View Full Version : Domain Ping fails (Samsung TV)

tinto de verano
06-03-2010, 10:44 AM
Hi there.
Iīve got a Samsung series 8 LED TV which refuses to connect to the Internet (using USB Wireless dongle). I keep getting "Domain Ping" error.
Apparently my network and internet access is OK: wired PCs and wireless laptops can connect to the Internet and can be seen on the network and on Belkinīs router webpage.
Even my Samsung Blu-Ray player connects to the network and can connect to the Internet: I can watch youtube videos without a problem.

BUT the TV, is another story:
I set up the wireless netowrk, the TV finds a few wireless networks, I choose mine, enter the WEP security key... It connects to the network (I cans see it on Belkinīs router webpage). But when I test the connection, three tests pass OK:
MAC Address OK
IPP Address, Subnet, Gateway, DNS Server OK
Gateway Ping OK
Domain Ping fails!

Of course it measn that if i try Internet TV (***** Widgets), it does not work.

I have tried both Manual and Auto setup, but it always fails at the Domain Ping.

Any ideas on how to solve this?

Thanks in advance.

tinto de verano

VirginMedia cable Modem (50 MB).
Belkin N+ Router.
Samsun Series 8 LEd TV

06-03-2010, 11:53 AM
Hi tinto de verano
It will only work if you are using a (Samsung Wireless dongle)

06-03-2010, 12:07 PM
use manual setup (otherwise internal ip can change) and assign IP and subnetmask.
check firewall and internet security settings for wifi these are different then these for the wired part of the belkin: wifi net has different ip range then the wired section.
set the gateway and dns for samsung to the wifi address of the router.
If it is not the Samsung wifi dongle: use wire (2x faster then the wifi).

tinto de verano
06-03-2010, 12:24 PM
Hi Gerry55 and Giga,
Thanks for your answers.
Yes, I am using a Samsung Wireless dongle (which works if I plug it in to the Blu-Ray player).
I cannot use wires. It needs to be a wireless connection.
I have also tried the Samsung Wireless dongle from the Blue-Ray player on the TV: Domain Ping fails.
Giga, thanks for the info, I have tried entering various IP, Submask and Gateway settings, which seem to work for the first 3 tests, till Doamin Ping fails.
I have also tried disabling the firewall, no luck.
Regarding "wifi net has different ip range then the wired section"... I need to investigate and find out (where?) those different settings...
Regarding "set the gateway and dns for samsung to the wifi address of the router", I think I have tried that. But maybe I am using th LAN IP Address, I cannot see a different WLAN IP Address...

I'll keep trying.

Are there any ports I need to open in the router (Virtual Servers) as I have to do for example for BitComet so my listening port is open and I get a fast connection.

Also, the firts 3 test pas quite quickly, whereas the Gateway Ping takes half a minute or so and the it fails... ???

If you can think of something else, I'd appreciate further help.
tinto de verano

06-03-2010, 12:44 PM
take note of mac address from Samsung UE8000
in router setting some where Filtering (wifi security, internet security, ...)
MAC Address - Allow only the following to pass through, added it to the list of allowed Adresses.
DNS Relay: Enabled

if still having issues: what model of belkin router are you using? complete model number, will see if I can find something in its manual.
Do you have a long cable network cable to test in wired network? If this works wifi should work to?

tinto de verano
06-03-2010, 12:58 PM
Hi Giga,

Thanks for your help.

I have this option:Wireless > MAC Address Control
Mac Address Control is the ability to set up a list of clients that you want to allow or deny access to the wireless network. More Info
Allow Deny Disable
Is this the one you mean?

Reg. DNS Relay: Enabled:
I do not seem to have this option. Is it for DLink Routers? What might be the equivalent in Belkin?

Reg. what model of belkin router?
Belkin N+Wireless Router, Storage Gigabit Network, PM 00732uk, part n F5D8235uk4, ver. 1000uk, fw 1.01.19 (no new fw available).

Reg. a long cable network cable to test:
I am afarid I do not. The Modem is upstairs, next to the cable modem, TV and Blue-Ray (which conects OK) are downstairs.


tinto de verano

tinto de verano
06-03-2010, 01:00 PM
Hi Giga, I guess the Mac address control might not work:
MAC Address Control
The MAC address filter is a powerful security feature that allows you to specify which computers are allowed on the wireless network. Note: This list applies only to wireless computers. This list can be configured so any computer attempting to access the wireless network that is not specified in the filter list will be denied access. When you enable this feature, you must enter the MAC address of each client (computer) to which you want to allow network access. The "Block" feature lets you turn on and off access to the network easily for any computer without having to add and remove the computer's MAC address from the list.
Setting up an Allow Access List
1. Select the "Allow" radio button (1) to begin setting up a list of computers allowed to connect to the wireless network.
2. Next, in the "MAC Address" field that is blank (3), type in the MAC address of the wireless computer you want to be able to access the wireless network, then click "Add" (4).
3. Continue to do this until all of the computers you want to add have been entered.
4. Click "Apply Changes" (5) to finish.

I mean, it looks to me as if it is only for computers. And the computers, wired and wirelessly connect OK as is, even the Blue-Ray player connects OK.

tinto de verano

06-03-2010, 01:28 PM
should work to for Samsung, just figuring out how to find the MAC for Samsung

tinto de verano
06-03-2010, 01:32 PM
Hi Giga,

If I access the router through a browser, log in, DHCP Client List, I can see all the computers sonnected, plus the Blue-Ray, and I can aslo see the TV with its IP and its Mac Address.

So, the TV is already " allowed on the wireless network".
So, the TV connects to the network. But it cannot go out to the Internet... like all the other PCs and Blue-Ray player can do.
tinto de verano

06-03-2010, 01:36 PM
manual page 37: Viewing the dHCP Client list Page you should see there the Samsung and its MAC address, add this one to that list you mentioned in previous posting

06-03-2010, 01:41 PM
could be necessary to enable: enabling/disabling UPnP manual p64

06-03-2010, 01:50 PM
if your router address =

the IP address should be a non used ip address in this range - 253
subnetmask same as that one used on the router

06-03-2010, 01:55 PM
check page 49: access Control (internet) if enabled: allow samsung

06-03-2010, 02:03 PM
security log page 53. erase the log file and run the test from samsung again. The log file should show what is blocking the samsung to the internet (wan)

tinto de verano
06-03-2010, 02:05 PM
Hi Giga,

Thanks for taking this so seriously.

From your last post upwards:

Yes, the info you mention is correct:
if your router address =
the IP address should be a non used ip address in this range - 253....................IT IS (6 for TV, 7 for Blue-Ray, 2, 3, 4... for PCs...)
subnetmask same as that one used on the router

I think I have tried already entering these manually in the Network Setup on the TV.

could be necessary to enable: enabling/disabling UPnP manual p64
It is already enabled by default, but I will try disableing, enabling... see if that helps

add this one to that list you mentioned in previous posting
I am worried I might thus deny acces to the computers... I might try tonight when family are not using PCs...


tinto de verano

06-03-2010, 02:17 PM
if nothing works the alternate method could be to place the in to the DMZ, Samsung is no longer inside your network, but appears on the outside in the Internet. page 51 on manual: this a temporary measure and not recommended, Do you know someone in your area with some more network & wifi knowledge, who could take a look at the router setup, should be small issue why flatscreen is not getting outside.
You have the latest firmware on the flatscreen?

tinto de verano
06-03-2010, 02:18 PM
I hace treied disabling and renabling UPnP.
No success.
At least Blue-Ray still connecting to youtube.

The rest will have to wait as I have to leave. Sorry.

Thanks for all your help, Giga.

Still a thing or 2 to try tonight, maybe.


tinto de verano

tinto de verano
06-03-2010, 02:22 PM
Me again before leaving.

Thanks again.

Not to keen on DMZ, but I might try it.

No, no experts around I am afraid.

Yes, Ihave the latest FW on telly (3001, I think, from 27 Feb10).


tinto de verano

06-03-2010, 02:27 PM
OK, if not solved we can search for other solution, perhaps other users had similar experience.

06-03-2010, 02:51 PM
check the firmware to 1.01.24
1st version check:


F5D8235-4 N+ Wireless Router - Version 1xxx Firmware: 1.01.24?


tinto de verano
06-03-2010, 06:58 PM
Hi Giga,

Back here for a while...

Thanks for the links to FW. I guess I'll have to talk/chat to Belkin to confirm I can install one of the 2 FWs you mention...

Tried the DMZ thing, and it does not work either.

Getting worried.

I also read something about a weak transceiver and the need to swap a board on the TV. Scary.

Thanks again.

tinto de verano

06-03-2010, 08:20 PM
don't think it has anything to do with your UE8000? You can test your wifi on the internal network with the DLNA server for windows:
Samsung PC share manager (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showpost.php?p=703871&postcount=8) <= click here
If you are installing this on windows newer then XP: you have to install this as a administrator (on vista right click on install file, an select that option) have all other windows and programs closed. At some stage you could get question regarding firewall: allow this.
after installing when starting the manager you should go in the menu in the 2nd option from the left: sharing or something simular. In there the bottom option where you should allow the UE8000 to access the server.
The server should already show the flatscreen when it is on with its ip address.
I think the problem is the router (settings?) you already had a chance checking the security log and see what did happen while testing UE8000?

tinto de verano
06-03-2010, 10:35 PM
And hello again Giga.

And thank you very much indeed again.

I canno test right now.

But I will tomorrow.

I hope you are around to keep helping me.

Thanks. mate.

Still wondering... how come the Blu-Ray player connects to youtube and th TV does not go out to the internat (Domain Ping)???????????????????

tinto de verano

07-03-2010, 08:29 AM
did you try this: switch off the router for 10 minutes?
I don't know, don't have wireless? All wired up here: 1GB home network:
- UE40B8090
- LE40B650
- 2 x TM6900HD Super
most of the time you can find me around, when I'm not on line here, I can be reached with skype even when it shows offline


tinto de verano
07-03-2010, 05:48 PM
Hi Giga.


I have tried everything, I think... NO success.

Today I tried something different:

I disconnected the Virgin Modem and the new Belkin N+Router. I then connected my old Belkin 54G Router. Plugged everything in...

And the TV passes the Domain Ping test and I can use the widgets.

Although the connection was not available on a couple of occasions... but it came back, it seemed to work.

So, hopefully, nothing wrong with the TV.

Disconnected everything, connected the faster new Belkin N+ router... and Domain Ping fails, of course.

Now I need to study carefully the screensshots I made as Belkin 54 G had different settings (MAC address, WAN IP,Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, DNS Address...) than those in the new Belkin+ Router...

Thanks again, Giga.

tinto de verano

07-03-2010, 06:22 PM
most likely somewhere a filter setting, or it has to do with the virgin modem? some setup possibilities are lacking in the Belkin N+, so it is hard to change its behavior.
does the virgin modem has a router/firewall part to? If so
check if anything is set in internet protection or firewall rules for the modem.
determine the IP range of virgin modem and subnet. to to to
if so change IP address for the belkin N+ router to be in the same range!
lets say virgin modem address
you would change belkin N+ router to have the ip address at the other end
use static IP's for all other equipment connected on belkin N+ router in the range between and
subnet in home network should be all the same to avoid problems: we have several network segments. Use subnet mask used by virgin modem uses:,,

tinto de verano
05-04-2010, 11:31 PM
Hello again.
First of all: Thanks, Giga!
I finally found the time/courage to test again. Everything in the network was working, except for the TV connecting to the Internet (Domain Ping error), so I was a bit reluctant to try... and mess everything else up.
I'll do it tomorrow... at the weekend... tomorrow... almost a month later... I tried something: I

reset the router to factory settings
updated the firmware to 1.01.24
unplugged modem, unplugged router, waited 10 minutes
plugged modem, waited 1 minute
plugged router, waited one minute
was supposed to insert the Belkinc CD with the setup ******... BUT I DID NOT!

I noticed the router had obtained settings (WAN IP, Default Gateway, DNS Address...), and that the ethernet cabled PC could connect to the Internet.
I setup the wireless network, secured it and...
2 ethernet cable PCs connected to the internet fine. 2 laptops and 1 netbook connected wirelessly to the Internet fine... the Samsung TV wirelessly passed the Domain Ping test! And wirelessly connected to the Internet fine. So did the BluRay player (wirelessly).

So, problem solved!!!!

There might be an issue or two, though:

If I connect to the Belkin Router through IE, and go into Wireless I notice something different:
Extension Channel is Auto like before, but it's greyed out and unchangeable/unavailable, I guess.
Bandwith is 20MHz instead of the previous 20/40MHz.

So far, in spite of these 2 issues,the network seems to work as well/as fast as before, and the Samsung TV can finally connect wirelessly to the Internet... so I doubt I will be changing anything in the next few days...

I hope this might be useful for any other people (apparently a lot) having Domain Ping issues with their Samsung TVs.

And again, thanks Giga for all your suggestions and support.

tinto de verano

tinto de verano
18-07-2010, 12:13 AM
Hi there,

Just a quick update: after a few virgin problems in the area, and no internet... when they finally sorted it... the Domain Ping error was there again on my Samsung TV... no connection to Internet!

I unplugged modem, router... nothing.

Then I noticed that:

Extension Channel was Auto like before, but it was not greyed out and I was able to change or select a channel of my liking.

Bandwith was 20/40MHz (and 20 MHz was selectable).

I tried opening ports... changing channel... unplugging USB wireless adapter... nothing: Doamin Ping failed.

Then I decided to change the setting in Bandwith from 20/40MHz to 20 MHz:

Domain Ping Suceesss!

Connection to Internet availleable again, InternetTV, YouTube... working again!

So the Bandwith setting must be responsible for the Domain Ping error (apart from some issues in the TV firmware, I am sure).

tinto de verano

18-07-2010, 06:55 AM
What it comes to: both Wifi Router and Wifi dongle/cards need to be set to work with the same Wifi Standard, so if your equipment is capable of working with one of these in this order of preference (high to low data rate): 802.11n 40 Mhz
802.11n 20 Mhz
802.11a: 5 GHz band with a maximum raw data rate of 54 Mbit/s, which yields realistic net achievable throughput in the mid-20 Mbit/s. The data rate is reduced to 48, 36, 24, 18, 12, 9 then 6 Mbit/s
802.11b: 2.4 GHz band with maximum raw data rate of 11 Mbit/s, which yields realistic net achievable throughput is about 5.9 Mbit/s
802.11g: 2.4 GHz band a maximum raw data rate of 54 Mbit/s, or about 19 Mbit/s
802.11n 2.4/5 GHz band (20/40 Mhz) raw data rate of 65/135 Mbit/s

to compare these standards:

reference and more details:


tinto de verano
18-07-2010, 10:27 AM

Onec again, thank you very much indeed for the info and support.

tinto de verani