View Full Version : DM 800 HD - White card

27-02-2010, 10:55 PM
Can you purchase a sly white card without having a subscription to sly ?

And can you use a sstandard sly card + box (non HD) to get HD channels,
when doing the technique with the DM 800HD?

And also how long does the card work, without it being connected
to the original box ?

27-02-2010, 11:09 PM
Can you purchase a sly white card without having a subscription to sly ? NO

And can you use a sstandard sly card + box (non HD) to get HD channels,
when doing the technique with the DM 800HD? NO official HD sky sub required

And also how long does the card work, without it being connected
to the original box ? white card will only work when white card is activated in offical sky box first then you get about 1 month worth of entitlements then card must go back in sky box , but with recent CCcam versions white card should update each month without having to put card in sly box hope this helped ?

27-02-2010, 11:21 PM
Also does the DreamBox 800 Hd need to be connected to the internet/ethernet to communicate with a server?

Does this technique damage the card ? / Make sly think you are doing something
doggy? When you plug it back in the original box ?

27-02-2010, 11:35 PM
1) Also does the DreamBox 800 Hd need to be connected to the internet/ethernet to communicate with a server?

2) Does this technique damage the card ?

3) Make sly think you are doing something dodgy?
When you plug it back in the original box ?

1) yes

2) possibly

3) no

27-02-2010, 11:57 PM
Can you purchase a sly white card without having a subscription to sly ?

And can you use a sstandard sly card + box (non HD) to get HD channels,
when doing the technique with the DM 800HD?

And also how long does the card work, without it being connected
to the original box ?

u dont need a subscription, u just need an old sky card

28-02-2010, 04:10 PM

I dont get the card to update.
The white card gets no emm. this is my settings:

B: /dev/sci0 00
BOXKEY: /dev/sci0 XX XX XX XX

and it should be correct boxkey, but it still shows 0 EMM inn cccam info.

When the card arrive I put in in orginal box and pic came. Then I moved it to my DB800, but ater a few weeks it has gone black.

In cccaminfo the cards shown ok as 963:0
Use cccam 2.1.4
What could be wrong???

28-02-2010, 04:43 PM
Best to remove the B: /dev/sci0 00, as the default is to have nothing blocked anyway, so you're not achieving anything by having it in...

Other thing to do, remove any other c-lines from your cfg temporarily (just add a # infront of the line), and leave the box on a channel from the package (sky one is usually a good one), and that should update. It could take up to 36 hours though!

Alternative, put the card back in the original box and wait for the update to come through then transfer the card back to your dreambox...

01-03-2010, 07:51 PM

I now had it on sky one with # infront of lines.
got this

card reader /dev/sci0
handled 10025 (0 )ecms and 9(9) emms
Nds card 3050083
20 hours.

But some hours to go....

01-03-2010, 10:39 PM
Well, looking at that, it should've updated the card, since it's received 9 out of 9 emms...

Have you definately calculated the box key correct?

Try this programme attached (not scanned it for viruses tho as using a mac, so check before you use).

To get the numbers required, you can either:

Enter the Serial from the hidden engineers menu , this can be 9 to 11 characters.
Or , Enter the hexidecimal serial number from the sticker on the underside of the box, this is 17 characters.

Hope this helps :)