View Full Version : problem installing files on 5400z

30-03-2010, 10:47 PM
Just had to get hummi out of loft after big problems with techomate but have forgot how to install software, ive managed to install HoT11.4-plus using windoak and pmct HoT 11.4 using (forgot what it was,but it loaded it onto the stb)? but have a problem installing the latest key bin .tried using kickinabox v1.2,thought it had loaded but when you go into menu on hummi and go to where the keys are stored (nagra) there are all zeros ,so theres something im doing wrong any help would be most welcomed,thanks baz.:frown:

31-03-2010, 12:18 AM
Try using Samsung DSR Studio.

This should work with your Humax for writing key.bin files.

A search on Google should find it, if necessary.

01-04-2010, 07:03 PM
tried using dsr studio, seems to upload keys but when i go into menu,toch.parser and click on nagra keys there are all zeros. there does not seem to be any keys there. doing my head in,tried reinstalling toh3.4 hot11.4b also installed latest pmct file and still no joy also tried installing the keys manually but when press enter to store them it shows all zeros again. if anyone as got channels clear on 1dg west with humax 5400z id like to know how they did it, thanks baz.:frown:

05-04-2010, 05:07 PM
digi tv working fine here...have you turned on card +emu

06-04-2010, 05:55 PM
if your still having trouble baztheblade,
showing all 0000000 in parser/ Ram Editor
try putting catone in your hummy again