View Full Version : Audio out of sync on N*VA Spo*t - help me please

28-03-2010, 04:16 PM
Hi Guys,

The audio is out of sync with the picture on my AZBox Premium whilst I am watching the footie. I have tried everything to right it, but I have been unsuccessful. I am watching the Liv V Sun match on N*VA Sport with English commentary. The ball has just gone in the net, but the commentator announced it about 2-3 seconds later and the crowd reacted at the same time as the commentator. When the football is hoofed, the thud sounds 2-3 seconds later :banghead:

If I change to Czech commentary, the sound is in sync and all other channels seem OK ?????

Can someone tell me how to fix it please?

Thanks in advance,


28-03-2010, 06:46 PM
Nobody had this problem ?

28-03-2010, 07:06 PM
Hi Beekay, it was the same for me using a Technomate receiver on the same match so it is not a Azbox premium problem and is more than likely down to the service provider, will have to wait and see if the next match is the same or not...could be the outside broadcast engineer set a delay on the English sound track without knowing.
kind regards James.

28-03-2010, 08:51 PM
Hi James and thanks for the reply.

That could be the reason, or that they are doing it on purpose to p**s people off who are getting free access!! It was the same yesterday too as the mighty ones only drew with the blues. That was a double p**s off :beatdeadhorse5:

03-04-2010, 08:52 AM
The English audio is still not in sync on N*VA Spo*t on 1deg w and I wondered if there was another channel where I could watch the football today with the commentary in English and of course in sync.

Any suggestions please Guys?

Thanks in advance,
