View Full Version : PMCT HoT 11.3B Latest 24.03.2010

24-03-2010, 07:17 AM
PMCT HoT 11.3B Latest 24.03.2010

(Fixed Cuisine Tv....Piwi..Teletoon...on caid 0500 prov id 0411 (with ecm pid for single channel) now work again in emu on prov id 021110 (key.bin) (viaccess 2.6)....Freq: 12322 V 27500 3/4on Badr 4 Badr6 26°E....my fix is for single channel but is for antenna 26..probably with different configuration lnb motor not work (open with pmct tool or PMCEDIT_ToH30 this pmct and fix by only antenna correct for you)tested and work fine.
