View Full Version : New Icecrypt!

Midnight R
26-03-2010, 11:50 PM
Just got my new Icecrypt all set up and running.

I have to say I'm very impressed.

Very good picture quality far better than a Dreambox 8000 that I previously had. Its not perfect the blacks could be a little deeper but nothing to get hung up about, no motion judder and the colours are ok. Overall picture is a little dark but very acceptable.

Mcas reads my card in the onboard card reader on all but sports and movies. Not sure if the boxkey can be inputted anywhere?

Xcam is connecting to a ccam server very well not had a glich or freeze in the last hour or so.

So have to say for the money I'm very impressed.

I downloaded a channel list that worked ok but not set up how I would like it. I've not quite worked out if there is a better way to set up the favourites lists, the system seems a bit clunky.

Is there a channel editor anywhere?

Also, is there anyway to multiroom to share my card through the crypt without having to set up an external server?

Anyway, very pleased with the box as it is!

26-03-2010, 11:55 PM
I was getting bad glitches using xcam and a c line so no idea why its bad for me on that score

channel editor is in the sections up top , not used it yet to try to make sense of these lists properly , and the remote control method is clunkey as you say

I havent worked out the favourites yet , found difficulty changing sats too , on the tm there is a sat button , and the dm800 is easier to swap sats with unless I am missing something obvious here , the manual usnt a lot of help either

I use a tm9100 as a local server box and an N line works brilliantly on the icecrypt with newcs running on the server , details again in the stickies etc

I also found the struts the motherboard sits on were too high at the back making it lopsided such that the hdmi etc was inaccessible , so mine got took apart and the strut hammered down a bit until I got a correct fitting at the rear of the unit , similarly the power lead stopped the lid sitting correctly so I filed down the metal at the lower back so it sat lower down in the cable entry slot , allowing the lid to flush fit properly , so they need to sort build quality out a bit better for ppl too scared to have a go at it :)

Midnight R
27-03-2010, 12:08 AM
Found the channel editor thanks.

Xcam does seem to be working for me, might just be a very well set up server (pay).

Might get myself a cheap eagle box to serve up my card, would be nice to get the Crypt to serve though.