View Full Version : HDD partitioning in Elite

30-03-2010, 12:38 PM
I'm asking how can you modify partitions on a AzBox elite ?
I explain; i managed to put a 200GB HDD removing the DOM and made 2 partitions initialy on the disk both NTFS firmware installed ok and the elite is working great but my hdd is kinda usless couse the system partitions are the same (/MMP,/Plugin,.....) same size as with the DOM except /DOWNLOADS wich is huge using all the left disk space, so i'm trying to shrink /downloads and give like 5GB to /MMP and /PLUGINS anyone can help me do that ?

30-03-2010, 03:50 PM
You can always try to use symbolic links to redirect /PLUGINS and /MMP to /DOWNLOADS/PLUGINS and /DOWNLOADS/MMP.

Although it might not be easy...

30-03-2010, 05:06 PM
and how do i do that ? :) sorry i never used linux as OS and i never was into programming alot just basics in school :(

30-03-2010, 05:56 PM
Hello, I wrote a post in Navilo about this days ago.


I do it each time I change Azbox firmware and works fine (I've got a 8Gb DOM)
