View Full Version : Help needed recording from Icecrypt S4000 to NAS box

20-03-2010, 01:37 AM
Please can anyone help me out?..
I've now got my S4000HD and I'd like to set it up so I can record and playback from my NAS box (Icy NAS)

I've tried adding the NAS as a storage option using the on-screen menu and selecting network as the option. It asks for a folder, user and password.

For testing purposes, I've setup and account on the box called hd1 with password hd1pass. It has full privaliges to the NAS box and I've created a folder called icecrypt.

How do I get the S4000 to save the icecrypt folder on the NAS as available storage?

I've tried putting the following as the storage folder;\ide1\icecrypt\ide1\icecrypt\



( is the ip address of the NAS box and ide1 seems to be where the folder is, according to flashfxp)

I don't understand where I'm going wrong :(
please can anyone help me?


20-03-2010, 02:11 AM
it doesnt support this mate, internal hdd or USB only

20-03-2010, 02:28 AM
dude are you serious?
But it has Network as an option on the storage menu.
Do I need to map the NAS location locally via a telnet session on the icecrypt first perhaps?
I'm gonna be mega annoyed if it really can't be done

20-03-2010, 10:19 AM
You can use a network drive. This is what you need


For interest _http://www.fortisusers.com/forum/index.php?topic=48.0


20-03-2010, 11:24 AM
You can use a network drive. This is what you need


For interest _http://www.fortisusers.com/forum/index.php?topic=48.0


those links are very vague

20-03-2010, 11:32 AM
Here's a copy & paste of the thread on fortisusers website.
All credit to jono.

hi there for those who have not figured it out the 1.07.89 firmware has added a backslash to the on screen keyboard and finished off the required changes to the software and we now can have remote network shares accessable from your decoder

create a network share on your computer and give it a name with less than 11 characters and without any spaces.
note the ip address of the server and type it into your decoder in the server box in the following format:

The above is what you would put if your share is called movies on your computer and your server (computer) is located at for an example.

Click connect and the boxes will grey out and will show you the amount of free space etc on the server and other details.

If you then go to the play list and press the arrow button and select network and you can browse your computer or network attaches storage for files to/for play back/veiwing on your decoder.

You can even record or time shift to your network share if you change the settings in the record menu.

cheers jono

20-03-2010, 01:02 PM

JEEEZ - sorry Stubs i was wrong.

I just shared a folder on this laptop (c:\temp) then shared it, ensuring that others can make changes to the folder (or else it fails)

on Icecrypt, goto menu, system tools, storage manager, and add the network location of the folder you want to record to - in my case: (no username or password) click connect, and it should say mounted.

goto menu, configuration, recording option, and change timeshift and record to NETWORK DRIVE, exit menu, goto a channel, hit record, and BINGO!!!!

job done.


20-03-2010, 04:19 PM
Excellent news! Thanks for the help, I'll give I another try later when the missus is out and I can play.

20-03-2010, 07:17 PM
Not that vague then.

20-03-2010, 09:15 PM
Ok, so far I've got it working with a shared drive on my laptop, but still having no luck with the NAS box.

Is it because the NAS box requires a login to be used?

21-03-2010, 12:54 PM
Not that vague then.

sorry didnt mean to offend, but i meant they were quite vague in relation to the Icecrypt specifically - ie in terms of where exactly in the menus to go, - but yes, your post helped everyone to get there in the end, so nice one mate.


21-03-2010, 12:55 PM
Ok, so far I've got it working with a shared drive on my laptop, but still having no luck with the NAS box.

Is it because the NAS box requires a login to be used?

it shouldnt be any different mate, when u say you use a login - at what stage?

surely the drive is on your network, and a folder shared? that should be fine.

21-03-2010, 03:31 PM
I would have though that if the pc does not require a login , and it works , and the nas does require a login , and it doesnt work , then the nas login is stopping you connecting to the nas

22-03-2010, 11:14 AM
The second link above gives you an option for dealing with passwords. I don't know if it will work with your particular drive though.

22-03-2010, 11:33 AM
create a network share on your computer and give it a name with less than 11 characters and without any spaces.

I don't own so can't test myself but does this mean 11 characters max including sub folder names?

You say your NAS Box folder is

ide1/icecrypt = 13 characters.

It's just a thought, as you have it working by connecting to your PC. If you try making a share folder on your PC called ide1
then make a sub folder inside ide1 called icecrypt then in the receiver menu point to your pc_ip_address/ide1/icecrypt and see if it works. If it doesn't then you know it's the 11 characters max restriction causing the problem.

25-03-2010, 07:25 PM
I got it working in the end.. I think I'd missed part of the path out.
I think it looks like this (I'm at work at the moment, so going off memory):

I need to mess around with the shares on the NAS this weekend so will re-do the mounts and take note of how it's done correctly.

It's not difficult, and I think I'd just missed something obvious, but I'll report back for other people's refrence.