View Full Version : AZBox OpenTools

21-03-2010, 09:29 AM
changes V1.0:

- Mapped the speed updates to the main program, by inserting up to 25 events at a time. Inserting 50000 events takes about 20 minutes. I don't think this can be improved much, since this is a function of the SDK.
- Provided new command-line switches

22-03-2010, 02:43 PM
AZBox OpenTools 1.0a


- Minor change
- Automatically retrieve the correct version of the rytec sources
file. (Thanks to rcranium for the solution.)

07-04-2010, 11:11 PM
1.4 - 2010-04-07

- Fixes and renames
- Hopefully resolved issues caused by daylight savings time.
- Renamed the executable to avoid all these problems reported by
folk not RTFM.
- Removed references to reloadepg since this has been superceded by
changes in _azepgmgr.
- Allow the system to identify the curretn DST settings, or to specify
DST as a flag (-t)

08-04-2010, 11:18 PM
AZOpen - AZBox OpenTools 1.5

- Added support for multiple XMLTV data files which are concatenated
to produce one big data file.
- Added new param (-m size) that limits the length of the text that's
inserted into the program description. The defalt is 4096, and any
invalid value outside the range 0-4096 will be changed to 4096.

10-04-2010, 01:57 PM
Changes V1.5a:
- Fix bugs in enhancements!
- Corrected well-formedness of the generated concatenated XML data
- Fixed shell programming of multiple files in a lis
- Changed getChannels signature to use a 16-bit nid (thanks Massimo!).

17-04-2010, 07:17 PM
Changes V1.5a:
- Fix bugs in enhancements!
- Corrected well-formedness of the generated concatenated XML data
- Fixed shell programming of multiple files in a lis
- Changed getChannels signature to use a 16-bit nid (thanks Massimo!).
I get the following error with this. Running the latest version of Daily FW.

It used to work, then noticed that it stopped working over the past week. So updated to this latest one.

The files are installed on my Inertnal HDD.


Start Sat Apr 17 18:10:29 2010
Archive: rytec.sources.xml.20100319.zip
Start xml extract at Sat Apr 17 18:10:34 2010
unlink fail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!: No such file or directory
ERROR: ChannelSDK_LoadNetwork:765 Fail to open '/DISK2/DVBC.dat'
ERROR: ChannelSDK_LoadNetwork:765 Fail to open '/DISK2/DVBTa.dat'
ERROR: ChannelSDK_LoadNetwork:765 Fail to open '/DISK2/ISDBT.dat'
ERROR: ChannelSDK_LoadNetwork:765 Fail to open '/DISK2/ATSC.dat'
ERROR: TVSDK_GetEvent:313 event.cmd b6
Loaded 0 events
End xml extract at Sat Apr 17 18:10:39 2010

19-04-2010, 09:32 PM
try using
-s 20100408 to get the latest sources file.

23-04-2010, 03:44 PM
Changes V1.5a:
- Fix bugs in enhancements!
- Corrected well-formedness of the generated concatenated XML data
- Fixed shell programming of multiple files in a lis
- Changed getChannels signature to use a 16-bit nid (thanks Massimo!).

hi, im having trouble with the wakeup script. It reboots the box.
Anyone with the same problem?

Everyting works fine, the EPG still desapeers after some hours with the latest firmware 0.9.4785. I used the wakeup.sh and when i wakeup the box it goes to reboot.

Can you help me.

23-04-2010, 04:51 PM
portuguese files are already in rytec, can u add suporte for these pls?