View Full Version : vu+duo-d500hd-azbox plus

11-03-2010, 10:28 AM
good morning to all the users of the forum. i have on my list those 3 receivers,soon one of them it will be mine. can you help me ,which is better solution to buy; which of them has better quality in picture,and better support; thanks to the forum. :respect-040:

11-03-2010, 11:20 AM
VU+DUO cant compare to dm500 because its in different league. VU+ can accept internal HDD, it has 3USBs, 2xCI, 2x cardreader, twin tuner

So here is my list:
Azbox or azbug or az****, it has many names :)

11-03-2010, 11:22 AM
I have the Vu+ best box i have owned

11-03-2010, 11:29 AM
please dont buy dm500HD it's over over over rated.
what 500hd does dm800 clone can do, cccam and hd channels.
buy vu+ or azbox.

but my advice is to wait one more week. vu+ solo will come out and some news for azbox hd

11-03-2010, 11:31 AM
It all depends on what you want. Picture quality is something you cannot measure. 10 different people will give you 10 different answers. I think that picture quality is good for all of them.

As for the support the dm has to be number one. The vu+ is a new box and it seems that more teams are supporting it (i think its 4 teams already). It still needs some time but it has made an impressive start and i think they are heading the right direction. Keep in mind that the vu+ and the 500Hd have comparable processors made by the same company (the 500hds cpu is slightly faster), although the vu+ uses that cpu to support two tuners, while the 500hd has only one tuner.

About the azbox they still haven't managed to produce a non-beta firmware for a year and a half now, for their hd boxes...I would only recommend it to those who want 4:2:2 feeds and have nerves made of steel. On the other hand you can get 4:2:2 feeds with a cheap 50$ skystar card.

11-03-2010, 01:25 PM
Azbox HD is the best of those 3.

11-03-2010, 01:28 PM
lol, i wouldn't go THAT far.

11-03-2010, 01:55 PM
i would azbox because of its multimedia strength..and i believe that there will be good improvements for tv modus...
about tuner azbox has the best tuner solution i think..as the tuner of Vu is on the motherbord will cause problems i think..and 1080p is a real advantage of azbox...
but zapping time of vu plus is great!!

11-03-2010, 03:45 PM
LOL do we need SAT receiver for sat or for multimedia??

For multimedia you can buy cheap realtek based player which are better that azbox.

11-03-2010, 03:59 PM
lol look at who is posting azbox - they are azbox owners who on previous cases asked opensat to try better. read ANY azbox forum here on satpimps and see - 90%negative and 10% of " i think there will be maybe new fw /i heard from someone that there will be big news next week oh no hang on next month oh maybe enigma maybe maybe maybe.........etc etc.

i had azbox and it was brutal poor. as media player it was average but as a sat reciever it was appalling. and yes i still regret it to this day! dm500 i have heard good reports and from my experience of dm reciebvers they are quite good although do have a tendency to heat.

i now own a vu+duo box and it is the best decision i have ever made. brilliant support (although we really could do with a dedicated section on satpimps) ccam 100 percent perfect. legit enigma 2 with more plugins than you could shake a stick at!! 1080p now supported with auro resolution plugin!twin tuner works straight out of box and has no probs recording separate sats on separate tuners. 7 day epg for nearly every broadcaster - or at least the 7 i use anyway and easy to setup timers from epg! i could go on and on but the box answers all the questions! have a read around and dont just take my word for it and you will see the true answer. please dont blow your money on a dead horse - azbox like i did!
hope i helped and didnt rant too much! :)

11-03-2010, 04:05 PM
Azbox HD is the best of those 3.

You must be joking?

11-03-2010, 07:20 PM
I've had an DM800, (near enough DM500HD) Azbox and a VU+ Duo

Best by an absolute mile is the VU+ Duo! Does Exactly everything it says on the tin.

The worst by an absolute mile is Azbox... don't go there, it's absolutely horrific.

DM500HD will be good, but not worth the price when you can get a VU+

Definitely go VU+, if u wanna know more about all boxes then feel free to PM as i have used and tried all.

But short answer, VU+ Duo.

11-03-2010, 07:37 PM
If you want the extra tuner, the extra ci slots and usb ports and have no problem spending 100pounds extra for these features then get the vu+. Otherwise go for the 500HD which is super fast. Both have good picture quality, they can play xvids and mkvs, you can connect a hard disk on both...

11-03-2010, 08:14 PM
u have the 500 HD ??

11-03-2010, 09:00 PM
u have the 500 HD ??
If you are talking to me then yes

11-03-2010, 09:32 PM
500 HD has no USB ports ?

11-03-2010, 10:45 PM
get the VU+ mate

i have the 800 here, and the VU+,...its a no brainer, both cost about the same...the new 500 hd will cost a little less, but single tuner, less options


11-03-2010, 11:05 PM
500 HD has no USB ports ?

Actually it does have a mini USB port at the back but it is only for software update , as for connecting hard disk you need an eSata hard disk for that which is very limiting as there are only very few external portable eSata hard disk on the market

12-03-2010, 12:31 AM
You should wait for a week or two to see if Enigma 2 comes out for AZbox, if it does it would be a complete different story. If you don't want to wait go for VU+duo. But i think you should wait, you'll be smrter than because VU+solo comes out too.

12-03-2010, 12:49 AM

I have a azbox hd + and vu+ duo.

For me, the best is azbox.
Best player multimedia, DTS, AC3+,1080p, picture quality and is a real advantage for azbox


12-03-2010, 01:28 AM
I have a DM800 and still went out and bought a Vu+ Duo. For me the Vu+ is a complete no brainer. The Vu+ Solo is an option but for only a £100 saving I wouldn't go for it. The 500HD is surely too expensive for what you get.

12-03-2010, 02:23 AM

I have a azbox hd + and vu+ duo.For me, the best is azbox.if you are you are the first to think so which makes me doubt u have both but maybe?

Best player multimedia, DTS - yes is better for playing back certain codecs which will be improved through updated media player in vu+ in future update,
AC3+,1080p- which vu+ also has using auto resoloution plugin since last update.
picture quality - i think it has already been proven here on satpimps thread that vu+ pic is better than dm and azbox - although personally never had any issue with the pq on azbox - only thing i didn't :)


i find it amazing that vu+ and azbox are mentioned in same breadth to be honest

12-03-2010, 11:54 AM
Hmmmm VU+ DUO has issues too but OK I'll go for the price advantage, but the fixed tuners isn't what I'am looking for ( only they have the same price strategy as DMM low quantitys to keep the price up)
VU+ Solo - In my eyes overpriced (349)

Dm500 HD - Overpriced

Azbox HD - Does what I want it to do, have no problems with it @all
( have Premium and Premium Plus)
Zapspeeds max 2 sec ( latest multicas to CCcam 2.11 )
Timers work
No funny reboots

12-03-2010, 12:05 PM
We all love our wives even if they are ugly or fat or dont work for their bread and butter :D

12-03-2010, 12:08 PM
We all love our wives even if they are ugly or fat :D

Not sure about that quote m8

i am not married

12-03-2010, 12:18 PM
Again another die hard azbox owner. unfortunately it was this very kind of comments that made me become one of the first to own an azbox and i held onto it for more than a year but eventually gave in to the fact that i had blown 300 euro and bought something i will never regret { vu+ }

Hmmmm VU+ DUO has issues toot a joke never happened! epg - joke - too { name them and see how irrelevant they are. also note that vu+ is only out 3 months and has fully working everything it promised and is continually adding. unlike azbox who promised twin tuner - wait a year to get the pitiful epg that is there now! and oh so much more!} regards epg on vu+ - obviously you have never seen one in action carp - epg is brill! updates in background at whatever time you tell it to daily without going near it and has every sky channel listings added and canal nordic/nova/sky germany/sky italia/ can*****/ tv valderran/viasat etc etc hhmmmm dont understand that one mate?
but OK I'll go for the price advantage - true price is great!
but the fixed tuners isn't what I'am looking for - dont see the point in swapping two sat tuners in and out when they WORK! yes you could put in two sat tuners in azbox but they dont work independently! granted you could put in a dtt tuner but then you can get a dtt box anywhere now for 50 bucks if you wanted! and again dont work independently so you can watch one or other. or with vu+ since day one you could record say canal nordic on one tuner and sky sports on other and still watch another channel on sky transponder at same time! also forgot to mention how could the streamin web interface option is with vu+! normally record one or two movies at night and can watch separate channel in bed on my laptop!

( only they have the same price strategy as DMM low quantitys to keep the price up) - no you will find low quantitys because its selling out due to such high demand - check the retailers sites and see what their reasons are :)
VU+ Solo - In my eyes overpriced (349)

Dm500 HD - Overpriced - compapred to vu+ yes but still good buy

Azbox HD - Does what I want it to do, have no problems with it @all - you would be one of the first people to ever to say that so am happy for ya

( have Premium and Premium Plus) - question why have you premium plus also - answer = because oensat failed to deliver on twin tuner issue and blindscan

Zapspeeds max 2 sec ( latest multicas to CCcam 2.11 ) - zapspeed 1 sec to 2 sec on vu+ also can install any manner of emu! native ccam 2.13/2.14/oscam/mgcamd etc etc and note ccam is native and written for enigma 2 boxs like dm and vu+ and is not patched unreliable versions lkike multicas or ccam2.13 client only version on azbox
Timers work - - also note does also on vu+ and you would expect it to on any reciever!
No funny reboots - i remember quite clearly few times getting have to reboot on azbox when updating to new fw and installing my channel list. but thankfully so far i have never had that with my vu+ - but then i dont have to keep reflashing my vu+. there is software update option on box for if any new features are added

dont think there is a contest! :respect-046: respect to vu+! please dont be blinded and read through forum and get all unbiased opinions! i have no reason to lie - i struggled to try and keep azbox but it was just hearthache and broken promises by opensat. for example now how many weeks since they updated firmware?? the final straw was the firmware to simply turn off/on a fan after waiting six weeks for them to fix all the bugs that is what they did! compare it to vu+ who have 4 renowned teams working on their firmware and updating extra features every week!! anyway hope you find a good buy mate and really hope you get vu+ or dm and stay clear of az

12-03-2010, 12:36 PM

Do you think these people who say azbox is better than vu+ are honestly believing this deep in their hearts? These are only selling stratigies.

12-03-2010, 12:42 PM
no its not selling strategy but once you have a box you want to believe its the best WITH VU+ you can see the reviews and if it was crap WHY is it sold out every time a dealer gets stock ?
I have the DM 800 and VU+, personally I prefer the VU+ over the DM 800 but the DM is not crap.
AND when the DM 800 came out 2 years back nothing was better than it. Today vu+ is right up there
I love the competition

12-03-2010, 12:55 PM
well I cant comment on the "AZ" box,...never tried one, nearly did, but a mate of mine has one, and hates it

but I can comment on the VU+

here I have the 800, and as posted by myself and others, its a non contest, its the box to have,...plain+simple

I also own the technomate 9100
dreambox,s I own are 7000/7020/and 2 500 units (all rarely used nowr days)

previously owned a Kathy (another non starter and complex as well)

one other bit of news, is igate are soon to release a linux based HD unit as well

the one thing that is clear, DMM no longer hold the perverbial balls


12-03-2010, 12:57 PM
soory,...to make clear my comments on my above post....VU+ duo is the unit I strongly recomend

12-03-2010, 02:49 PM
the final straw was the firmware to simply turn off/on a fan after waiting six weeks for them to fix all the bugs that is what they did!

Turning off the fan fix was a requested feature by Azbox Premium Plus owners, as some complained out about fan noise.

It may have been irrelevent to you, but for many it was a good feature! :)

12-03-2010, 03:03 PM
epg is brill! updates in background at whatever time you tell it to daily without going near it and has every sky channel listings added and canal nordic/nova/sky germany/sky italia/ can*****/ tv valderran/viasat etc etc hhmmmm dont understand that one mate?

I see the EPG as currently the only good thing about the VU+ Duo over the Azbox.

When the Azbox get's the EPG working again it will be the better receiver for the serious satellite enthusiast.

Maybe one day I will buy a VU+ Duo, but I don't feel the need to rush out and get one, as the Azbox has all I need.

I am not a big fan of Enigma O/S.

12-03-2010, 05:56 PM
I have an AZbox and although I think VU+ is still in early stage of development, I think that it has many advantages over AZbox that will make it a better product.
In terms of hardware it looses to the AZ flexibility and Multimedia Power, but because of the bad firmware AZbox has, VU+ might be faster and more reliable in this matter.
Azbox has a smaller price for what you get, specially the Elite model, which is fanless, and cheap.
In the rest I think the VU+ has the edge because it already has E2 working, in a month it has made more improvements than AZ almost in a year. And it seems more stable allround.
If the Az has it bugs solved and E2 for team development, I think it is a good contender for the best box, but now the Vu+ is the most secure investment because its not built on promises, it already has what the others are promising and we dont know when it will be done for AZbox, or if it will be done.
I'd like to believe in that because I own one Az Elite, and people I trust say it will happen, but Opensat has been going down in my reputation rate, so I'll wait and see...


12-03-2010, 10:26 PM
i have the vu+ duo and the kathrein ufs 910.the vu+ is a fantastic receiver however i can confirm that the picture is not as good or way near the kathrein.

the kathrein produces razor sharp/hd like pictures on sd channels when using the original firmware and not enigma2 (anyone who owns a kathrein would know what i'm talking about) but the kathrein is one the worst receivers to use and i'm only hanging on to it because of its picture.

i'm still yet looking for a receiver that would produce pictures like the kathrein.if anyone know one let me know.i have compared the techomate 6900 super,topfield 7700,dm800 and ipbo***00

12-03-2010, 10:34 PM
Ipbox produce brilliant pictures but only on HDMI and i can't really recommend IPBox either as i sold my second one last week.

Enigma2 is really producing bad pictures on the Ipbox so you need to use the inferior DGS images which i hate.

12-03-2010, 11:11 PM
Ipbox produce brilliant pictures but only on HDMI and i can't really recommend IPBox either as i sold my second one last week.

Enigma2 is really producing bad pictures on the Ipbox so you need to use the inferior DGS images which i hate.

same thing with kathrein,kathrein with original firmware produces the best pic i have ever seen but when you install enigma2,picture degrades to rubbish.
why does enigma2 downgrade pictures?

12-03-2010, 11:17 PM
Thanks for the usfull info from the az users, so it appears that if the az team can sort the software issues, the az would be a serious contender

but as stated, a year on, and no go, thats asking a lot from there loyal customers

re kathy 910, yes, on another forum, a guy I know well, confirms the piccy quality as better than the 800

but again, the kathy unfortunatly does not have much surport, and is difficult in other ways,

did they ever sort out the motor problem??


12-03-2010, 11:25 PM
re kathy 910, yes, on another forum, a guy I know well, confirms the piccy quality as better than the 800

yes matey,
we've known each other from primary school days,havent we?

12-03-2010, 11:43 PM

do we??,

you have got me guessing now,


13-03-2010, 12:03 AM
so it appears that if the az team can sort the software issues, the az would be a serious contender

I could be completely wrong but i wouldnt hold your breath, was waiting over a year for them to sort software issues, but it never got done. Worst part it, Opensats customer support is so bad you just have no idea if they're even working on it, or planning too, or what they're working on, or what they;re planning to fix.

I really wouldnt be surprised with Opensat if they just brought out a new product and stopped creating firmware for the Azbox. Seem they're having great difficulty getting this box to function as it should.

13-03-2010, 12:14 AM
If OpenSAT launch a new product and discontinue (more) the current HD boxes, they seal their fate as a SAT decoder seller, because who would anything from them after that? If they done it once, they can do it twice!
They wouldnt be thrustworthy! Its not good for their business and their customers...they cannot risk that since they dont have the best reputation on the market (if any by now), and they havent established themselves in a high rank to be able to do those stunts and survive in the market that is much more crowded now of Linux HD receivers than a Year ago, remember that!


13-03-2010, 09:58 AM

do we??,

you have got me guessing now,



04-04-2010, 06:10 PM
I have dm800 and VU+duo
VU+duo is superior in all fields.
my dm800 bytes the dust atm.