View Full Version : dead azbox

14-02-2010, 10:35 AM
hi all has anyone had probs with the azbox not powering up,mine has died on me,tried the usal things(fuse,cable etc),just wondering if it could be the power pack,only problem is i got it from ireland and it's going to cost me 57 quid to send back,any help will be appreciated

14-02-2010, 11:01 AM
hi all has anyone had probs with the azbox not powering up,mine has died on me,tried the usal things(fuse,cable etc),just wondering if it could be the power pack,only problem is i got it from ireland and it's going to cost me 57 quid to send back,any help will be appreciated

How dead is dead? No sign of life at all? That would have to be a power supply problem.
If you get something on the display/the LED's flash then there is hope.


14-02-2010, 11:42 AM
£57 to Ireland is a bit steep where are at get the power supply tested first locally if dead see if the supplier will replace or try and buy a replacement locally

14-02-2010, 12:19 PM
totally dead with no life at all,probably power supply(doesn't even get warm),but like satwyn said 57 quid is a rip off(thats the royal mail for you),is there anybody in the cleveland area with one of these boxes so at least i can try the power supply.
cheers all

14-02-2010, 12:22 PM
What happens if the main board has damaged the psu? you try another and pop there psu

14-02-2010, 12:32 PM
What happens if the main board has damaged the psu? you try another and pop there psu

fair point mate,just frustrating that i'm going to have to pay that amount of money to send it back.

14-02-2010, 12:37 PM
Thats the risk of buying overseas, maybe Goldwafers could test the power pack for you is you speak to him nicely

14-02-2010, 12:44 PM
£57 is way to much to Ireland, check out _http://www.parcel2go.com, you get the choice of well known carriers at a reduced rate than going direct. Ok it's not going to be for nothing but a lot better than £57 I'm sure, I use them all the time including several things to southern Ireland.

14-02-2010, 12:51 PM
£57 is way to much to Ireland, check out _http://www.parcel2go.com, you get the choice of well known carriers at a reduced rate than going direct. Ok it's not going to be for nothing but a lot better than £57 I'm sure, I use them all the time including several things to southern Ireland.

cheers mate,i'll have a look at that