View Full Version : Enigma 2 - IceCrypt s4000 \ Octagon SF1018 video

26-02-2010, 01:17 AM

does this mean, enigma2 will be relased on the icecrypt?

26-02-2010, 08:37 PM
Its being tested and will be released if successful

07-03-2010, 12:51 PM
ANY NEWS on this mate?

07-03-2010, 02:25 PM
The preview I has seen works only on boxes flashed with the Octogon loader so I'm not sure yet that it will be workable with the Icecrypt as is.....we will see

07-03-2010, 07:48 PM
Have just last night installed aaf multiboot instead of loader 1.21 .Now searching for channels in HDFreaks V3 image running from usb .Looks good upto now .Was happy with layout of the s4000 firmware - just multibooting to see if I can get rid of constant freezing of cccam .

07-03-2010, 08:06 PM
where is the best place to download aaf multiboot? I am having big problems getting CCcam working on this box, all my others work fine so I'm willing to try anything.

07-03-2010, 09:58 PM
google aaf-board and after registering the database will show the aaf recovery suite (to install multiboot loader) and the actual multiboot 0.3 program .After ftp'ing to the box I have found its the same cccam version as posted on here (probably because its processor specific ) so theres no improvement :-(

07-03-2010, 10:18 PM
thanks John.

07-03-2010, 11:38 PM
trying mgcamd as a client

08-03-2010, 11:58 AM
Please let us know what you think. I have after reflashing with Octagan software got 2.13 and 2.14 CCcam, Octocam working but as you say it's flaky.

Still, Im impressed with the software fro AAF.

08-03-2010, 08:11 PM
Have preferred the HDFreaks for atevio7000 upto now .Didnt manage to get mgcamd working in icecrypt verion but it worked well for about 15 minutes in HDF then froze whole box.Trying out Neutrino now but cant work out how to get plugins installed :-(

14-03-2010, 12:39 PM
this is annoying, why does there seem to be so much support for the Octagon 1018 (which apparently is identical to an Icecrypt S4000 with a different loader) but hardly anything for the Icecrypt...

there is also this just released for the Octagon...


15-03-2010, 04:47 PM
aaf f1 image for atevio 7000 very good .Doesnt seem to matter which box you have as you need a modified loader in to to run e2 anyway .Im tempted to put the fi image in flash and do away with the usb stick but have bottled it upto now :-)

15-03-2010, 06:06 PM
aaf f1 image for atevio 7000 very good .Doesnt seem to matter which box you have as you need a modified loader in to to run e2 anyway .Im tempted to put the fi image in flash and do away with the usb stick but have bottled it upto now :-)

Can you explain what you mean mate?

What stb do you own!? is the Atevio 7000 same hardware as Icecrypt and Octagan 1018 ?


Will there be an "official" Icecrypt S4000 E2 image do you think? I dont care that much as im happy with the STB, but just wondered more than anything.

I dont even know what E2 does\gives...LOL!

15-03-2010, 06:26 PM
Atevio is the same as Icecrypt .Once you have flashed the multiboot loader in place of the icecrypt one as far as enigma2 is concerned it doesnt matter whether you have icecrypt,octagon whatever .I flashed with aaf multiboot loader by changing the receiver id to atevio and then after flashing changed it back to icecrypt so that I could still install official icecrypt updates and run enigma from usb.Enigma 2 is the os behind dm800,8000 etc and many other receivers so to get a twin tuner receiver c/w hard drive running enigma 2 for under £300 makes it a bit of a bargain in my eyes :-) Mgcamd runs mighty fine as well (if you have good internet connection - the icecrypt seems very sensitive to poor ping rates)

15-03-2010, 07:04 PM
Yeah, ive just looked up the Atevio 7000 looks very similar to the Icecrypt although not as similar as the Icecrypt looks to the Octagon.

The E2 menu's all appear to be in German, are there English menu's?

Also, do the plugins work with the E2 software, as they do with the official f/w?

How do you flash the loader, and where do you get the files to change from and back to?



15-03-2010, 08:52 PM

15-03-2010, 08:53 PM
Its not for the faint hearted though .I was sweating with the fear of telling the wife I had just turned the new receiver into a brick :-)

15-03-2010, 08:55 PM
Sorry missed the rest of your mesage .Yes you can change the menus to english .Similar plugins to what is available on the icecrypt firmware are downloaded through the box itself

15-03-2010, 11:34 PM
hi mate, thanks for answering all my questions.

what are the main benefits for changing the f/w to E2? how are scheduling recordings affected, and USALs\DiseQ ?

also, one thing i havent worked out yet, can this box record 2 HD channels at the same time...

16-03-2010, 10:13 PM
Atevio is the same as Icecrypt .Once you have flashed the multiboot loader in place of the icecrypt one as far as enigma2 is concerned it doesnt matter whether you have icecrypt,octagon whatever .I flashed with aaf multiboot loader by changing the receiver id to atevio and then after flashing changed it back to icecrypt so that I could still install official icecrypt updates and run enigma from usb.Enigma 2 is the os behind dm800,8000 etc and many other receivers so to get a twin tuner receiver c/w hard drive running enigma 2 for under £300 makes it a bit of a bargain in my eyes :-) Mgcamd runs mighty fine as well (if you have good internet connection - the icecrypt seems very sensitive to poor ping rates)

hi mate,

where does the software run from, i.e when u download an image to a USB stick, once extracted does it run from the box itself, or is it running from a stick?

sorry, new to all this flashing lark.

11-04-2010, 01:07 PM
Any updates on this subject?
I tried CCcam as client on an Octagon and it's hopeless -loads of glitches/freezes (works prefect on my other box), so would happily upgrade to E2 if it would solve the problems.

A couple of Q's - what version of CCcam to run under E2 and where to get it?
Presumably E2 allows client and server lines under CCcam?


11-04-2010, 03:36 PM
E2 will be launched for the S4000 in the next 7 days and will be transferable using a USB pen and not by FTP.

Midnight R
11-04-2010, 06:49 PM
E2 will be launched for the S4000 in the next 7 days and will be transferable using a USB pen and not by FTP.

Nice, I look forward to having a play and hopefully setting this box up as a server as well as client.

I hope that there'll be a good tutorial as well :rolleyes:

11-04-2010, 09:32 PM
AWESOME NEWS!! I can't wait.. out of interest, where have you got this update from?

12-04-2010, 09:18 AM
E2 will be launched for the S4000 in the next 7 days and will be transferable using a USB pen and not by FTP.

New bootloader and all?


13-04-2010, 01:15 PM
oooh im so excited, and i just cant hide it!!!!

13-04-2010, 03:59 PM
The Octagon has been getting loads of updates recently...

14-04-2010, 03:57 PM
AWESOME NEWS!! I can't wait.. out of interest, where have you got this update from?

I have my sources and they are official!

14-04-2010, 05:57 PM
I've actually set a callendar reminder in my phone... little sad, but true

14-04-2010, 07:03 PM
I've actually set a callendar reminder in my phone... little sad, but true

LOL! Classic.

You sound like my geeky boss.

18-04-2010, 01:28 PM
Any news? It's been 7 days. I'm an impatient sod.

20-04-2010, 09:35 AM
E2 will be launched for the S4000 in the next 7 days and will be transferable using a USB pen and not by FTP.

Has this been released yet, or is it being held back? :beatdeadhorse5:

21-04-2010, 09:56 AM
E2 will be launched for the S4000 in the next 7 days and will be transferable using a USB pen and not by FTP.

Not sure about this now. As many here will know, E2 is available already by replacing the bootloader with the unofficial Maxi-Uboot. Is jj saying that some form of official bootloader is going to be released that does what Maxi-Uboot does. Surely this would upset resellers for one.
Perhaps jj can shed a little more light on just what is being launched and when.

21-04-2010, 10:51 AM
Joshjess, any comments?

21-04-2010, 10:52 AM
E2 will be launched very soon, just as long as my contact can get back to the UK as they are stuck overseas, they don't want to release it until its tested working. This version of E2 will not effect the S4000 bootloader however users who load the Octagon version of E2 and change the bootloader will void any warranty. You have been warned.

21-04-2010, 12:23 PM
E2 will be launched very soon, just as long as my contact can get back to the UK as they are stuck overseas, they don't want to release it until its tested working. This version of E2 will not effect the S4000 bootloader however users who load the Octagon version of E2 and change the bootloader will void any warranty. You have been warned.

I doubt E2 will be launched officially. In fact, I say it won't be launched.

Yes, you risk voiding warranty if you change the bootloader - that's why you make a back-up first and reload the origianl BL is you have a problem with the box.

21-04-2010, 12:24 PM
Any revised release date on this yet then?
Is it an official release from Icecrypt?

21-04-2010, 12:55 PM
I doubt E2 will be launched officially. In fact, I say it won't be launched.

Yes, you risk voiding warranty if you change the bootloader - that's why you make a back-up first and reload the origianl BL is you have a problem with the box.

OMG what is your problem re E2 discussion - is it really so hard to beleive that it is coming out for for the ICE when there are already about 6 different versions which exist for the Octagon (SAME BOX)

21-04-2010, 01:56 PM
if you all dont stop bickering I am closing some of these threads down

we are here to help one another , so anymore name calling will result in a 2 week stay in the naughty room !

wait until it comes out and can be tested by us all

then start a poll on if it works or not , and if it is better or worse than the previous firmware , and if the picture quality is better or worse etc

until then stfu unless somebody has something valuable to say like JJ did !

21-04-2010, 02:51 PM
C'mon people, please don't spoil this for those that actually WANT this to happen....
So far I've found this site to be the only source for decent info on the Icecrypt and I'd guess that it's here we'll 1st get to hear about any E2 releases (official or otherwise)

If these threads start getting closed because of silly bickering I'm sure I won't be the only one who'd be disappointed.

Surely there's no harm in just ignoring the rumours if you don't believe them?

I'm not directing this at anyone either, I have no problems with anyone on this forum so nobody take me the wrong way please.. just want to show the admin that these threads are valuable to others.

21-04-2010, 03:01 PM
Well said Stubs. Best site for support for the ICECRYPT

21-04-2010, 03:43 PM
They are not rumours, if they were I would not even post anything.

21-04-2010, 03:58 PM
Sorry jj, wrong choice of word

21-04-2010, 05:04 PM
OMG what is your problem re E2 discussion - is it really so hard to beleive that it is coming out for for the ICE when there are already about 6 different versions which exist for the Octagon (SAME BOX)

I have no problem with E2
It's just that there is no point talking about official release when there isn't one and won't be one (look at the Azbug E2 thread with 1500+ posts but NO sign E2).
If you want E2, load one of the unofficial ones on your Icecrypt today - why wait?


Midnight R
21-04-2010, 05:18 PM
Isn't E2 based upon a commercial platform?

That would mean that Ice would need to enter into a contract with the developers in order to use it offically.

Alternatively, these images may have been developed via 3rd parties.

In which case the support may not be so good.

We'll have to wait and see.

Can I comment on PQ :woohoo-022:
(only joking!)

21-04-2010, 06:30 PM
I own a satellite box to watch television programmes. My receiver does it's job very well.


21-04-2010, 08:36 PM
I own a satellite box to watch television programmes. My receiver does it's job very well.


lol fair comment

22-04-2010, 12:03 AM
All development done on Atevio, Octagon,HD Box and Icecrypt (all Fortis OEms) is open sourced in the SH4 Open duckbox GIT so you can compile it yourself.

Google it, the development is open to every team working on the SH4 platform.

If you want to help the effort send me a PM with your knowledge and skills.

22-04-2010, 01:52 AM

| The OpenSource Team Ducktales Duckbox SH4 Project |
| |
| Duckbox Changelog |
| changelog design by obi |
rev-678-g762e77c | nit | Tue Apr 20 21:10:59 2010 +0200 | 1 line

[e2] add record file splitting
rev-677-g4dd6947 | nit | Tue Apr 20 15:09:01 2010 +0200 | 1 line

[e2] fix patch
rev-676-g7476032 | nit | Tue Apr 20 14:55:12 2010 +0200 | 1 line

[driver] aktiviate proc entry was_wakup_timer
rev-675-g9bf23d1 | schischu | Tue Apr 20 08:45:29 2010 +0200 | 2 lines

Merge branch 'master' of gitorious.orgpen-duckbox-project-sh4/tdt
rev-669-gb7a045b | schischu | Tue Apr 20 08:45:07 2010 +0200 | 1 line

[libeplayer2] saver routine to detect possible srt subtitles
rev-673-g9a93016 | officiallyme | Tue Apr 20 0026 2010 +0200 | 1 line

[e2-nightly] Forgot to remove an entry
rev-672-g8495deb | officiallyme | Mon Apr 19 23:33:09 2010 +0200 | 1 line

[e2-nightly] De-activated autocreate of freesat.t1 and freesat.t2 (see Wiki)
rev-671-g2d278e0 | kire | Mon Apr 19 23:55:12 2010 +0200 | 1 line

[build] fixed detection bug of rpm >5.0
rev-670-g2f0be77 | nit | Mon Apr 19 21:17:26 2010 +0200 | 1 line

[e2] fix tuxtxt
rev-669-g69ec9d2 | nit | Mon Apr 19 20:35:19 2010 +0200 | 1 line

[e2] fix patch error

http://rapidshare.com/files/378527615/SF1018_git_678_neutrino_release_i ncl_kernel.tar.gz

http://rapidshare.com/files/378526470/SF1018_git_678_enigma2_release_in cl_kernel.tar.gz

22-04-2010, 08:04 AM
:ack2: I think I just need someone to tell me where to find the software, and how to load it onto my box... I'm a long way off understanding that stuff just yet.

22-04-2010, 09:10 AM
Similar plugins to what is available on the icecrypt firmware are downloaded through the box itself

Hi there.
Seems you are ahead of my efforts re. E2 - I loaded F1 on USB yesterday.
How did you install CCcam on this image? The plugin download lists everything bar CCcam!


23-04-2010, 04:27 PM

To get something clarified can anyone advise if and how they got E2 on this box, also in regards to some previous comments if you have got E2 or any other image on the box, how is the PQ. I only ask because I want to know.


23-04-2010, 05:06 PM
Used aaf recovery tool,changed the seller id to atevio ,installed multiboot .Running aaf easter image at the moment -it doesnt have cccam but mgcamd seems to do a pretty good job. I like the hdfreaks latest image but it seems buggier for me than the aaf ones.

24-04-2010, 12:46 PM
Patience! E2 is being tested this week on the S4000 and once its felt okay to release it will be.

24-04-2010, 03:05 PM
Patience! E2 is being tested this week on the S4000 and once its felt okay to release it will be.

Already out - several to choose from.
Have to say, I find it a bit too "geeky" and lack of an easy way to run CCcam is enough for me to stay with official firmware for now.


24-04-2010, 05:13 PM
Its not been released by the Icecrypt team, what you are using is not developed by Icecrypt and you will find that it will be very easy to use once it is.

25-04-2010, 11:14 AM
Already out - several to choose from.
Have to say, I find it a bit too "geeky" and lack of an easy way to run CCcam is enough for me to stay with official firmware for now.


Urm.....wasnt you saying not even a week ago that E2 will never be available for Icecrypt....now suddenly there are several to choose from.

Midnight R
25-04-2010, 04:30 PM
Urm.....wasnt you saying not even a week ago that E2 will never be available for Icecrypt....now suddenly there are several to choose from.

Give it a rest will you!

He was saying that he didn't expect there to be an offical E2 Image.

25-04-2010, 08:36 PM
Give it a rest will you!

He was saying that he didn't expect there to be an offical E2 Image.

Just ignore him - some people just aren't worth helping.


26-04-2010, 12:12 AM
alright alright - i will shut my pie hole.

28-04-2010, 07:06 PM
Any further news on this yet?

JJ... any chance you might need another "tester" in the meantime?... I don't mind having a look at it :driving:

29-04-2010, 07:30 PM
Its being tested as we speak and will not be released until we feel its okay to release it as if there are any issues we don't want you guys rubbishing it, not that you would!

29-04-2010, 08:47 PM
Its being tested as we speak and will not be released until we feel its okay to release it as if there are any issues we don't want you guys rubbishing it, not that you would!

oh no mate, not us...


29-04-2010, 11:18 PM
I wouldnt rubbish anything on this site you guys have saved my life getting this box to work as I want it over the last couple of months.

05-05-2010, 04:51 PM
any news JJ ?

06-05-2010, 11:08 AM
any news JJ ?

News is the same - plenty of "team" E2 images out there and an official Icecrypt (E2) image will never materialize.


06-05-2010, 01:03 PM
anyone got a link to these images?

Any news on any new firmware updates.

Forum has gone a little quiet on the box.

06-05-2010, 01:53 PM
anyone got a link to these images?

Any news on any new firmware updates.

Forum has gone a little quiet on the box.

Read the sticky on AAF Recovery Guide and it will point you in the direction of AAF Digital HD Forum. It's a German forum, so open a session of Babel Fish and you should be able to get by. Once you have registered you will be able to download AAF Recovery Tool 3.7 and away you go.
I personally have not had the balls to give it a try yet but I'm working up to it. I was trying to hold out for JJs USB stick solution and hopefully we'll get an update before too long:respect-048:

06-05-2010, 02:20 PM
JJ whats happening man? Even if there is no news just let us know.

06-05-2010, 02:44 PM
The AAF Forum is open to everyone, there is a thread called open duckbox SH4 so there is the discussion about the E2.

You can write in English, a lot of people can help you with questions.

Midnight R
06-05-2010, 07:12 PM
That AAF forum seems like hard work.

Can anyone report whether this stb can work as a server with E2?

06-05-2010, 10:05 PM
That AAF forum seems like hard work.

Can anyone report whether this stb can work as a server with E2?

I loaded E2 and gave up trying to get CCcam to work. As far as I discovered, it runs the same EMU as the official image, so answer would therefore be "no".


07-05-2010, 10:27 AM
if you guys are trying to run Native CCcam on an SH40 platform then you are DREAMING
CCcam cannot run on a SH40 platform, so forgett it for now.
the oCtagon CCcam or what ever they call it now, Fortiscamd or what ever is acctualy a copy of another EMU.

Now if you like to make you,r boxes as both server and client then use Newcs with Mgcamd 1.35 and you are good to go, works with most cards todate and is rock stable

07-05-2010, 12:32 PM
Can you configure an N line in xcamclient to use a C line provided by a server? I currently use the cccam2 line and configured the C line I have from a paid CCcam server to decrypt scrammbled channels and heard an N line is more stable. If this makes no sense I understand why.

07-05-2010, 01:31 PM
if you guys are trying to run Native CCcam on an SH40 platform then you are DREAMING
CCcam cannot run on a SH40 platform, so forgett it for now.
the oCtagon CCcam or what ever they call it now, Fortiscamd or what ever is acctualy a copy of another EMU.

Now if you like to make you,r boxes as both server and client then use Newcs with Mgcamd 1.35 and you are good to go, works with most cards todate and is rock stable

NewCS and MGcamd isn't developed anymore.

Call it like you want but it can connect to CCcam server, like incubus can on the IPBox.

It's a shame that Mower stopped his Mbox project, but I think the SH4 platform isn't bad at all.

Stay tuned,maybe there is a big surprise in a few days.

07-05-2010, 01:57 PM
Can you configure an N line in xcamclient to use a C line provided by a server? I currently use the cccam2 line and configured the C line I have from a paid CCcam server to decrypt scrammbled channels and heard an N line is more stable. If this makes no sense I understand why.

Now as i told this before, i have my own local server with 6 cards, and i gladly pay for what i like to see, so my server is with CCcam and Newcs,
i connect my Tiviar T1 with Newcs server as for me works much much stable
for me MGCAMD has been very nice emu, and does all i need it to do for my sPECIAL BOX Tiviar

@ Grizzlyt
give us a hint what surprises we may expect ?
and i never heard that Mgcamd was not developed anymore
Newcs i know that stopped development , but not MGcamd , have i missed something ?

Also do not forget OSCamd is new card reader that can take over or has taken over for newcs :respect-023:

10-05-2010, 12:15 PM
Any news? Hate it when this forum goes quiet.

12-05-2010, 01:52 PM
OK guys
today i found some spare time and i conveted my Tiviar T1 box into Atevio 7000
to do this you need the Uboot.bin file from Atevio 7000, then you can convert the Icy box into Atevio 7000. Please do not ask me for the Procedure how it is donne as i will not publish that, this is my give word and i will never break that.

Now i have installed the Enigma 2 image
AAF_M2771_g590_at7000_aafskin_upd ate_enigma2_stm22_FULL_nodebug taken from the AAF-Forum, then i have used the AAF_Recovery_tool_700_V37b software and made all that are explained on the PDF files explained in this forum

I am now running Enigma2 on the Flash of my box with No problem what so ever.
One thing i noticed with my box is that it got much slower then with the Original softwares.

12-05-2010, 05:43 PM
hopefully when JJ's contacts have finished their testing, we'll have a USB version rather than a flash image available soon along with instructions on how to install it.

12-05-2010, 09:03 PM
well as long as you know how to change the Uboot on the box, then flash the box with the Original say Atevio or Octagon then there is no Problem to flash either the a USB version of Enigma2, i for one test the Flassh part and i can say ity works.

But then again i will not recomend this to a newbee or someone that uses the box for daily use, i will not recomend it for anyone that do not know few things about Linux, and i will not recomend it to anyone that do not know how to do it.

I will say you beter wait for Fortis to deliver a beter Uboot and Bootlaoder before anything is atempted.

13-05-2010, 03:25 PM
Sorry its have gone a little silent regarding the E2 for the Icecrypt but we didn't simple want another E2 from a third party.
We are still trying to clear the bugs but it will be a USB loading version with a simple USB return path to original firmware. No ftp involved etc
I'm sure it will wake up the forum again when its released, hopefully in the very near future.
That's days not weeks now before anyone asks.

13-05-2010, 03:58 PM
Good to hear... any guess at how many days?
14 - 30?
30+ ? (Hopefully not this one...)

Out of interest, who is "we"? ..who is it that's developing this release?
Are Icecrypt just branding & selling this equipment, or do they have a development & support team? If so, are they just hobbiest's, or are they on the payroll?

13-05-2010, 04:18 PM
Thanks ColdAsICE. Good to know.

13-05-2010, 04:57 PM
in simple terms , TDT made the Enigma2 for Octagon first hand, this has been in tests since Octomber, then source code is now avalible and anyone with the brain can adopt the Enigma2 to any box made from Fortis.

IceCrypt box is no diferent that other brands made from Fortis, if Octagon, Atevio, Tiviar, UltraPlus, Openbox made from Fortis and other names that i do not rember, if this boxes can Run Enigma2 then i do not see the problem to run this on Icecrypt 4000 HD PVR box.

i have know this tricks since last year , and have converted my box to diferent brand names with no Problem.

Now does Icecrypt build their image on the TDT Enigma branch ? if yes then the bugs will be there what ever they do, if not they deliver their own drivers and make then from scratch :-)

13-05-2010, 09:26 PM
Sorry its have gone a little silent regarding the E2 for the Icecrypt but we didn't simple want another E2 from a third party.
We are still trying to clear the bugs but it will be a USB loading version with a simple USB return path to original firmware. No ftp involved etc
I'm sure it will wake up the forum again when its released, hopefully in the very near future.
That's days not weeks now before anyone asks.

Well, this is good to hear, as I thought "official E2 image" is total fantasy!

I tried again today with AAF Spring image on USB and still couldn't get CCcam or Xcam to work, so I look forward to this new image. Tell me please, will it work on any Fortis or does one need to change the resller ID (I have Octagon box currently running as Atevio). Also, I have MAxiboot loader.
BTW, what does "with a simple USB return path to original firmware. No ftp involved etc". mean?


13-05-2010, 09:28 PM
Good to hear... any guess at how many days?
14 - 30?
30+ ? (Hopefully not this one...)

He said "days not weeks" which would suggest less than 14 days, in my opinion.

13-05-2010, 10:58 PM
Try the mgcamd 1.35 that can be downloaded via the plugin menu - works pretty well on aaf

13-05-2010, 11:02 PM
He said "days not weeks" which would suggest less than 14 days, in my opinion.

:respect-067: nice one... seriously, well done there.

13-05-2010, 11:24 PM
now now children

14-05-2010, 04:01 PM
:respect-067: nice one... seriously, well done there.

Well, ask a silly question.....

19-05-2010, 12:39 PM
Nobody has said it for a while so..... Are we there yet?

19-05-2010, 12:54 PM
The same thought had crossed my mind but according to some, it would be a silly question.

19-05-2010, 01:01 PM
Well days was mentioned but tomorrow will be a week

19-05-2010, 02:11 PM
Well days was mentioned but tomorrow will be a week

Personally, I still don't think it's coming.
FWIW, I tried with AAF Spring E2 on USB and finally managed to get CCcam working but way too many problems, in particular, it suddenly stopping which meant a manual cam restart.

20-05-2010, 10:02 AM
It may well come soon, but my guess is that it will be a while before its stable and reliable. We still don't have completely reliable plugins with the standard firmware yet, and this is my main priority on this box. I'll try it out when it comes, but I don't think I'll be using E2 as standard until the majority of people here are happy with it.

20-05-2010, 10:54 AM
I agree. I think a real stable plugin with the standard firmware would be the top priority for the box. Pain in the arse when it freezes especially when you have my missus moans about it.

25-05-2010, 09:35 AM
Any updates?

25-05-2010, 11:02 AM
As you have asked I will report the situ.
HDfreaks in Germany have been developing an E2 version for the Icecrypt S4000.
It boots from a USB memory stick once the bootloader has been flashed to a custom auto detect bootloader allowing the user to use either the E2 Image(USB stick with Image in USB port) or original firmware(no USB or E2 Image).
The bootloader is flashed from a simple to load plugin and is reversable via the same method.
It's still a work in progress at the moment as we are still trying to clear bugs etc.
I know you guys have been asking and waiting for a long time now so if enough of you want to have a play I will release a beta version which is buggy but does give you an idea of what we are trying to achieve.
Maybe with your help we might speed up the bug reports and clearance?

25-05-2010, 11:16 AM
I'd love to have a look at the beta version :)
I may not get much time for testing and reporting bugs, as I'm quite busy with other things. But I'd definately like to have a sneaky look.

25-05-2010, 12:10 PM
same here. If it helps to use the Beta version and report on any bugs whilst using the system then I'd be happy to test it.

25-05-2010, 02:13 PM

25-05-2010, 03:02 PM
Having spoken to the developers they would prefer that I didn't release this E2 Image until it is a little more bug free.
Sorry guys but a few more days won't make a huge amount of difference I'm sure.

25-05-2010, 03:11 PM
:frown: not even on the quiet?

25-05-2010, 05:53 PM
As you have asked I will report the situ.
HDfreaks in Germany have been developing an E2 version for the Icecrypt S4000.
It boots from a USB memory stick once the bootloader has been flashed to a custom auto detect bootloader allowing the user to use either the E2 Image(USB stick with Image in USB port) or original firmware(no USB or E2 Image).
The bootloader is flashed from a simple to load plugin and is reversable via the same method.
It's still a work in progress at the moment as we are still trying to clear bugs etc.
I know you guys have been asking and waiting for a long time now so if enough of you want to have a play I will release a beta version which is buggy but does give you an idea of what we are trying to achieve.
Maybe with your help we might speed up the bug reports and clearance?

I loaded this a couple of days back. It's not an official Icecrypt image (as I already suspected) but a "team" image for any Fortis (I run it on my Octagon).
The plugin to change the bootloader (and back to original 1.21, if required) is a great idea and works flawlessly. However, one gripe I have is that I had the AAF Maxiboot loader installed and you have to overwirte this to install the HDF bootloader. That's fine apart from this bootloader will ALWAYS load E2 if you have the USB stick with the image on it installed (unlike the AAF one which gave you a choice of original from Flash or E2 from USB). That said, this version of E2 is excellent - much better than the AAF "Spring" image. You can download CCcam using the HDF panel and it works very well. I tested this image extensively and was impressed BUT I can't use it as it won't recognise my USB hard disk for recording - if I could sort that out then I would use it as image of choice - a few drawbacks though - it takes ages to load and is a bit slow to respond to the remote. Also, it's a USB image only and cannot be loaded to flash.


26-05-2010, 10:49 AM
I loaded this a couple of days back. It's not an official Icecrypt image (as I already suspected) but a "team" image for any Fortis (I run it on my Octagon).
The plugin to change the bootloader (and back to original 1.21, if required) is a great idea and works flawlessly. However, one gripe I have is that I had the AAF Maxiboot loader installed and you have to overwirte this to install the HDF bootloader. That's fine apart from this bootloader will ALWAYS load E2 if you have the USB stick with the image on it installed (unlike the AAF one which gave you a choice of original from Flash or E2 from USB). That said, this version of E2 is excellent - much better than the AAF "Spring" image. You can download CCcam using the HDF panel and it works very well. I tested this image extensively and was impressed BUT I can't use it as it won't recognise my USB hard disk for recording - if I could sort that out then I would use it as image of choice - a few drawbacks though - it takes ages to load and is a bit slow to respond to the remote. Also, it's a USB image only and cannot be loaded to flash.


You are assuming that because I mentioned HDfreaks are developing the Image it is the same as the general release they have on their site.
As for your suspicion "that it is not an official Icecrypt Image" that would be correct. The fact that the only official Engima 2 would be from Dream Multimedia and I would very much doubt if they would make one for anyone else.
This Image is being developed simple because there is a demand for it. Of course it will work in all Fortis based boxes, they are all basically the same after all and team work helps develop better firmware faster.
Icecrypt is fully aware what customers want to do with the S4000 and their biggest concern was customers damaging receivers by deleting bootloaders causing warranty claims etc. The USB flasher is a safer solution to the ftp option.
Who cares who is actually developing which Image? as long as development is being done to make this already good machine even better.

26-05-2010, 12:04 PM
Well said Coldasice. I bought this box knowing what it could do from the minute I plugged it in. Anything extra such as plugins and images that are being developed is a bonus and makes the box better. I dont expect people to provide these. I am just greatful when they do. Cheers.

27-05-2010, 12:37 PM
Anyone using E2 or other images on their boxes want to share their opinions or findings?

27-05-2010, 05:46 PM
Anyone using E2 or other images on their boxes want to share their opinions or findings?

Here are my observations.

I loaded the AAF team Maxiboot loader and tried several of their images on USB stick. All were OK but no online download of CCcam. I installed this manually and couldn't get it to work any better than with original firmware (file is the same as for original anyway).
In the last week I tried HDF6. This meant installation of yet another bootloader (much easier to do than Maxiboot, as it works from a plugin) and my gripe with this was that if you have the USB stick plugged in, it always boots into E2 (the AAF Maxiboot loader gives you an option of E2 or original).
The image is pretty good, CCcam can be downloaded through the HDF panel and works OK (but not prefect!).
However, although it sees my USB hard disk, it fails on record, so I went back to an original frimware.


27-05-2010, 07:03 PM
I tried the AAF Spirit of Spring and got frustrated by the fact that I couldn't get my C lines to work and by zapping to quickly it would crash and require a reboot. I have now loaded up the standard Atevio firmware which has some nice features available from AAF, like the AAF Panel for controlling Softcams, Tools and Scripts. All the standard Icecrypt plugins seem to be ok with Atevio. I also changed to a standard Atevio bootloader from the Maxiboot because it wasn't possible to go back to the Icecrypt. I've been having fun chopping and changing but I would'nt recomend it unless you have some backup for when it all goes wrong. Remender you can't expect to return it under warrantee if it says Icecrypt on the outside and Atevio or Octagon on the display screen.:respect-055:

27-05-2010, 09:25 PM
For Denton .If you leave maxiboot installed and use usb image tool to install hdf6 the the image becomes s-usb2 rather than s-usb1 as is normal with aaf images .It the boots fine.

27-05-2010, 10:36 PM
You boys know your stuff. I'm a software support analyst and this stuff is over my head. Until I learn it that is.

28-05-2010, 04:28 PM
I've released the E2 including flashers https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=134152
It isn't perfect by a long shot but its something to play with when your bored.

28-05-2010, 05:54 PM
For Denton .If you leave maxiboot installed and use usb image tool to install hdf6 the the image becomes s-usb2 rather than s-usb1 as is normal with aaf images .It the boots fine.

Thanks - I did try this origianlly but I couldn't get it to boot. But, now you told me it DOES work, I will give it another go when I get the chance to run ART with all the necessary cables!
Have a nice weekend,

08-11-2010, 01:33 PM
should this be a sticky, as new members might not know that this box can even do E2....

just a thought.

08-11-2010, 08:03 PM
I thought Enigma on Icecrypt S4000 was dead? Is it still progressing?

09-11-2010, 08:39 PM
Anyone know the easiest way to try out the new AA Media Centre image. I have the dual usb boot thing installed, but I have downloaded the full usb version and it does not contain a .imz file. Do I point the usb tool at something else?

09-11-2010, 09:38 PM
If you have installed the AAF Maxi uboot using the AAF recovery tool then use AAF Maxiboot installer to format your USB stick and load the E2 image onto it.

10-11-2010, 03:56 PM
Cheers man. I did'nt use aaf recovery tool, the icecrypt image came with a plugin to install a dual boot loader (E2 when in usb) and the image was just a .imz file installed with usb tool unlike the image I have now downloaded. Do you need a serial connection to use the aaf tool? I don't have access to a serial connection and I don't want too much hassle with something I just want a play with.

10-11-2010, 07:43 PM
Yup, you need a serial connection for the AAF Recovery tool. Haven't used the HDFREAKS Bootloader. Lots here have had trouble with it as this thread reveals.

10-11-2010, 08:07 PM
Cheers man

10-11-2010, 10:20 PM
let us know if you succeed mate

ps the aaf recovery tool can be found here


bahhhh i get failed to initialize!!!

11-11-2010, 02:50 PM
i beleive my issue might be because i dont have .Net2.0 installed.

11-11-2010, 03:09 PM
i beleive my issue might be because i dont have .Net2.0 installed.

If you are running AAF recovery tool in Vista or 7 please remember to run the application as "administrator".

11-11-2010, 10:19 PM
If you are running AAF recovery tool in Vista or 7 please remember to run the application as "administrator".

cheers mate, nah XP - ive just installed .Net 3.5 and its sorted.

now time to break my ICECRYPT...LOL!

i half jest.

11-11-2010, 11:08 PM
hmmm it doesnt think my box is ok, maybe cos ive got the HDFREAKs bootloader still on it, ive tried the HDFREAKS original bootloader, but it doesnt install ok ....
