View Full Version : Has everybody give up on this box???

28-02-2010, 02:14 PM

Ive been offered an azbox premium box for £200, is it worth it though? everywhere I read seems to have given up on this box?

you cant even run anything after cccam 2.1.1 from what ive read, will you ever be able to run 2.1.4 or has this box die before it even got started?

has anyone even got anything good to write about this reciever?


Dig Deep
28-02-2010, 02:24 PM
Well, ccc is working, why upgrade ?

Think it is a good box, I have an Elite and I´m very pleased with it.

All system is (almost) working and share is working as a client.

Don´t know about the price, looks rather OK

28-02-2010, 02:31 PM
thanx DD :) youve talked me into it

28-02-2010, 04:26 PM
you would be crazy to in my opinion. there is still the owners who have clung on to theirs and want to say its ok but in reality multicas still has freezes on nds - not as bad as they were but still there. epg is non existent really. box is effectively not open source and so will never have the same support or plugins as a dm or vu+. and support is dwindling daily but if you want to go ahead but you may regret not havong put it towards the >perfect< vu+duo. just my opinion but felt you needed some balance.

01-03-2010, 08:17 PM
my multiscas runs perfect on nds with azbox, and there was an update yesterday,

02-03-2010, 12:58 AM
I like my box as it does exactly what I need it to.

Media player and sat box in one.

There are issues with the box but these don't affect me so I've been happy with my purchase.

02-03-2010, 02:30 AM
i am very happy with mine

02-03-2010, 03:34 AM
wait for vu+ solo
save your 200£ for two weeks :)

or wait for a decent official firmware with confort in a couch

joe 1234567
02-03-2010, 09:30 AM
just got my azbox ! and i am happy it do's a lodes ! . i hade a tecknomate 6800 super that was basic and the picher to me is better than tecknomate

02-03-2010, 01:49 PM
I'm exchanging my premium for a Plus version soon.

Nothing else out there is better..:D

02-03-2010, 06:47 PM
My Azbox Prem HD with 1 TB is now sat next to my Spider Box 9000HD, and the Spider is winning.:respect-057: The Az Box is just gathering dust.

03-03-2010, 01:22 AM
When you master the azbox it becomes the best piece of equipment you ever had i love my premium and all it features

03-03-2010, 01:26 AM
I'm exchanging my premium for a Plus version soon.

Nothing else out there is better..:D

in terms of blind scanning, and decoding 4:2:2 feeds. . .

04-05-2010, 08:50 PM
box is effectively not open source and so will never have the same support or plugins as a dm or vu+.

how come its not open source if its running linux then ?

whats stopping people from making there own programs for the box ?

04-05-2010, 09:05 PM
I have had my elite for 15 months, useless as media player unless you want to play only divx files and rubbish as a satellite reciever.

my dm500 would be on all the time if it could receive hd, stay clear

04-05-2010, 09:47 PM
i have to say in all fairness, the longer i have this box the better i like it, yes it has its glitches but its great for the footie, i will say no more

04-05-2010, 09:58 PM
got rid off it 2 weeks ago.its a good receiver for many of u but i couldnt stand closedsat attitude to their customers,lack of stable software,non development of firmware and list goes on.bought a new receiver that is able to do what it writes on case from the first moment i used it and its firmware is actively developed

05-05-2010, 06:55 AM
i have to say in all fairness, the longer i have this box the better i like it, yes it has its glitches but its great for the footie, i will say no more

for me the longer I have it, the more I hate it.
IPTV does not support .asx and mms protocol.
still alot of bugs.

05-05-2010, 08:11 AM
The more people that hate Azbox, the more I love my Azbox. :D :D

05-05-2010, 08:56 AM
The more people that hate Azbox, the more I love my Azbox. :D :D

so many people cannot be wrong:respect-051:

05-05-2010, 01:28 PM
The more people that hate Azbox, the more I love my Azbox. :D :D

If you check other Boxes, and compare, then you wouldnt say that.

05-05-2010, 01:39 PM
hate the box would never recomend it to a m8,i would if i hated them

05-05-2010, 03:46 PM
It's a pitty that openbox sells a box with Beta ****ware.
I have decided to wait until the 15 of July, and if there won't be any Good firm, I am throwing the Box.
I have already started to check and read about other recievers, and I hope the next time I will not fall again.
I am sorry to say, that I take the responsibility on myself, for that I did not spent much time to read about the AzBox in forums.
now when I go to older posts I see my mistake.
I am still hoping that opensat will "wake up" and starts "washing thier faces".

05-05-2010, 04:01 PM
I have to add that I am using ****ware 0.9.4749.
the newer have a bug on Hellas Sat 39 Deg. that get "an error on some freq"
also I can't download Hotbird also "error", the problem with Hotbird can be fixed by "factory reset" but that means that I have to make my favorites again, hard for 8 sats.
It's not like Dreambox that one can upload only the FAV list.
I have waisted long hours trying to understand the problems and going back firm after firm.

05-05-2010, 06:59 PM
lol mines had a couple hours use in about a year,will not move now from my dreamboxes,now have the 500s 800hd clone and 8000

muki 74
05-05-2010, 07:11 PM
Stop promoting dreambox in azbox section!

05-05-2010, 07:19 PM
im not promoting any thing am stating a fact

muki 74
05-05-2010, 07:36 PM
Your opinion is not fact.

05-05-2010, 08:03 PM
we are not in Iran, we can promote whatever we like, and don't like.

05-05-2010, 08:44 PM
I have all receivers mentioned in this topic ( except de VU solo because it isn't on the market) and guess wich one I'am using:

Yes Azbox Premium plus in the living room and a Premium in the bedroom.

I'am happy

05-05-2010, 09:03 PM
come on, stop this bull****.
the box is very slow, every firmware that come ruins something that was ok.
I have 8 sats connected and when I added the IPTV it hangs all time.
I am using 0.9.4749 , maybe a newer firmware is better for that, but I can not put a newer as I have other problems with them.
multicas is not as good as cccam.
If you use it for 1-2 sats FTA then enjoy it.

05-05-2010, 09:08 PM
It's great... :respect-040: :number-one-043: :cheers2:

Stop the moaning. :D :D

06-05-2010, 09:25 AM
come on, stop this bull****.
the box is very slow, every firmware that come ruins something that was ok.
I have 8 sats connected and when I added the IPTV it hangs all time.
I am using 0.9.4749 , maybe a newer firmware is better for that, but I can not put a newer as I have other problems with them.
multicas is not as good as cccam.
If you use it for 1-2 sats FTA then enjoy it.

I have 10 sats on wave t55 no prob shure Multicas isn't as fast as native CCcam but fast enough compared to other CCcam clients.

I can watch the european packages without a problem

06-05-2010, 12:03 PM
come on, stop this bull****.
the box is very slow, every firmware that come ruins something that was ok.
I have 8 sats connected and when I added the IPTV it hangs all time.
I am using 0.9.4749 , maybe a newer firmware is better for that, but I can not put a newer as I have other problems with them.
multicas is not as good as cccam.
If you use it for 1-2 sats FTA then enjoy it.
Have you delete the iptv-list on /DISK2?

06-05-2010, 05:42 PM
If I delete, I will have no IP Channels...

06-05-2010, 07:16 PM
this is how openbug works.they fix a bug by creating new ones.it reminds me a creature in greek mythology, i dont know what its called in english.a monster which u cut his head and other embrace

06-05-2010, 07:22 PM
It's a same that even in the azbox official form, they don't have answers to problems.
I am afraid they will become closesat, and no more updates.

muki 74
06-05-2010, 07:36 PM
iptv works fine for me.

06-05-2010, 07:40 PM
iptv works fine for me.

maybe your using a new firm, I cant because new firm has problems with Hellas Sat, that is confirmed by Opensat.

06-05-2010, 07:40 PM
this is how openbug works.they fix a bug by creating new ones.it reminds me a creature in greek mythology, i dont know what its called in english.a monster which u cut his head and other embrace

it is called Hydra Lernaia my friend
btw i fully agree about the software but as hardware is one of the best

06-05-2010, 08:25 PM
nobody is talking about the hardware, maybe good maybe less good.
if opensat cant get a proper software, then give up, and let us have the open source.
they are wasting time and customers, and the word is spreading around the globe.

06-05-2010, 08:38 PM
Mate, I had one from the beginning and I sold it, in my opinion you can't polish a turd and its a turd.

Don't waste your hard earned cash by giving it to OpenShat because in return you will get a crap box that has 0% support.

Azbox is dead and the only people that disagree are the people that still own one.


06-05-2010, 09:34 PM
same problem on the newest firm. the problem is that azbox can't handle 8 sats and IPTV.

07-05-2010, 12:18 AM
well happy with my box, always lots going on -12 months now for me...mkv's working-better than a ps3..like popcorn hour. also trex/dragon cams work, mgcamd works...and i think if and when i learn to cs it seems if i get a 2nd box like a premium plus that i can share my share to myself?...anyhow,sounds like a plan!:respect-039:

07-05-2010, 09:47 AM
same problem on the newest firm. the problem is that azbox can't handle 8 sats and IPTV.


28,2east-23,5east-19,2east-16east-13east-9east-7east-4,8east-0,8west-5west. Using a SAB 10/1switch and that 70 IPTV file.

I have no Problem So 8 sats and IPTV shouldn't be a problem

07-05-2010, 01:57 PM
yeap your right.
I upload the ****ware again, entered only the IPTV, and the same problem, without any satellites.
When I enter the menu it says "Please wait...", and stays like that forever, need to reboot twice to get in.
I read alot of these errors on 4 more forums, and in Opensat main forum.
the main problem is that you don't get resonable answer, like in other boxes forum, when one askes a question, he gets an answer what to do.
here with azbox the only answer we get is "for me works ok".
and most of all, I already said it, its a shame for opensat that they do not help in their own forum, and lets users say "for me works" or "same problem for me".
I hope that things will change before I post on Utube, me breaking the box to pieces.

05-06-2010, 07:17 PM
running 13 sat on motor astra on disec switch iptv and cable tuner, gives me 3 oclock footy in hd couldnt ask for any more i up graded from a dm7000 to get hd opinion dm7000 had bugs azbox has bugs but as it stands motor side and switching is solid more than i can say for dm , software that the box is "stuck with " i like and bonus the wife can use it

07-06-2010, 02:11 PM
gives me 3 oclock footy in hd couldnt ask for any more

Where do you get that then?

with card, c/s or just use camd?

08-06-2010, 10:42 PM
AZBox is dead or as near as an inanimate object can be.
It was never any good for Joe satellite user.
Wished I had never bought one.

I am very hesitant about pouring any more money into damp squid receivers.

11-06-2010, 06:31 PM
I like my box as it does exactly what I need it to.

Media player and sat box in one.

There are issues with the box but these don't affect me so I've been happy with my purchase.

^^^ What he said. Been using mine for 3 months now. It's an mostof the day and evening and not 1 freeze.
Well happy with mine.


19-06-2010, 09:51 AM
...aaand don't forget a pleasure watching HD feeds in 4:2:2 of 2010 Fifa World Cup by AZbox HD :)

19-06-2010, 12:12 PM
Yes what a pleasure even if you cannot record anything on this brilliant buggy receiver

20-06-2010, 01:41 PM
Yes what a pleasure even if you cannot record anything on this brilliant buggy receiver

why cant u record?

20-06-2010, 02:58 PM
I remain happy with my box.

It's solid, no freezes and haven't had to reboot it.

Been watching the world cup in HD and it's been great.

Have loads of films/series on the box and they work great.

If nothing on tv a quick press on the remote and I can choose a movie.

It does what I bought it to do.

Internet is rubbish and the transfer from pc to azbox is slow which is disappointing.

I have contemplated getting rid of my box, but I'd miss it and there isn't another box that will do the media/satellite in one??

I remain disappointed in the firmware, but at the most important thing is that for me the box is stable.

25-06-2010, 07:24 AM
why cant u record?

Because he sold his Azbox a few months ago, although recording worked OK then

25-06-2010, 01:30 PM
Hi all, I have had my AzBox Premium for over a year now and I am still very happy with it, I added a DVB-T tuner to it and that works very well for me.

The main reason I bought this box was, I had been waiting for more than Two Years for Dream Multimedia (DMM) to bring out the DM8000 and when it came out I could not believe the price!!.

I have been using my DM7000s for many years and had to wait for third party developers to write stable firmware that worked with a smartcard and softcams, the original DMM firmware could only receive FTA channels.

Some people are trying to get Enigma2 working on the AzBox and apart from the challenge it serves no useful purpose as the frontend on the AzBox is ok.

We have had more communication with OpenSat then I ever had with DMM, more firmware updates also it works with the card reader and softcams. I think the reason that there are more posts about problems are 2 fold, 1. like myself I am happy with the box so have very little to say and 2. They just can't understand how to program the box.

I'm sorry to the users like myself who are happy with the box for the above rant, but I felt it was about time I said something, as for the others go and buy something else and hope you can get support. (don't expect DMM to be so helpful).

Regards to all, Welshman..

25-06-2010, 03:00 PM
Hi all, I have had my AzBox Premium for over a year now and I am still very happy with it, I added a DVB-T tuner to it and that works very well for me.

The main reason I bought this box was, I had been waiting for more than Two Years for Dream Multimedia (DMM) to bring out the DM8000 and when it came out I could not believe the price!!.

I have been using my DM7000s for many years and had to wait for third party developers to write stable firmware that worked with a smartcard and softcams, the original DMM firmware could only receive FTA channels.

Some people are trying to get Enigma2 working on the AzBox and apart from the challenge it serves no useful purpose as the frontend on the AzBox is ok.

We have had more communication with OpenSat then I ever had with DMM, more firmware updates also it works with the card reader and softcams. I think the reason that there are more posts about problems are 2 fold, 1. like myself I am happy with the box so have very little to say and 2. They just can't understand how to program the box.

I'm sorry to the users like myself who are happy with the box for the above rant, but I felt it was about time I said something, as for the others go and buy something else and hope you can get support. (don't expect DMM to be so helpful).

Regards to all, Welshman..

I will second that:respect-040:

25-06-2010, 06:51 PM
Because he sold his Azbox a few months ago, although recording worked OK then

You are really funny m8. Did I say anywhere that I need a lawyer? I don't think so
but I must say that's it's funny to have free services from a lawyer:)
who told you that I was ever able to record from azbug? I didn't
but lucky me now I am able to record everything I need without banging my head on the wall. Don't have nothing more to say. It's a waste of time
just an advice m8. Enjoy your azbug and don't spend your time to be my lawyer

muki 74
25-06-2010, 07:21 PM
Mushroom what's your problem?You hate azbox so much.You don't have azbox anymore, so why you always come in azbox section and comment.

25-06-2010, 09:35 PM
Hey what's going on ,I have been quoted by someone and I have the right to defend myself.
Also I don't see that this threat is open only to azbox lovers

28-06-2010, 10:48 AM
Hey what's going on ,I have been quoted by someone and I have the right to defend myself.
Also I don't see that this threat is open only to azbox lovers

Just your comment was totaly rubish thats why I qouted it.:sifone:

28-06-2010, 12:38 PM
Just your comment was totaly rubish thats why I qouted it.:sifone:

Maybe my posts are rubbish for you but i understand that truth hurts :seeya:

28-06-2010, 01:09 PM
Wich truth mushroom ? There are too many people who are earning money with other brands then azbox who are posting here. Thruth is that azbox is just a good box. I'm just a user but i recommend it to everybody who loves great sound and vision .

28-06-2010, 02:01 PM
With all the respect Robertus is that Azbox is not working as it expected or advertised to.That is the truth.Opensat didn't make their promises reality so why to recommend it to other people? i know what is going on on sat scene and lot of people are earning money thats why i love to post my comments on everything i have personal experience.Now i own other branch but i wouldnt recommend it to anyone who wants a general media solution.Only for tv viewing.For general media solution nothing can beat a linux based htpc.
Btw i hope i was not misunderstood.I didnt mean with my posts to accuse anyone that is earning money by promote azbox.I only blame Opensat for what is happening and that is clear.

10-07-2010, 12:36 PM
i am begining to think openshut are closed as we have not had a decent update for a while. we read they are doing new firmware on one thread and on another they say they are not, what can we belive. this reciver does work but not without its problems and yes the other manufactures have had there share of problems to, but openshut will not talk to anyone, there forum is next to usless and there mods cant even tell us whats going on. at times i could trow this az trough the window for the lies we have been told, but i still do like most of it. still thats life.:07:

10-07-2010, 06:30 PM
Like Welshman I used a Dreambox from for many years (even put up with a poor tuner - the skystar card in my pc was much more sensitive) and could not afford the Dreambox 800.

The Azbox may not be delivering all that was claimed it would do but I keep it up to-date, have watched quite a lot on BBC HD and ITV HD and have made lots of recordings.

It may not please all who have bought it and who have money to throw it away or sell on the internet and sample some other boxes. Being a pensioner I can only afford one new box so I would hope improvements will continue from whatever source.

10-07-2010, 07:23 PM
I've had mine for a year now and its my first ever linux box I owned so cant compare it to dreambox or VU+ , its very slow with channel zapping , updates why they bother , multicas is it as good as cccam ? Wish I read more and then made decission which box to buy because I cant afford to swap receivers every time new one comes out to see which one performs better so a decent software update like E2 would be very welcome at this stage and lets hope it comes soon for the sake of this box.

15-07-2010, 06:54 PM
Has everybody give up on this box??

opensat has given up on this box!! thats for sure !?

15-07-2010, 11:01 PM
opensat has given up on this box!! thats for sure !?

So what does Opensat make money on now then?

15-07-2010, 11:03 PM
3 days to 1 month without firmware .....opensat...really? ...

15-07-2010, 11:16 PM
Yeah, over 2 years waiting for DreamMultimedia to bring out the DM8000s and when it finally came out, no HDMI and an extortionate price!!!

No thank you I will stick to my Azbox, mine works very well indeed.
To all the people that either have given up on the Azbox, perhaps because it is too complicated for them to understand or have never ownend one, why don't you all go and make a noise in another Forum where perhaps you may find somone who cares about your insignificant consitant whining..


15-07-2010, 11:18 PM
lol, i like my azbox too....but its to much time without updates no

16-07-2010, 06:42 AM
the sales of azbox has gone down, so their cutting of payments for the developers.

16-07-2010, 06:51 AM
why/how do u know that....

16-07-2010, 08:04 AM
In official forum there are new moderators (assuming they were developers) with 1/2 messages. I think opensat fired senior developers and hired juniors or senior newbies at azbox???

16-07-2010, 02:02 PM
well, latest firmware is the best till date for me...so they probably ...as bad as they are...they are still better then previous ones? :)

16-07-2010, 06:39 PM
Newbies came after latest firmware ?

well, latest firmware is the best till date for me...so they probably ...as bad as they are...they are still better then previous ones? :)

16-07-2010, 06:43 PM
i don't have a clue..but i noticed new users as "admin" and moderators in azbox forum. don't know if they are coders..

they read all posts and answer a few...but...1 month without firmware...so same thing, different smell.