View Full Version : technomate all no new patches

29-03-2010, 06:59 AM
just read that a other sat forum that they no now suporting technomate at all is this the end of the technomate recivers for suport

29-03-2010, 08:35 AM
it looks that way m8,for so long technomate main suppliers al*at will no longer support these boxes with patches anymore there are now concentrating on the spider box.
shame really but its all about buisness now. slow sales new box on the market kill 1 and start fresh wlth another.
but they have for so long done a very good job for technomat hope it remains with the spider box

29-03-2010, 10:27 AM
Lets hope Magic still continues to provide patches for TM's, even if his site no longer 'officially' pushes them as boxes - otherwise who else is going to do it?;)

29-03-2010, 11:11 AM
I must say that the latest patch's they been so buggy,721p it mite been Ok but 722p forget it,
I'm not buying another receiver especially A TM or a spider box just to get some patches
I already got 5 receivers,I only bought a TM because the HD

29-03-2010, 12:30 PM
hope they bring out a new spiderbox, twin tuner, linux whatever, then i can dump tm,.

29-03-2010, 01:39 PM
and what when support drops again for your newly bought receiver? I would think twice. And as dxman puts it, it is still a good HD box

29-03-2010, 02:11 PM
So let's start the list...

first collection of cards...then cams matrix/reloaded/revolutions dragon, t/rex, diablo 2.2 / 2.3 / 3.9(diablo2)

and now, collection of receivers...:

Of course latest on the market is always the best...

"old" emu receiver s / DM box / eaglebox / darkbox / azbox / spiderbox (with 12 months gift ?!?!?and then what?>new box!?) and now "they" are desperate to sell you the "best ever" made, can almost go to the moon with it: THE.... VU+ !!!!

So I read that there will be no more support for technomate box , not a big surprise really ...need to buy the new supported box until the following one takes over, that's business, nothing else, cant blame the guys for that. Thanks for the great job done by patch makers. Tm will remain a good "FTA" receiver. Maybe a patch supporting official viaccess card without bugs would have been great before leaving the "ship". But I know that requesting isnt normally authorized....just thought.

29-03-2010, 02:16 PM
there always supporting some new box on that forum then the software slows down after a year, iam sticking with my technomate hd box and will use cam or card for extra viewing.

29-03-2010, 02:27 PM
just read the thread on the other sat forum apart from all the sucking up by certain members its sounds to me more theres been some falling out[bussiness disagreement] between the technomate people and thoose on the forum, wouldnt be totally suprised if technomate patches started appearing elsewhere afterall thers been rumours over the years the patches originate from elsewhere anyway.

29-03-2010, 02:53 PM
And from today , technomates has been removed from their online shop, so confirm " some kind" of disagreement ?...dont know, insiders may have more details

29-03-2010, 03:20 PM
i think technomates the best reciver tm6900 super so lets hope someone takes over where alxxt as left off

29-03-2010, 03:48 PM
and what when support drops again for your newly bought receiver? I would think twice. And as dxman puts it, it is still a good HD box

ur presuming support is going to stop, i dont think theres any reason to believe it will, im pretty sure there will b support, its such a good box, :respect-014::respect-014::respect-014::respect-014: and certainly far superior to the crap head box that s/sat ripped me for,.

29-03-2010, 04:53 PM
No hard feelings drahcirk, DM support stopped for these boxes, so who are we to prevent this from happening again? I feel lucky I am not a client there, that is all.

29-03-2010, 05:14 PM
i could never have hard feelings towards u giga, uv helped me so much in the past, ill always remember ,ur one of the gudduns,.:sifone:

29-03-2010, 06:53 PM
I am always optimistic and I think TM is good so far and will continue to be the best for me until I see the prove..here is the thing, so far we had so many fw and patches. why still keep going about no support. i don't understand...:confused::confused: don't pronounce it until you see the last breath.



29-03-2010, 07:03 PM
Just to like to clarify here some think true..

Is not A l s a t felling out ...We have support them more then ever one else here .

We have help them when they was no one and i have tech them in many thinks...even when they was not famous and we have gave them the possibility of this Glory...

But glory do not last for ever !

They like get all for their self...they have killed many shop keepers and dealers ,because many has Fail under their product...

This has no think to do with A l sat company ...That is to strong to get over by Technomate ....but some one has to play the Robin hood to save the market for UK..

In future many people will shake hands with me for what i we are doing now...

The way haw thy done the business was wrong .they try with US ,they try in Taiwan ..they tray Korea ,,they try with dish's Company they trying forking ever one....But for haw LONG !??if they can not compite haw it hapents to them with thir HD box againt like Spiderbox they will try difent ways.....,Actually are dirty....

This is the real question !? ( no think to do with members and TM boxes..)

But we can not work out with people play Double games "Dirty"...and one side are like Friend and other side trying spies our company and killing us by Knife back....

That is the reason i left TM and i done it soft and let them Magic to don't damage their reputation .. To show My Honesty and Loalty...

We have live them Olwen and in peace and personally i still recommended them,....but i have been payed with different way from them .....spies us ,trying giving us trouble ,trying certain Cowboy in different forums slashing again our product Spiderbox copy us with Motors ,lnb and others and trying to go to our Suppliers ask them stooping business with us,,,,and other our product...and many and many think...

This is the real face of Technomate. ( same think happens even some days Ago in Korea ,but like always they fail and they always will fail.God is big in he watch think with difent eye.

If we been loyal form 8 years with them ,even we live and we was not happy we still did not show that to public and show every one respect and Tm brand too..

But i am sorry mates...TM stb is the Box of TM company no think Special like Clark tek and max from Hubtek Korea and his Linux are itgate Korea again nothing special then other boxes...that you have to understand ...We have no problem with Tm box and Members of our forum or this forum...We have problem with the dirty games under ground have been played bad from their site...Now we live them Olwen and wee see haw it goes.

I hope they continue to support their box ,for TM owners boxes ...But if no they do not miss much for sure....

29-03-2010, 08:05 PM

Basically what I Have been saying for years? The Sat Scene has been Taking the **** Out of everyone that are buying products from like yourself and others ?? Thats WHY I used to get Banned for[ TELLING THE TRUTH ]:respect-037: I No I AM RIGHT WHAT I AM SAYING? That is why ? I Would Rather pay Rubby for there TV PROGRAMS ? At Least I See something:respect-050:

Everyone is corrupt these Days ?? Remember THE OLD DAYS:cool:

29-03-2010, 08:37 PM
what happens if everyone buys spider box then the same happens as is now with the tm box we just have loads of scrap

29-03-2010, 08:56 PM

Basically what I Have been saying for years? The Sat Scene has been Taking the **** Out of everyone that are buying products from like yourself and others ?? Thats WHY I used to get Banned for[ TELLING THE TRUTH ]:respect-037: I No I AM RIGHT WHAT I AM SAYING? That is why ? I Would Rather pay Rubby for there TV PROGRAMS ? At Least I See something:respect-050:

Everyone is corrupt these Days ?? Remember THE OLD DAYS:cool:

M8 i have 2 years doing underground M8...to don.t gave them my personal support.

About BANN i relly do not know that ! can be anythink can be even involvment of there many people they was under TM order not MY...m8...personally i did not BANN no one...for sure.....

I respect most of the people...

29-03-2010, 09:10 PM

I am not getting at you Personally m8;) Just the whole Satcene [Remember when Everthing was Free ] Everything was Cracked ? But Now?[ ALL UNDERGROUND ] SAD:confused:

29-03-2010, 09:24 PM
Why can't Technomate support its own receivers anyway, there are/were lots of sat shops selling TM products and there is no out cry that they do not or never have supported these makers.

29-03-2010, 09:50 PM
Hummy 5400, silver card, fun card, those where the days m8, gone forever now i'm afraid, sad to say its all commercial now.

regards bill.

29-03-2010, 09:57 PM
True M8 ...i Agree 100% is gone the real time Hobby ...is only Dirty business....

i am not againt any one doing business ,this is the job haw every one do out side....but i am not with the way is going to be ....that true...but we have to play the same game not hobby people are doing ..if no thye will kill us....

I will like to reminder the old Sadudez or difent forums wher even me been part of it....But haw i all ways says this plase is respetced from me and is one of the pleases i love..This is true.

29-03-2010, 10:00 PM
I really find all this business between Als*t and Technomate a MEGA bitter pill to swallow - I totally REJECT the mealy mouthed EXCUSES from that site for letting down the THOUSANDS of people (yes HUMAN BEINGS DM!) who have been persuaded by THAT SITE to buy Technomates over the past 8+years - and lets face it it HAS been the consistently most reliable box during that time - and I had two Echostars, two Manhattans - and many others going back to the old D2Mac and Red Hot Dutch days - and therefore find it APPALLING they've now pulled the plug, with no conscience, no worries, NO NOTHING!
It positively STINKS!:mad::mad::mad:

29-03-2010, 10:10 PM
Why can't Technomate support its own receivers anyway, there are/were lots of sat shops selling TM products and there is no out cry that they do not or never have supported these makers.

Who are this shops in LONDON !? maybe £1 shops... or some people they do £5 profit and no moeny to pay their Rent and their expesives ...

M8 this is not for me or A l s a t ....( Just to le you i am Rich Family and i have big money and a lot of profit back Home from difent Business even 200K a year and i do not care about profit of satellite market in UK...and about Sat Business...this is still my Hobby and i like to difend thatand never FAIL ...This is the only Reason m8...

29-03-2010, 10:14 PM
I really find all this business between Als*t and Technomate a MEGA bitter pill to swallow - I totally REJECT the mealy mouthed EXCUSES from that site for letting down the THOUSANDS of people (yes HUMAN BEINGS DM!) who have been persuaded by THAT SITE to buy Technomates over the past 8+years - and lets face it it HAS been the consistently most reliable box during that time - and I had two Echostars, two Manhattans - and many others going back to the old D2Mac and Red Hot Dutch days - and therefore find it APPALLING they've now pulled the plug, with no conscience, no worries, NO NOTHING!
It positively STINKS!:mad::mad::mad:

Hi M8


THE SUPPORT IS BEEN DONE FOR FREEEEEEEEEEEE to TM and to the Members ..The only think people will says is THANKS ...

29-03-2010, 10:23 PM
Time to reflect on all updates we had for 6900super and variants which has transformed it into one of the easiest boxes to update and be glad it as progressed to a good reliable and stable box
aving used 6900super for over 12 months I think it as probably gone as far as it is capable of as most of the latest updates dont seem to have added anything of great importance,cs works 100% which seems to be the way forward at presant due to poor support for cams (duolabs do do diablos) and less and less available via keys so stick with it a while and see if anything materialises worth having a change.

29-03-2010, 10:28 PM
I don't see the big fuss here. There's nothing that can be done with those kinds of receivers any more.
I had a Technomate years go then switched to echolink receivers when the support was the best around, they were the first to get Premiere working on emus again when they changed nanos, Technomate came along with a fix about a month later.
But echolink receivers are dead, and so are Technomates, what do you really think can be done with an emu? Most of DigiTV is left but we're already losing channels nd they will soon be all gone. What then? All the recent Technomate patches have been nothing more than smoke and mirrors, trying to fool the public into thinking they're worthwhile. Not very honest in my opinion. Cut out the crap TM and let the users see the truth.
No magic spell is going to make Technomates, Echolinks, Starsats etc. be of any use at all.

29-03-2010, 11:10 PM

I am not getting at you Personally m8;) Just the whole Satcene [Remember when Everthing was Free ] Everything was Cracked ? But Now?[ ALL UNDERGROUND ] SAD:confused:

I concur also ! Those were the days !:bravo-009:

Finally got C+Ned up an running after the "latest patch" from Compass. TNX M8 The Diablo 2.3 was acting bit strange with 10 02 2010 patch + UW194.

Hope the Future is Bright ? :respect-052:

30-03-2010, 08:04 AM
Hi M8


THE SUPPORT IS BEEN DONE FOR FREEEEEEEEEEEE to TM and to the Members ..The only think people will says is THANKS ...

Darkman - I have defended you in the past when people were attacking you.

BUT ...... Support is NOT free. Just like the "free gift" with the new Spiderbox.
It is not free but it is included in the package. I am not saying that it (the Spiderbox + "free gift") is not good value but let us not try to pretend that anything is free.

If you sell a product then people expect support(Not free but included in the price). If your customers feel that you have let them down (like people think about Duolabs now) then they will vote with their feet and buy from somewhere else.

I am happy with my TM6900hd super, which I bought from you, with a motor, diablo 2.3 and cas interface.

If in 6 months time I find my box no longer has support then I might feel different.

Maybe you can stop selling TM's but NEVER stop supporting your customers. If you do then it will come back and bite you on the arse.

30-03-2010, 08:38 AM
Sorry Darkman, it was not our (commercial?) conflict. You where on a pedestal, an Icon, a God, not just in the UK alone. And now? Nobody is indispensable and if I may quote you:

The ways of God are infinite. Retribution can come from where you dont suspect.. I am Just warning them now. - Time is running OUT.
Hope this turns not against you
And yourself not knowing what goes on in your forum? Think you have the standing record for life time bans:

You have been banned for the following reason: not welcome

Date the ban will be lifted: Never

30-03-2010, 09:46 AM
This is all a load of crap.
Why is everybody blaming Darkman? And for what? The technomate section is still open on his forum and is one of the busiest sections. Support is still there though personally I would like to see it gone, so I don't have to search among all the latest posts for information on useful receivers.

Darkman stopped making patches ages ago, and everybody knows it. All this rubbish is coming from petty-minded backstabbers who seize every opportunity to attack him. Ex-A*sat moderators posting in this thread who were demoted for incompetence can hardly be regarded as impartial.

There are no more Emulator cracks. The providers are winning. Keys will open nothing soon. Go ahead, tell people to buy more technomates and when all packages are gone, you can take the blame. For the foreseeable future only internet capable boxes are of any use at all.

Darkman has had the honesty to stop selling Technomate receivers in spite of having them in stock - losing the money he paid for those out-of-date boxes. He could easily have kept going by selling technocrap and attempt to make money under false pretenses like Technomate has been doing.

How many other manufacturers have continued to issue regular patches that have had no value at all? None. Only Technomate has done that. Why? To fool new buyers into thinking Technomates are still good value and will continue to let them watch pay TV for free. We all know that's not going to happen.

I applaud Darkman for taking the position he has, and letting everyone see that he will not be complicit in this fraudulent method of advertising.

30-03-2010, 10:28 AM
never been a Ex-A*sat moderator, just reflecting how it is perceived by us users/customers/hobbyists. I have no commercial interest in what so ever, just a potential customer of further equipment, as I'm just recently on the scene and helping fellow Technomate users for free. What does DM expect? That we all throw away our TM boxes and buy a spiderbox to throw these away when it pleases DM. Attack? Seems we users are attacked for once believing DM and buying a good box! And now suddenly after eight years selling a lot of this boxes these should be bad? Not very believable what happened. Anyway we always hear one side of the story, is it the truth? Who will ever tell?
I stay far away from DM, will not take the risk of dropped support by him/his company/forum/whatever. That is the market: you trust someone until the trust is no longer there. That thrust is been broken not by customers but with the DM's decision to no longer support these boxes for what ever reason. That hurts us customers/users.
So who attacked who?

30-03-2010, 11:12 AM
This is all a load of crap.
Why is everybody blaming Darkman? And for what? The technomate section is still open on his forum and is one of the busiest sections. Support is still there though personally I would like to see it gone, so I don't have to search among all the latest posts for information on useful receivers.

Darkman stopped making patches ages ago, and everybody knows it. All this rubbish is coming from petty-minded backstabbers who seize every opportunity to attack him. Ex-A*sat moderators posting in this thread who were demoted for incompetence can hardly be regarded as impartial.

There are no more Emulator cracks. The providers are winning. Keys will open nothing soon. Go ahead, tell people to buy more technomates and when all packages are gone, you can take the blame. For the foreseeable future only internet capable boxes are of any use at all.

Darkman has had the honesty to stop selling Technomate receivers in spite of having them in stock - losing the money he paid for those out-of-date boxes. He could easily have kept going by selling technocrap and attempt to make money under false pretenses like Technomate has been doing.

How many other manufacturers have continued to issue regular patches that have had no value at all? None. Only Technomate has done that. Why? To fool new buyers into thinking Technomates are still good value and will continue to let them watch pay TV for free. We all know that's not going to happen.

I applaud Darkman for taking the position he has, and letting everyone see that he will not be complicit in this fraudulent method of advertising.

No mate, the only people talking crap, are those like YOU!
Lets hope for the sake of all the poor 'unlucky' people who have entrusted YOUR site with the supply of Technomates for so long, together with the patches which they (TM) themselves CANNOT legally supply, lets hope someone else (e.g. maybe Kink over HERE?) will now take on the mantle you have so coldly and petulantly cast off just because it suits YOU commercially so to do!
It stinks even more after what YOU have said above mate!:rant:

30-03-2010, 12:30 PM
I am a bit confused...

The Opensat / Technomate bashing started after the VU+ was introduced to the market.

Strange that the VU+ managed to gather so much support in such a short time...

30-03-2010, 01:19 PM
anrakh could you please tone the language down (This is all a load of crap.)
please show respect to other members. read the rules as you have been a member since 2007 you should know better. you would be down like a ton of bricks if you seen this on your forum. on the matter of the tm being a spent force, could you please suggest a better receiver and were we can buy it.

30-03-2010, 04:32 PM
Just to like to clarify here some think true..

Is not A l s a t felling out ...We have support them more then ever one else here .

We have help them when they was no one and i have tech them in many thinks...even when they was not famous and we have gave them the possibility of this Glory...

But glory do not last for ever !

They like get all for their self...they have killed many shop keepers and dealers ,because many has Fail under their product...

This has no think to do with A l sat company ...That is to strong to get over by Technomate ....but some one has to play the Robin hood to save the market for UK..

In future many people will shake hands with me for what i we are doing now...

The way haw thy done the business was wrong .they try with US ,they try in Taiwan ..they tray Korea ,,they try with dish's Company they trying forking ever one....But for haw LONG !??if they can not compite haw it hapents to them with thir HD box againt like Spiderbox they will try difent ways.....,Actually are dirty....

This is the real question !? ( no think to do with members and TM boxes..)

But we can not work out with people play Double games "Dirty"...and one side are like Friend and other side trying spies our company and killing us by Knife back....

That is the reason i left TM and i done it soft and let them Magic to don't damage their reputation .. To show My Honesty and Loalty...

We have live them Olwen and in peace and personally i still recommended them,....but i have been payed with different way from them .....spies us ,trying giving us trouble ,trying certain Cowboy in different forums slashing again our product Spiderbox copy us with Motors ,lnb and others and trying to go to our Suppliers ask them stooping business with us,,,,and other our product...and many and many think...

This is the real face of Technomate. ( same think happens even some days Ago in Korea ,but like always they fail and they always will fail.God is big in he watch think with difent eye.

If we been loyal form 8 years with them ,even we live and we was not happy we still did not show that to public and show every one respect and Tm brand too..

But i am sorry mates...TM stb is the Box of TM company no think Special like Clark tek and max from Hubtek Korea and his Linux are itgate Korea again nothing special then other boxes...that you have to understand ...We have no problem with Tm box and Members of our forum or this forum...We have problem with the dirty games under ground have been played bad from their site...Now we live them Olwen and wee see haw it goes.

I hope they continue to support their box ,for TM owners boxes ...But if no they do not miss much for sure....

Darkman I ear what you say, and don't blame you to be crossed whit TM but your withdrawals of supporting the TM user is very sad, i think you let a lot of people down and costumers always walk whit there feet's because they don't like to get burnt twice

30-03-2010, 07:18 PM
why do all the people with tm,s have to suffer because of an argument , i am getting very disshearted with this hobby.there only ever seems to be bad news lately,

30-03-2010, 08:23 PM
No mate, the only people talking crap, are those like YOU!
Lets hope for the sake of all the poor 'unlucky' people who have entrusted YOUR site with the supply of Technomates for so long, together with the patches which they (TM) themselves CANNOT legally supply, lets hope someone else (e.g. maybe Kink over HERE?) will now take on the mantle you have so coldly and petulantly cast off just because it suits YOU commercially so to do!
It stinks even more after what YOU have said above mate!:rant:

shut up klauss

they stabbed themselves ,you know nothing