View Full Version : big network problem with Dm 800 hd clone

goni el
27-02-2010, 11:35 AM
hi i have network problem in Dm 800 hd it workt good for a month
and it stop working,
I did a network test, these where my results, I have also lost my channels

LAN Adapter
Intergrated Ethernet/ and theres a tick in the box

Local Network
connected/ and theres a tick in the box

enable/ and theres a tick in the box

IP Address
unconfirmed/ and theres a X in the box

unconfirmed/ and theres a X in the box
can you help me please
thank you from Goni el:bowing-036:

27-02-2010, 12:26 PM
Try unchecking your DCHP and assign a static IP addy within your routers range of course. I have to re-boot when I assign a static IP orit fails the network test and won't connect to the three mentioned below.

It is advised to have a static one anyway to enable you to connect to D.C.C.E.2 or the other two, one ends in set and the other in edit. Sorry about the code ;)

27-02-2010, 03:41 PM
Are you using cccam and have quite a few c-lines in your cfg file? I remember a while back, if I went to about 35-40 c-lines, the network became very unstable. I dunno whether it's still the case that it causes those problems now, as I stick to only 25-30 c-lines now...

If this is the case, to test, change the cam to common interface, and wait about 2 mins or so. Then, try pinging the ip address of the box. If that works, then, run a constant ping command (ping -t iirc where the numbers are the ip address of your box). Then, change the cam to the cccam, and see whether it stops pinging after a short while. If so, it's defo cccam that's the problem...