View Full Version : Hello, new to Azbox. Need help (and patience)

01-03-2010, 03:34 PM
Hello to all
I just bought an Azbox HD premium plus a few days ago and it works quite well for the moment.
I upgraded to FW 4466.
I've installed openXCAS plugin with latest MultiCAS to read my (local V**ess card) and it works like charm in the internal port of the box.
A lot of features look great, some are a little buggy but the globally it looks promising.

Now, i've done a lot of forum reading and i still have difficulties with some points (especially in sharing).
If anyone feels he has a little time and patience to answer my questions, feel free! :)
I'm quitely a newbie in the world of CS and i understand it can ben a pain in the a*s to spend time with a guy like me!

So, where to begin? (in addition, i'm from France and my english may not be understandable)
This is my goal: Like i said before, I have a local card in the internal cardreader and Multicas seems to read it fine.
I would like to be able to share this card AND be able to connect to other cards.
I've read (here) that it's only possible with NewCS enabled as the cardreader and the Multicas cardreader disabled.
I've managed to disable the Multicas CR using ACC.
Now i wonder what to do with NewCS.

Has NewCS it's own interface? Do I have to install it and tweak it via telnet or ftp? How do I explore my local card with NewCS?

I can see the details of my card inside Multicas when exploring the MultiCAS emu inside OpenXCAS but i cannot do the same with NewCS.

Someone could tell me what i'm missing?

BTW i've tried to install other emus and it's all the same. I cannot see any option to view 'what's inside'

By advance, thanks for your help (more questions to come :) )

01-03-2010, 03:48 PM
Multicas doesn't share yourr card with others.

yes u can use newcs to read your card, then use cccam to share and multicas to connect to cccam.
newcs has it's own interface u have to edit newcs.xml

checkout tutorials in this forum, u have it all.

01-03-2010, 04:21 PM
Thanks alot for that quick answer.

After a lot of tryings in the past days , i just got NewCS to work as a cardreader.
I'vre read the newcs.xml and put the parameters (login, pass, port and keys i've found there) in the NewCS page of Smartcard reader of Multicas, enabled server and reboot the box.
The MultiCAS CR is still disabled for MultiCAS but I can watch TV, so for sure it's now NewCS who reads the card.

BTW I use NewCS 1.67, is it a problem? I've read there and there that I shall only use NewCS 1.20 RC13...

And i've searched a lot and i did not find any wat to see an interface for NewCS (apart from editing the xml file)

So now, I have to check if i can setup CCCam to share (so set it up as a server) and if it works, connect to this server with Multicas Client, that's it?

Do I need anything else?

01-03-2010, 05:15 PM
Arf, bad news:
NewCS is not working in fact. After a few minutes, the TV screen turned black and it's scrambled again.
When I reboot Multicas and NewCS I have the two messages:
'Connecting to server 1' briefly, then 'Connect all failed'
It seems that i have no connection between NewCS and MultiCAS.
Too bad. Probably newcs.xml issue
Returning to my researches

01-03-2010, 07:36 PM
Multicas doesn't share yourr card with others.

I gathered Multicas reads the local card and CCcam shares it? Can you confirm that I am indeed wrong?

01-03-2010, 07:57 PM
I use Newcs downloaded from the plugins menu. think its 1.6.13

I use this with the cccam 2.1.3/2.1.4 we have now.
I also use the KGD version of firmware with my plugins stored on the HDD as the cccam plugin for our box is quite large.
and that is all I use now.

With this firmware setup using the options in the KGD Panel Plugin for sigma cccam is very stable.

It also works on latest firmware but I find not as well as on the KGD version.

My box is runing very stable at the moment.

I'm reading a NDS card with newcs.

01-03-2010, 08:16 PM
no u cant use multicas with card and cccam wont share it.
if u use your card with multicas. no other emu will have access to it

01-03-2010, 08:41 PM
no u cant use multicas with card and cccam wont share it.
if u use your card with multicas. no other emu will have access to it

OK, thank you. Isn't this something that needs fixing? For example, how do you watch a local card and share it at the same time? I can only clear the channels of my official card using multicas.

01-03-2010, 08:56 PM
Multicas is an "legal" emu. So don't wait for cardsharing. :|

i use dm500 oscam+cccam server with my local.
and multicas connected to cccam in dm500.

01-03-2010, 09:14 PM
It shares but only multicas protical

01-03-2010, 09:54 PM
OK, thank you. Isn't this something that needs fixing? For example, how do you watch a local card and share it at the same time? I can only clear the channels of my official card using multicas.

i think with external cardreader you can. use cccam.

02-03-2010, 10:11 AM
So, is there a solution for watching a local card AND using an F line with the AZBox?


02-03-2010, 11:51 AM
The only solution ATM is an external server . I use a cheap sh fritzbox router for this , payed 20 euro for it .

Cheers ,
Val .

03-03-2010, 04:36 PM
OK, was away for two days
Tried several things and still no success.

Basically, for the moment, i just want to connect to the web interface of NewCS but i did'nt manage to success.

Could you confirm that one can access it by a webpage?

I've installed several versions of NewCS in the OpenCas directory (one at a time).
I've read the newcs.xml file that comes with it.
There is a httpd section with, i believe, connection details.
In version 1.67 RC1, I can see port 8080 for incoming connections, as well as newcs/newcs for login and password.
Tried to connect from my web browser in my PC and no result, no connection.

What is wrong?
The newcs cam seems started (no # before it in the Cam list) and i've restarted it several times, with and without Multicas started and even after a reboot.

could it be a version problem? a bad installation? bad repertory? no idea, please help

BTW, does CCCam (2.1.3 or 2.1.4) has a httpd?

03-03-2010, 08:20 PM
Regarding newcs : start it from telnet and check log to see if OK .
Cccamd has a httpd on the port defined in cccam.cfg , usually 16001 .

Cheers ,
Val .

04-03-2010, 02:45 AM
Thanks, will try that tomorrow!

04-03-2010, 02:51 PM
Very small step forward today.
I'v re-installed NewCS 1.67RC1 on the box.
Like you told me i started it on telnet (had to figure how to do before)

It said something like this:

This is NewCS 1.67 RC1 [Build: 95] - the New CardServer by the Butter-team..
Compiled on Jul 14 2009 at 12:01:50
Reading Config file from newcs.xml
NewCS is trying to bind to IP:
TCP-log password is enabled, set to: NewCSpwd
level: normal
type: init
output: console,tcp
logger config: level 1 type 3 output 5
Console log options: level 1 type 3
TCP log options: level 1 type 3
[ 13:44:11 ] [ Box detect ] Box type 15 (Azbox)
[ 13:44:11 ] [ Config ] Irdeto EMM mode 0 SET on reader newcs
[ 13:44:11 ] [ Config ] Option <blockc0> for device 0 (newcs) not present, defaulting to NO
[ 13:44:11 ] [ Config ] Value in <ipk> for device 0 (newcs) is INVALID, skipping...
[ 13:44:11 ] [ Config ] Value in <ucpk> for device 0 (newcs) is INVALID, skipping...
[ 13:44:11 ] [ Config ] Pincode for device 0 (newcs): 0000
[ 13:44:11 ] [ Config ] /dev/scard ECM priority: round
[ 13:44:11 ] [ Chameleon2 ] Adding name myname on destination localhost (Realm: myShares) on port 1234 - 0x100228f0 [ op ptr 0x10028680 ]
[ 13:44:11 ] [ httpd ] httpd-user: newcs, password: newcs, accesslevel: admin
[ 13:44:11 ] [ EMM Cache ] Initialising dynamic Cache
[ 13:44:11 ] [ ECM Cache ] Initialising dynamic Cache
[ NewCS ] Process ID is: 1211
[ 13:44:11 ] [ Loader ] Starting Telnet on port 1001
[ 13:44:11 ] [ Loader ] Started HTTP-server on port: 8080
[ 13:44:11 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node /dev/scard
[ 13:44:11 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device /dev/scard
[ 13:44:11 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Parity to: NONE
[ 13:44:11 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node /dev/scard
[ 13:44:11 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Baud to standard 9600
[ 13:44:12 ] [ Phoenix ] Normal RESET on node /dev/scard
[ 13:44:13 ] [ Loader ] Reset failed ...
[ 13:44:13 ] [ Loader ] Starting Newcamd Server on port 15050
[ 13:44:13 ] [ Loader ] Starting Radegast Server on port 10001
[ 13:44:13 ] [ Newcamd ] Newcamd thread Server started on port 15050
newcamd: main loop
[ 13:44:13 ] [ NewCS ] Ready to GO! :)
MMP[newcs]$ [ 13:44:13 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node /dev/scard
[ 13:44:13 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device /dev/scard
[ 13:44:13 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Parity to: NONE
[ 13:44:13 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node /dev/scard
[ 13:44:13 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Baud to standard 9600
[ 13:44:14 ] [ Phoenix ] Normal RESET on node /dev/scard
[ 13:44:15 ] [ Loader ] Reset failed ...
[ 13:44:15 ] [ Chameleon2 ] Server started on port 1234 for realm myShares
[ 13:44:15 ] [ Chameleon2 ] selectserver: new connection from on socket 14
[ 13:44:15 ] [ Chameleon2 ] Connected to localhost on port 1234 on Handle 13
[ 13:44:15 ] [ Chameleon2 ] Adding user myname to UserBase on handle 13 (Mode 0)
[ 13:44:15 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node /dev/scard
[ 13:44:15 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device /dev/scard
[ 13:44:15 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Parity to: NONE
[ 13:44:15 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node /dev/scard
[ 13:44:15 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Baud to standard 9600
[ 13:44:16 ] [ Phoenix ] Normal RESET on node /dev/scard
[ 13:44:17 ] [ Loader ] Reset failed ...
[ 13:44:17 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node /dev/scard
[ 13:44:17 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device /dev/scard
[ 13:44:17 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Parity to: NONE
[ 13:44:17 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node /dev/scard
[ 13:44:17 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Baud to standard 9600
[ 13:44:18 ] [ Phoenix ] Normal RESET on node /dev/scard

Notice that at this moment, NewCS is the only emu started. The Cardreader has alson been disabled in MultiCAS.

The Opening dev/scard--->Reset failed part continues to cycle to infinite
BTW, during this, i am able to connect to the httpd on port 8080

So i suppose that NewCS is not working properly. I have to CTRL-C to stop it

Any clue?

04-03-2010, 04:42 PM
This version/1.67 of newcs doesn't work with internal card slot (scard) .
Use a previous version like 1.6.12 .

Cheers ,
Val .

05-03-2010, 12:36 AM
ok, thanks
Will try this as soon as i come back home