View Full Version : MutliCAS/CAM question

Captain Jack
19-02-2010, 11:49 PM

Now I know that there's a "real" CCcam out there for AzBox but it's not very stable. So I am stuck with running MultiCAS.

The problem I have though, is filtering out the cards that I don't want. With CCcam it's easy by putting {caid:id:hops} at the end of the connect line but this part seems to be ignored by MultiCAS.

Is there a way to ignore certain shared cards that are of wrong type or too far away? Either with MultiCAS or some other emu?


20-02-2010, 11:19 AM
Look @ ignore.list to ignore wrong cards.
Look @ priocaid.cfg to select right cards

Look @ F line in server to set rights valleus for some CAID

Captain Jack
20-02-2010, 12:50 PM
Thanks Carp. I did look at these but I was under the impression that it will simply ignore the encryption type broadcast by the channel as opposed to selecting the right cards from a particular location.