View Full Version : Channel Editor

16-02-2010, 11:44 AM

Is there any channel editor which works with the new firmware(s) and allows the satellites to be updated directly from sites like ********* or Lyngsat or even from a XML file?

I tried the Telesat channel editor but it screws up the lists with all the latest firmwares and I also tried Maz 2.3 but it doesn't allow the transponders to be updated directly from either external sites or by any other means...

16-02-2010, 01:08 PM
I have same problem... What is even worse, if you have dvb-c and dvb-s tuner, everything get messed much more...

with telesat editor you can import satellites.xml, and there are some online generators. that should work, I have just saw in editor that satellites were imported, hopefully they will get uploaded to AzBox...

16-02-2010, 01:22 PM
with telesat editor you can import satellites.xml

It does but it will screw up the channel list afterwards...

17-02-2010, 11:26 AM
Same is happening here.

I used to import Reihn@rd satellites.xml (very complete) with telesat editor.
Now it's impossible, al channel list are screwed up.

Let's hope Telesat or morser (Maz) are reading this and try to update their editor with new channel list format and witl satellites.xml import.

And, most important, please OpenSat STOP changing channel list format every 2/3 release.
Since in elite the Blind Scan is very crappy we need to import some real good frequency list, not the bull$h!t provided by you!

My 2 cents,


17-02-2010, 12:30 PM
Telesat said that he will release soon new release of AzBox Control Center which will have tool to import/export channel list properly, avoiding issue with mixing old and new channel list which obviously cause lot of trouble and instability.

When you import satellites.xml, indexes of satellites will be probably changed so you wont be able to use same channel list. But it should be possible to scan and arrange new channels from scratch.

I gave up with anything related to channel lists until new tools comes up. Than we will see if that can help to clear up messy FW. Till then I'll have to live with Reboot/Recording Complete message...

28-02-2010, 09:10 AM
The import / export channel list works properly with the new control center but the editor somehow screws up certain frequencies on certain satellites...

Maybe the import function needs to be fixed on the editor?

04-03-2010, 03:25 PM
Is there a way to download the latest channels for azbox?

04-03-2010, 03:52 PM
Is there a way to download the latest channels for azbox?

Short answer is no - the GoGo list was supposed to do this but being openshat, it don't work (well it does, but channels are way out of date.

AZBox Elite, now mothballed

04-03-2010, 04:36 PM
In the last firmwares the GOGO list is broken. You can fix this by adding the following line to /etc/hosts ngboxcom.dyndns.tv

Note that the lists aren't updated, so imho they aren't very usefull but for some quick testing they will do fine.

Hope this is usefull


04-03-2010, 06:04 PM
Can we find them online somewhere? Or do we have to add the latest channels/tp's manually?