View Full Version : diseqc switch quality

adam afc
03-02-2010, 05:27 PM
Hi there,
I have a 60 cm dish pointed at Hotbird 13E and decided to get some freesat chanells from astra 2d. I bought 20 meters of webro wf-100 cable, lnb holder and another lnb. I am looking for a switch now and would like to know about any differences between them.
Is there any brand you could recommend, is for example technomate good as i have tm 6800 receiver.
Does anything like HD diseqc switch exist.
Can i experience any loss of quality when connecting through the switch?
Any help appreciated.

03-02-2010, 05:36 PM
Spaun make the best switches, no contest ;)

adam afc
03-02-2010, 05:43 PM
Spaun make the best switches, no contest ;)
I found few on **** but they were splitters and i guess it's not the same, is it.

03-02-2010, 05:57 PM
no need for HD switch (if these are on the market = scam)
Technomate supports 1.0 or 1.1 switches, if you're not planning further expansion a basic switch could do.
Yes a switch would have some loss
EMP-Centauri claims 5 dB avg insertion loss
Spaun claims max 2 db avg insertion loss
just keep in mind if you install outside/inside to ask for an outside or outside model.
If you are in the center of the footprint for 2D, there is no worry. If you are near the edges the 60 cm dish and multi feed could become problematic.
mark your 13°E position and see if you can receive 2D 28.2° before you spend any further money.

03-02-2010, 08:21 PM
Why did you buy more cable?

adam afc
03-02-2010, 08:45 PM
no need for HD switch (if these are on the market = scam)

If you are in the center of the footprint for 2D, there is no worry. If you are near the edges the 60 cm dish and multi feed could become problematic.
mark your 13°E position and see if you can receive 2D 28.2° before you spend any further money.

I live in london so it should be fine, thanks for the map.

adam afc
03-02-2010, 08:51 PM
Why did you buy more cable?

I upgraded to HD and needed to change as I had some cheap cable.