View Full Version : conax digialb

22-03-2010, 12:19 AM
itis posible to edit somethink on conax digialb i have read the card
but i have all SYS ID XXXX UA xxxxx and SA xxxxx
Answer --> 221809040B00FFFF230700000054C66E1 32307000000002A63379000
Send --> DDC60000031C0100
Ack --> C6
Answer --> 9831
Send --> DDCA000031
Ack --> CA
Answer --> 322F1010010F507265766965772020202 02020202030022575300226752004010F FFFF30020101300201012004010FFFFF9 000
any help thanx

22-03-2010, 12:46 AM
What is it you hope to achieve by writing this command to card? All you have written is standard read sub records command. You can do that to any conax card any time. Writing new subs record to card (MOSC) is entirely different thing to reading subs record from it.

If you want know what the subs record says for that card you just read, on other hand, answer is not much. It says it is Dig Alb card (provid 1010) without a valid sub. Label record on card 507265766965772020202020202020 says 'Preview' and that was valid for one day, from 5 May 2007 to 6 May 2007 for it.