View Full Version : Newcs-Mgcamd install problem

Midnight R
28-03-2010, 09:43 PM
I tried to install Newcs-Mgcamd from here


I tried to copy the files into the var folder that I accessed from IE but they wouldn't copy over and said there wasn't enough space.

Have I missed something here, any help apreciated as I would like to have a play with Newcs.

LOL thought I'd bricked it for a min as the stb wouldn't respond to the remote.

I'd pressed the tv device button by mistake lol.

28-03-2010, 10:38 PM
Mgcamd doesn't currently work - needs an update for the latest firmwares

Have you installed anything else so far? May be time for a delete if so. Try going direct to the box at \\myipaddress in Windows Explorer.

Newcs works fine but with issues with some cards on internal card slots.

Midnight R
29-03-2010, 12:45 AM
Ok, right so I've uninstalled mcas using kinkdinks installer and left Xcam installed.

Its a little late to be getting into anything else in case it all crashes and I'm up all night trying to fix it :ack2:

So, just to be sure in terms of installing the newcs plugin is it a case of just opening the var file in IE and then just dropping the files in.

How is it done?


Midnight R
29-03-2010, 09:39 AM
Well I've installed newcs and mgcam and their showing up in the plugin section.

I can switch newcs and newcs165 on but their not reading my sly card.

Have I missed something in the configuration?

29-03-2010, 11:01 AM
Not sure if newcs can read a Sky card in the internal reader (it can't read my Cryptoworks or Idredto2 cards so they are now in an external reader and on a PC server).

Your best bet is to run newcs from a telnet session and see what it's up to or use the web interface to see if it is reading card keys and entitlements.

If you simply want to read the Sky card for local use MCAS may be a better bet - although you then won't be able to share.

Others who have the same setup may be able to help further.

29-03-2010, 11:46 AM
Newcs only had sly card support from version 1.66 onwards.

Midnight R
29-03-2010, 12:03 PM
Newcs only had sly card support from version 1.66 onwards.

Ok, maybe thats it then.

Not sure if Newcs 166 onwards is availble for the icecrypt. I'll have a look around.

It would also be cool if Kinkdink would set up an installer for Newcs as he has for xcam and mcas. I'll make a request.

As for mcas it reads the sly card but not movies and sport.