View Full Version : Enigma 2 question , booting from USB Stick

26-03-2010, 06:02 PM
Has anyone successfully installed an E2 image onto a USB stick, and been able to choose which OS their IceCrypt booted up.

If so, PLEASE can you write a noddys guide...? I dont understand the bootargs and all that in AAF Recovery tool, and i don't want to "brick" my shiny Icecrypt, like i did to my PSP last night, DOH!

I'd love to test some of the E2 images out there, and im sure theres others that would like to do the same

Ta lads.

26-03-2010, 07:45 PM
YES,YES and NO .I wouldnt want it on my conscience if I made a mistake in writing it and someone followed the instructions and bricked their receiver! I found the instructions for the atevio7000 off the aaf site to be pretty straightforward.Sorry.

26-03-2010, 08:48 PM
YES,YES and NO .I wouldnt want it on my conscience if I made a mistake in writing it and someone followed the instructions and bricked their receiver! I found the instructions for the atevio7000 off the aaf site to be pretty straightforward.Sorry.

hi mate, sorry you must think im a right dumb arse...

can u PM me the instructions u followed mate? and any tips.

im a Linux noob.

26-03-2010, 09:01 PM
No Probs I will find them now and PM them

26-03-2010, 09:07 PM
Well I would PM them but I cant find an option to add an attachment

27-03-2010, 01:11 AM
PDF attached.

27-03-2010, 10:22 AM

Please will you let me know how you get on, and which E2 image to use? I'd love a go too some time next week when I've got the time :respect-057: