View Full Version : New 0.9.4690 patch

19-03-2010, 07:40 PM

added hardware acceleration option
improved dts audio subid
improve photo viewer thumbnail generator + resize function


19-03-2010, 07:44 PM
not bad changelog....

did anyone test this fw?
Is the Unicode srt bug fixed?

19-03-2010, 08:10 PM
no visible improvement after fw update. may be GUI is opening little bit faster.

19-03-2010, 08:11 PM
If DTS and .srt subtiles does really work I will be really happy :D

what exactly does that mean? "added hardware acceleration option"

19-03-2010, 08:16 PM
open Settings -> System Info -> HW Acc option -> On/Off

19-03-2010, 08:40 PM
For me with hardware acceleration activated I loose signal on the DVB-S2 tuner, but I guess LAN speed is improved.
With hardware acceleration off the signal comes back.

The DVB-T tuner never had signal problems.

19-03-2010, 08:45 PM
And what about epg, still crashes?

19-03-2010, 09:00 PM
And what about epg, still crashes?

Yes, still crashes...

19-03-2010, 09:27 PM
.srt were allready working in latest (day 17) dunno about DTS.
gonna test this one, what does hardware aceleration does?

19-03-2010, 09:39 PM
For me with hardware acceleration activated I loose signal on the DVB-S2 tuner, but I guess LAN speed is improved.
With hardware acceleration off the signal comes back.

The DVB-T tuner never had signal problems.

I can confirm this.
With Hardware Acceleration Second tuner has no signal.
channel name is back on the display.
Avi + srt is working.
Rewind still isn't working correctly.

No real improvement for me.

19-03-2010, 09:45 PM
Do you have premium+?

19-03-2010, 09:48 PM
i only have SAT tuner and i didn't have to reboot after hardware acceleration.
and i got signal.

even after i reboot, i had signal...strange.
btw: my dvdrip quality unscaled to 1080p seem to have finally stabilized?

no more pixelization or shaked image......for now!
gotta test more

19-03-2010, 10:27 PM
They have basically overclocked the CPU so expect lots more heat

System bus frequency : 231750000 Hz
CPU frequency : 347625000 Hz
DSP frequency : 347625000 Hz

used to be 300mhz now its 350mhz nearly :o11:

boxes may go :ack2: then :angelsad2: lol

19-03-2010, 10:33 PM
Aren't you sold your box?

19-03-2010, 10:48 PM
not yet ... unfortunately

19-03-2010, 10:58 PM
Overclocking? I guess HW acceleration is just euphemism :)
But I can see top network speed goes up from around 5,5MB/s to 6,5MB/s

19-03-2010, 11:07 PM
Before I change for my very stable running system from KGD Team.
to the new firmware,

how is zapping with cccam ?
and is the epg saved after population when going into standby.

19-03-2010, 11:20 PM
They have basically overclocked the CPU so expect lots more heat

System bus frequency : 231750000 Hz
CPU frequency : 347625000 Hz
DSP frequency : 347625000 Hz

used to be 300mhz now its 350mhz nearly :o11:

boxes may go :ack2: then :angelsad2: lol

That explains why I didn't have signal on my DVB-S2 tuner.
Looks like my tuner couldn't handle the overclocked system BUS.

This is the first sat box that I heard of as being able to overclock by software.
This is a wet dream of many PC enthusiasts :o16:

If Opensat uses a file that sets the overclock parameters in the boot process, maybe I can lower the system BUS, or overclock the CPU even more (or not if the DSP clock is the same). :D

19-03-2010, 11:31 PM
They have basically overclocked the CPU so expect lots more heat

System bus frequency : 231750000 Hz
CPU frequency : 347625000 Hz
DSP frequency : 347625000 Hz

used to be 300mhz now its 350mhz nearly :o11:

boxes may go :ack2: then :angelsad2: lol

OMFG. I thought they linked it to new library.. Now I see I was wrong
em8xxx [/DATA/Yellow.mine/Working/SigmaDesign8634/SMP8634-2850.gcc3.4/mrua_SMP8634_v2_8_5_1_celrun_lg_b ranch_10212009-HDMI-fix_facsprod_legacy_dev.mips.nodt s.work/MRUA_src/rua/emhwlib_kernel/kernel_src/krua.c:1570] init_module: begun
this overclocking is just ridiculous because it can bring down some boxes

19-03-2010, 11:56 PM
The linux command to know the chipset (CPU+DSP) and the BUS clocks is:
cat /proc/cpuinfo

By default the system BUS is at 200Mhz.

All the clock might be linked, in overclocking the BUS it will also overclock the chipset.
Hardware acceleration overclocks everything by ~15.5%.

20-03-2010, 12:45 AM
This firmware only shows how opensat doesnt have a clue on what to do!
Even with overclock this firmware gets beaten down by KDG 4348 in mediaplayer when playing high bitrate files through NFS or USB!
Its ridiculous that opensat does this, it can still put in danger de reliability of the hardware! If there are other options to solve lack of processing power, overclock should be the last! Unless that some kind of Takecontrol+drivers couldnt do the trick! But KDG 4348 firmware proves Opensat is wrong!
My 50cents!


20-03-2010, 01:08 AM
good very well....
I Known typer because casuality

20-03-2010, 01:33 AM
I would like to know how can Opensat explain this.
I think overclock could be needed in the future when the drivers reach their limit and resource use reach their limit too. It must be used as last resort. But we are still in the beginning!
If KDG without overclock can do a better job with take control, why doesnt opensat do the same! Its safer and perhaps easier. From what I can understand, KDG simply kills or sends to low priority the process that the box doesnt use in mediaplayer mode, and sets high propriority for the processes that mediaplayer needs.
By doing some automatic management of this opensat could optimize the resources of the box, and with that increase the performance in all levels and modes!
Why dont they follow the good example? I would really like to know the answer to this.
Its proven that its doable, its proven that it shows imediate results in performance, its proven that it isnt even needed to change the source code or the drivers of the box, it uses just operating system process priority and commands! What else do they need? A signed paper from OBAMA????


20-03-2010, 02:21 AM
Let me quote FatGiant: "And maybe even if there are no changes mentioned in the log of each fw, sometimes, changes on something entirely different affect the way other problems behave."

He just said that OpenSat is playing Russian Roulette with each fw-release. They have absolutely no clue about anything.

20-03-2010, 02:42 AM

That is taking my words completely out of context.

I replied you that when you asked why I am asking for retests of some of the Bug Reports.

In that context, we do need updated information on how some of those bugs show themselves after several releases of firmware, that include fixes that sometimes can affect other areas.

Distortion of context, and the use of another's words in unrelated matters, doesn't improve any discussion, and certainly does nothing to improve my, or anyones willingness to answer your questions.

Thanks for misrepresent my words.

20-03-2010, 02:45 AM
I did not start an argument, but we need to repair clearing the EPG in memory, we have introduced many improvements that we can not move forward without this bug repaired

20-03-2010, 02:51 AM
I have already said today in official forum, that there is a solution being worked on to solve the memory problems of EPG plugins. Can't really say much more until it's done. :)

20-03-2010, 02:54 AM
Try not take much, that we backlog for this item.

Try also fix reload the channel list, so that Morse could publish the new MAZ also have their request several months in the official forum

20-03-2010, 03:08 AM
If not restart the machine stayed in the booting....

20-03-2010, 03:53 AM
Try to type this commands in telnet for better mediaplayer performance

/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v SDecoderServer DStar -15
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v JIPC_Server DStar 1
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v CRTVCore DStar 3
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v mbox_module DStar -5 ( in case you use mbox)

Cheers :D

20-03-2010, 07:03 AM
Whit new firmware 4690 after a some zapping with h/w accel.enabled I LOST signal on my tuner (the single and only one . Elite is my model).

I disabled h/w accelaration andd rebooted but still had NO SIGNAL.

I then used the old firmware 4625 and signal came back.

Then switched again to 4690 signal was still OK but I neven enabled H/W accelaration , didn't risk it !

20-03-2010, 08:34 AM
I've a couple of questions about this:

What is DStar and why you chage the priority of DStar 4 times?

and will below command return everything to their default priorities?

/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v SDecoderServer DStar 0
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v JIPC_Server DStar 0
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v CRTVCore DStar 0

Try to type this commands in telnet for better mediaplayer performance

/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v SDecoderServer DStar -15
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v JIPC_Server DStar 1
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v CRTVCore DStar 3
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v mbox_module DStar -5 ( in case you use mbox)

Cheers :D

20-03-2010, 09:13 AM

That is taking my words completely out of context.

I replied you that when you asked why I am asking for retests of some of the Bug Reports.

In that context, we do need updated information on how some of those bugs show themselves after several releases of firmware, that include fixes that sometimes can affect other areas.

Distortion of context, and the use of another's words in unrelated matters, doesn't improve any discussion, and certainly does nothing to improve my, or anyones willingness to answer your questions.

Thanks for misrepresent my words.

Maybe you are right, but sorry, I'm a programmer not about STB firmware but when a customer reports me an error I usually proceed as follows:
- first of all I take note and answer him
- then I look and try to reproduce the error
- reproduced the error I try to find the solution
- found the solution I check new release
- then I update the program to the customer and say problem solved, can you try to confirm?

I never say: since it's been a long time and someone has made changes please recheck all the errors you had, maybe if we're lucky someone has looked without my knowledge and maybe some bug has been fixed.

I understand that the famous roadmap which was mentioned a few months ago has never been published because they do not even know to you and to many people in Opensat.

I understand that nobody in Opensat quite aware of the situation.

20-03-2010, 12:40 PM
I've some DTS sound lags (at every 7-8 seconfds) with this firmware. (DTS raw setting with a digital sound system). I don't know is it caused by the mkv that i used? Can anyone confirm this?

20-03-2010, 01:25 PM
Yes I can confirm that there are DTS problems, and some sound problems in some files that are playing without sound, and in the 4585 it played the sound well mostly in m2ts BDRips!


20-03-2010, 01:43 PM


But the bugs I asked for a revision, and it were only 2 or 3, do need a revision.
Not that I am expecting they had disappeared, but, I am sure they will behave differently, that is what I need, the difference.


20-03-2010, 01:46 PM

That is taking my words completely out of context.

I replied you that when you asked why I am asking for retests of some of the Bug Reports.

In that context, we do need updated information on how some of those bugs show themselves after several releases of firmware, that include fixes that sometimes can affect other areas.

Distortion of context, and the use of another's words in unrelated matters, doesn't improve any discussion, and certainly does nothing to improve my, or anyones willingness to answer your questions.

Thanks for misrepresent my words.
Come on, now you're saying the same thing again. It's like changing wheels on a car would make the wipers stop working. Stop these damn alpha firmwares and try to make something decent instead.

I would have answered you in your own forum if it wasn't for the censorship. I'm not about to waste my time on a long text if I don't know if its going to get published or not.

20-03-2010, 03:04 PM
I've some DTS sound lags (at every 7-8 seconfds) with this firmware. (DTS raw setting with a digital sound system). I don't know is it caused by the mkv that i used? Can anyone confirm this?

I am confirming the DTS sound dropouts too... and, after a while, the sync is gone too.
Sometimes it is noticeable after a 20-25 minutes only...

20-03-2010, 03:38 PM
Yo soy developer del KGD Team desde aqui quiero decir que Open-sat en ningun momento nos ha proporcionado nada de informacion, se han realizado varias peticiones en el foro oficial y no obtenemos respuesta por ningun lado. Ademas todas las peticiones son muy sencillas a solucionar. Y si existe algun problema con las peticiones, porque no se puedan solucionar es mejor decirlo para no estar esperando por ellas.

Nosotros trabajamos sin cobrar nada, todo lo hacemos para conseguir que Azbox sea un gran receptor, desde aqui hago un llamamiento a Open-sat para que cambie su politica, y nos haga un poco de caso.

Hemos decidido congelar las revisiones a ver si Open-sat acepta nuestras peticiones, ,que son muy pocas, nosotros no tenemos nada que perder.

Si deciden solucionarlas lo logico es que nos mantengan informados de como va el proceso, tampoco pedimos mucho.

Simplemente queremos ayudar.


I am a developer of KGDTeam from here I mean that Open-sat at no time has given us no information, there have been several requests in the official forum and do not hear from anywhere. You all requests are very simple to solve. And if there is any problem with the requests, because it can be resolved is better to admit to not be waiting for them.

We work without charging anything, everything we do to get Azbox be a great receiver, from here I appeal to Open-sat to change its policy, and we do some case.

We have decided to freeze the reviews to see if Open-sat accepts our demands, which are very few, we have nothing to lose.

If they decide to solve the logical thing is to keep us informed as the process goes, not ask a lot.

Just want to help.


20-03-2010, 03:43 PM
todo depende de ellos, como ven mucha gente cualificada esta dispuesta a ayudar.

everything depends on them, as are many qualified people willing to help.

20-03-2010, 04:02 PM
snice -0 doesn't set default priority, default priority is +4
However priority of DStar is in the firmware set to -5
For playback of movies (especially from net) only DStar and SDecoderServer is improtant, therfore you can decrease priority of JIPC and TVCore but DStar and SDecoderServer must stay on the same priority

20-03-2010, 05:33 PM
Hard facts: SMP8634 vs. SMP8655



Even the hardware acceleration 2x can not be anything. :ack2:

Competition Medi@link ML9700 HDMI - HE@D - TWIN, this is called accelerated is faster CPU.:king-042:



Medialink ML9700 Hardware


Full HD (Full HDTV 1080i, 1080p), auch für OLED-Technology
Linux Betriebsystem
Twin Tuner (Zwei Sat-Tuner)
WLAN (Drahtlose Internetverbindung)
PVR Funktion (Aufnahmefunktion)
Timeshift-Funktion (Pause/Wiedergabe)
Integrierte schnellste e-SATA Interface für 2,5“ Festplatte
Internet TV (IP-TV, VLC Player)
WEB-Browser (Internet Browser)
Vorinstallierte Media Player

Technische Daten:

System und Speicher:
CPU Sigma Design SMP8655
Flash Speicher 256MByte NAND
Betriebsystem LINUX
Speicher System 256MByte DDR2
Video Speicher 128MByte DDR2

Netzwerk Anschlüße:
Ethernet RJ-45 (1ß/100BASE-T) LAN- Anschluß
Wireless LAN USB Type (Drahtlos USB-WLAN)

IF / Tuners:
DVB-S2 Tuner Zwei Empfangstuner
Eigangfrequenz 950-2150 Mhz
FEC Dekoder DVB-S2 QPSK: ½, 3/5, 2/3, ¾
4/5, 5/6, 8/9, 9/10, AUTO
DVB-S2 8PSK: 3/5, 2/3, ¾, 5/6
8/9, 9/10, AUTO
Demodulation DVB-S/2, QPSK, 8PSK
Sat-Eingang F-Type, IEC 169-24, Femalex2
Symbol Rate 1 – 45 Msps
LNB Polarisation 14V Vertikal / 19V Horizontal
DiseqC Control 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, USALS

MPEG4 P10 h.264/AVC SD/HD Xvid
Auflösung 480i/480p/576i/576p/720p/1080i/1080p
Untertitel SRT, SMI, TXT

Vor- und Rückseite Ein/Ausgänge
Rückseite I/O S-Video x1
Composite (CVBS) x1
Component (YPbPr) x1
Optical S-PDIF x1
USB 2.0 x1
RJ45 x1
Kartenleser x1
Netzschalter 220V x1
Display 7-Segment Display
Vorderseite I/O IR Module (38KHz)
Tasten x5
USB 2.0 x1

Physical Spezifikation
Größe 300 x 210 x 60 mm
Gewicht Brutto 2.74 Kg
Gewicht Netto 1,49 Kg
Netzteil 100Vac – 240 Vac
Voltage, Type 50/60Hz 1500mA (externe Adapter)
Arbeitstemperatur 0°C bis 60°C
Lagerung Temperatur -10°C bis +70°C
Leistung Max. 60W, Standby <1W


http://www.pristavka.de/index.php?PHPSESSID=7697cdf468ae9 5cc21ca60b7d0ff1c04&topic=5009.msg58582#msg58582Video :



20-03-2010, 05:38 PM
Yo soy developer del KGD Team desde aqui quiero decir que Open-sat en ningun momento nos ha proporcionado nada de informacion, se han realizado varias peticiones en el foro oficial y no obtenemos respuesta por ningun lado. Ademas todas las peticiones son muy sencillas a solucionar. Y si existe algun problema con las peticiones, porque no se puedan solucionar es mejor decirlo para no estar esperando por ellas.

Nosotros trabajamos sin cobrar nada, todo lo hacemos para conseguir que Azbox sea un gran receptor, desde aqui hago un llamamiento a Open-sat para que cambie su politica, y nos haga un poco de caso.

Hemos decidido congelar las revisiones a ver si Open-sat acepta nuestras peticiones, ,que son muy pocas, nosotros no tenemos nada que perder.

Si deciden solucionarlas lo logico es que nos mantengan informados de como va el proceso, tampoco pedimos mucho.

Simplemente queremos ayudar.


I am a developer of KGDTeam from here I mean that Open-sat at no time has given us no information, there have been several requests in the official forum and do not hear from anywhere. You all requests are very simple to solve. And if there is any problem with the requests, because it can be resolved is better to admit to not be waiting for them.

We work without charging anything, everything we do to get Azbox be a great receiver, from here I appeal to Open-sat to change its policy, and we do some case.

We have decided to freeze the reviews to see if Open-sat accepts our demands, which are very few, we have nothing to lose.

If they decide to solve the logical thing is to keep us informed as the process goes, not ask a lot.

Just want to help.


Thanks for all to KGD Team!

I have never seen such a situation that appears decidedly grotesque,
there are people who try to help develop a product that clearly struggling to be born and despite the clear difficulties of official developers to prepare an acceptable software, all requests for cooperation are being ignored and snubbed.

Even simple requests such as those of KGD team is doing a great job on the software and tools are ignored even by some months (see Morser requests) instead of doing everything to promote their work.

@FatGiant, Geeko, Opensat
Why do you continue to maintain this attitude irritating?
Why despite all your difficulties are not at least have the humility to accept the help of those who want to help you?
I just do not understand you, it seems that you do everything to promote competitive products ...

20-03-2010, 06:11 PM

Sure it has better CPU (~3X faster) but what I understand the FW is even more cloesed then OpenSat's, no full ftp, no ssh, no telnet... So each box has pros/cons...

20-03-2010, 06:23 PM
ML9700 Medialink Hardware

99.9% of the companies that are today used a new business model that is very fashionable, that is to perform firmware and then use the users to do better with their tests, let us hope that Medialink is not one of them .

There are many Products in the market with sigma or realtek chipset with a very good hardware and soft but not really.

The only thing that works well today is the open source or products that have large companies behind its development as Syabas with your popcorn, with a development excellent.


20-03-2010, 07:45 PM
1 - So, ist it true way to use DStar three times consecutively like below:

/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v SDecoderServer DStar -15
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v JIPC_Server DStar 1
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v CRTVCore DStar 3

From my understanding below commands are more meaningful for watching mkv :

/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v SDecoderServer DStar -15
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v JIPC_Server CRTVCore 10

and to rollback for daily usage:

/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v SDecoderServer DStar +4
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v JIPC_Server CRTVCore -5

true ??

2 - How can I see all default priorities in firmware ?

3- Do reboots rollback all priorities to their defaults?

Thanks !

snice -0 doesn't set default priority, default priority is +4
However priority of DStar is in the firmware set to -5
For playback of movies (especially from net) only DStar and SDecoderServer is improtant, therfore you can decrease priority of JIPC and TVCore but DStar and SDecoderServer must stay on the same priority

20-03-2010, 09:41 PM
1 - So, ist it true way to use DStar three times consecutively like below:

/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v SDecoderServer DStar -15
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v JIPC_Server DStar 1
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v CRTVCore DStar 3

2 - How can I see all default priorities in firmware ?

3- Do reboots rollback all priorities to their defaults?

Thanks !

From back:
3 - yes reboot return to default priorities
2 - usually you can see it from top but azbox implementation doesn't support it, snice won't report it either so to be honest I don't know
1 - you need just /MMP/usr/bin/snice -v SDecoderServer DStar -15
I don't think you need the other one. And setting back is not so easy because original priority is unknown :) So I just suggest to leave it as you set it - it won't break anything

23-03-2010, 08:01 AM
I found an other silly sound bug in this firmware version. Last night while playing a SD mkv with AC3 sound the sound has gone out of synchronization. I stopped mkv and started to play again then sound completely has gone !!! I exited from media player and opened TV, then switched back, but no sound again!!! The problem solved only after reboot. Then same thing happened after using "time seek" function.

4625 : There is novideo with DTS films !!!

4585: I cannot manage to play any type of video or audio file with this silly firmware !

4487: Stable media player, I found no bug. (Yeah, it's slower than KGD) Image quality really better than previous firmwares! TV application has some reboot bug, but I'm happy until a better firmware is relased.

Reported this error to opensat, if you confirm the problem please write them : http://www.azbox.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=1559

24-03-2010, 01:31 AM
from what i noticed Dstar only uses processor power when starting the movie? (telnet, using "top")

i use this for mkv:

/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v SDecoderServer -15
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v DStar -4
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v CRTVCore 10
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v CRTVSetup 10
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v emu_module 5
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v telnetd 19
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v vsftpd 19
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v JIPC_Server 15
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v cifsdnotifyd 15
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v cifsoplockd 15
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v xfslogd -2
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v xfsdatad -2
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v xfsbufd -2
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v ir_control 19
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v detector_test -2
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v usb-storage -5

is this ok?

24-03-2010, 07:32 AM
I aggree to luky, i think only prioritizing SDecoderServer is enough.
Other commands will have small effects on movie play, but may have some side effects. For example "ir_control 19" may slow down remote response. And if you do not revert back all priorities, other side effects may occur, too. For example an "emu_module 5" command may cause EMU to slow down and more "SCRAMBLED" messages on the TV.

from what i noticed Dstar only uses processor power when starting the movie? (telnet, using "top")

i use this for mkv:

/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v SDecoderServer -15
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v DStar -4
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v CRTVCore 10
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v CRTVSetup 10
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v emu_module 5
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v telnetd 19
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v vsftpd 19
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v JIPC_Server 15
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v cifsdnotifyd 15
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v cifsoplockd 15
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v xfslogd -2
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v xfsdatad -2
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v xfsbufd -2
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v ir_control 19
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v detector_test -2
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v usb-storage -5

is this ok?

24-03-2010, 07:56 AM
I added a note about the snice command here:


24-03-2010, 12:14 PM
I aggree to luky, i think only prioritizing SDecoderServer is enough.
Other commands will have small effects on movie play, but may have some side effects. For example "ir_control 19" may slow down remote response. And if you do not revert back all priorities, other side effects may occur, too. For example an "emu_module 5" command may cause EMU to slow down and more "SCRAMBLED" messages on the TV.

By my experience DStar and SDecoderServer should be in the same priority group