View Full Version : Sct

18-03-2010, 10:22 PM
Can anyone confirm SCT down on 11727V Hotbird??

18-03-2010, 10:27 PM
Down for me on Millennium.

18-03-2010, 10:28 PM
Yep thought so - down here on Titanium.

18-03-2010, 10:56 PM
just got a new titianium file from that ..other place ...
haven't loaded it yet but just wondered if it was cosher .But ,there is a new file for this .

it doesn't work , someone uploaded an old file , it's now been deleted .
I've been on ages trying to program tit cards , I feel such a tit myself now .

18-03-2010, 11:00 PM
S5 + S7 ok on gold card! Otherwise all gone!! :angelsad2:

18-03-2010, 11:19 PM
All down on Silvercard :(

19-03-2010, 08:18 AM
Hi Guys,

All down except S5 and S7 on my official Viaccess card. I'm guessing they've changed idents.


19-03-2010, 02:55 PM
There was a message on-screen over the last week in Italian asking customers to call a certain phone number to have their cards changed. They must be moving away from the current system.

19-03-2010, 04:21 PM
Taken from another Board

Da ieri sera i canali del pacchetto di SCT – *** Channel Television – non sono più ricevibili illegalmente con vari decoder e cam che opportunamente programmate rimettevano in chiaro i programmi dei canali.

Già qualche giorno fa vi avevamo comunicato di un graduale abbandono della vecchia codifica Viaccess 2.6 che da tempo era stata “bucata” dagli hacker del sat.

Inizialmente S5 e S6 avevano abbandonato la 2.6 ma da ieri sera tutti i canali dell’offerta, che sono sintonizzabili su Hotbird 8 (13.0E) – 11727 – V – 27500 3/, stanno usando le codifiche NDS Videoguard, Irdeto 2 e Viaccess 4.0.

Da notare però che purtroppo con il passaggio alle nuove codifiche anche molti abbonati sono rimasti a piedi perdendo la visione, prima parziale e ora totale, di tutto il pacchetto canali dedicato al mondo degli adulti.

Translated to English using Google Translate

Since yesterday evening, the channel package SCT - *** Channel Television - are no longer illegally received by various decoders and which suitably programmed cam endanger clear channel programs.

Already a few days ago we had reported a gradual abandonment of the old code Viaccess 2.6, which had long been "punctured" by hackers sat.

Initially, S5 and S6 had abandoned the 2.6 last night but all the channels of supply, which are tunable on Hotbird 8 (13.0E) - 11727th - V - 27500 3 /, are using the encoding NDS Videoguard, Irdeto 2 Viaccess 4.0 .

Though note that unfortunately with the move to new coding many subscribers have been walking losing vision, first partial and total hours, the whole package of channels dedicated to the world of adults.

Regards Compass

19-03-2010, 06:30 PM
hi compass well if ur saying what i think ur saying i had better to nice to the wife


19-03-2010, 07:09 PM
hi compass well if ur saying what i think ur saying i had better to nice to the wife


Bout time mate!!! lol!!!:respect-055:

26-03-2010, 09:52 AM
Hi Guys,

Got a letter from the company who supplied my card telling me to send it back for a new card. I will have to pay for a new 12 month card, but I am being credited with all the remaining 9 months on my card, so the cost to change cards is pretty minimal.

I have to say I'm impressed, both by my supplier and the provider!


joe 1234567
26-03-2010, 07:35 PM
my card had 10 month left on it and it can go in the bin was a load of crap !!