View Full Version : a few questions for ColdAsICE

25-03-2010, 02:48 PM
Hi ColdAsICE, i see that you don't support PM so i have posted the questions here, if you wouldn't mind answering, that would be great.

1) In the instruction it says press BLUE for a MOSIAC view of channels (and coming soon in f/w)
Will this be coming - or have they given up>?

2) When timeshifting, there doesnt seem to be a way to include it in a recording ? (record the timeshift buffer) will this be fixed in f/w do you know?

3) Will 4.2.2 ever be worked on, on this box?

4) Will an official Enigma 2 image ever be avaialble?

Many thanks for your time.


26-03-2010, 02:19 PM
In answer to your questions
1. Work is still in progress so they have not given up.
2. I don't know if or when this issue will be fixed.
3. Unlikely, so many other issues to be corrected/fixed before this will ever be looked at.
4. Only DM have Official Enigma 2, If you are asking if an unofficial version like the AAF or HDfreaks will be available for the S4000 then watch this space for further developments.

26-03-2010, 05:58 PM
Thats great, thanks for clearing that up.