View Full Version : Complete loss of sound on 6900Combi

05-03-2010, 09:02 PM
Midway through a programme today my 6900 combi (non Super) lost sound, Have now tried all settings in the audio part of the menu with no results. I took the box out and remade all connections,even replacing the hmdi lead but nothing. Any suggestions please. Picture still perfect but really silent.TMULL

05-03-2010, 09:16 PM
save your channellist, download official software: VER689 1st January 2010 @
http://www.technomate.com/download/TM-6900%20HD%20Combo.rar see if that helps, if not try factory reset? did you try other audio outputs? analog, optical instead of HDMI? do you have another HDMI device (flatscreen/av- receiver) to test the audio output. on my 6900 HD super, whatever the setting is always audio output on HDMI. Is normaly to redirect dolby sound from flatscreen to amplifier? Is how i understood it working? Did you try on BBC hs and change audio with audio button on remote? or check settings in A/V Output settings: Audio Language: English and digital audio PCM. Whatever I select here: HDMI gives audio?
Try other hdmi port on flatscreen. Use volume control on remote to turn it up? if some turned it down?

05-03-2010, 09:25 PM
Thanks Giga, Yes I seem to have tried all that you have suggested. I have three HD boxes in my system so I have tried changing leads around. Definitly not the TV. I am going to let it for now as I am at it for about three hours. I shall go over everything again in the morning and if no result will hand it in to a repair shop. Would like to have Tecnomate repair it but carrage costs from and to Ireland would be expensive.Thank you for your prompt reply.TMULL

05-03-2010, 09:46 PM
2 ireland contacts and 3 north ireland


05-03-2010, 11:16 PM
hi been having similer problems losing sound
some channels ok others no sound
seems like channel list gets corrupted when reinstalling
just updated firmware and factory reset
only way around it to to rescan each sattelite with channel list installed
works ok after that... mainly on hd channels the problem loses ac3 in audio settings.. hope it helps ................

06-03-2010, 11:24 AM
Giga, Thanks for the contacts.Alboke, thank you for your input. On two occasions in the past I lost sound completely. A reboot of the box brought it back straight away. Maybe it was a warning of what was to come. I will go at it again this morning and will go down the factory reset route before I send it to repair shop. Thank you all again.TMULL

06-03-2010, 11:43 AM
Now I am completely baffeled. Just switched on my box and all is normal. Sound working on all channels.Did almost everything I could think off last evening but no use. Did nothing this morning and it works as it is switched on. If it happens again I shall do the factory reset. Thank you all for your suggestions.TMULL

06-03-2010, 08:27 PM
Sound lasted for a little less than two hours. Have now done a master re-set,loaded on the new software as suggested here,loaded a new channel list,new patch and latest software. All ok except for the sound. I think it is for a repair shop. One think please. I used to be able to get into the menu without the bother of entering the PIN every time. I must have initally set this up myself but cannot find out in the manual. Any idea anyone. TMULL

06-03-2010, 08:33 PM
to change pin and behavior of it: menu: system settings: password setting: all off? If this was the answer your looking for? Are you using cam's in the CI slots?

06-03-2010, 08:46 PM
Thanks Giga. Yes .a Dragon cam with a G+++a card.TMull

06-03-2010, 08:52 PM
check if you don't have a problem/conflict with dragon cam? can't you read that g@mm@ card directly in the cardreader?

06-03-2010, 08:58 PM
Have just removed the cam. Never had conflict problem and slot only sometimes reads the card. No improvement since removing cam. I will try again in the morning. I am thinking that it may be thermal related so shall try again in the morning when the box cools down, I really appreciate your input and indeed all the help you post on here. You are a credit to the forum and its members. TMULL

06-03-2010, 09:03 PM
if heat related, drop cam to lower CI slot, if you have a cold stone floor, put receiver on it, should provide extra cooling. In summer a have a room ventilator blowing air over it. use vacuum cleaner on all air slots: circulation problem?

06-03-2010, 09:26 PM
Possible.but in same place now for about fifteen months.Shall take it out in the morning and go through everything again.I have two other receivers but the Tecnomate drives my 1.2 Channelmaster dish. TMULL

07-03-2010, 08:33 AM
If receivers are on top of each other, put TM at bottom. electronics are dust collectors

07-03-2010, 11:32 AM
Yes they are on a stack but each is on a diffrent shelf with a fair bit of space around each. Turned off last evening at 2030hrs and turned on again at midnight. All well for about ten minutes when sound went. Shall try again this morning when I move it out into the open. Shall speak to a repair man tomorrow. Thank you again for all your advice and input.And the PIN no.is gone after following your help.TMULL

07-03-2010, 12:53 PM
mate the G@mmm@ should work in the slot of your TM
no need to use the dragon
i got two TM and they both work on the card reader slot
and less you are using the dragon for something else i can understand
the dragon slow down the zapping with the g@mm@ unfortunately

07-03-2010, 02:29 PM
Dont really need the cam but dought if this is the problem. Now out of the box. Took out my stack this morning and have increased the depth of space for the Tecnomate. I removed the cover and gently hoovered out the insides. Very little dust really and surprised how few parts are inside.Back in the system now for about an hour and a half and all ok.I will leave it for now and shall post results this evening. Thank you all again for your input.TMULL

07-03-2010, 02:44 PM
sometimes you have a conflict between cam and emu: Starting a fight over who should provide the info. Great test always switch off emu with 2 0 0 4 on system information or remove the cam(s).

07-03-2010, 03:03 PM
Thanks for the tip.TMull

07-03-2010, 09:03 PM
Failed again shortly after my last post. I was watching a match on ITV when all of a sudden I lost picture and sound. The picture came back almost immidiatly but again no sound. It looks like the box just re-booted. I shall phone Tecnomate in the morning and organise a repair. I appreciate all your inputs. TMULL

08-03-2010, 06:15 PM
I spoke to a tv repair man last evening and explained my problem. He gave me two bits of advice. When he heard that I had an HDMI switch in the system and so many boxes connected he advised me to take the Tecnomate out and connect it to the telly using a good hmdi lead and forget the switch.Second bit of advice was if it needs repair get a makers man to do it. It was the push I needed to sort out my many tangled wires at the back of my units. Finished about an hour ago and still all ok on the sound front. I shall leave it running now till late and will leave it tomorrow as well . I shall post again about this time to-morrow. Thank you all for bearing with me.TMULL

08-03-2010, 06:15 PM

Same thing happened to me a few weeks ago , on ITVHD ?? Was getting a picture , but no sound :smash: Solved the problem bye rescanning [ 28 East ] Worked Fine since;)

08-03-2010, 06:56 PM
hope for you problem is solved, switch was part of missing information.

08-03-2010, 08:11 PM
good luck mate
i hope you sort it out

08-03-2010, 08:11 PM
Forgot to say I also have [ HDMI switch ] Do not think that was the problem?? Rescan solved it ? Problem solved:cheers2:

08-03-2010, 09:00 PM
I have been a member here for a good few years and I would like to make the point of how tolerent all members here are.I have always thought that I am amonst friends and I have had great help here over many years.At the moment I am active in four forums ,one of them for only about six weeks. I thought I had a problem with a new box which in the end turned out to be a house wiring problem that prevented two homeplugs communicationg with each other.When I finally got the problem solved I was accused of damaging the good repotation of the box.I have decided to refrain from posting there in future. On the Technomate side of things on here I was a complete novice just over twelve months ago.On asking ,I was answered straight away even though the person answering may have answered that question many times. After a smart remark to a question on an other forum I have desided that I shall stop posting there too. My present sound problem may be my own fault but you all came on board to help and not critise and I really am appreciative of all your input.TMULL

08-03-2010, 09:14 PM

I have been a member here for a good few years and I would like to make the point of how tolerent all members here are.I have always thought that I am amonst friends and I have had great help here over many years.At the moment I am active in four forums ,one of them for only about six weeks. I thought I had a problem with a new box which in the end turned out to be a house wiring problem that prevented two homeplugs communicationg with each other.When I finally got the problem solved I was accused of damaging the good repotation of the box.I have decided to refrain from posting there in future. On the Technomate side of things on here I was a complete novice just over twelve months ago.On asking ,I was answered straight away even though the person answering may have answered that question many times. After a smart remark to a question on an other forum I have desided that I shall stop posting there too. My present sound problem may be my own fault but you all came on board to help and not critise and I really am appreciative of all your input.TMULL

Nice post m8 ? You should see my PAST [ I could WRITE a Book ]LOL:D I take no **** [ That is my Motto ]:sifone:

Getting OLD Now ?? So I am a differn"t Person NOW:eek:

09-03-2010, 09:19 AM
This forum is user driven from own experiences and sharing information/knowledge. You where lucky you could even post in these other forums. Some even have the decency to ban you after first post and leaving you in the dark with a lifetime ban http://www.emoticonzone.com/msn-emotions/misc/thumb-down.gif

09-03-2010, 12:48 PM
Box now acting normally,for eight hours last evening and most of this morning. I think we can now close this if that is the correct action. TMULL

10-03-2010, 08:06 PM
I have been a member here for a good few years and I would like to make the point of how tolerent all members here are.I have always thought that I am amonst friends and I have had great help here over many years.At the moment I am active in four forums ,one of them for only about six weeks. I thought I had a problem with a new box which in the end turned out to be a house wiring problem that prevented two homeplugs communicationg with each other.When I finally got the problem solved I was accused of damaging the good repotation of the box.I have decided to refrain from posting there in future. On the Technomate side of things on here I was a complete novice just over twelve months ago.On asking ,I was answered straight away even though the person answering may have answered that question many times. After a smart remark to a question on an other forum I have desided that I shall stop posting there too. My present sound problem may be my own fault but you all came on board to help and not critise and I really am appreciative of all your input.TMULL.

Sorry to hear that you were treated with lack of respect on some other forum, when all at the end of the day, you were just a learner on a new receiver.If you dont know,you have to ask.I am a member of about 15 forums right across the world,and have to admit,I have seen others that have posted threads,looking for help or advice,getting treated with little respect,time from time.To make matters worse,its often pensioners that have sought help on some topic.A forums strenght surely lies with its members,and should be collectively ran and each member treated with due respect.no matter if it the problem,was childs play to most.If we were all know alls ,most forums wouldnt need to exist in the first place.I am glad that you have found the problem to your Tm,and shared how you found the cure.
Best wishes to all.

10-03-2010, 09:33 PM

Box now acting normally,for eight hours last evening and most of this morning. I think we can now close this if that is the correct action. TMULL

Glad you are sorted m8;) As for the TM , I am Neebie as Well ?? Learn a lot from [ Giga ] :bowing-036: I was more into the Dreambox7000 [Helped alot in that section] Time goes on , I Will be back giving my most on most things ?? As for other FORUMS [They do not like me ]LOL:D THAT IS THERE PROBLEM NOT MINE:sifone: