800 as far as the pq is concerned

Midnight R
03-02-2010, 09:45 AM
What TV are you using A?

03-02-2010, 09:55 AM
Samsung LE-A656 FULL HD 100Hz maybe its the HDMI cable which matters dont know

Midnight R
03-02-2010, 10:41 AM
Thanks, sounds like a nice Telly.

I'm really torn with this one.

I would really like another linux box but being a very fussy bugger I kinda need to know if I could live with the PQ. I wasn't impressed with a DM8K in that area.

Trouble is my Amstrad HD box is now suffering slight motion blur that wasn't there before the recent epg upgrade and I'm finding it hard to watch.

I don't suposse you know anyone over near the Harrow area that could offer a demo?

21-03-2010, 04:47 AM
I am really interested in the picture quality of these boxes as well.
Does anyone have a VU+ and say an 8000 with a good TV combination to give their opinion please?
I have a ufs910 and an 8000 so can compare them, I know this is subjective but my opinion is that the Kathrein with original firmware HD picture is better than the 8000 yet running E2 images it is noticeably worse. This is from a box costing £240, although it has many other failings, lack of a card reader etc!!

21-03-2010, 11:38 AM
There are lots of complaints about SD quality on different forums, in a Norweigan home theater forum there are loads of complaints saying the SD picture is blurry.

When it comes to HD they say it's ok, nothing more.

I trust what they say as most people there are enthusiasts with high standards and many of them have boxes from IPBox, Dreambox etc to compare with.

This is really one thing that worries me as i considered buying this box.

21-03-2010, 12:31 PM
Here is some posts from the Norweigan forum translated by me.

Likvid wrote:

I have a IPBO***00HD today and it delivers excellent PQ, only problem being that the software is really bad which forced me to sell the receiver.

I've been looking at the VU+ Duo and also the DM800, many comments on the forum suggestsd that the PQ on Vu+ Duo is not good?

How does the DM800 stand against Vu+ Duo in this department? good PQ?

And how good is the DM8000? better?

Digitech answer:


I did have a DM8000 a couple a months ago, but i sold it and bought two Vu+ Duo's instead.
DM8000 is one fantastic receiver, but you pay more than double the price, so it's expected that the PQ should be better than Vu+ Duo, THAT IS NOT THE CASE!

Digitech writes to Marusys in Korea:

Dear Sir,

Thank you very much for prompt response and and I would like to express
my admiration for your technical stuff which solves a lot of bugs in VU+Duo very fast.

Meanwhile, I would like to bring to your attention a widely discussed VU + Duo Twin issue here In Scandinavia , which disappoint many users and potential owners of this receiver brand.

This issue is poor Standard Definition Video ( picture ) quality of Vu+Duo.
Members of the largest Norwegian satellite foum have compared Vu+Duo Twin brand with several other Linux based HD receivers ( IPbox , Dreambox etc ) and sorry to say , but in their opinion the SD picture quality of VU+ don’t really live to all expectation . The video is blurry and missing depth in colours .
This is highly discussed on the largest forum for VU+ Duo here :

VU+ DUO Twin Tuner HD PVR DVB-S2

Please, bring this message to your engineers and ask them if it is possible to optimise the video drivers in the next image release ?
I really hope that you give first priority to this issue , due to the fact that this could really damage VU+Duo reputation.

Einar71 wrote:

No doubt... i have reviewed my DM7020 against the Vu+ Duo.. and with SD channels there is no doubt that the DM7020 delivers a much better PQ.

Even my 66 year old mother could see the difference.

Digitech wrote:

But back on topic to Vu+ Duo and PQ, the pictures on the Vu+ Duo is at least as good as my old DM800HD, i have tested this myself because i have both recievers.

Messus wrote:

You still have not understood what i'm saying here, for most people PQ is the most important attribute when buying a new sat-box, but for other people Enigma2, features and youtube plugins and access to CCcam is more important than picture quality.

No doubt that Enigma2 is a pretty system, but i expected that most people would want better picture quality than a fancy operating system, Enigma2 works pretty good on Ipbox right now.

Let's hope Dreambox will lower their prices, i don't doubt that Vu+ Duo is as good as DM8000 hardware wise, but the picture quality is the most important aspect for me and when i have the Vu+Duo in my hands

i will review it against all my other boxes i have when it comes to PQ.

I can state that IPBOX has incredible PQ and that is very important to me and many others, because i can see that many people complain about Vu+ Duo picture quality, i will not say any further until i have tested it myself.

Messus wrote:

I have now received my Vu+ Duo, with DM800/8000 and also the Vu+ Duo does a really bad job with upscaling and de-interlace SD channels that are transmitted in 576i, and what i've understood de-interlacing is connected to the hardware and not controlled in software, the DM800 has been on the market for while now, so if it was a software problem the DM800 would have been good at de-interlacing by now which it isn't.

My point being, that hardware wise the Vu+ Duo can be compared to Dm800/8000 and that people buying the Vu+ Duo should not have too high expectations on that the receiver will have better PQ in the future with software updates.

For me, the best PQ i get if i set SD channels to 576i and don't let Vu+ Duo de-interlace to 576p, 720p etc....

Compared to my IPBO***00HD the IPBOX does a much better job on with de-interlacing and showing SD channels upscaled to 1080i and de-interlaced to 576p/720p, will do***ent this.

Summary: SD PQ on the Vu+ Duo is looking ok if you output 576i on my Sony KDL-W3000 - Full HD.

Kaon wrote:

Dreambox DM800 had a very bad picture quality, but it has been improved with latest software drivers in year 2010.

aielby wrote:

Hmmm...this is annoying, even my Dreambox 7000 delivered better picture quality, i also had a Dreambox 800 a short period, but that was so bad PQ.

In comparison to my IPBOX there is some blurriness over the picture and some pixelations during transitions in the picture, but the Vu+ Duo looks like an old VHS VCR and the IPBOX looks like DVD.

I must say i was very surprised that the Vu+ Duo can't deliver a better picture than this.

To those who are more technically minded than me, how come it delivers so poor PQ?

21-03-2010, 12:54 PM
Every individual seems to have their own idea as what is good picture quality.

Using my LG LCD TV, the HD picture quality on my Azbox HD is very poor compared to FortecStar Innovation HD, but SD on the Azbox is better than my DM7000.

A lot also depends on what TV you have and if you are using SCART or HDMI, and many people also are connected via AV amps which have upscaling of picture.

You can't really rely on what other people think of the picture quality.

21-03-2010, 01:02 PM
But there is a pattern in most forums that many people complain about this so there must be a major problem.

I have many other posts i could add above but that would take me the whole day.

21-03-2010, 01:44 PM
Thanks for your input m8's, in an ideal world we could all go somewhere and compare all boxes side by side on a variety of TV's!
I also think it may be difficult for an owner to give a completely impartial opinion of his/her purchase. Usually people are reluctant to admit they could have made a mistake unless they are very disappointed indeed.
I have tried to give my honest opinion, even suggesting that my rip off priced 8000 has worse HD picture than my cheap and cheerful kathrein.
I remember a discussion on another forum with a guy who insisted his receiver had the best picture ever, only to discover he had a 26" TV, with not even a 1920x1080 pixel screen.

21-03-2010, 04:47 PM
I am really interested in the picture quality of these boxes as well.
Does anyone have a VU+ and say an 8000 with a good TV combination to give their opinion please?
I have a ufs910 and an 8000 so can compare them, I know this is subjective but my opinion is that the Kathrein with original firmware HD picture is better than the 8000 yet running E2 images it is noticeably worse. This is from a box costing £240, although it has many other failings, lack of a card reader etc!!

hello crabber

i have the kathrein and the vu+.i can confirm that the vu pq is nowhere as good as the kathrein (any receiver that runs on enigma will never have good pq,dont know why)

i am still hanging on to my kathrein because of its pq and nothing else

funnily you actually recommended the kathrein to me 2 yrs ago.


22-03-2010, 01:34 PM
hello crabber

i have the kathrein and the vu+.i can confirm that the vu pq is nowhere as good as the kathrein (any receiver that runs on enigma will never have good pq,dont know why)

i am still hanging on to my kathrein because of its pq and nothing else

funnily you actually recommended the kathrein to me 2 yrs ago.


Have u tried e2 on your kathrein ? to see the different PQ ?

22-03-2010, 02:32 PM
Yes the E2 picture quality particularly on HD is worse than the official image, which is stunning considering it was such a cheap box.
This is a well know problem apparently caused by video drivers, I don't have enough knowledge to do anything about it though!

Midnight R
22-03-2010, 03:06 PM
hello crabber

i have the kathrein and the vu+.i can confirm that the vu pq is nowhere as good as the kathrein (any receiver that runs on enigma will never have good pq,dont know why)uki

I also suspect this too be true.

My old Cuberevo had fantastic PQ that was miles better than a DM8K.

The PQ on the Cuberevo however, pooped the bed when running E2 and had the same PQ characteristics as the DM8K i.e. motion blur and a lack of resolution. Not specific to just my 42" Panny plasma either as the same poor PQ was noted on a friends plasma too.

My take on all this is that some tv's will not show the differences in these boxes so some users may have different findings. Also, some users are more tolerant of PQ problems and will not be fussed over the differences focussing on the show content and not the PQ.

Unfortunately, I find it difficult to get beyond poor PQ.

22-03-2010, 04:30 PM
I also suspect this too be true.

My old Cuberevo had fantastic PQ that was miles better than a DM8K.

The PQ on the Cuberevo however, pooped the bed when running E2 and had the same PQ characteristics as the DM8K i.e. motion blur and a lack of resolution. Not specific to just my 42" Panny plasma either as the same poor PQ was noted on a friends plasma too.

My take on all this is that some tv's will not show the differences in these boxes so some users may have different findings. Also, some users are more tolerant of PQ problems and will not be fussed over the differences focussing on the show content and not the PQ.

Unfortunately, I find it difficult to get beyond poor PQ.

You seem to have the same high standards as me when it comes to picture quality, some people only wants Engima2 and lots of plugins and don't care about PQ.

I also had the Cuberevo aka IPBO***00HD, and the picture was very good on it.

And i stand by you that the PQ was rubbish with Enigma2 for IPBOX, it was blurry and loss of resolution.

I beleive you should maybe look at the Reelbox, all reports i have read people say it's the Rolls Royce of receivers, not only build quality but also picture quality and it seems that you can also add other graphics card to the Reelbox if you don't like the one being delivered as standard.

I am so close to place an order now, just need a little more thinking first but everything suggest that i will go ahead.

22-03-2010, 04:33 PM
Yes the E2 picture quality particularly on HD is worse than the official image, which is stunning considering it was such a cheap box.
This is a well know problem apparently caused by video drivers, I don't have enough knowledge to do anything about it though!

Problem is that all video drivers for these receivers on Enigma2 are developed by amateurs and they are not the official video drivers.

Surely we could maybe pay to get the real drivers to be implemented in Enigma2, but it would prolly cost alot.

That's why the picture is not as good as the official images.

22-03-2010, 04:51 PM
I have to agree about E2.

I have a VU+Duo, Cuberevo ( ipbox 9000 ), Cuberevo mini and have used a DB800 and Octagon 918 HD.

Nothing beats the cuberevo when it comes to picture quality but it has to be non E2 firmware.
I love E2 and use it on my mini too but today I thought I would just have a look at the latest sifteam image and you can real notice the difference.
The good thing is mgcamd works with CCcam now so I can run mgcamd on cuberevo with sifteam and connect to CCcam server. Just now I am watching Discovery HD and the picture is sh*t hot. SD pictures too are a lot more clearer.
I can pop next door to the living room and look at the VU+Duo and HD is OK but SD is nothing special.
Its a shame more people didn't try the Cuberevo ( ipbox 9000 ) because if you are not bothered about fancy plugins then this is a top quality receiver.

22-03-2010, 07:21 PM
How do folk compare both HD & SD picture quality of the VU to both the DM800 & DM8000 boxes?

Picture quality on the Cuberevo is superb -watching the skiing on Euroports hD the other week was fantastic

If only DGS could sort out getting more software support for it

22-03-2010, 10:01 PM
Been looking to buy one of these when I can get my hands on one reviews are saying the best thing sinse slice bead every ones out of stock etc.What are we saying re picture quaity they are poor !! .I have a dreambox 7000 and was going to change to be able to view HD should I keep with what i got dont want to go backwards with picture quality Yes I know 7000 doesnt do HD but will the picture be bad with VU.
Thanks in advance
Regards malcolm

23-03-2010, 12:40 AM
I have db,s here (800/7020/7000) and also the VU+

its true that piccy quality on some other units is better, not enough to get depressed, HD on both the 800/vu+ is very good, both surport all softcams

kathy, and a few other HD recievers do offer sharper piccys, (been reading loads of comments on PQ ) and at the end of the day, inconlusive results

dependant on your intended use, ie hobby,ist, or watch tv (user) the VU+ or 800 would be ok as a user

other wise, hobby,ist units....there are loads of them to choose from


02-04-2010, 02:08 PM
Seriously, the picture quality on the VU+ Duo is worse than my Comag SL 100 HD (which BTW costs only 100 EUR). So that already says a lot for a receiver which costs more than four times a honest to goodness box.

02-04-2010, 02:26 PM
In my little opinion the best PQ i saw in SD , HD is in Octagon 1018hd

02-04-2010, 06:45 PM
Octagon is like IPBOX, same excellent PQ.

Why don't you show comparison photos of PQ, i don't have any Vu+ but won't buy any if the picture is blurry, i don't buy a box just because it's cool with Enigma2 and plugins which i never use anyway.

I went and looked at a Reelbox Avantgarde yesterday someone sold and the picture quality was the best i've ever seen from a satbox.

08-04-2010, 08:51 AM
New drivers are out for the Vu which bring large improvements to SD quality.

08-04-2010, 09:25 AM
My Vu + Duo arrived yesterday, I have put it in place of my 7020 and have to say I was pleasantly surprised with the SD picture quality having read a few reports about it.

I am using Dream Elite image.

Over the next few days when I have more time I can make some more comparisons.

08-04-2010, 10:48 AM
Using my LG LCD TV, the HD picture quality on my Azbox HD is very poor compared to FortecStar Innovation HD, but SD on the Azbox is better than my DM7000

have to say i have tried my azbox and dm8000 on 42" lg and found no big difference on video output in hd or sd. we did at first have a poor pic, but that was down to hdmi input selecter box.

09-04-2010, 05:52 PM
My Vu + Duo arrived yesterday, I have put it in place of my 7020 and have to say I was pleasantly surprised with the SD picture quality having read a few reports about it.

I am using Dream Elite image.

Over the next few days when I have more time I can make some more comparisons.

Lucky man, I'm still waiting for mine after several weeks. Hopefully a batch is due in next week and I may have mine for next weekend.

If the pic is as good as my DM800 (which isn't great compared to some) then I'll be happy, the Vu will only get better and the recent new video drivers are a good sign.

09-04-2010, 07:55 PM
Lucky man, I'm still waiting for mine after several weeks. Hopefully a batch is due in next week and I may have mine for next weekend.

If the pic is as good as my DM800 (which isn't great compared to some) then I'll be happy, the Vu will only get better and the recent new video drivers are a good sign. i dont think you have to worry there i have allready herd from a friend that picture quality is better than a dm800 he has both.
it will be intresting to see how it pairs up to a dm8000

10-04-2010, 03:37 AM
nothing beat DGS picture quality ,especially when using their official "limited & not advanced ," firmware .

10-04-2010, 01:12 PM
DGS is old school quality, but their software is the worst on the planet.

11-04-2010, 08:13 AM
When using my IP9000 box makes me think of the good old days with the nokia dvb 9800 which was slow and awfull software :smash:

11-04-2010, 11:24 PM
dm800 hd pq marks out of 10 = 6
azbox hd pq = 7
humax hd 2000 pq = 8
dreambox 8000 hd pq = 8
darkbox hd pq = 6
tm7100 = 3

another member here had it spot on befor saying that hd boxes with original firmware
tend to have better pq apart from the tm 7100
well if diablo could sought there glitches out with cccam i would probably never have bought a dm8000 and stuck to my humax 2000 i still have it stored away
and waiting on the the diablo wirless 2 cam

12-04-2010, 11:38 AM
My Vu + Duo arrived yesterday, I have put it in place of my 7020 and have to say I was pleasantly surprised with the SD picture quality having read a few reports about it.

I am using Dream Elite image.

Over the next few days when I have more time I can make some more comparisons.

how did you get one so quick? :congratulations-008 they wont be avaliable anywhere until the 15/04/10 so i'm told.

i'm waiting for one of these from the sponsers, regarding the PQ which is of great importance to me, i just wonder about those that complain about it how and what do they use, ie monitor/tv cables ect.

i'll be using my Pioneer LX5090 PDP with decent inter connects via HDMI not the crap that comes with the device.

just wondering what others are using?

regards: canthackit

12-04-2010, 11:56 AM
I guess I am just lucky :D

As for cables I am using the free HDMI cable until I get around to getting a decent cable.

Tested on both lcd and plasma and I have to say it works very well.

I am now finding I am collecting very expensive scart cables which are just gathering dust. :ack2:

12-04-2010, 12:25 PM
There have been quite a few high profile cases recently, one of which even made UK radio one news about HDMI cables and "quality"

There is in fact no difference between the £50 richer sounds HDMI cable and a £5 Wilkos own.

This is not an opinion this is a fact proven. I to am looking forward to getting my VU+

12-04-2010, 12:47 PM
I have heard the same chavo and to some extent I think even cheap HDMI cables do a half decent job unlike cheap scart cables.

Unless you actually test for yourself you will be a disbeliever.

I gave my 70 year old grand parents one of my QED scart cables and they noticed the difference straight away.

I also noticed quite a difference when I used a QED HMDI on my ps3.

That said not everyone will see an improvement and not everyone cares, and some would get a better picture just by spending an hour or so setting up their tv correctly.

It's a debate that we have had before and no doubt will have again. ;)

12-04-2010, 02:33 PM
i'm with you on that sonic.
what about the display's do or anyone for that matter agree/disagree that they can/do make an enourmous difference to the PQ.

so what i'm asking here is are the ppl on here are using to view SD & HD 'cos if a half decent display struggles to improve the output i will be seriously consider cancelling my order, and look for another make of box.

regards: canthackit

12-04-2010, 05:58 PM
With reference to HDMI from a previous thread. :)


I have heard the same chavo and to some extent I think even cheap HDMI cables do a half decent job unlike cheap scart cables.

Unless you actually test for yourself you will be a disbeliever.

I gave my 70 year old grand parents one of my QED scart cables and they noticed the difference straight away.

I also noticed quite a difference when I used a QED HMDI on my ps3.

That said not everyone will see an improvement and not everyone cares, and some would get a better picture just by spending an hour or so setting up their tv correctly.

It's a debate that we have had before and no doubt will have again. ;)

12-04-2010, 08:04 PM
Expensive cables in the digital domain is more a psychological experience than real performance benefits, in the analog domain you can see clearly benefits by going more expensive cables with added shielding etc....

12-04-2010, 10:17 PM
i see that the fibre optic cable is now out on sale for satellite along with optical lnbs
the lnb is a single output and costs 199.00 unlike normal coax cable the fibre optic can be split in the form of passive optical splitter , 2 way = £28 so you could run a twin input reciever just from one feed from dish.
the cable you buy predermined with connecters on.
this stuff looks good a 45 cm dish with optical lnb and fibre optical cable can send a signal 10 kilomerters away.
the optical lnb has to be powered by a 12 vault psu
hmmmmm i wonder what that would do for pq

Midnight R
17-04-2010, 05:15 PM
dm800 hd pq marks out of 10 = 6
azbox hd pq = 7
humax hd 2000 pq = 8
dreambox 8000 hd pq = 8
darkbox hd pq = 6
tm7100 = 3

Are these ratings from personal experience?

As my evalution between the two boxes that I have owned in that list are very different.

Darkbox HD = 8
Dreambox 8000HD = 5

17-04-2010, 07:24 PM
they are all from personal experiance all connected to same tv i get to test loads of boxes in my job.
i think a 6 is good standard. be glad that you dont have a tm71000 hd the pq on them things are apauling the worst i have ever seen.
i couldnt see much between darkbox and dm800 hd.
all the boxes i have mentioned are a good standard apart from the tm71000 hd.
if i was buyest or think that the dm8000 was the best i would have given it a 10 .
i would love it if the vu duo was as good as the dm8000 as there prices are to high.
hopefull it will pave the way for more enigma 2 boxes to apear

i personall think myself that boxes will perform better on diferent tvs, but thers no way i can agree that the darkbox hd out performs the dm8000
maybe if i was smoking drugs witch i dont .the darkbox hd will will be dead in water box befor long anyway i see theres allready a lot of members allready complaining about lack of suppoert for that box any way:puke::puke:

Midnight R
17-04-2010, 07:44 PM
I've yet to see a STB running E2 that had good PQ!

The drivers are usualy substandard to those provided by the manufacturers themselves.

17-04-2010, 07:48 PM
you are forgetting that e2 enigma dm8000 hd is still in beta stages

Midnight R
17-04-2010, 07:53 PM
you are forgetting that e2 enigma dm8000 hd is still in beta stages

Yes, still a bit of a way to go yet.

17-04-2010, 08:01 PM
if i could get a cccam to work as well on a diablo wirless as good as it works on dm8000 i would probably sell the dm8000 tomorrow.
thers so many good points allready about the dm8000 the list is endless.
channel changing on cccam is instant it performs better than any other box that way i have come across even when changing satellite the channels clear instantly.
i could go on and on about lots of other features that no other box can live upto.

i hope the vu is as good i really do

Midnight R
17-04-2010, 08:17 PM
thers so many good points allready about the dm8000 the list is endless.
channel changing on cccam is instant it performs better than any other box that way i have come across even when changing satellite the channels clear instantly.
i could go on and on about lots of other features that no other box can live upto.

Yes, I agree its just that the DM8K's PQ wasn't up to it for me.

17-04-2010, 08:21 PM
no such problems here im watching your live on sky sports hd now the pq is crstal clear
im not being buyest but best ive ever seen

Midnight R
17-04-2010, 08:24 PM
no such problems here im watching your live on sky sports hd now the pq is crstal clear
im not being buyest but best ive ever seen

Well its not for me thanks,I found it to be really poor but I'm glad your enjoying it.

For me the Darkbox, Cuberevo and also the Icecrypt are miles better but hey ho each to their own.

17-04-2010, 08:38 PM
never tested the icecrypt or cuberevo so i carnt comment on that but like you say each to your own if your happy thats it .
i suppose the real pq finatics will never be happy.
its just like the new optical lnbs and fibre optic cable what a lot of money to chuck away
still i suppose it good for comercial blocks but people will buy it for domestic just to try and improve pq for me personally pq on hd is good all round .
yes while there is a bit of difference on some boxes there not miles apart for me its more software related issues i have problems i dont know
how the cuberevo and ice crypt hold there own on firmware or cccam .

04-11-2010, 10:48 PM
hmmm a very interested thread, has it got any better re pic quality since April?

04-11-2010, 10:54 PM
hmmm a very interested thread, has it got any better re pic quality since April?

Now using a Duo and Solo and have to say I am very happy, most know I am a massive DMM fan but I have to be honest and say the Vu wins hands down, DMM really have to look at pricing.

oh and as for picture quality it is great, biggest problem is most people have no idea how to set up the box or their own TV.

05-11-2010, 09:53 AM
i thought this was the vu+duo help section and not the bag the crap out of vu+duo section!!!comon on guys if you dont have constructive things to say about the box go to the dreambox section!!!

05-11-2010, 01:06 PM
Read all the posts on this interesting thread.Seems that the jury is still out on the question of p.q. on every box available.

P.Q. has many considerations to be taken into account,age of viewer?,does the viewer wear glasses or not?, is the T.V. set-up correctly for the individual viewers preferences?.

I myself have a Dreambox7000 which will shortly be replaced with the VU duo+ and I am looking forward to the day I have my VU duo+.

As for p.q. on the VU all I know from reports that I have read on various forums is that the S.D. picture quality on the VU is better than any Sly box set on a SlyHD channel which will do for me.

But of course we all know that the SlyHD picture quality on a SlyHD box is crap.


05-11-2010, 07:54 PM
My Thomson DSI8215 Sky HD box gives better picture on both HD and SD than Vu+ Duo

05-11-2010, 08:35 PM
My Thomson DSI8215 Sky HD box gives better picture on both HD and SD than Vu+ Duo

That does not surprise me Likvid, you only ever post negative information, not just here but on every board you are a member on.

06-11-2010, 12:40 AM
i find the pq exelent. go to plugins dl video enhancement setup .with a bit of tweaking its the muts nuts

06-11-2010, 12:27 PM
That does not surprise me Likvid, you only ever post negative information, not just here but on every board you are a member on.

That's because you can't handle the negative posts about DreamElite being posted.

06-11-2010, 12:30 PM
i find the pq exelent. go to plugins dl video enhancement setup .with a bit of tweaking its the muts nuts

You can't get a Ferrari out of a Skoda.

06-11-2010, 12:58 PM
That's because you can't handle the negative posts about DreamElite being posted.

Strange as you have not even mentioned DE, and I do not worry about what you say about DE as you always say what you think rather than facts.

But you are entitled to say what ever you like.

06-11-2010, 01:06 PM
likvid just stick to the dreambox forum please im sick of you bagging a good box if you didnt know how to set it up it was your loss but stop bagging it because the guys in this section love it!!!!

06-11-2010, 02:20 PM
likvid just stick to the dreambox forum please im sick of you bagging a good box if you didnt know how to set it up it was your loss but stop bagging it because the guys in this section love it!!!!

I don't even have a dreambox, i have a vu+.

Yes it's a good box but every box has it's faults and i am honest enough compared to others to brings the faults up.

Some of you think your box is a religion, get a life :rolleyes:

06-11-2010, 02:31 PM
well i dont know whats wrong with your box as pics on my tv through vu+duo are better then my HD pics from my local tv providers

06-11-2010, 02:32 PM
Strange as you have not even mentioned DE, and I do not worry about what you say about DE as you always say what you think rather than facts.

But you are entitled to say what ever you like.

Strange that you have commented me and other people about DE in another forum ;)

Well i can't help having higher demands than you have, it's fine to say the picture quality is nice when you look at a 32" LCD, try look at my 110" projection screen and you will see the difference.

06-11-2010, 02:48 PM
my tv is a 50 inch samsung hd lcd tv and as for projectors there glitchy at the best of times you put a blue ray dvd and watch its like watching a normal dvd lots of my mates have projectors there good to watch sports and movies on but the pics arnt perfect!!!

03-12-2010, 04:31 AM
I love my VU+DUO mores than my dreamboxes but to be honest the pictures quality is crap with VU+ on SD channel and watching divx too :puke:
on HD channel and watching MKV all is perfect

03-12-2010, 06:55 AM
Strange that you have commented me and other people about DE in another forum ;)

Well i can't help having higher demands than you have, it's fine to say the picture quality is nice when you look at a 32" LCD, try look at my 110" projection screen and you will see the difference.

In my experience projector pics are crap anyway.

regards painter

03-12-2010, 10:02 AM
Likvid, as you seem to be concerned by the picture quality, have a look a the new Clarke-Tech ET 9000.
The 7405 Broadcom chipset (on the papaer) is able to perform "motion adaptative" deinterlacing.

04-12-2010, 12:15 AM
@ Likvid

Any news about the new version of the VU+ Duo ?
Is it still due to come out in Jaunary 2011 ?

04-12-2010, 12:25 AM
I wonder how is the new Dreambox DM800HD se compare to the VU+ DUO in terms of picture quality !!

04-12-2010, 06:51 AM
@ Likvid

Any news about the new version of the VU+ Duo ?
Is it still due to come out in Jaunary 2011 ?

What! only had mine a couple of days and it's becoming obsolete already, ah well that's technology for you.

regards painter

04-12-2010, 12:42 PM
i 100% agree with livid on the pq of vuplus.this box is fantastic but the picture quality is below standard even with the so called picture enhancements.

just sold mine recently and went for the kathrein ufs 912 (currently 169 euros) and the picture is amazing even better than my kathrein ufs 910(which i thought has the best picture in any receiver)

u can also run enigma 2 software on this receiver thru usb, however the picture noticably degrades to just average

my conclusion is, enigma 2 software may be the source of the problem of inferior picture quality

21-12-2012, 12:32 PM
i 100% agree with livid on the pq of vuplus.this box is fantastic but the picture quality is below standard even with the so called picture enhancements.

just sold mine recently and went for the kathrein ufs 912 (currently 169 euros) and the picture is amazing even better than my kathrein ufs 910(which i thought has the best picture in any receiver)

u can also run enigma 2 software on this receiver thru usb, however the picture noticably degrades to just average

my conclusion is, enigma 2 software may be the source of the problem of inferior picture quality

Hi Guys,

What firmware are you using?
I tried a few different firmwares Pli VTi AAF and with Pli and AAF I have a crystal clear super sharp picture quality on my 42 inch Panasonic Plasma. Even better then what I see in any shop demonstrated with blue ray!
Now I installed VTI and everything works much much better then AAF or Pli but, unfortunately the picture quality is much less especially with SD.
People who know a lot more then me about this, say that isn't possible! Fine that might be so but it is not what my -and my wifes eyes for that matter- is telling/showing us.
I am curious what firmware you guys are using.
