View Full Version : Octagon SF918 - Change Campaign !

16-03-2010, 08:00 PM
What do people think about this offer who got an octagon SF918 ????

boxspanner 2002
16-03-2010, 11:06 PM
Well being honest somebody at octagon has read the posts
on forums of well pi**ed off 918HD users with total lack of
support, i personally asked ages ago, about snail speed ff at X2

but i think a little too late to appease owners
i think octagon should at least pickup shipping
cost both ways, thats to octagon, and back to users

as they have made millions, on sales to dedicated
buyers...but thats just my view as a octagon 918
door wedge owner....

boxspanner 2002
16-03-2010, 11:09 PM
and as a further footnote
will the 1008/1018 go the
same way after the 918
is offer just short term to
unload them without future

19-03-2010, 06:24 PM
hi it a nite mare. octagon doesnt take debit cards or credit card they dont use paypal .they want a bank transfer that will cost you £20 to £30. on top of 112.euro for the new box. it a nite mare.

boxspanner 2002
19-03-2010, 07:58 PM
i bought 1 octagon a 918HD and not getting conned
into having another box thats badly supported

and the cheek of it, they want my money to upgrade
it should be free gratis, if they were a caring company

i would rather have a box with ten legs on it, clue
least they are supported...

19-03-2010, 08:21 PM
Not such a good idea, don't think i will take up this offer.

boxspanner 2002
20-03-2010, 06:27 PM
i think personally former octagon owners will not take
up this offer, octagon thro lack of care, have put us
all off future products including 1008 and 1018
better supported boxes out there....

21-03-2010, 01:00 PM
i agree with you but i havnt a choice money is tight fab up with people ripping me off.it sould be free just pay for the pp.if i dont exchange it how long will the box last.it like the diablo cam 2 lol.its seem like every on it getting so agreed now

22-03-2010, 02:59 PM
I dont think that the 1008 and the 1018 will end up as the 918Hd because these boxes are based on Linux and there is a growing community in the official forum which makes plugins and E2 emus for these receivers.

As you can read in the readmes I noticed that the changes in the 1018er models are way better than in the 918 where changes took months.

boxspanner 2002
22-03-2010, 06:15 PM
i still think if octagon were genuine
and thinking of past users of
918 box upgrade to 1008 should be free !!!
with users only paying p&p
as aapaul suggests

then if you want to upgrade to a 1018
thats your choice, then maybe pay
something towards it but not 275 euros.....

boxspanner 2002
22-03-2010, 06:17 PM
p.s i hope octagon read our forums
as i have sent similar email to them
but at the moment they decline
to answer, maybe other users
find this is the case also...

22-03-2010, 06:52 PM
well said:respect-055: