View Full Version : @ painter

07-02-2010, 04:11 PM
Am I getting this right dave3dg are you saying that in your opinion the
DM8000 is a crap box?
If so will you please say why.

regards painter

@ painter,

Hi m8

The worst piece of $hite I have ever had the misfortune to buy in my whole life.

The original 8k I bought last September was replaced with a brand new receiver from Dream. It had tuning related problems like: not locating satellites and tuning in very few transponders when it did. My old 7020 using the same bits located them all.
I replaced the motor just in case.

I had to wait 5weeks for it to be replaced.

The replaced one is with Dream in Germany at the moment with one of the tuners going down and I am in my 6th week waiting on that one to be repaired.

They have had the 8k's longer than I have. :)

Not the most astute purchase I have ever made.


07-02-2010, 05:06 PM
did you have sequence repeat set to yes if connected to the motor ?
also did you plug the lead from the motor straight into the box while box was switched on as not advisable to do that. do you have a analyser to check if your signals are to high this can do damage to your tuner. all these tunners are rolled out and made on a conveyber belt thousands being made at one time sometimes faults are made when making them at least dream are replacing it for you and last of all have you got a power surger socket power surges from the mains can do damage to the tuner also are your connections right out side ? snap and seal plugs should be used with self almaginising tape on dish to prevent water causing a short. which can also back feed to the tuner lnbs can also leak in water and cause shorts all these tings are made worse when people plug there cable straight into the box when box is switched on. if you have had to replace your motor just in case that says it all if you had the proper testing eqipment you would have been able to tell if it needed replacing. time and time again i here mebers complaing about faults on there boxes of which most of these faults are caused by themselfs people go out and buy dear boxes dear flat screen tvs and then plug in the cheepest signal equipment into it and expext every thing to be hunky doory instead of going out and replacing your motor why didnt you pay an installer qualified cai to check your signal. if your gas boiler packed in you wouldnt go out and replace gas fitting just in case you would get someone qualified with meters to do proper checks.
well same things apply for signals tunners etc i am sorry to be so blunt and this is not aimed at you but in the hope that it will do some good for people in the future.

another thing to point out is if you are lining your dish up for the first time without a good meter you can quite easily flash across the signal to fast ie move your dish to fast. which in most cases is what happens the amount of time my fella has turned up at jobs with customers lnbs that is faulty is well nearly every job he goes to. why because cheap 15 pound tone meters have been used. if you damage your lnb you run the risk of damaging your tuner even if your dish has been lined up professionly and the best quality signal equipment been used gusts of wind can still cause the dish to flash across the signal how often do people change there lnbs they have to put up with extreme weather conditions and they do not last for ever all of witch will either result in poor pq or damaged tuner. you should also know that some tuners are more sensitive than others. its so easy to point the finger and say this is $hite but unless you have takin all of these steps then how do you really know if its not your fault . its no wonder that boxes companys get a bad name.

22-02-2010, 09:04 AM
@ painter,

Hi m8

The worst piece of $hite I have ever had the misfortune to buy in my whole life.

The original 8k I bought last September was replaced with a brand new receiver from Dream. It had tuning related problems like: not locating satellites and tuning in very few transponders when it did. My old 7020 using the same bits located them all.
I replaced the motor just in case.

I had to wait 5weeks for it to be replaced.

The replaced one is with Dream in Germany at the moment with one of the tuners going down and I am in my 6th week waiting on that one to be repaired.

They have had the 8k's longer than I have. :)

Not the most astute purchase I have ever made.


Thanks for your reply dave3dg {I've only just read it by the way} was looking at buying the 8000 myself but held fire because of the trouble I've had with my 7025 mainly locating sats correctly using vbox settings already used perfectly by my 7020 (been a great box that and still in full time use) I was persuaded to buy the 7525 by posts on forums telling me the Enigma 2 boxes were the mutts and found to my cost otherwise despite the clever boys telling me it must be me setting it up wrong.
Think most of the users who praise the 8000 s virtues are the beta testers who got a box for nowt or next to it:rolleyes:
So think I'll stick to me brass for now or until something really worth while comes along.

regards painter

24-02-2010, 07:08 PM
posted by painter

Think most of the users who praise the 8000 s virtues are the beta testers who got a box for nowt or next to it
So think I'll stick to me brass for now or until something really worth while comes along

youll be waiting along time m8 dm8000 is the best

24-02-2010, 07:22 PM
love mine and im not a beta tester but wish i had got it for free would of saved me a fortune

24-02-2010, 07:28 PM
@ painter,

Hi m8

The worst piece of $hite I have ever had the misfortune to buy in my whole life.

The original 8k I bought last September was replaced with a brand new receiver from Dream. It had tuning related problems like: not locating satellites and tuning in very few transponders when it did. My old 7020 using the same bits located them all.
I replaced the motor just in case.

I had to wait 5weeks for it to be replaced.

The replaced one is with Dream in Germany at the moment with one of the tuners going down and I am in my 6th week waiting on that one to be repaired.

They have had the 8k's longer than I have. :)

Not the most astute purchase I have ever made.


I'm Prety shure, if you put it to sell, here or elsewhere, you will sell it Very Fast.
And if you payed a good price, you will not loose money.

24-02-2010, 07:53 PM
i couldnt agree more dm8000 definately holds its money

24-02-2010, 08:02 PM
posted by painter

Think most of the users who praise the 8000 s virtues are the beta testers who got a box for nowt or next to it
So think I'll stick to me brass for now or until something really worth while comes along

youll be waiting along time m8 dm8000 is the best

I was accepted as a beta tester but refused as I felt the cost was too much for a box in the beta stage.

Now I wish I had taken the plunge as the 800HD works flawlessly.

I now have no issues with parting with my money for a 500HD

24-02-2010, 08:50 PM
have to agree sonic m8 that are the muts nuts and my 800 is a clone

25-02-2010, 03:53 AM
Think most of the users who praise the 8000 s virtues are the beta testers who got a box for nowt or next to it:rolleyes:

I was a beta tester and it still cost me a lot, especially when I had to pay by some kind of bank transfer that added over £20 to the bill, as I couldnt get them to accept payment by Visa. I dont know of anyone who got it for free or even quite cheap.

It took me a couple of weeks to decide to go for it as it was so much more expensive than I had expected, even with the small discount we got. As I had been waiting for this box to come out for at least 3 years since I first read about it, I decided to spend my cash on it and havent regretted it. I just wish that theyd hurry up and bring out a freeview HD tuner for it as my area is now enabled.

25-02-2010, 08:31 AM
OK Guys n Galls all these posts remind me of similar posts re the 7525 and that is now dead in the water or as good as.
Still think it's a high price to pay for HD having viewed it on my neighbors sly HD box.
Have other (more urgent) things to spend my hard earned on at the moment by the way.

regards painter

25-02-2010, 10:00 AM
I was a beta tester and it still cost me a lot, especially when I had to pay by some kind of bank transfer that added over £20 to the bill, as I couldnt get them to accept payment by Visa. I dont know of anyone who got it for free or even quite cheap.

It took me a couple of weeks to decide to go for it as it was so much more expensive than I had expected, even with the small discount we got. As I had been waiting for this box to come out for at least 3 years since I first read about it, I decided to spend my cash on it and havent regretted it. I just wish that theyd hurry up and bring out a freeview HD tuner for it as my area is now enabled.

i am also waiting on freeview hd tuner i hope they will work in are boxes

i am keen on a blu ray drive also ??

it looks blu ray is now poss on linux but im not sure what this meens for dm8000 i am hoping they can som how use the hack and include it in new firmware will that be poss