View Full Version : Azbox HD issue - 22west - can u test pls

11-03-2010, 06:33 PM

Can you help, i tried locking onto an HD feed today on my AZBOX but it would NOT lock, strength was their, but ZERO quality

Pls see this thread for some background:

I then tried 2 other HD test channels (huntingdon beach cams) currently broadcasting on 22w:

freq: 11162 H
sr: 3404
fec: 5/6

on my icecrypt receiver downstairs i had a VERY strong signal on both the feed, and the huntingdon beach channels and was watching them on my ICECRYPT no problem....my AZBOX just wont lock\shows no signal.

i EVEN brought the AZBOX downstairs and used the same sat input which my icecrypt was using - nothing...

it can find 11563\h\6111 and 11605\h\4000 ok so its not a broken rx...

what the hell can it be, i downgraded f/w from latest to 4283 but same thing.


pls as a test can those of you that can get 22w with an AZBOX tell me if you can lock onto this feed\channel...on your AZBOX

(DVB-S2) on 22west:

freq: 11162 H
sr: 3404
fec: 5/6


11-03-2010, 09:32 PM
i get the same problem with thor 1w when they moved put in new freq etc get full signal but no quality resigned not to watch hd on thor

11-03-2010, 09:40 PM
hmmm its so strange, how can some tp's show strength, but no quality and lock, but hd channels show no quality.

11-03-2010, 09:48 PM
111635 FEC is 1/2

11-03-2010, 10:02 PM
freq: 11162 H
sr: 3404
fec: 5/6

86 Strength
83 Quality Here with Azbox premium FW 4585

11-03-2010, 10:33 PM
freq: 11162 H
sr: 3404
fec: 5/6

86 Strength
83 Quality Here with Azbox premium FW 4585

thank you very much, i was on that firmware.


maybe its LNB settings or something, do you have it on Universal? 12v off and 22hz tone off?

11-03-2010, 10:41 PM

LNB Universal
Tone off
12V off

11-03-2010, 11:05 PM

i forgot i had an AB switch between my AZBOX and a SLY box, as soon as i plugged cable directly in, and changed the TP data from DVB to DVBS2, in it came!!! altho PILOT needed to be 1 not 0

IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

how annoying, now that feed wont be on for another week and i'll be at work!!

** EDIT - Im not as dumb as i first thought, as a test, after pulling in the channels, i plugged the AB switch back in, and the pictures came back on the Huntingdon beach channels.....

strange i thought - so it couldnt have been the switch....

so, out of curiousity i went back into TP search, and set it back to DVB-S2 to DVB and Pilot to 0 and then changed back again, but quality stayed at 0....even tho the pics had returned after putting AB switch back....

just goes to show u, the wonders and weirdo's of sat tv, A-B switchers.

** EDIT2 - Ohhhhh im understanding a bit better now, basically the AZBOX isn't too clever at locking onto stations with AUTO settings.

I realise now, you cannot rely on FEC = Auto, it doesnt work. You have to cycle through all the possibilities, with Pilot on 0, and then with Pilot on 1.

It wasn't the switch after all. My icecrypt finds DVB or DVB-S2 feeds on AUTO finds the FEC and just tunes them in.

The AZBOX isn't as clever.

So to summarise - the problem was my lack of understanding of the AZBOX - it wasn't my AB switch.

Morale of the story - DO NOT RELY on FEC = Auto when trying to lock onto a feed.

u have to cycle through each modulation, along with each possible FEC, and then again with both Pilot = 1 and then Pilot =2

12-03-2010, 12:28 PM
Yes, I found this out when I first got this box.

It is very annoying. Do you think this can be fixed in a FW update? I believe this does not happen in the latest version of azbox.

12-03-2010, 12:41 PM
Basically think of the Azbox as a combination lock. My Technomate locks in to the signal and is auto everything except 4:2:2. I transfer the parameters I know to the Azbox for 4:2:2 and then spend 10 minutes trying every combination of settings until one works. This works most times but sometimes the Azbox just stubbornly refuses to lock on the signal at all, or the feed has gone off air by the time you hit the right combination. I notice the Axbox does not like low SR rates. It displays 4:2:2 well when I succeed, but I have never been tempted in taking up smoking before!:smash:


i forgot i had an AB switch between my AZBOX and a SLY box, as soon as i plugged cable directly in, and changed the TP data from DVB to DVBS2, in it came!!! altho PILOT needed to be 1 not 0

IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

how annoying, now that feed wont be on for another week and i'll be at work!!

** EDIT - Im not as dumb as i first thought, as a test, after pulling in the channels, i plugged the AB switch back in, and the pictures came back on the Huntingdon beach channels.....

strange i thought - so it couldnt have been the switch....

so, out of curiousity i went back into TP search, and set it back to DVB-S2 to DVB and Pilot to 0 and then changed back again, but quality stayed at 0....even tho the pics had returned after putting AB switch back....

just goes to show u, the wonders and weirdo's of sat tv, A-B switchers.

** EDIT2 - Ohhhhh im understanding a bit better now, basically the AZBOX isn't too clever at locking onto stations with AUTO settings.

I realise now, you cannot rely on FEC = Auto, it doesnt work. You have to cycle through all the possibilities, with Pilot on 0, and then with Pilot on 1.

It wasn't the switch after all. My icecrypt finds DVB or DVB-S2 feeds on AUTO finds the FEC and just tunes them in.

The AZBOX isn't as clever.

So to summarise - the problem was my lack of understanding of the AZBOX - it wasn't my AB switch.

Morale of the story - DO NOT RELY on FEC = Auto when trying to lock onto a feed.

u have to cycle through each modulation, along with each possible FEC, and then again with both Pilot = 1 and then Pilot =2

12-03-2010, 08:37 PM
Thanks for that...here was I thinking that I just could not pull in some of these feeds.

13-03-2010, 10:25 AM
Thanks for that...here was I thinking that I just could not pull in some of these feeds.

i was hoping my post might benefit others, and looks like it has.
