View Full Version : Need help with cccam.cfg layout please ;)

19-03-2010, 04:46 PM
Hi guys,

Sorry but this is a newbie question.

Have read a lot of stuff all over the place now, very confussed but I am getting there.

One last thing I need help with please is just to confirm the required layout for the cccam.cfg to work with the octagon.sh40 version of cccam for example.

I dont understand the context of....

#for mapping use as follows
1833:1702 for example.

Have seen many different layouts ie dreambox and they are a lot different.

Please, please, please can somebody post there working cccam.cfg layout for octagon.sh40 (minus the c: lines of course).

Forgive me if I'm wrong but i have not seen one so far in any posts here and it will help other newbies with there installs and save a few posts maybe.

Many thanks,

19-03-2010, 09:40 PM
Sorry, worked it out, you can use the cccam.cfg and just add the c lines.
Awesome! Thank you kinkdink for an easy solution ;)