View Full Version : New firm 0.9.4717!!!

30-03-2010, 06:09 PM
fixed flac support | fixed ogg support | fixed broken epg | improved blindscan speed | fixed recording from standby

30-03-2010, 06:35 PM
또 다른 한심한 농담

30-03-2010, 06:37 PM
fixed flac support | fixed ogg support | fixed broken epg | improved blindscan speed | fixed recording from standby

bless them, they have been working hard.

30-03-2010, 06:38 PM
bless them, they have been working hard.

Yes, looks like it! Lest test and see...


30-03-2010, 07:07 PM
yes indeed. with this pace we will have a final fw in 2012:)

30-03-2010, 07:24 PM
Just loaded it up there and I'm only getting now and next on UK epg

30-03-2010, 07:25 PM
Once again (unless there is something extra hidden) they've produced next to F' All since the last offering.
Oh well! Should we have expected something more....like an E2 highbrid LOL!!!!
PS> still fails for me (at 23%) when trying direct internet update.

30-03-2010, 07:34 PM
we don't loose EPG after standby or moving away from TV option.
Now I'm having problems running azboxepg tool.

30-03-2010, 07:35 PM
Fwiw GO GO List has gone from the settings menu

30-03-2010, 07:38 PM
Fwiw GO GO List has gone from the settings menu

They were doing nothing so... Didnīt lose much there... :sifone:

30-03-2010, 08:12 PM
For me this fw is slower, changing between tuners is slower, booting is slower...

On previews fws recording using the DVB-T tuner always stopped after some seconds trough a shared folder (NFS) and azbox crashed.
Now is worst, even the image freezes.
And now recording a sat channel to a NFS folder also freezes the image and azbox crashes.

For me this fw is worst than the last one.

30-03-2010, 09:12 PM
Oh well I suppose we should be grateful they didn't issue it on 1st April and call it E2.

30-03-2010, 09:15 PM
Working fine here :respect-applause-00
Firmware 0.9.4717
My box Azbox HD premium Plus.
DVB-C and DVB-S2

EPG working OK.
Recording OK.
This firmware is not any slower than before...
Hardware Acceleration ON working OK.


30-03-2010, 09:31 PM
Doesn't play .ts files from the movie module now, so that's another bug that wasn't there before - well done!

And still no harmonisation of the PVR between TV and Movie modules.


30-03-2010, 10:22 PM
Another trash release...

EPG doesn't work..

Freezes when recording.

Slow overall.

30-03-2010, 10:40 PM
Well I'm going back to KGD version.

30-03-2010, 10:44 PM
For me.The EPG is actually better. It doesn't loose EPG when I go to movies or settings (it also seems to work well with azboxepg). Every thing seems same.

30-03-2010, 10:44 PM
I believe the poor firmware releases are due to the fact that opensat have their eyes on a bigger market than Europe and the UK, in the USA these boxes have a developed a following but not for the same reasons that most people of this side of the world use them, but for 4.2.2 usage which is seen as an Holy Grail and a cheap box given the amount of 4.2.2 and HD sports feeds over there.

While opensat have a large market elsewhere they are not going to put their resources into fixing bugs or for that matter getting firmware right, these are just my feeling based on my going on some forums in the USA.

30-03-2010, 11:05 PM
I believe the poor firmware releases are due to the fact that opensat have their eyes on a bigger market than Europe and the UK, in the USA these boxes have a developed a following but not for the same reasons that most people of this side of the world use them, but for 4.2.2 usage which is seen as an Holy Grail and a cheap box given the amount of 4.2.2 and HD sports feeds over there.

While opensat have a large market elsewhere they are not going to put their resources into fixing bugs or for that matter getting firmware right, these are just my feeling based on my going on some forums in the USA.

this is true, there is a VERY HAPPY US market out there, that effin LOVE this box, and wouldnt have a bad word said about it

check out satelliteguys us

30-03-2010, 11:48 PM
It s not as bad as people present it to be...

30-03-2010, 11:53 PM
we digress, back to the f/w

31-03-2010, 12:02 AM
Can't wait to try the blind scan. That is what we are after first over here. Lots of live feeds and backhauls. We need the other stuff to. I'm with ya on lets get the E2 going.:drool5:

31-03-2010, 12:41 AM
best one so far, for me.

31-03-2010, 12:43 AM
I believe the poor firmware releases are due to the fact that opensat have their eyes on a bigger market than Europe and the UK, in the USA these boxes have a developed a following but not for the same reasons that most people of this side of the world use them, but for 4.2.2 usage which is seen as an Holy Grail and a cheap box given the amount of 4.2.2 and HD sports feeds over there.

While opensat have a large market elsewhere they are not going to put their resources into fixing bugs or for that matter getting firmware right, these are just my feeling based on my going on some forums in the USA.

i am in the usa and the premium plus and the ultra have hardware blind scan but they will not play most of the s2 4.2.2 feeds. do not worry though open crap is going to fix the problem with new firmware. yea right! might be a while waiting for that little fix:

31-03-2010, 08:55 AM
Is the 'fixed broken epg' just now and next, or should we all be getting a 7day epg??
Tried the old EURO_EPG or EPG_EURO in the plugins folder, nothing..... Who ever has a 7 day epg, and on 28.2, without having to mess around, could you please share.



31-03-2010, 08:56 AM
My experience with this firmware:

Speed is normal. I don't think this is faster or slower than previous firmwares.

DTS drops exist. So I'm using PCM sound instead of RAW for DTS which is working good but stereo.

Lock up / losing sound after "seek time" or pause-play issue is solved.

Is picture quality worse than 4487 ??? It seems worse to me but I'm not sure...

31-03-2010, 09:02 AM
EPG with KGD team plugin now 5 days (hispasat)
working good.
Probably we can expect now new firmware from KGD team. With all the goodies.

31-03-2010, 09:06 AM
I think they should wait for solution of DTS problem.

EPG with KGD team plugin now 5 days (hispasat)
working good.
Probably we can expect now new firmware from KGD team. With all the goodies.

31-03-2010, 09:09 AM
their PANEL probably won't have DTS problem.
With my script

i don't have any problem with dts, and i can play 1080p mkv with DTS 33mb/S via USB without any problems.

put this in DISK2/etc/start.d

# PROCLVL Made By MalMen
# Thanks for TypeR for his research....
until [ 1 -gt 10 ]; do
VAR1=`ps x|grep CRTVCore|wc -l`
VAR2=`ps x|grep SDecoderServer|wc -l`
VAR3=`cat /tmp/proclvl`
if [ $VAR1 -gt 13 ] && [ $VAR2 = 5 ]; then
if [ "$VAR3" != "TV" ]; then
kill 60
kill 691
kill 9
kill 62
kill 63
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v SDecoderServer 10
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v DStar -6
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v CRTVCore 4
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v CRTVSetup 10
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v emu_module -5
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v telnetd 15
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v vsftpd 15
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v JIPC_Server 10
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v cifsdnotifyd 19
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v cifsoplockd 19
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v xfslogd 4
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v xfsdatad 4
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v xfsbufd 4
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v ir_control -2
echo TV > /tmp/proclvl
echo "Estas a ver TV";
elif [ $VAR1 = 11 ] && [ $VAR2 = 5 ]; then
if [ "$VAR3" != "MEDIA" ]; then
kill 60
kill 691
kill 9
kill 62
kill 63
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v SDecoderServer -19
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v DStar 15
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v CRTVCore 18
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v CRTVSetup 18
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v emu_module 15
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v telnetd 19
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v vsftpd 19
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v cifsdnotifyd 19
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v cifsoplockd 19
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v JIPC_Server 18
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v xfslogd 5
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v xfsdatad 5
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v xfsbufd -15
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v ir_control 19
echo MEDIA > /tmp/proclvl
echo "Estas no MediaCenter";
elif [ $VAR1 = 11 ] && [ $VAR2 = 6 ]; then
if [ "$VAR3" != "YT" ]; then
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v SDecoderServer 4
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v DStar 4
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v CRTVCore 4
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v CRTVSetup 4
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v emu_module 2
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v telnetd 2
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v vsftpd 2
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v JIPC_Server 4
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v cifsdnotifyd 4
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v cifsoplockd 4
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v xfslogd 4
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v xfsdatad 4
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v xfsbufd 4
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v ir_control 4
/MMP/usr/bin/snice -v youtube_player -19
echo YT > /tmp/proclvl
echo "Estas no Youtube";
echo " $VAR1 $VAR2";
sleep 60;

31-03-2010, 10:33 AM
Do you have a digital sound system connected to azbox and is your azbox sound settings for DTS set as "RAW".

DTS problem occurs only when you left decoding of DTS sound to an external digital sound system. When I set azbox sound settings for DTS set as "PCM" the problem is solved but sound downgrades to stereo.

I'm using the script given here which is very similar to your script except "kill" commands: https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t= But this does not solve the problem.

A note about your script: AFAIU you are trying to kill some applications with their corresponding PIDs. But after a reboots this PIDs always change and so this script may kill something not intended. I suggest you to use "ps |grep" command before kill to find right PIDs.

By the way, which apps do you want to kill?

their PANEL probably won't have DTS problem.
With my script

i don't have any problem with dts, and i can play 1080p mkv with DTS 33mb/S via USB without any problems.

put this in DISK2/etc/start.d

31-03-2010, 10:45 AM
i use logitech z-5500, sound as PCM, gotta test RAW.
didnt knew it went to stereo :S

some minor apps, gotta checkout the names

31-03-2010, 02:35 PM
RAW means "do not touch to the sound and leave it to the external sound system", while PCM is a stereo decoded (analog) format.

31-03-2010, 02:36 PM
Can the script be used with any firmware version?
Or it has restrictions?
Looks like it can fit any version,as long as modules names didn't change

31-03-2010, 02:38 PM

31-03-2010, 02:40 PM
Use this one which does the things in right way:


You can use this script in all versions, but may not work in too old firmwares due to the changes in number of processes.

Can the script be used with any firmware version?
Or it has restrictions?

31-03-2010, 03:03 PM
Well,should be easy to check which processes are running,and also should just respond as "process not found" or similar if the script target something that's not running.

I will check with some old version I am using and report back to this thread.
I am able to modify the script accordingly if necessary.

31-03-2010, 04:20 PM
Use this one which does the things in right way:


You can use this script in all versions, but may not work in too old firmwares due to the changes in number of processes.


01-04-2010, 09:19 AM
RAW means "do not touch to the sound and leave it to the external sound system", while PCM is a stereo decoded (analog) format.

When you choose PCM as an option, DTS sound should be decoded to 5.1 PCM channels, not just two. Of course to stream 6 PCM channels simultaneously to your external AV Receiver you need HDMI, cuz optical out doesn't have enough bandwidth for that. AZBox has HDM1 1.1 which supports up to 8 simultaneous PCM channels, so I'd be surprised if DTS was downmixed to stereo.

So when you say it's decoded to stereo, which output are you using? Have you tried via HDMI?

01-04-2010, 11:50 AM
I'm using optical output and get stereo sound with PCM option. My AV receiver does not support HDMI input, so unfortunately cannot test or confirm this.

When you choose PCM as an option, DTS sound should be decoded to 5.1 PCM channels, not just two. Of course to stream 6 PCM channels simultaneously to your external AV Receiver you need HDMI, cuz optical out doesn't have enough bandwidth for that. AZBox has HDM1 1.1 which supports up to 8 simultaneous PCM channels, so I'd be surprised if DTS was downmixed to stereo.

So when you say it's decoded to stereo, which output are you using? Have you tried via HDMI?

01-04-2010, 01:09 PM
YouTube does not work for me! (The video does not exist).

01-04-2010, 01:12 PM
YouTube does not work for me! (The video does not exist).

Same here.

01-04-2010, 01:17 PM
yes, same here :S
gonna report it

01-04-2010, 01:32 PM
Ok hfmls, I think because of this error they will have to provide a quick fix! Thanks.:smash:

yes, same here :S
gonna report it

01-04-2010, 01:36 PM
reported..this firmware seemed too good to be true!!! hahaha it had to have a ****ty bug :) otherwise it wouldn't be a normal update :P

01-04-2010, 06:38 PM
I have the same problem with Youtube.

01-04-2010, 06:41 PM
youtube has new interface, that's why.
fatgiant said next version will be updated for this new interface.

01-04-2010, 06:49 PM
Update site not working....is it down or moved?


01-04-2010, 06:56 PM
for me after using 24 hours in 4717 and no reboot and watching a 1 hour series that i recorded and watching by the "movie" menu (number 4) and get back after to number 1 "TV" the EPG still broken.....and didnt come back.

01-04-2010, 07:11 PM
Update site not working....is it down or moved?


Working now.

01-04-2010, 07:17 PM
down again ... strange are they about to update a new "special firmware"

01-04-2010, 07:28 PM
Ooopps! They broke it!



01-04-2010, 07:56 PM
upp now but nothing new :D

01-04-2010, 08:02 PM
No, worky... 501 Not Extended.

01-04-2010, 08:03 PM
It's up and down like a tarts knickers. :D

01-04-2010, 08:48 PM
Guess there is a web-cluster and one server is down.

02-04-2010, 11:32 PM
Tested here and it seems azbox HDMI gives stereo, too:


I'm using optical output and get stereo sound with PCM option. My AV receiver does not support HDMI input, so unfortunately cannot test or confirm this.

When you choose PCM as an option, DTS sound should be decoded to 5.1 PCM channels, not just two. Of course to stream 6 PCM channels simultaneously to your external AV Receiver you need HDMI, cuz optical out doesn't have enough bandwidth for that. AZBox has HDM1 1.1 which supports up to 8 simultaneous PCM channels, so I'd be surprised if DTS was downmixed to stereo.

So when you say it's decoded to stereo, which output are you using? Have you tried via HDMI?

03-04-2010, 12:06 AM
hi, i tried downloading it for the last few hours but it says it will take 2 and a half days so i gave up. does anyone know if it is available on another site. had a quick search of rapidshare but no joy. thanks

03-04-2010, 12:41 AM
hi, i tried downloading it for the last few hours but it says it will take 2 and a half days so i gave up. does anyone know if it is available on another site. had a quick search of rapidshare but no joy. thanks


03-04-2010, 02:52 AM

thanks very much. just downloading now.:respect-067:

03-04-2010, 02:56 AM
2.5 minutes to download on the free account, a lot better than 2.5 days. thanks again to juka

04-04-2010, 01:40 AM
What am I doing wrong? The box records in HD but when you play back it says error? SD Channels are OK? (Premium modelwith internal HDD).