View Full Version : Dish Elevation puzzle!

21-02-2010, 08:40 PM
Had to replace my Motor on a 1.15 mtr dish. Original mount so I checked for perpendicular lines etc. Using a TM 6900 Combo.

Set up motor on 1west. Tweaked the elevation to get 80% strength and 75% quality in Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin.

When I move to 13 East the signal is fractionally off. If I tweak the dish elevation I get similar strong readings and also on 19 East but I lose 1 West.

It's freezing out there so I'm in for the night. What is the likely problem?

I've read and reread the Sticky. Only thing I can see is that my mount is slightly off!!!!

Any suggestions!

21-02-2010, 09:22 PM
I don't think your true south satellite should be 1 West, try going to dishpointer.com and checking your latitude and longitude.
The longitude reading gives you your true south position, positive readings = East, negative readings = West.

21-02-2010, 10:11 PM
use 8 west,


22-02-2010, 10:28 AM
I'm at 53 North and 6 West. So will find true south and start over.

My level is too big and I can't find the little one so will have to buy another to make absolutely sure of the perpendiculars before I tweak again.

Thanks for the advice guys.



simon 2003
22-02-2010, 10:47 AM
. Only thing I can see is that my mount is slightly off!!!!

Any suggestions!

if your mount is off m8 thats gonna be an issue get that cock on then try again

22-02-2010, 11:10 AM
Diarmuid, I am in Cobh Co. Cork at nearly 9W. The Sat at 8w is just to the left of my true south. You at 6W would put you just East of the sat. In other words the sat is slightly to your right as you look south. The sun will be at true south at your position at 12 hrs 24 minutes today and indeed everyday as each dregree of Longitude you are West of the Greenwich meridian just add four minutes to the clock,( A small adjustment must be made for complete accrucy but this is for navigation purposes). So just point your dish just slightly to the right of the sun at this time and you will be very nearly there. Hope this is helpful. TMULL

simon 2003
22-02-2010, 11:22 AM
The sun will be at true south at your position at 12 hrs 24 minutes today
what if its cloudy??
try dishpointer.com,set to your most southerly sat put pointer on your property where you want dish would be easier

22-02-2010, 10:51 PM
Can't pull in 8 West here but I can get 5 West. So is it advisable to lock in on 5 West as the Southernmost satellite?

It's ten years since I last did this and I think I'm having senior moments now.. The Azel mount is bang on. I bought a small level that fits in the awkward places so I've checked that up down and sideways.

As a matter of Interest I set my last dish off 1 west and it was working from 30 West to 30 East no problem.

That's why it's puzzling me why this new setup is only delivering one sat at a time!

Okay back out there to try again.

Thanks to all wh offered help.

Will keep you posted.

23-02-2010, 01:44 AM
All sats coming in!

Went back to basics.

Checked my mount for vertical perpendicular on all sides. Checked my dish fitting for centrality.

Set my Motor for elevation at 53 degrees.

Set 5 West as my due South.

Maximised my signal on 5 West. Then at first I tried to tweak the elevation but that didn't do anything so I tusted 5 West and reset it again on maximum reception.

Then I used my positioner on the TM 6900 to fine tune the dish to move East until I got an excellent signal on 1 West then 13 East then 28.2 East. All coming in now.

Thank you all for helping me out.



23-02-2010, 10:59 AM
Good luck with the set-up. TMULL