View Full Version : Amazing pimped up DM800

24-03-2010, 09:37 AM

If the mods say it's Ok, I'll post the link (a Norwegian forum), but you should see this modified DM800, it is a work of genius!

Updated with a new, much larger case, it has a built in 3.5" 1TB Sata drive, USB DVD drive, and multiple additional USB ports. He's even designed and fabricated a new rear panel...

Impressive. Even with all this extra kit on board, the HDD temp is just 25degC.



24-03-2010, 07:55 PM
i love the look of the case.

and the way he's adapted the card readers.

do i see a challenge coming from Echelon to improve upon it:grouphug:

regardsd: canthackit