View Full Version : New KGD 0.4348‏

20-02-2010, 11:54 PM
Hemos apresurado un poco su lanzamiento pero al final ya tenemos aqui la nueva imagen basada en la oficial 4348, nos hubiera gustado probarla mas pero no hemos podido por falta de tiempo asi que si hay algun fallo perdonarnos.

Viendo las peticiones de los users hemos intentado conseguir un nuevo firmware que ***pliese con ellas que son principalmente el EPG y las reproduciones multimedia principalmente los mkv.


Esta imagen trae como principal novedad el Epg de 5 dias para Astra e Hispasat del proveedor español, cada vez que arranque el equipo tendra un proceso de carga para dicho EPG su estado estara visible en el display y cuando termine la carga lo mostrara tambien, luego siempre estara corriendo un daemon que controla su estado durante la noche se actualizara automaticamente para tener el EPG siempre al dia, si vais a guide vereis los sucesivos eventos de los distintos canales y con el boton rojo podreis ver el EPG inidividual para 5 dias, tambien podreis realizar reservas de grabacion en esos 5 dias, esto no esta del todo probado pero cualquier anomalia comertarla para buscar una solucion.

Capturas EPG antiguo dos eventos
Capturas nuevo EPG 5 dias

La segunda novedad es el TakeControl KGD para sigma 8634 despues de muchas pruebas hemos visto que el principal problema de reproduccion multimedia en el azbox es la mala gestion de los recursos del mismo, porque en equipos similares, popcorn, wdhd, etc... la reproducion es perfecta teniendo el mismo chipset un sigma 86xx la diferencia es que nuestro azbox tienen sintonizadores y eso unido a otros aspectos reducen considerablemente los recursos, con el takecontrol hemos conseguido optimizarlos mucho mejor.

Las pruebas realizadas con el TC hemos conseguido una reproducion perfecta desde el HDD interno o externo, principalmente con mkv de alto bibrate obteniendo casi los mismos resultados que un NMT533 de popcorn.

Desde el PanelKGD tendreis las siguientes opciones:

1) Redimiento General se activa nada mas arrancar el TKC.
2) Rendimento TV se activa nada mas arrancar el TKC.
3) Optimizacion multimedia se activa cuando arranca el multimedia
4) Optimizacion rss se activa cuando arranca el rss
5) Optimizacion youtube se activa cuando arranca el youtube.

Las opciones 3,4,5 se puede usar al maximo y es lo recomendado en las dos primeras osea la 1 y 2 es conveniente poner un valor muy bajo el minimo, si la apertura de canal y emulacion es correcta estas opciones no se deberian tocar. Podreis hacer varias pruebas pero ojo un valor muy alto en las opciones 1 y 2 pueden producir que el sistema se relentize o de problemas.

IMPORTANTE podeis hacer varios cambios en el TakeControl y los efectos son inmediatos pero si se apaga o reinicia el equipo dicha configuracion se perdera, para que la mantenga se tendra que ir al menu configuraciones y activar el TCK asi cuando reinicies ya mantedra vuestra configuracion.

El takecontrol siempre sabreis cuando se activa o desactiva porque lo mostrara el display.

Otras novedades PanelKGD:

El PanelKGD version 1.1 trae aparte del takecontrolkgd otra opcion muy solicitada por la gente debido a los problemas con dispositivos USB y HDD y sus respectivos formatos ext2, ex**, fat, etc.. pues ahora podreis formatear cualquier dispositivo en el formato elegido en Extras HDD del panel, tambien existe la posiblidad de convertir un USB o HDD que este en ext2 pasarlo a ex** sin perder los datos (no lo garantizamos) las pruebas realizadas fueron satisfactorias pero puede que alguien no le vaya bien. Y por ultimo en este mismo menu tendreis la opcion de formatear la DOM en vez de hacerlo en el Upgrade para proximos cambios recomendamos antes de meter la imagen hacer este formateo OJO se pierden todo los datos y solo se debe hacer para realizar un cambio de imagen, no obstante antes de hacer dicho formateo hara un backup del PanelKGD, ddirec, telnet, etc.. y muy importante de vuestra carpeta Openxcas asi que solo tendrias que meter vuestros datos de red y descargar la lista de canales.

En las listas de canales hemos hecho algunos cambios ahora se pueden bajar las listas de canales del servidor FTP y no hace falta reiniciar, lo unico que hay que hacer es sino tienes metidos tus datos de antena configurarlos.

Tambien el panel hemos cambiado el DDirec y su webinterface ahora en la version 2 hemos corregido los problemas de arranque de la primera version, en el weginterface hemos añadido la opcion de poder subir el archivo links.txt desde el mismo si tener que transferirlo por FTP y por ultimo ahora se puede cambiar la velocidad de proceso y descarga hemos ganado practicamente el doble de velocidad, en el archivo config.cg de la carpeta DDirec teneis que meter este campo:

Prioridad="0"Donde hay 4 opciones disponibles "0" es apagado "alta" , "media" y "baja" tendreis que escribirlo tal cual en minusculas, en proximas versiones lo meteremos en el panel para configurarlo desde ahi.

Cambios generales:

Otros cambios son cuando se instale un HDD interno sin formato la imagen por defecto en el arranque lo hara en ex** no en ext2 como hacia ahora.

Se han hecho mas cambios en el skin y metidas las nuevas traduciones de Ajo.

Se ha añadido la info en el skin para Multicas con el CamSkin que teneis en el menu configuraciones y las instrucciones de uso estan en la publicacion del anterior firmware.

Hemos mejorado algunos aspectos del arranque.

Y por ultimo y mas importate agradecer a todos los que han colaborado y desarrollado la imagen, principalmente a Morser que ha sido el artifice del EPG, a la admin de azboxhd, Linarense, Fundidum, Yersi, Mpiero, Macmanolo y espero no olvidarme a nadie mas. Tambien queremos agradecer a la web que nos proporciona el EPG (http://www.rytec.be/)

DESCARGA MEGAUPLOAD (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1B6B23Q2)


20-02-2010, 11:55 PM
We rushed a bit but finally launch, we have here the new image based on the official 4348, we would have liked to try but we failed due to time so if there is any failure to forgive.

Looking at the requests of the users have tried to get a new firmware to comply with them that are primarily the EPG and multimedia mainly reproductions mkv.


This image brings the main novelty Epg 5 days for Astra and Hispasat Spanish provider

Screenshot of old EPG with two events


Screenshot of new EPG with 5 days


The second new is the sigma TakeControl KGD to 8634 after many tests we have seen that the main problem in multimedia playback azbox is the mismanagement of the resources it contains, because similar equipment, popcorn, wdhd, etc ... having a perfect reproduction in the same chipset sigma 86xx, the difference is that our azbox have built and linked to other aspects that significantly reduce the resources, we managed to optimize takecontrol much better.

Tests with the TC have achieved a perfect reproduction in from internal or external HDD, mainly with high bibrate mkv getting almost the same results as a NMT533 of popcorn.

From PanelKGD you have the following options:

1) General yield figure is activated soon after starting the TKC.
2) Yield TV is activated soon after starting the TKC.
3) Media Optimization is activated when the media starts
4) Optimization rss activates when you start the rss
5) Optimization youtube activates when you start the youtube.

Options 3, 4 and 5 can be used to maximum and is recommended. But in the 1 and 2 is convenient to put a very low minimum value, if the opening of channel emulation is correct and these options should not be touched . You will be able to make several tests but a very high value in options 1 and 2 can cause the system to slow down or problems.

IMPORTANT you can make several changes to the TakeControl and the effects are immediate but if you turn off or restart the computer this configuration is forfeited, so that it will have to keep going to the Settings menu and activate the TCK will be maintained as well when you reboot your configuration.

The takecontrol always know when is activated or deactivated because it showed the display.

Other developments PanelKGD:

The version 1.1 brings separate PanelKGD of takecontrolkgd another popular option for people because of problems with USB devices and HDD and their ext2, ex**, fat, etc. .. You can now format for any device in the format of choice in HDD Extras panel, there is also the possibility of converting a HDD USB or pass this on ext2 to ex** without losing data (not guarantee) the tests were satisfactory but may someone does not go well. And last on this same menu you will have the option of formatting the DOM instead of the next Upgrade to recommend changes before putting the image to this format EYE lost all data and should only be done for a makeover However before doing this format will make a backup of PanelKGD, ddirec, telnet, etc. .. and very important part of your folder so only Openxcas would have to put your data network and download the channel list.

In the channel list we made some changes now can download the channel list of the FTP server and no need to restart, the only thing to do is just have stuck antenna configure your data.

Also we have changed the panel and its webinterface DDirec now in version 2 we have corrected the problems starting from the first version, in weginterface have to


Where there are 4 options available, "0" is off, "alta" is "high", "media" is "medium" and "baja" is "low" you will have to write it as such in lowercase, in future versions we will put it on the panel to configure it from there.

General changes:

Other changes are when you install an internal HDD without the default image format on startup will do it in ext2 and ex** not to now.

There have been more changes in the skin and tucked the new translations for spanish of Ajo.

We have improved some aspects of the boot.

And last and most important thank all who have collaborated and developed the image, mainly Morser which has been the developer of the EPG, the admin of azboxhd.es, Milix, Linarense, Fundidum, Yersi, Mpiero, Macmanolo and I will not forget anyone mas. We also want to thank the web provides the EPG (http://www.rytec.be/)

Best Regards

20-02-2010, 11:55 PM
And in english?

20-02-2010, 11:59 PM
Sorry no English, If you want you can change the English text

For any developer, it is easy

The Germans already have

21-02-2010, 12:19 AM

21-02-2010, 01:08 AM
jesus christ!! why didn't opensat thought of this?!?!

desactivate a module everytime one module is used?

if we use media player all other modules are desactivated!


more resources and memory! no more crashes or freezes and no more stream problems from 1080p!

just awsome!


21-02-2010, 01:58 AM
More links to download


PD: hflms, Hugo knows of this

21-02-2010, 02:08 AM
well ...if so they should do something about it.

NFS sharing isn't working :|

gotta go back to latest beta. too bad :\
also if there was a way to include quality fix that they included in latest beta into KGD would be great.

EPG 5 days works perfect.

21-02-2010, 02:18 AM
NTFS does not work because the official beta does not work but we could give many solutions to many users, and high bitrate MKV works well with the image KGD

21-02-2010, 02:33 AM
hehe :) i didn't mean NTFS!
i mean NFS sharing(like samba)
i use NFS sharing service in linux (perfect) but in KGD doesn't work.
in official firmware (same version works)

21-02-2010, 02:58 AM
OK tomorrow we look at it:)

21-02-2010, 04:37 AM
Screenshot of old EPG with two events

Screenshot of new EPG with 5 days

Where are the images?

Please can someone show us some screenshots of the new image?

21-02-2010, 04:40 AM
hehe, it's similar to original but KGD has a great plugin in this firmware!!

epg here works 5 days :)
also u can give priority to modules.

RSS youtube media center TV etc.
this leaves resources to the module you're using.

other than that i think new libs and drivers and tweaked skin

21-02-2010, 09:51 AM
Shame they didnt include sly uk epg or this would be on my box now please KGD team Sly Uk epg too :P

is there anyway sattomy or Limak could change something in this firmware to have it in english and uk epg?

21-02-2010, 10:08 AM
In English would be nice :-)

21-02-2010, 12:03 PM
Sorry no English, If you want you can change the English text

And what is the path of the KGDPanel language file? At path: MMP/hd/System/ I found only system message files.

21-02-2010, 12:40 PM
Is this release compliant with AZBoxTVSDK-0.2?

21-02-2010, 01:07 PM
Great work, this sounds really interesting and a big step in the right direction.

Thanks for all your hard work.

21-02-2010, 01:22 PM
i dont get it, can someone explain what this is, does it replace the normal daily firmware? or is this a plugin!??!?

21-02-2010, 01:54 PM
It's an complete image with "extended menu" through KGDPanel.
Install method Is same like any other firmware, but recommended to make an backup from all important file (channels and other "personally" settings), and Format OTA area.

21-02-2010, 02:10 PM
My RSS are still not opening. The screen hangs on 'one moment'. Anyone else has this problem. I set the prio to high. Youtube is working better indeed when setting the prio to high.

The Multi-media is a great improvement. Thanks guys.

21-02-2010, 02:17 PM

Great work, but unfortunately do not work subtitles (digital TV, total tv ...)

21-02-2010, 02:19 PM
Operation and configuration of the EPG by Morse Google translator

I'm going to explain how the epg as configured in order that you check whether any channel that should not see the epg as I go out and solve, and so on.

When you start the deco, the program is started epgKGD that remains in memory. This program reads a control file that contains the date of last update. If this file does not exist or are over 6 in the mahttp://www.rytec.be/) That we should be thankful that these files available, as otherwise would have cost much more to have a decent EPG. After downloading the file and unzip it, execute the command loadepg to load everything in memory.

The loadepg reads data from xml file and a file called channels.map that contains the mapping of the channels and then you explain. He gets the epg in memory of the deco in each of the channels.

The loadepg you can throw it when you please, though it does automatically to PRINCIPLES, but if you change some parameters you can relaunch the channels.map epg load without having to reboot.

All these programs are in / PUGINS / PanelKGD / epg /.

Channels.map and its configuration file.

In the first line you will see this:


CXMLTV: Qu is indicative EESTA line is the xml file
www.xmltvepg.be / rytecxmltvdplus.gz: Is the address of the file must be downloaded (without http:// in front)
/ Plugins / PanelKGD / epg / rytecxmltv_dplus: Is the file with the full path of xml to be read

Then come a few lines like this:


Ctag1: This is the identifying name that has the channel within the xml, in this case, for example, if we open the xml to see this PRINCIPLES:

<channel id="tve1">
<display-name lang="es">TVE 1</display-name>

Cas you see, puts on BBC1 channel id, which is what needs to be placed on the identification.

9: This is the net_index. Each satellite has a different and what you can see in the MaZ to open a channel list, if this abris the dropdown above the list of channels (where it says all channels) you will see that each satellite has a little number on the left, this net_index shtick is that we should put here.

1: NID (network ID), you can see in the edit MaZ giving the channel in question.
1034: TID (transport id), so you can see in the MaZ.
10979000: Frequency (see MaZ)
30656: SID, like previous ones, can be seen in the MaZ
1: Polarity (0 - Horizontal, 1-Vertical)

Well, that said, you can find yourself, for example, puts you FOX epg perfectly, but the FOX HD channel and not in the comprobais not channels.map. Then look at the xml, if this, suffice to set a new line with your data FOX HD, and if it turns out that programming is the same as the normal FOX, you can make a new line by putting the name of the channel id FOX normal but with the data (NID, SID, etc..) FOX HD channel that are in your channel list, so you upload the same FOX HD programming on FOX.

Also say that the system generates / tmp / a file called epg.log in which you can see the records that you included in the epg, etc. If you see that you put some channels were found may be because you have some data (SID, NID, etc..) Changed in your list on what is configured on the channels.map. Only you would have to see the data from that channel on opening it with the vustra MaZ list and check that they put into the channels.map, if the data varies, and modificais in uan channels.map time you return to run the stored writing loadepg telnet / PLUGINS / PanelKGD / epg / loadepg.

Finally say that, apparently, there was a problem loading data from several satellites and if loads of series like this since the epg on Astra and Hispasat SITEMA erases the few. To fix it you shall have to sacrifice one of the two satellites without epg. To do this just place a # in front of the satellite channels that correspond to sacrifice.

I hope that with this tengais and clearer as you may know will put more to your liking and fix those channels that you should have epg and not so out.

Finally, I want to say that has not used a newer beta (it seems that the last item of streaming already works perfect and also has improved picture quality) because the epg does not work well in any of them, is charged but is cleared as you put the deco on standby, menu changes or even after a while without touching anything. We have already contacted OPENSAT to see if they will fix this or is going to be so, because if the latter is going to be very difficult to implement in the future because it would have to reload every time you leave and reenter the menu of TV and even from time to time automatically and with little time it takes a little nuisance.

Greetings, and enjoy.

The original is here

21-02-2010, 02:22 PM

Great work, but unfortunately do not work subtitles (digital TV, total tv ...)

Subtitles work fine, i tester with D+

21-02-2010, 02:38 PM
Subtitles work fine, i tester with D+

dvb Subtitles ?

ok, now we are working well when I re-loaded fw


21-02-2010, 07:08 PM
ok vest please Tacke Put the control in media mode enabled and with high priority when you want to watch a movie in high bitrate and then turns off when you want to watch TV

21-02-2010, 07:57 PM
Is it possible to configure this fw to read sly uk epg ... ?

21-02-2010, 08:01 PM
Yes http://www.xmltvepg.be/rytecxmltvuk.gz

You just have to modify the download file by this link and create your channel.map as I have before for all channels that contain the xml

Use the structure for 1 & enigma enigma 2 data files to create your file checker


21-02-2010, 08:20 PM
do i simply edit the rytec.channels.xml file with the channels i require deleting the other channels ?

sorry am a noob with xmltv.. really appreciate your help.

21-02-2010, 08:41 PM
I advise you not modify the xml feeds that are in this site are those who can see and not others.

When you want to remove any channel, edit chanel.map and put forward to abolish channel that do not read the #



21-02-2010, 10:38 PM
i am using the latest fw from opensat on my premium box.well i would like to try KGD images as they seem to do brilliant job.but will i be able to return to official fw in the future? and if yes just a clean install with formatting application area?
also guys it would be nice to have a multiboot function .pls think about it :)

21-02-2010, 10:42 PM
installation is exactly the same as opensat firmware can change firmware exacatly the same if want to go back .. it will delete your channel lists so back up bfore updating :P:bravo-009:

21-02-2010, 11:58 PM
Well well well....
This is getting hilarious.....
Guys that DO NOT get paid and DO NOT have the needed tools/sources
make more drastic improvements than the official developers....

Thanks a lot KGD team for your efford!!!

22-02-2010, 12:13 AM
yes, lets be grateful there is an alternative

22-02-2010, 12:25 AM
sorry for my ignorance but where is KGD Panel?

22-02-2010, 12:50 AM
sorry for my ignorance but where is KGD Panel?

You can find it in PLUGINS

22-02-2010, 12:53 AM
i see only openxcas in plugins

22-02-2010, 12:57 AM
If the installation was successful and not jump to step 3 to update, turn off and on the receiver.

If you still do not see in KGD Panel Plugin is not properly installed firmware

22-02-2010, 09:51 AM
How does this firmware do with DTS? As the dts fix was not yet implmentend in this versions.

22-02-2010, 12:30 PM
The DTS works just like the version of OPENSAT

We can not include new libraries and not have the source for a new kernel

As you know we are not open source we can only schedule out and improve some things.

We use this version because the EPG works well and in the following versions have problems.

In this version works well MKV , TS, MPEG files high bitrate

22-02-2010, 12:44 PM
mkv 1080p don't go smooth over lan (scenes with fast changes)

22-02-2010, 02:17 PM
Fundidun, "Use the structure for 1 & enigma enigma 2 data files to create your file checker" - sorry to be a complete newb but the files don't contain the channels in the same format as in channels.map (ie tve1:9:1:1034:10979000:30656:1 format). Is there such a file to help or have i just missed it??!!

22-02-2010, 05:07 PM
If needed I'm ready to start donating to KGD.

On the other hand Opensat should finally SACK that student from Algeria/Morocco who currently writes FW for all of us.

22-02-2010, 05:12 PM
can u improve/add NFS support please?
so i can checkout improvements :)
i don't use usb or samba. sorry.

22-02-2010, 06:27 PM
I installed KGD yesterday and have been testing it straight away for my BlueRay 1080p rips and sadly i have to say that there is no improvement at all.I am playing the files from my internal HDD and beats me why bloody Sigma chip can`t play BlueRay .....the MKV movies play OK from the internal HDD but from my other PCs on my wireless network stutters a lot.
Yes peoples not excited at the moment but who knows maybe one day the BlueRay will be playable.

22-02-2010, 06:41 PM
I will not be trying this version if 1080P still no better.:smash:

22-02-2010, 07:56 PM
i have a 720 BR mkv rip on a network drive.
on the original image, it stuttered with cifs mount, but when i changed it to NFS it played fine.

On this image it stutters. I tried playing with the TCK settings , no different.

present setting result in the TCK.conf file as below.


How do i get smoothe playback on this image as was suggested?

22-02-2010, 09:09 PM
finally reinstalled firmware and now everything runs fine.someone posted a translation file for KGDplugins. anyone has it?

22-02-2010, 09:14 PM
wich settings do u use to get maximum performance in media player in takecontrol?!

how do u use NFS sharing

22-02-2010, 09:38 PM
TRying to get uk epg working

but get error below:
Also file download not working for either UK file or the default file that was setup with install.

AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_SetUserEITMemory:1211
Send massage D(4), S(33)
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_GetEITMemoryStatus:1135
Send massage D(4), S(33)
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_ParseEITMemoryStatus:194
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_ParseEITMemoryStatus:207 DEFAULT_EIT total 20971520
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_ParseEITMemoryStatus:208 DEFAULT_EIT used 385340
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_GetEITMemoryStatus:1154 max_eit_memory 29360128
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_GetEITMemoryStatus:1158 DEFAULT_EIT total 20971520
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_GetEITMemoryStatus:1159 DEFAULT_EIT used 385340
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_GetEITMemoryStatus:1162 USER_EIT total 8388608
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_GetEITMemoryStatus:1163 USER_EIT used 7681793
################################# ################################# ##########
[AZBoxTVSDK] die(1291): signal 11 during cleanup, exiting unclean!
[AZBoxTVSDK] DATE : Mon Feb 22 20:32:58 2010
################################# ################################# ##########

22-02-2010, 09:51 PM
Is anyspecial way to install this new FW?
I have tried to install it but after the install I get a lot of problems
Like the KGD option will not appear in the pluggins My AZ box runs very slow and it keeps crashing Formatted the area before I install it
The set is a AZ premium
Thank in advance for any reply

22-02-2010, 10:18 PM
Install is no different then the normal firmware. But after install I had to reboot to get the KGD plugin to appear.

22-02-2010, 11:07 PM
x hfmls

The NFS works perfectly in Linux as well with the popcorn nfs.

Look here:


The problems may be because the firmware KGD has a very advanced busybox version 1.15 and uses the basic OPENSAT the 0.1 and nfs mount command may change.


22-02-2010, 11:10 PM
That is no longer necessary to play without freezes NFS from USB or HDD it does perfectly.

And with the ipkg customers can install or use torrents panelKGD to DDirec of direct downloads (megauload / rapidshare) all without using a PC.


22-02-2010, 11:55 PM
Fundidun, "Use the structure for 1 & enigma enigma 2 data files to create your file checker" - sorry to be a complete newb but the files don't contain the channels in the same format as in channels.map (ie tve1:9:1:1034:10979000:30656:1 format). Is there such a file to help or have i just missed it??!!

you enter PLUGINS / PanaleKGD / epg

You can see both the download file to epg channels like channel.map created.

MMP[epg]$ ls
channels.map* epg* epg.ctrl epgKGD* loadepg* rytecxmltv_dplus

<channel id="tve1">
<display-name lang="es">TVE 1</display-name>

This is de ID channel , It is the only data we are interested in this file when you download to create the channel.map


The other data MAZ take them out with your channel list

You have to change the link to download the file because KGD lower than the daily file with the Spanish platform

22-02-2010, 11:56 PM
That is no longer necessary to play without freezes NFS from USB or HDD it does perfectly.

And with the ipkg customers can install or use torrents panelKGD to DDirec of direct downloads (megauload / rapidshare) all without using a PC.


my media files are on a networked PC. One MKV i have does not play perfectly at all. It does play perfectly with Opensat software when mounted with NFS.

22-02-2010, 11:59 PM
mkv 1080p don't go smooth over lan (scenes with fast changes)

In the Plugin panel in option only take active control of Multimedia, Remember when I watch the movie to put it off again in

23-02-2010, 12:05 AM
TRying to get uk epg working

but get error below:
Also file download not working for either UK file or the default file that was setup with install.

AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_SetUserEITMemory:1211
Send massage D(4), S(33)
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_GetEITMemoryStatus:1135
Send massage D(4), S(33)
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_ParseEITMemoryStatus:194
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_ParseEITMemoryStatus:207 DEFAULT_EIT total 20971520
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_ParseEITMemoryStatus:208 DEFAULT_EIT used 385340
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_GetEITMemoryStatus:1154 max_eit_memory 29360128
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_GetEITMemoryStatus:1158 DEFAULT_EIT total 20971520
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_GetEITMemoryStatus:1159 DEFAULT_EIT used 385340
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_GetEITMemoryStatus:1162 USER_EIT total 8388608
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_GetEITMemoryStatus:1163 USER_EIT used 7681793
################################# ################################# ##########
[AZBoxTVSDK] die(1291): signal 11 during cleanup, exiting unclean!
[AZBoxTVSDK] DATE : Mon Feb 22 20:32:58 2010
################################# ################################# ##########

i'm also unable to get uk epg.
the default epg did have a 2mb rytecxmltv_dplus file when i first installed it. i never get the rytecxmltv_uk file, i assume teh first line should do that

i changed channels.map to this
BBC2.uk 282 2 2045 10773250 6302 0
BBC3.uk 282 2 2045 10773250 6319 0

23-02-2010, 12:19 AM
i'm also unable to get uk epg.
the default epg did have a 2mb rytecxmltv_dplus file when i first installed it. i never get the rytecxmltv_uk file, i assume teh first line should do that

i changed channels.map to this
BBC2.uk 282 2 2045 10773250 6302 0
BBC3.uk 282 2 2045 10773250 6319 0

To me you are missing: between each data

XMLTV:www.xmltvepg.be/rytecxmltvuk.gz:/PLUGINS/PanelKGD/epg/rytecxmltv_dplus testing this line as you put it

BBC3.uk:282:2::2045:10773250:6319 :0

You have to modify the first line of your channel.map to download the file with the English platform

Got a log in / tmp / epg.log copy it and see it

Example tve1 spain tve1:9:1:1034:10979000:30656:1

tve1: this is the <channel id="..." of the file xml, It is the only data we are interested in this file when you download to create the channel.map

MMP[epg]$ cat rytecxmltv_dplus |more
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<tv generator-info-name="TVxb/1.0116" generator-info-url="http://www.tvxb.com/">
<channel id="tve1">
<display-name lang="es">TVE 1</display-name>

9: Is that marks the position of the satellite in your list of channels, not the orbital position, this time above the MAZ which puts all the satellites

1: This is the NID, you can see the edit that channel with the MAZ, right click edit

1107: This is the TID you can see the edit that channel with the MAZ, right click edit

12545000: This is the frequency in Hz, you can see the edit that channel with the MAZ, right click edit

17500: This is the SID, you can see the edit that channel with the MAZ, right click edit

0: This is the polarity, 0 indicates horizontal and 1 vertical

23-02-2010, 01:38 AM
no need for NFS?

but i don't use USB or HDD.

i have a linux server just for NFS serving.....


will this work with this image?

23-02-2010, 01:52 AM
Yes this work with this image hfmls

23-02-2010, 08:31 AM
To me you are missing: between each data

XMLTV:www.xmltvepg.be/rytecxmltvuk.gz:/PLUGINS/PanelKGD/epg/rytecxmltv_dplus testing this line as you put it

BBC3.uk:282:2::2045:10773250:6319 :0

You have to modify the first line of your channel.map to download the file with the English platform

Got a log in / tmp / epg.log copy it and see it

Example tve1 spain tve1:9:1:1034:10979000:30656:1

tve1: this is the <channel id="..." of the file xml, It is the only data we are interested in this file when you download to create the channel.map

MMP[epg]$ cat rytecxmltv_dplus |more
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<tv generator-info-name="TVxb/1.0116" generator-info-url="http://www.tvxb.com/">
<channel id="tve1">
<display-name lang="es">TVE 1</display-name>

9: Is that marks the position of the satellite in your list of channels, not the orbital position, this time above the MAZ which puts all the satellites

1: This is the NID, you can see the edit that channel with the MAZ, right click edit

1107: This is the TID you can see the edit that channel with the MAZ, right click edit

12545000: This is the frequency in Hz, you can see the edit that channel with the MAZ, right click edit

17500: This is the SID, you can see the edit that channel with the MAZ, right click edit

0: This is the polarity, 0 indicates horizontal and 1 vertical

Here are my files neither files work.

23-02-2010, 09:10 AM
smudger, looks something like the one i have created too, mine doesn't work either! cmon someone help!

23-02-2010, 10:10 AM
do you actually get a file rytecxmltvuk?? i dont get one, The first line of the channels file ,i assume , must download the rytecxmltvuk.gz file, then it need to be untarred and finaly processed with the channels in the remainder of the channels file.

my epg log file is empty. i will try manually with the dplus settings and see what happens.

23-02-2010, 10:15 AM
my rytecxmltvuk is 0kb but updated this morning and my epg log file is empty.

23-02-2010, 12:29 PM
The file I download gets 20MB unpacked is IT possible to move files to internal HD?

23-02-2010, 12:54 PM
Yes, you can move dir PLUGINS to one external drive like HDD, pendrive...using panelKGD option.

23-02-2010, 01:48 PM
when i run epgKGD from telnet, it just sits there after a few messages and dont do anything else. see below. what am i doing wrong?

================================= ==================
MMP[epg]$ ./epgKGD
BUILD: [Jan 21 2010 20:18:24]
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_CheckTunerInfo:58 # Tuner Combination Type : COMBO
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_CheckTunerInfo:76 find ---- /tmp/TUNER_DVBS-0
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_CheckTunerInfo:91 find ---- /tmp/TUNER_DVBT-1
create_iso_639_code_table ok
Send massage D(4), S(33)
AZBoxTVSDK ChannelSDK_Load:332 (/DISK2/all_channel.dat)
FAV 200
channel list version : 9
channel_st (200) * 15000 : 3000000
channel_list_st (1596296) + channel_st 3000000 : 4596296
+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
1 type('FAV CH')
+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
AZBoxTVSDK ChannelSDK_LinkRCHInfo:223
AZBoxTVSDK ChannelSDK_Load:465 #######################
channel list version : 9
load service_type : 1
load use_group_list : 'FAV'
load bouquet : 65535
load net_index : 255
load original channel number : 2592
load tv channel number : 2560
load radio channel number : 32
load user channel number : 885
load vch_type : 'FAV CH'
load promotion channel number : 0
AZBoxTVSDK ChannelSDK_Load:486 #######################
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_SetUserEITMemory:1211
Send massage D(4), S(33)
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_GetEITMemoryStatus:1135
Send massage D(4), S(33)
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_ParseEITMemoryStatus:194
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_ParseEITMemoryStatus:207 DEFAULT_EIT total 20971520
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_ParseEITMemoryStatus:208 DEFAULT_EIT used 12989548
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_GetEITMemoryStatus:1154 max_eit_memory 29360128
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_GetEITMemoryStatus:1158 DEFAULT_EIT total 20971520
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_GetEITMemoryStatus:1159 DEFAULT_EIT used 12989548
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_GetEITMemoryStatus:1162 USER_EIT total 8388608
AZBoxTVSDK TVSDK_GetEITMemoryStatus:1163 USER_EIT used 0
destroy_iso_639_code_table ok
Send massage D(4), S(33)

23-02-2010, 02:52 PM
I get the same I think it hasn't downloaded the file. Not sure if it maybe because our channel ids have .'s in them.

23-02-2010, 03:13 PM
I get the same I think it hasn't downloaded the file. Not sure if it maybe because our channel ids have .'s in them.

no, i tried with just this top line in my channels file, same thing


EDIT: there is no http in the topline, thats just put in by the forum

23-02-2010, 03:54 PM
put your linke on the forum in quotes to stop http otherwise you might get admins after you.

23-02-2010, 10:18 PM
anyone got slyuk epg working then i havnt had time to play around yet?

23-02-2010, 10:24 PM
Nope, not that I'm aware of I still not seen the Spanish one work.
so I've just been using the previous EPG writer manually in the meantime

23-02-2010, 10:41 PM
epg works ok for me, but the quality of description for polish channels is terrible. I´ll better stay with old epg, or is it possible to get data from other epg providers?

23-02-2010, 10:47 PM
epg works ok for me, but the quality of description for polish channels is terrible. I´ll better stay with old epg, or is it possible to get data from other epg providers?

completly diffrent.. the sat package you may be refering too could be using standard epg.. the likes of sly uk use a non standard epg so that you have to use there equiptment to view epg data only now and next on sly uk is in standard epg format. this new firmware does xmltv so you can download an epg from the internet. instead of via a transponder

23-02-2010, 11:07 PM
do you know any site providing epg for cyfra+ or polsat?

completly diffrent.. the sat package you may be refering too could be using standard epg.. the likes of sly uk use a non standard epg so that you have to use there equiptment to view epg data only now and next on sly uk is in standard epg format. this new firmware does xmltv so you can download an epg from the internet. instead of via a transponder

23-02-2010, 11:12 PM


23-02-2010, 11:17 PM
Well its a good work around, I did post about a year ago saying the FW needed an option to put priority on the functions people wanted to use, after all this box is a bit of a hobby , we all love oure menus, keep up the good work !!

23-02-2010, 11:27 PM
That´s what I meant with terrible:

<programme start="20100228093000 +0100" stop="20100228100000 +0100" channel="Jetix.pl">
<title lang="pl">Zeke i Luther</title>
<desc>Perypetie dwójki najlepszych przyjació³, Zeke&apos;a i Luthera, którzy marz± o tym, aby zostaæ ¶wiatowej ... wiêcej »: wyk.Hutch Dano (Zeke), Adam Hicks (Luther), Dan Curtis Lee (Kojo), Ryan Newman (Ginger): USA 2009</desc>

Not that the CE font is missing, the description is only like 10words. I cant even open the description on my box. I can view only the title



23-02-2010, 11:34 PM
i dont know if you would get an improvement in the actual details on the information ie number more than the 10 word you have on that description.

the epg information on ___http://www.rytec.be/rytecxmltvpoland.gz__ should really be matching what is on standard epg .

23-02-2010, 11:58 PM
also to mention guys when you do populate the epg it holds the info from standby.

I'm stil usng the older method epggrabber/writer.

24-02-2010, 08:49 AM
wich settings do u use to get maximum performance in media player in takecontrol?!

how do u use NFS sharing

I tried but it cant play MKV files over LAN properly, so i'm going to have to go back to original firmware so that i can mount via NFS and hence get proper playback. Downside is the loss off keeping the EPG data.

is there a way to add NFS support manually?

EDIT: noticed i can do a NFS mount command if i leave out the intr 0 0 bit at the end but i'm not gonna be able to check till friday if its solved teh MKV playback, can someone else try?

mount -t nfs /DATA/movie -o nolock,rsize=32768,wsize=32768

24-02-2010, 03:23 PM
The most problems I have with subtitles with DVD movies, and with IP TV picture is really bad. Some DVD movies doesn't start with subtitle selection, but when movie is playing is impossible to select subtitles.

24-02-2010, 05:57 PM
mount -t nfs /DATA/movie -o nolock,rsize=32768,wsize=32768

Work fine, for linux ubuntu and popcorn with these command.


24-02-2010, 06:15 PM
Work fine, for linux ubuntu and popcorn with these command.


thx, but my question is , has having this NFS mount solved the MKV playback problem with this image as it does with Opensat's image

24-02-2010, 11:54 PM
thx, but my question is , has having this NFS mount solved the MKV playback problem with this image as it does with Opensat's image

NFS and Multimedia module Takecontrol with high priority, you will not have problems with MKV

Remember to put off the Takecontrol, when you're not watching MKVS

24-02-2010, 11:58 PM
The most problems I have with subtitles with DVD movies, and with IP TV picture is really bad. Some DVD movies doesn't start with subtitle selection, but when movie is playing is impossible to select subtitles.

This is the OPENSAT beta problem , not panelKGD, we can not make the jump to the last because the EPG is not working well. :o15:

When they fix the problem with the EPG in the latest beta, we will adapt the panelkgd and hope you can see well the DVD

25-02-2010, 12:00 AM
NFS and Multimedia module Takecontrol with high priority, you will not have problems with MKV

Remember to put off the Takecontrol, when you're not watching MKVS

What do you mean ?
Do I have to restore the multimedia setting of "maximum" to "off" ?

25-02-2010, 12:15 AM
What do you mean ?
Do I have to restore the multimedia setting of "maximum" to "off" ?

In panelKGD in Takecontrol option, if you leave turned on high priority multimedia module, can slow down other processes such as emus.

This multimedia module must be used if you have MKV , MPEG, TS files, not worked before, as it will give more power in the process of video

You have a manual in the forum, how to use or Takecontrol well as other users are using.

Much depends, of that process each time you want to increase

25-02-2010, 01:37 PM
What If I just copy files from PLUGINS / PanaleKGD / epg to standard opensat fw
and try to compile EPG from rytecxmltvuk.gz ?

Could anyone make a tarball from PLUGINS/PanaleKGD/epg? I don't want to install kgd but need uk epg

25-02-2010, 03:06 PM
What is your problem with panelKGD?

The German people, have sought and been translated into your language panel.

Now also enjoy your EPG


25-02-2010, 10:37 PM
This is the OPENSAT beta problem , not panelKGD, we can not make the jump to the last because the EPG is not working well. :o15:

When they fix the problem with the EPG in the latest beta, we will adapt the panelkgd and hope you can see well the DVD

Thank you. I didn't tested latest FW from opensat but they said subtitles works better.

And my suggestion is to put a posibility in settings to put all plugins to hard disk and enable swap file.

And I must say, a good work. Maybe you can think about to release new FW every second update or maybe third update from Opensat.

25-02-2010, 11:46 PM
Anyone get EPG working for uk sly/freesat?..if so HOW?
When i boot azbox, the display on front of box says First"commandfail" and then "EPG Terminado" and then box starts up as normal..
Also whan i go to Plugins/PanelKGD/ i don't see any mention of epg..
Any help would be appreciated..

26-02-2010, 12:04 AM
could some1 type "tar zcf archive.tgz /PLUGINS/PanaleKGD/epg" and send me that file (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=388)? Thanks

26-02-2010, 01:40 AM
...And my suggestion is to put a posibility in settings to put all plugins to hard disk and enable swap file...

You can find both options in our panelKGD ;)

27-02-2010, 11:37 AM
Anyone translated this to english?

27-02-2010, 06:35 PM
You can find both options in our panelKGD ;)

I know that, but it works only with KGDPannel

27-02-2010, 07:50 PM
I have problem now. When playing movie it says transfiendo EPG, or something like that, after that it said EPG terminado, and movie doesn't play.
What can be wrong here?

02-03-2010, 09:30 PM
I also noticed that latest KGD firmware makes more problems.
Divx files it play terrible all squares. And some movies also doesn't play at all. So I uploaded former firmware KGDteam 0.9.4295.
Doesn't freeze so many times, and plays better divx files.

And I still dont know how to turn off this EPG

02-03-2010, 10:27 PM
to stop EPG running delete file /DISK2/etc/start.d/S11epgKGD.sh

02-03-2010, 10:54 PM
Thank you. I will try again the new version, to see if it will work ok.

04-03-2010, 09:11 PM
It works now. Video is better and doesn't freeze so many times.
Only thing now I have problems is CRON. Doesn't work at all

09-03-2010, 02:52 PM
It works now. Video is better and doesn't freeze so many times.
Only thing now I have problems is CRON. Doesn't work at all

/PLUGINS/PanelKGD/Init/Crond OK


start() {
echo "===> Activando crond..."
mkdir /tmp/cron
mkdir /tmp/cron/crontabs
/usr/bin/crontab -u root /PLUGINS/PanelKGD/Init/Crond/crond.lst
stop() {
echo "===> Desactivando crond..."
killall -9 crond
restart() {

case "$1" in
echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
exit 1

exit $?

09-03-2010, 04:57 PM
I have that file in that place and crond.lst


# minuto(00-59) hora(00-23) dia(01-31) mes(00-11) sem(0-6) Script/Comando
#15 00 01 * * /PLUGINS/PanelKGD/Init/Crond/tu_script.sh (ejecuta un script el dia 1 de cada mes a las 00:15)
#* 05 * * * vfd_display -td210 REBOOT (hace un reboot todos los dias a las 5 de la madrugada)

30 23 * * * transmission-remote -D #sets download to unlimited
00 10 * * * transmission-remote -d 50 #sets download to max 50 KB/s

10-03-2010, 09:15 AM
Example for free channels, more information and support www.azboxhd.es

It works perfect the epg from France, Italy, Germany, England and Spain.

KGD panel is translated into German, Italian and Spanish, is looking for help to translate in other languages

# (Mar-2010, Western Germany)
# No CAS, no HD Channels
#Astra 2
Film4.uk:14:2:2041:10714000:9220: 0
Film4plus1.uk:14:2:2041:10714000: 9225:0
E4plus1.uk:14:2:2042:10729000:830 0:1
Channel4.uk:14:2:2041:10714000:92 11:0
Channel4plus1.uk:14:2:2042:107290 00:8311:1
ITV2.uk:14:2:2044:10759000:10070: 1
ITV2plus1.uk:14:2:2053:10891000:1 0165:0
ITV3.uk:14:2:2054:10906000:10260: 1
ITV3plus1.uk:14:2:2054:10906000:1 0261:1
ITV4.uk:14:2:2044:10758500:10072: 1
ITV4plus1.uk:14:2:2049:10832000:1 0015:0
CBSReality1.uk:14:2:2301:11261000 :52102:0
CBSDrama.uk:14:2:2304:11343000:50 903:1
Movies4Men.uk:14:2:2312:11224000: 53109:1
Movies4Men2.uk:14:2:2312:11224000 :53110:1
Movies4MenPlus1.uk:14:2:2611:1252 3000:55013:0
Movies4Men2plus1.uk:14:2:2302:112 60000:52121:1

Full files EPG UK (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IJDPQX4P)

10-03-2010, 11:22 AM
Where's the language file then?

I will translate into Dutch and Englisch if you give me the german file

10-03-2010, 11:25 AM
goodmorning to all of you.for people in greece can we do anything for the nova epg for azbox with kgd firmware?any help would pe appreciated since opensat doesn't here us anymore...

10-03-2010, 01:03 PM
I wil translate in to slovenian if you give me english file

10-03-2010, 07:36 PM
Where's the language file then?

I will translate into Dutch and Englisch if you give me the german file

I leave work something out and the panel in German

Instructions to translate (http://www.azboxhd.es/foro/blog.php?b=14)

Thanks for the help

German users by adapting the EPG for Germany and Britain, German and English (http://www.myazbox.de/forum/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=1804&pageNo=1)

10-03-2010, 07:38 PM
I wil translate in to slovenian if you give me english file

Only available in German, Italian and Spanish, when finished Carp95, will include the English and you can translate :respect-055:

10-03-2010, 07:47 PM
goodmorning to all of you.for people in greece can we do anything for the nova epg for azbox with kgd firmware?any help would pe appreciated since opensat doesn't here us anymore...

Sorry, we depend on this database, if you want to try talking to them, click on the link below and provide you need to include your epg to greece.

If they do you have 5 days epg with firmware KGD

EGP DATABASE (http://www.rytec.be/)

Include epg for greece (http://www.pli-images.org/forum/viewthread.php?forum_id=62&thread_id=12342)

Luck and hope this will be helpful

10-03-2010, 07:47 PM
I still cant get epg to work . when reboot box i get error message which says command fail .. ?

Any chance you can post a step by step i copies the sky up epg files over the previous files .. changed atributes 755 etc ..

10-03-2010, 07:54 PM
command fail . is a beta error OPENSAT enters the option menu and set the fan to on

Instructions for adapting the EPG (http://www.azboxhd.es/foro/entry.php/8-Funcionamiento-y-configuracion-del-EPG?**********en)

10-03-2010, 08:05 PM
options menu in settings (firmware) ive turned to on reboot same error i take it in the pannel you just turn cron option on in configuration and it should download epg on reboot... i have it on fixed ip also not on . just done as you say and get error message coming up saying problems with system please reboot ? click ok it says recordings complete. and cant do anything but reboot...

strange.. it seems to have completely deleted my satelites :( how wtf !!!! this box is having a joke

10-03-2010, 08:33 PM
just reloaded my channels list and working again.. still doesnt make sense what happens just shows how many blood bugs need iroing out,... still get command fail.. i followed the instructions as set out for epg and it doesnt work for me .. .... one big bug after another ..

10-03-2010, 10:20 PM
Can someone manage to check if crond works?

10-03-2010, 10:23 PM
I show him the files you have to take you inside the folder that is in epg PLUGINS / PanelKGD / epg

MMP[~]$ cd /PLUGINS/PanelKGD/epg/
MMP[epg]$ ls -la
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Mar 10 13:28 ./
drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 4096 Jan 1 2000 ../
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3622 Mar 4 11:42 channels.map*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 20441 Mar 4 11:42 epg*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8 Feb 28 05:00 epg.ctrl*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 21309 Feb 28 11:56 loadepg*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3700843 Mar 10 02:29 rytecxmltv_dplus

Operation and configuration of the EPG by Morse Google translator

I'm going to explain how the epg as configured in order that you check whether any channel that should not see the epg as I go out and solve, and so on.

When you start the deco, the program is started epgKGD that remains in memory. This program reads a control file that contains the date of last update. If this file does not exist or are over 6 in the mahttp://www.rytec.be/) That we should be thankful that these files available, as otherwise would have cost much more to have a decent EPG. After downloading the file and unzip it, execute the command loadepg to load everything in memory.

The loadepg reads data from xml file and a file called channels.map that contains the mapping of the channels and then you explain. He gets the epg in memory of the deco in each of the channels.

The loadepg you can throw it when you please, though it does automatically to PRINCIPLES, but if you change some parameters you can relaunch the channels.map epg load without having to reboot.

All these programs are in / PUGINS / PanelKGD / epg /.

Channels.map and its configuration file.

In the first line you will see this:


CXMLTV: Qu is indicative EESTA line is the xml file
www.xmltvepg.be / rytecxmltvdplus.gz: Is the address of the file must be downloaded (without http:// in front)
/ Plugins / PanelKGD / epg / rytecxmltv_dplus: Is the file with the full path of xml to be read

Then come a few lines like this:


Ctag1: This is the identifying name that has the channel within the xml, in this case, for example, if we open the xml to see this PRINCIPLES:

<channel id="tve1">
<display-name lang="es">TVE 1</display-name>

Cas you see, puts on tve1 channel id, which is what needs to be placed on the identification.

9: This is the net_index. Each satellite has a different and what you can see in the MaZ to open a channel list, if this abris the dropdown above the list of channels (where it says all channels) you will see that each satellite has a little number on the left, this net_index shtick is that we should put here. (I think here's your error, maybe your channel list does not match I uploaded to Megaupload )

1: NID (network ID), you can see in the edit MaZ giving the channel in question.
1034: TID (transport id), so you can see in the MaZ.
10979000: Frequency (see MaZ)
30656: SID, like previous ones, can be seen in the MaZ
1: Polarity (0 - Horizontal, 1-Vertical)[/CODE]

If you run this command in telnet, you download the EPG manually, England and burns it into your receiver

wget www.xmltvepg.be/rytecxmltvuk.gz ; gzip -d rytecxmltvuk.gz ; mv rytecxmltvuk /PLUGINS/PanelKGD/epg/rytecxmltv_uk ; /PLUGINS/PanelKGD/epg/./loadepg

Film4.uk:14:2:2041:10714000:9220: 0 Check with the MAZ, that the number of satellites list for Astra 28 º is the number 14 but, change this data on your channel list


10-03-2010, 10:30 PM
Can someone manage to check if crond works?

The other day prompted the files you have to put you to the cronod you work, and you tell me it works, can you go to the Spanish forum, if you want to see other users as it confirms

MMP[/]$ cd /PLUGINS/PanelKGD/
MMP[PanelKGD]$ ls
CamSkinKGD/ Init/ epg/ update/
DDirec/ PanelKGD* scripts/
MMP[PanelKGD]$ cd Init/
MMP[Init]$ ls
CamS.sh* Httpd.sh* TCK.conf swap_init.sh*
Crond/ Smar2303.sh* bloqlist.sh* web/
FDOM.sh* SmarFTI.sh* fanPlus.sh*
MMP[Init]$ cd Crond/
MMP[Crond]$ ls
cron.sh* crond.lst*

10-03-2010, 10:51 PM
Thanks to carp95 already have the first version in English KGD panel, test and tell if something is missing.

MMP[/]$ cd /PLUGINS/PanelKGD/
MMP[PanelKGD]$ ls
CamSkinKGD/ Init/ epg/ update/
DDirec/ PanelKGD* scripts/

MMP[PanelKGD]$ cd /MMP/PanelKGD/
MMP[PanelKGD]$ ls
CamSkinKGD/ Init/ PanelKGD* epg/ scripts/ update/

They have to change the panel in these places, remember to give the same attributes and MMP writable first perform and then change the panel.

Everything can be done with the MAZ, when they are tested and if it works, it went up, the panel to be installed automatically from the Internet :king-042:

10-03-2010, 11:18 PM
goodmorning to all of you.for people in greece can we do anything for the nova epg for azbox with kgd firmware?any help would pe appreciated since opensat doesn't here us anymore...

I have good news for you very soon epg can also enjoy the 5 days to greece.

They are working on it for insertion into the database, and informs you when ready

Nova Greece EPG :respect-040:

11-03-2010, 12:56 AM
I have good news for you very soon epg can also enjoy the 5 days to greece.

They are working on it for insertion into the database, and informs you when ready

Nova Greece EPG :respect-040:thank you:bowing-036:

11-03-2010, 01:02 AM
thank you:bowing-036:

You can see this in this link, as they finish and go up to the database, we will adapt so that you can have it :cheers2:

Epg Nova (http://www.pli-images.org/forum/viewthread.php?forum_id=62&thread_id=12191)

11-03-2010, 07:51 AM
Will make better UK version tonight( made some dumb word choices:chillpill:)

New version will be send to KGD team.

Also Dutch version will be ready tonight

11-03-2010, 08:38 AM
Thanks for info. I have this files in place, but cron still doesn't work, how to check if crond run or not? Maybe I have something wrong in cron.lst.
I have setted cron to minimize or maximize transmission and when I run it from terminal it works, so I don't know why doesn't from cron job?

And for those who use linux tools winscp is very usefull.

The other day prompted the files you have to put you to the cronod you work, and you tell me it works, can you go to the Spanish forum, if you want to see other users as it confirms

MMP[/]$ cd /PLUGINS/PanelKGD/
MMP[PanelKGD]$ ls
CamSkinKGD/ Init/ epg/ update/
DDirec/ PanelKGD* scripts/
MMP[PanelKGD]$ cd Init/
MMP[Init]$ ls
CamS.sh* Httpd.sh* TCK.conf swap_init.sh*
Crond/ Smar2303.sh* bloqlist.sh* web/
FDOM.sh* SmarFTI.sh* fanPlus.sh*
MMP[Init]$ cd Crond/
MMP[Crond]$ ls
cron.sh* crond.lst*

11-03-2010, 03:03 PM
In the file cron.sh in line mkdir / tmp / cron you have a hidden character behind the n, that does not work, delete this character with a UNIX editor, vi or by console

With respect to the panel, you must give read and write permissions to the folder MMP, so I indicated that use the MAZ, which brings the automatic command in TELNET, run it and then change the file with the same attributes.

Then turn off and on the receiver.

11-03-2010, 04:13 PM
Didn't find any secret charters there and can't change permission on MMP it is 755

11-03-2010, 06:50 PM
Didn't find any secret charters there and can't change permission on MMP it is 755

Are basic things you should learn, I recommend you read any book as you can see Cron works perfect, so that tells you, because it creates the cron folder in the path / tmp /

MMP[~]$ cd /tmp/
MMP[tmp]$ ls
DStar.lck* launch.sh*
HAVE_HDD ld.so.cache
HAVE_RF mbox.ver
HAVE_SCART messages
JIPC_Count pid.info
TUNER_DVBS-0 random-seed
TUNER_DVBT-1 sbox.log
UserDefinedShellIsRunning sdsver.1643
WriteDir/ share.info
cron/ share.onl
crond.pid skincam.info
debug.txt sshd.pid
decoder_inited stat.info
ecm.info timestamp
hdcp.srm ui_event=
ifstate utmp
kill_EMUs.sh wtmp

With respect to the panel KGD better wait until it's put in update from the panel itself.

12-03-2010, 08:28 AM
I know I look like a total beginner. But I work with linux almost 8 years and on all other systems I have cron and works great. Never had a single problem with cron. So I don't understand why here doesn't work. I check on net what can be wrong and I didn't find anything. So that's why I ask here.
I already check files and folders in /tmp too. Everything is ok. So usually is some little thing which makes problems. I do everything with files on linux with winscp, don't use ftp.

13-03-2010, 02:20 PM
I know I look like a total beginner. But I work with linux almost 8 years and on all other systems I have cron and works great. Never had a single problem with cron. So I don't understand why here doesn't work. I check on net what can be wrong and I didn't find anything. So that's why I ask here.
I already check files and folders in /tmp too. Everything is ok. So usually is some little thing which makes problems. I do everything with files on linux with winscp, don't use ftp.

I do not know where you can have the problem, the only thing I can think of is leaving my files and modify them.

I hope that works, because it sure is something that you step :cheers2:

Donwload Crond

18-03-2010, 07:30 PM
Is thera new release coming soon? There is a lot of new releases from Opensat.

18-03-2010, 07:54 PM
If OPENSAT doesn´t publish major improvements, we don´t have intention of publishing any new revision. Meanwhile we continue looking at possible improvements for future revisions.


18-03-2010, 08:15 PM
OK thank you for answer. :cheers2:

18-03-2010, 11:22 PM
hey help i cant get into azbox setting menu to update firmware!

19-03-2010, 09:06 PM
Edit the patch_URL file [DISK2] folder to include this address:


19-03-2010, 09:58 PM
This update is major improvement. It works.

19-03-2010, 10:25 PM
thanks rytec greek nova epg:bravo-009::bravo-009::bowing-036::bowing-036:

20-03-2010, 02:37 AM
I'm happy, I hope they publish it tomorrow for you to set up your EPG

20-03-2010, 03:19 AM
dear fundidun I;m a total newbie to load the epg with your firmware.i downloaded the rytec file for nova and i edited the channel.map changing only the example Astra satellite to hotbird and tve channel with et1 in our provider with the sid,nid e.t.c from maz.then telnet with your given command from uk,but the epg for that channel doesn;t appear:o15:.what I'm doing wrong??can you help?i changed only one channel to see if this works.

20-03-2010, 10:39 AM
send me the xml file with the EPG or the link where it is and I show you an example configuration.

I remind you that the database used for these is XMLTV files enigma1 & enigma2, which is hosted at this link http://www.rytec.be/

20-03-2010, 11:49 AM
dear fundidun this is the link www.xmltvepg.be/rytecxmltvnova.gz and the xml is from pli page.thank you

20-03-2010, 12:08 PM
Ok did not see in the dumps, I start configurarte a sample file and test it myself.

You have to have space in the Plugins folder, if you use CCcam 2.1.4 EMUS occupy as much space.

If you KGD firmware, you can move this folder to the hard disk or external USB.

When you leave the file you attached in this post

20-03-2010, 12:12 PM
I don't hove any emus and i have only installed kgd firmware.i have 1tb hard disc.thank you fundidun

20-03-2010, 12:14 PM
Ok, this morning or early afternoon you have set an example to be able to enter the EPG.

20-03-2010, 01:05 PM
Nova EPG is OK




Modify your epg folder for mine and chmod 755 all files

You can automate the downloading the epg crond with this command

wget www.xmltvepg.be/rytecxmltvnova.gz ; gzip -d rytecxmltvnova.gz ; mv rytecxmltvnova /PLUGINS/PanelKGD/epg/rytecxmltv_nova ; /PLUGINS/PanelKGD/epg/./loadepg

Any doubt I indicated

20-03-2010, 01:26 PM
thank you fundidun.and what about the attributes?do i have to change some of them from 644 to 755?sorry for being total newb.thanks for all you have done:bravo-009:

20-03-2010, 01:32 PM
Do not worry, we all started from scratch

recalls that the name is derived from the xml file NovaSports7.gr, the remaining data with the MAZ


20-03-2010, 01:39 PM
fundidun you are the boss.i did load it!!:bowing-036:two more questions
1)the letters are displayed like yours and can't be read.can it be with english caracters?2)when i want to load the new epg what are my steps?
thank you:respect-040:

20-03-2010, 01:47 PM
I've just done a test with some channels, if the database of EPG is with these characters I can not change.

To download the new epg and loaded into memory, put in the MAZ Telnet console, the command I posted before

Just ask one thing, when you made your full channels.map, publish it to add it in the next version kgd

20-03-2010, 01:50 PM
ok fundidun thank you.off course i will publish it.:respect-055:

20-03-2010, 03:01 PM
Is it possible to use KGD panel with last official firmware release?

20-03-2010, 03:29 PM
Is it possible to use KGD panel with last official firmware release?

Google translation:
That is not possible because not only put the PanelKGD, if not leading many more changes, including adding and using busybox functions of a higher, more various daemons and startup scripts.

The TeamKGD will bring a new beta version when there is a worthwhile, the post-4348 do not add anything worth the effort involved in their adaptation and subsequent testing.


Eso no es posible ya que no sólo es poner el PanelKGD, si no que lleva muchos más cambios, como añadir y usar funciones de un busybox superior, daemons y los mas diversos scripts de arranque.

El TeamKGD sacará una nueva versión cuando haya una beta que valga la pena, las posteriores a la 4348 no aportan nada digno del esfuerzo que conlleva su adaptación y posterior testeo.


20-03-2010, 06:55 PM
Thanks from athens i try

20-03-2010, 07:17 PM
fundidun opensat have a problem with the greek language and the epg displays in english.if i download the file from rytec is there a way to change the xml file from this ''?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-7'' to an english format so the epg displays in english?and if i do it manually how i can tell your plugin to take mine xml and not the''wget'' command?thank you and sorry for disturbing but i'ts a nice tool and we have to get it work;).thanks in advance

20-03-2010, 08:15 PM
In this forum you one of the contributors to OPENSAT is FatGiant, I hope to read your comment.

Even so Indicate on the official forum

I'll watching it if I can help a little more

20-03-2010, 08:24 PM
thanks fundidun,all of us greeks we opened 3 threads to official forum and no reply.you know the support of opensat is great but they work to much and couldn't do anything from november..:o15:thanks anyway:respect-023:

20-03-2010, 08:35 PM
It is unfortunate that technical support be like that, because what more difficult, we have the EPG database.

I will try to see if we can fix, but if the internal code can not touch anything

20-03-2010, 10:12 PM

I've been always suffering with the WiFi unstability.

Yesterday - disgusted by the latest opensat product which gave me 20 or so hang-ups - I flashed 4348 by KGD and the connection is rock solid although in the System Info Menu I still have "connecting / checking" message all the time (which I hate so much !).
Nothing changed with my Ovislink router.

Really strange.

20-03-2010, 11:45 PM
try altering encryption settings to your router , eg no encryption , wpa , wpa2 , tkip ,aes .....etc . most propably it will connect with single wpa setting , and of cource without any encryption .

21-03-2010, 01:09 AM
Try to set a fixed IP and DNS pointing to the ip of your router

26-03-2010, 12:46 PM
My Azbox died 24h after flashing FW4348_KGD.
Coincidence or.. bad luck.

I've set TV, general & multimedia priorities to HIGH. Didn't have time to fiddle with other settings.

Just "booting" on display.
Emergency procedure using USB pendrive doesn't work as the box won't go to the "loading" stage. So I guess FLASH RAM is gone... or worse.

26-03-2010, 01:00 PM
Be the first person to hundreds of users, other than the firmware does not affect anything in the hardware of your receiver.

Try to download this firmware, and pluck off the receiver with a USB stick inserted.

Opensat Firmware 0.9.2880

Download (http://www.azupd.com/0.9.2880/patch.bin)

27-03-2010, 10:35 AM
How can the USB be recognised if the bootloader (Flash) is gone ?
So the early opensat FW didn't needed a bootloader to start loading from a pendrive ??

Anyway - the box is with the service now. We will see if they accept guarantee once they discover KGD inside ...

27-03-2010, 02:34 PM
Are you sure that you can not boot from the usb receiver?

You would be the first person in every country, your hardware and factory was wrong.

THE KGD is a plugin and does not change anything OPENSAT software, like any other plugin

I do not know your technical level, but if it's low, I recommend you read manuals before making any major change in your receiver

29-03-2010, 11:57 AM
How can the USB be recognised if the bootloader (Flash) is gone ?
So the early opensat FW didn't needed a bootloader to start loading from a pendrive ??

Anyway - the box is with the service now. We will see if they accept guarantee once they discover KGD inside ...

The bootloader hasn't gone. If it was you would see anything on the front display or on acreen. Not even the "BOOTING" display.

The way the AZBOX is arranged is like your computer.
You have a bios to start the mainboard and the I/O's etc and a hard drive for the operating system. In the AZBOX it's much the same thus:
The bootloader (Bios) is in a seperate 8MB flash chip soldered on to the mainboard.
The operating system is held in the DOM in the 40 pin IDE slot.
This way you do not touch the bootloader whilst doing upgrades or changing the O/S firmware and if it all goes wrong you can reformat and start again like you can with a PC without any damage done aside from having to relaod all your plugins and channels etc.


31-03-2010, 09:39 AM
When you are planing to release new version?
Opensat fixed an important thing. Recording from IPTV.
I was trying that with latest KGD, but I can't.

And how can I inform Opensat to fix subtitles? Any idea?

Thanks anyone who is dealing with this! :hurray:

31-03-2010, 11:29 AM
When you are planing to release new version?
Opensat fixed an important thing. Recording from IPTV.
I was trying that with latest KGD, but I can't.

And how can I inform Opensat to fix subtitles? Any idea?

Thanks anyone who is dealing with this! :hurray:

Very shortly, with some improvements but, be aware

I recall that have been published, the tool to translate easily Panelkgd

Do***ent made by Macmanolo

(To whom I give infinite thanks)

Well, here I attach a small manual in order to carry out the translation of the Panel KGD to other languages easier. Nevertheless, first there is a brief explanation of, How it works

1. The Menus: these are self explanatory, we have Files and Languages, and the typical stuff is in the Files (Open, Save and Finish), which corresponds to the buttons on the right side for, Open Translation, Save Translation and Finish.

The second Menu is for changing the language. In this version only Spanish, English and French are available. For the rest of the languages, one can always take any of them and pass it to another language (I did it with German, swapping it with French one).

2. The Windows: There are three windows, the original messages are shown in the green ones and in the orange ones we put the translation.

On the right of the windows is a number (in the Spanish one can see the characters that are available for the text to be translated). If we go over the top, the text goes red and the text will have to be shortened o a shorter synonym will have to be found (If we fall short, the program will stuff with spaces when we come to patch).

We can find a particular string, placing it in the right hand windows, or we skip to a determined string, marking its number in the window on the left (always when we clearly know this).

3. The Buttons:
The Arrows are for moving around for the different strings to be translated.
Copy, is for copying the texts in the upper windows to the lower ones.
Search String, is to look for a determined string of text.
Open Translation, we open a previously saved translation with this button.
Save Translation, with this button, we save the text in order to edit or finish later on.
Checking, this button is for checking to see if all the strings are correct, on the contrary, the mistake made would show up.
Patch, with this button, the PanelKGD.bin file is generated which has to be renamed as PanelKGD before uploading it to the AZboxHD, and afterwards giving the attribute 755 in order for it to work.
Finish, this button is to close the program.

4. The files:
There is a PanelKGD which is the original one and serves as a basis to generate the translated one. Due to this, the bin has to be added to the new one in order to differentiate it from the original one. Nevertheless, to upload it to the AZbox the .bin has to be removed.
.ini, these files contain the translations for the program itself, for the menus as well as for the buttons. .
.dat, these files are the translations (they are really .txt files)
Of these, the StringsPanel.dat, is the one that contains the original strings of the PanelKGD and it is the one the program picks by defect to carry out the translation.
There is also a StringsPanel.dat that for now is in French, but can be substituted for the English one, once the translation has been finished.

And if it still isn’t clear…….

Once the translation is done and checked for errors, press the Patch button and then it is when the Pane

Download Tool (http://www.4shared.com/file/247646505/cbed9487/PanelKGD_15.html)

Dig Deep
31-03-2010, 01:28 PM
Some good reading here ! and no flaming ! Great.

Keep up the good work. Impressed !

05-04-2010, 07:02 PM
Fundidun, thank you for info for new FW. About translating, I will translate this shortly, it is harder to translate a settings for azbox than panelkgd,
Lately I have big problems with wy Azbox, it freeze all the time. It works 3 maybe 4 hours and than frezze. Is there any info about frezzing azbox?

05-04-2010, 07:43 PM
latest firmwares don't freeze..at least i don't have freezes anymore with 4717.
new KGD is based on that one, should be really good.

05-04-2010, 10:15 PM
I have uploaded regular firmware from satpimps and that frezze too. That happends lately, before it was working ok. Do you have any advice what may be wrong.

06-04-2010, 01:02 AM
Do you have any advice what may be wrong.

PEBCAK in OpenSAT ;)

06-04-2010, 07:45 AM
PEBCAK in OpenSAT ;)

I did that I have write before wrong. :) I mena Opensat not satpimps.
Bust still freeze all the time

07-04-2010, 08:38 AM
Is it just me or is the PanelKGD not working correctly? just tried to install an addon.
Could someone check Looked around other sites but can't find anyone else with problem.


24-04-2010, 11:36 AM
In latest FW they repair subtitles, finaly. I was waiting for this along time.

29-05-2010, 03:24 PM
Will there be any update on the KDG variation in the near future?

29-05-2010, 05:36 PM
Will there be any update on the KDG variation in the near future?

Until the EPG is fixed by opensat it isn't going to happen I think they said before.

The EPG still sucks. :banghead: