View Full Version : Help, how to install CW Keys into TM6800

15-02-2010, 08:44 PM
I have a 6800 super and need help to install CW Keys, can anyone assist please????

16-02-2010, 09:45 AM
ok assuming you have patched the tm,press 8280 on remote
make sure you are on the channel you want to add the keys for using the remote move to a number in that box that has no keys in,press ok on the remote add they keys when done press exit it will ask you to save press yes and picture will come on once you get used to how to move within the box with the remote it is easy


16-02-2010, 11:43 AM
You can enter these like B i s s k e y s (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?p=643019) <= click here

16-02-2010, 12:10 PM
I find that ccw it doesn't work properly with the TM
soon you change channel is gone i had this problem before
yesterday I put CCW for Globo TV and belive me is not that stable
i got so P______ OFF that i put CCW on the diablo cam,list i was able to watch the Brasilian carnival but CCW on the TM it did not work properly it is a waist of time
well that is my opinion

just to add testing this morning and still working so cccw ok for the diablo

16-02-2010, 12:18 PM
if using ccw don't you have to remove the one from the softcam? (conflicting information). Was this one not working? TM Softcam updates (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?p=698066) i'm not following this one.

16-02-2010, 12:26 PM
softcam has old key change yesterday GIGA
that's the reason of CCW

16-02-2010, 12:41 PM
If ccw is still valid, can you try if it works? you can find an empty softcam here (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=117873)
put empty on stick, save current softcam to stick and load empty and chack if key works now? remove diablo cam for test

16-02-2010, 12:52 PM
yes still working but not stable as i mention before,got mine on the diablo
i m going to modify the softcam i got the key now

16-02-2010, 01:09 PM
very strange using key 01 but it is old key put softcam again and worked for a couple minutes gone again,or a conflict somewhere

only CCW work now with the diablo

16-02-2010, 07:20 PM
Thank you all, managed to get it going this morning but as dxman says if you change channel it goes off so I just "went over" the numbers/letters and saved and it worked. I think it is down now I have just tried but no luck.

16-02-2010, 07:25 PM
Thank you all, managed to get it going this morning but as dxman says if you change channel it goes off so I just "went over" the numbers/letters and saved and it worked. I think it is down now I have just tried but no luck.

better way to do,instead of going over numbers,put same keys on two different lines for example line 31 and 32,when you move from that channel then go back press 8280 for biss menue move up or down one line from say line 31 to line 32 press exit and it will say save press yes and thats it

17-02-2010, 01:24 AM
better way to do,instead of going over numbers,put same keys on two different lines for example line 31 and 32,when you move from that channel then go back press 8280 for biss menue move up or down one line from say line 31 to line 32 press exit and it will say save press yes and thats it

to be quite honest it is a waiste of time i try so many times,as i mention is not that stable,with the diablo it is very stable up to now The diablo is handling CCW very well,i try softcam again ,as it has old key 01 it should work but it doesn't ,still on on the diablo.
got little confused now,took the diablo out ,and i got scrambled channel,so key 01 for some reason it doesnt work for tv globo ,I'm wondering if the latest patch has a conflict

17-02-2010, 12:18 PM
dxman yes its not very stable,but not everyone has a diablo cam so my method was for those who dont have diablo,i have a diablo but very
rarely use it all the latest patches for some reason are unstable as for tv globo i never watch it as i cant talk brazilian.

17-02-2010, 02:18 PM
Had a look, must be some kind of AU that is in the patch. Using the key in the softcam you can watch 1 minute (more or less, and then freezes) reload softcam and you can watch again for 1 minute and so on. Did not try CCW.

18-02-2010, 01:23 AM
dxman yes its not very stable,but not everyone has a diablo cam so my method was for those who dont have diablo,i have a diablo but very
rarely use it all the latest patches for some reason are unstable as for tv globo i never watch it as i cant talk brazilian.

mate i only wanted for the Brasilian Carnival as it is live.
I can uderstand Portoghese so is not a problem for me
but i was upset because i was rely the tm to handle at list one channel
otherwise what's the reason to use a patch.
got a lot friends in Brasil and everyone try to encourage me to watch it
but definately there must be an issue

18-02-2010, 01:31 AM
Had a look, must be some kind of AU that is in the patch. Using the key in the softcam you can watch 1 minute (more or less, and then freezes) reload softcam and you can watch again for 1 minute and so on. Did not try CCW.

giga i know what you saying tv globo is not au plus au is disable
on the menu is only key 01 that done that ,when key 00 was ok strange but definately something to do with the patch