View Full Version : spiderbox freez

25-02-2010, 06:17 PM
hi all . got a spiderbox today flashed with spiderbox _hd_9000 sw 0217 .but it freezes on nds after about 10 minits card running on local server , any idea...thanks

25-02-2010, 07:17 PM
What version of cccam are you using?
Which NDS card, the white one? If so has the card already paired with another reviever.
If it has you wont get many channels as the card has paired.

Ps These are not linux machines so dont expect the same capability of some much more expensive machine it cannot do it thats why its cheap, and not over double the price.

25-02-2010, 07:22 PM
i am conected to a local server. itsa a white card

25-02-2010, 07:36 PM
Try an older Cccam version on your Local server, Like 2.0.11 !

25-02-2010, 07:38 PM
From what i remember the spider will on Home share with other spider box's.

I share from my tm9100 and use cccam and only recieve on the spider so cann't help. But can say only a few version of cccam are working with the white card as they keep tweeking stuff on the card.
Also if you white card has paired already with another box you can only get the basic channels in any other box, you will only get the full package in one box, so if you want to share be very carefull which box a new card goes into.

25-02-2010, 08:31 PM
I dont really know what cccam or c-lines are so nothing connected on that score. Just had a computor man call to check all my internet cionnections. Has replaced the two ethernet cables connecting the two spider plugs and went into my computor to check router etc.He assures me everything is as it should be. Only gone about half an hour but inital test not very encoureging. Next step tomorrow is to try and borrow a long network cable and eliminate the spiderplugs. After that I might try and contact a fellow member of the Spiderbox forum and ask him if he will connect my box to his system. My biggest problem is the constant disconnection. Darkman answered one of my posts advising me to check all connections especially my internet ones. Shall play around for the evening and shall report here.As to the suggestion to advise members not to buy I do not agree with. All new boxes have a few bugs and after about twenty years in the sat scene I am willing to give the box a chance. As a last resort I would ask for a replacement,but I will try everything first. The support for this beats any other box on the market. I paid 600 for a Humax iCord which is a heap of rubbish. Humax UK dont want to know and Humax .de are having a laugh at me. Give the Spiderbox a chance TMULL

25-02-2010, 09:53 PM
hi all . got a spiderbox today flashed with spiderbox _hd_9000 sw 0217 .but it freezes on nds after about 10 minits card running on local server , any idea...thanks

configurate better you server ,this is not the right plase to tech you haw to Config server and Nds c/s card is againt the rulles if i am not wrong..

26-02-2010, 12:11 AM
The box is not crap, statements like that are just ridiculous.
I have a Spiderbox and it's working fine. Now I can't speak about Thor, as I'm too far south to receive it, but gift channels on Hotbird and Astra are working fine for me.
I'm also connected to a server running cccam 2.1.3 and there are no freezing problems on the Hotbird and Astra channels. With some earlier servers there were problems, yes, but with my current line none. I put my earlier problems down to too many connections.
I can also stream videos from my laptop and view them through the box, very handy.
Picture quality is the best I've ever had and believe me I've had a lot of receivers! And this one cost me the least.....only 200 notes.
Now I'm sure there are some bugs but the box has only been on the market a few months! These can be ironed out with software updates. There have already been 4 or 5 of those so the support is there.
This box deserves a chance and Darkman deserves a break.

26-02-2010, 03:01 AM
so giving a gift for sharing other chanals is ok is it? any card sharing is against
the law . also i dont have to configure my server its running fine with my vu+duo & azbox. this box is suppose to share card inhouse with other spiderbox so whats wrong with setting same thing with a vu+duo and sharing other box inhouse. so instead of denying the problem try helping people sort it out or try getting better firmware out. one more thing i dont need gift chanels i just want to watch what i got without any problems.and if the reciver is not upto the job then what is wrong complaning about it ...

was not your with azbox frezing !?

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?p=659655#post65965 5

I think your Head is freezed...

26-02-2010, 03:07 AM
This is an excellent box. It does everything it claims to do, and now even more.
I watch every channel on every satellite that a subscription card is available for.
I also connect it to my linux box running CCcam2.1.1 with my 6 cards connected to it in smargos via a USB hub. Anyone who knows their stuff will understand the implications.
No freezes, no glitches, no problems whatsoever. It's perfect.
There was a problem with the new gift channels during the test period which has now been eliminated and I've watched them for hours tonight without a single glitch.
Too many of these idiots are posting all over the web saying the spiderbox is bad. it's just negative publicity being propagated by bitter little people with an agenda. They are beneath contempt.
There is a dedicated forum only for support of the spiderbox. Look at it and see how many members there are extremely happy with their purchases.

26-02-2010, 08:18 AM
Hi.Without wishing to get embroiled in the arguments above it seems there may be a freezing problem (for some people) if the server provider is running cccam 2.12 or later. (I myself have problems even turning off ucas etc). My question is; is there something in the pipeline that may fix this issue or do we have to put pressure on our provider to use an earlier cccam? (Obviously the latter may prove difficult in some cases)

The box itself is excellent but if we can get this issue sorted I'm sure it will then be perfect for everyone.


26-02-2010, 09:40 AM
the issue your refering to, is being worked on,
future patches gonna solve this.
improvements are continiously going on:king-042:
bare in mind thís stb has not been out on market so long.
maybe the problem with both aga and ozzsurf,
they have boxes that supplier dont support anymore.:nopity:
feeling unhappy not putting their money on this excellent.
stb called spiderbox :drool5:

26-02-2010, 10:18 AM
great box great price

darkman a big thanks

26-02-2010, 10:33 AM
I have one for 2 weeks now and I really have had not problems with it so far, gift works fine for me and channels keep getting added, I also have a cline working fine (server 2.0.9) without freezing so for me it has everything covered.

Can't fault it so far.

terry l
26-02-2010, 11:18 AM
Oh well,back to the spiderbox..watching dig*lb at the moment [no freezing].. tried p*nk and tr*ng..[the same]..just going to flip over to thor..yup that's working.. and before you say it, i to had freezing problem's but seem's to be getting sorted..

26-02-2010, 12:00 PM
Guys, some of you are getting very personal.

I suggest some of you read the rules about flaming.

While other forums are not named, I can see a clear polarisation of posters for and against another forum, and the rules are clear on defamatory remarks about other forums.

Admins have made it abundantly clear what the rules are, so if in doubt, take a read before posting.

26-02-2010, 12:28 PM
spiderbox 9000 hd are fantastigo. the bedst box i ever have.i have now 2 stk. even bether than my dreambox.

26-02-2010, 12:34 PM
the issue your refering to, is being worked on,
future patches gonna solve this.
improvements are continiously going on:king-042:
bare in mind thís stb has not been out on market so long.
maybe the problem with both aga and ozzsurf,
they have boxes that supplier dont support anymore.:nopity:
feeling unhappy not putting their money on this excellent.
stb called spiderbox :drool5:

thanks for a sensible answer

26-02-2010, 12:50 PM
I must say that being derogatory to a product when searching for an answer is not correct,easier to wait for your problem to be resolved.But,far worse is the personal slagging off that has now occurred member on member,this forum is not the place for it,it upsets me to see it to be pulled down to gutter level, my two pennorth, Dunc.

26-02-2010, 12:58 PM
the issue your refering to, is being worked on,
future patches gonna solve this.

Thankyou for this

26-02-2010, 01:31 PM
I am extremely happy with my 9000 HD.

I decided to take a risk and pre-order the box prior to release - my decision.

I knew that there would be teething troubles (as with any newly released receiver) as firmware was being tweaked and improved, but was happy to be carried along up the learning curve - my decision.

When buying any product, I research it the best I can and then make my decision.

Anyone who has bought one of these boxes and is not happy, probably didn't do sufficient reading. My best advice to them, would be in future to visit there local high street retailer - ask for their expert advice, and they will find themselves reassuringly leaving the shop with a Sly box.

26-02-2010, 01:56 PM
this box is definitely NOT crap.Yes, there are some freezing problems,but we have to give the developers time to sort them.When new channels came out the freezing was very bad,but within 24hours it was sorted out and now is not a problem.My opinion. Great box at a great price and so far great support.


26-02-2010, 02:09 PM
thread tidied up

I suggest those involved in the slagging had better stop it right now !!

freezing due to server issues is nothing to do with the actual box , more to do with either firmware , broadband connections and/or server issues , and strictly speaking should not be discussed in public

what you do with the box is your concern once purchased , and as darkman said you should not really be discussing server issues on this forum , and probably not on any other forum either ( but that is down to their rules )

its also in the rules about not slagging off other forums or suppliers , so that better stop too

the fact is that if you want spiderbox help you should go to the correct forum where it is widely discussed , not be bringing those issues over here instead

and as with any box there may be patch issues , or other issues that get worked on and improved through feedback on the source forum

so take stock of what you have bought , who may or may not be responsible for any or all of your purchase , and dont just slag it off if it doesnt do what you want first go , it may be a while before any issues are fixed , but that is not our concern no matter if its a dreambox , azbox , spiderbox , icecrypt , technomate or whatever

get real peeps , you are watching something for nothing , and "freezing" is a part of this cs culture that is worked on every day no matter what the box as its a common complaint

try it on BBC1 or BBC-HD , does it work ?

if yes you have little to complain about , and even less to complain about on satpimps as its not our problem


thank you

26-02-2010, 02:21 PM
Thank you .I may be partly responsible for wich I sincerely appoligise.I too found some of this OTT.I am finished with this tread.TMULL

27-02-2010, 12:05 AM
This box and associated gift is getting better by the day.

Most of the timess, issues are related to the bad quality of servers people use on them and so it causes freezes.

Have one of each and from last patch onwards it has been rock solid

27-02-2010, 02:15 PM
With Echelons permission I would like to post the following. A long lead from router to box cured all my problems.An IT engineer finished running tests this morning.He concluded that it was either the homeplugs or the house wiring. He ran a long electrial lead from the double socket in which homeplug No1 was pluged in to the sat box at the other end of the house and pluged in homeplug No.2. Powered up the box and all working ok .Problem down to house wiring proberly because each end of house on different circuits.I am off this afternoon to purchace a long network cable. Thanks to everyone for their input and sorry for any hassle I caused.TMULL

27-02-2010, 02:35 PM
sounds feasible

I ran in cat5 cable myself and added cat5 sockets , and powered hubs as well as the powered router ( not got a spiderbox but same principle )

the cs freezing is commonly down to networking and server issues , so as I said its too easy to blame the box , the supplier , or the patch maker

until you eliminate all possibilities like this , its wise to keep mouth tightly closed ;)

and fingers off keyboards too ;)

a long cat 5 ethernet cable can be purchased very cheaply on e bay , so there really is no excuse for all these faff type workarounds

you cannot beat a wired lan circuit---- period !

27-02-2010, 05:33 PM
I have moved my router to directly behind my Spiderbox and use a 1mtr lead to connect it to the router.
I ran a 15mtr telephone extension to the router as these are available in any high street store very cheaply, also the telephone extension cable is oval in shape and a lot thinner than a Ethernet cable making it easier to hide.
I have no problems with this setup.

13-04-2010, 11:27 AM
I have a friend who has a spiderbox & he uses my server to connect to channels.

I run 2.1.3 & his box is always freezing when trying to watch 28 east.

We are constantly being told to go back to an older version like 2.0.9 .

This is all well & good, however , the White 963 card will only work in 2.1.3 & above, so how does the spider get around this problem.

I think the spider needs some updates / patches to be able to work with an
NDS server using 2.1.3 or above.

Any thoughts ?
